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Posts posted by dio

  1. 6 hours ago, Bright Eyes said:

    If Sharon and Jack are both going on a trip at the same time, does that mean they're about to reunite?


    i don't think anyone wants that pairing to happen again, least of all SC. lol She's currently in a triangle with two hot, younger guys, and they're trying to do the Saint Rey vs. Devil Adam, so I don't think she has any interest in Jack's dusty old dikk. 


    i have no idea where they're going with this Jack sl, but his character has been meandering for YEARS and he's had more chemistry with ED than any woman they've put him with, so good luck with that! Maybe, he's gonna find Hilery/her look-alike and bring her to town? He always had chemistry with MM, and I would freaking *HOPE* their intention with bringing her back on the show is to treat her like the lead she always should have been instead of a story-prop wrapped in a popular character/actress. 🙄

  2. all the "poor Ben!" yt comments... 🤢


    i'm assuming Eve goes awf and is the one that holds Jennifer captive and in the fallout ends up brain-dead in some sort of accident, so they pull the plug... and that's her hand coming out of the grave (because she shot herself up with Rolf's resurrection serum (which she had made, just in case 🙄) obvi)? lmao!

  3. 34 minutes ago, John said:

    Looks like Days is doing a TIME JUMP



    wow. What a mess. I say go full-on and just have a zombie apocalypse break out because of Dr. Rolf's serum or something. Do something that will legit turn heads and get peeps to tune-in. A time jump is dumb, because it gives whatever fans that were invested in what they've  got going on a license to divest. Incredibly stupid, imo. 

  4. On 8/30/2019 at 8:12 AM, xtr said:

    Someone on Soapcentral posed a theory regarding the spoilers about Nikki and the Newman family. They speculated that maybe it will be revealed that Nikki was the one who really killed Delia and that is why her world will be turned upside down. And that could be the thing that changes the dynamic in the Newman family. Though, I don't know if the show would do that.


    lmao, I think if the show did this it would do a bit more than "change the dynamics of da Newmans" or whatever. LOL


    i was actually thinking about Adam looking into Victor's medical records, and I think we might find out that this mysterious disease he has might be fake and something Nikki's enlisted Nate to dream up to keep Victor home and bring the family back together, etc. 

  5. 4 hours ago, Khan said:


    Stock footage?  *shrug


    I still think Jordan's gonna end up being revealed as the real Neck Tie Killer, thereby "redeeming" Ben.


    And I am so, so over anything that has anything to do with Dr. Rolf, serums and mind control.


    i think that was the plan early on w/ Jordan's return, but they've thrown that away and we are gonna get mind-controlled-Bed, or something to throw it back to when John was mind-controlled. And we will probably have some sort of mystery as to who is mind-controlling him... 🙄

  6. On 8/26/2019 at 11:43 AM, rlj said:

    I am hearing a Adam/Phyllis pairing maybe coming!


    yeah, I don't see it. None of the earmarks are there. I think if something was gonna happen it would have happened already and they're setting up for Sharon/Adam. I still think Phyllis is gonna sleep with Theo or something. They seem to be trying to wedge Phyllis in with the younger Abby/Summer set as opposed to being with Jack or Sharon and them, that why suddenly she has a vendetta against Abby. LOL 

  7. 1 hour ago, Khan said:


    Robin Strasser has more dignity IRL -- not to mention, more money -- than to wear something on her head that clearly came from the clearance bin at Kmart.


    according to??? this is from an event, idk how long ago, and the hair piece looks about same quality.




    and checking her twitter it seems like she wears hats a lot IRL... smh

  8. i'm legit gagged that so many of you are sad to see Casey M. go, when he's always only ever been eye-candy and now that that's gone it's like... welp! Especially when many of you rag on Chandler M. and he's 10x the actor Casey is, with like ⅓ of the material/no real story. LOL 

  9. grief isn't a straight line, so Billy still grieving his daughters death - and the way she died - after all these years, even tho it appeared he was coping well, makes sense to me. What's dumb is the execution + how DID is just being used for soapy shock value. No thought or care was put into this story, so it's a lame payoff imo.


    and I always thought it was dumb how Devon was made a billionaire overnight, and no GENUINE drama erupted from any of it. It was a missed opportunity to pursue some interesting power dynamics and story play, but what's done is done. But if they're gonna take his money away, at this point... that's utterly ridiculous and only continues to perpetuate the notion that Y&R PTB don't care about people of colour and this seems like an attack. Yikes.

  10. 1 hour ago, xtr said:

    Someone on another site got the SOD spoilers a bit earlier. Here are some spoilers from SOD including about Billy.


    Billy is mentally ill. He has DID. His alternate personality has been gaslighting himself this whole time. When Billy wakes up his alternate personality breaks into Adam's penthouse and steals a handkerchef that belongs to Hope. When he wakes up, he has no memory of what he did, but he finds the handkerchef in his pocket. His alternate will return when that happens. His alternate will have a showdown with Adam and a surprise guest will intervene.


    Also Jack will gain a new perspective, Phyllis will pick up an old habit, Adam will cover his tracks and Sharon will stand firm. Also Victor will prepare the Newmans for battle, Nick will plead his case, Chelsea will encourage Adam to do the right thing and Devon will get unsettling news about Katherine's Will. Victor will protect Summer from a dangerous situation, and Chelsea's world will be rocked. 


    Nick will also be awarded full custody of Christian and him and Chelsea will celebrate and sleep together. 


    I didn't expect the DID stuff with Billy, but that does help explain why he keeps doing stuff and not remembering it. 


    And I wonder what Devon discovers in Katherine's Will. Maybe he finds out he wasn't supposed to get as much wealth as he originally did. 


    i knew it was DID. Lame. Cop-out. 


    male actors LOATHE playing mentally ill because they feel like it emasculates them and taints their character, meanwhile female actors are constantly saddled with mentally ill/DID storylines on soap. 



  11. isn't Michael an ex-con? I'm pretty sure I remember some scene back in the day w/ Cricket visiting him in prison for closure or something? IDK, but why do these shows think people want to see these people get involved with politics? Like, they have main characters as Mayor/DA/police commissioner and crap... WHO CARES?! 🤦‍♂️


    MCE and JM are bring af. Holy crap. 

  12. 51 minutes ago, DeeeDee said:

    Y&R is desperate for Kyle & Lola to be Billy & Mackenzie 2.0.


    gosh, I remember my older sister was OBSESSED with Mac/Billy in their hayday, lol She would tape every episode of Y&R while she was at school and fast-forward everything except them when she came home. I didn't get it at the time, but I remember DT putting in WORK. 

  13. didn't we literally just have spoilers about Adam/Sharon "longing" for each other? I would be surprised if Y&R throws someone as gorgeous as MM into the mix with Sharon/Phil/MCE. That would be hilarious x10, because Hillary will undoubtedly overshadow the older white woman, which will peeve them all off bts. 🤣


    12 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Rey? Ew no. 


    anyone is better than that dead horse Hevon, or trying to make Hil/Devon/Elena happen. 😴


    JV can be good when he's given the material. Sharon/Mia wasn't it. lol


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