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Posts posted by dio

  1. 23 minutes ago, John said:

    Oh trust me i would gladly watch Ben & Will in the shower but I doubt Days and SONY would do that


    oh, yeah.I don't think so either. I was just saying. lol


    that said, GH should go for broke and do Dev+Cameron, like, why not? I mean it seems like Jocelyn is gonna have some kind of teacher SL with the English teacher anyway, and he seems to have no interest in Trina... so, why not? LOL 

  2. SKAM blew up all over the world/US/youtube/Tumblr in S3 with Isak and Even. And Hollyoaks gained massive popularity when they did the Craig and John-Paul saga back in the day. I don't understand why more US soaps aren't taking notice? I know they're afraid of alienating their "core" audience, but that core audience ain't gonna keep the show from cancellation. Like, go big. Try some new stuff. Start cribbing off od UK soaps. Go after that ship-crazy younger demo, that adores cute boys in love. LOL

  3. rn, I think the only spoiler we know *might* be true for sure is the Kayla/Patch one (when news broke that he was returning it came with a bunch of caveats that Patch/Kayla fans would be pissed, and peeps thought he was returning just to die. LOL) 


    but, imo, the only spoiler that would legit help the show gain traction is the Will/Ben spoiler. If DAYS really did that, and did a decent job, the show would blow up all over social media and they would gain a huge-ass following overnight. Just do it. 🤣

  4. 58 minutes ago, Vee said:

    We've discussed this a month or so ago, and I'll say what I said then: A time jump is a great idea to reset a show, and worked well for AMC 2.0 on Hulu. The problem here is I don't feel DAYS has the writing talent to support it. Like, who cares about pairing Steve and Kayla with Kate and Justin? That's just a stunt. Make real changes - some of the others could work.


    (Allegedly) killing off Adrienne bc Ron loves camp/Bonnie is an awful idea though, as is breaking up Jack and Jennifer yet again. I have to believe some of that is drama fodder for reunions, but I'm also not convinced half of these rumors about plot are true. (There is no way the show pairs Ben and Will - they ghettoize the gays.)


    imo, that's the only spoiler that could/would bring fresh eyes to DAYS in any sort of meaningful way. Ben + Will pairing, if done right, would make huge headlines and flood tumblr/youtube/twitter, and it would make everyone take notice of DAYS and maybe stave off cancellation yet again. Everything else is just like... who cares? Longtime fans will be turned off, and none of it will bring in a new audience. Just do an epic romance with 2 hot guys. Why not? 🤷‍♂️

  5. you know, Ben/RSW's popularity + Will/CM's popularity could really be the thing DAYS needs to jumpstart some epic shiz.... So, we're gonna have Ciara/Ben/Will and Will/Sonny/Evan/random female??? Like, if they REALLY go hard with all the right angles, and make these relationships believable... that might actually be interesting, especially if Will/Ben is a big secret when they get out of prison, and it's played up, and they're sneaking around etc. This could really get the younger yt demo interested in the show in a big way, imo. 🤔

  6. 2 hours ago, Gray Bunny said:


    Exactly. No one in soaps is gonna walk off due to a lousy storyline. Or else 75% of every cast would be gone and they'd have zero income, save for a couple bucks from a friend's web soap. 


    i don't think the "lousy storylines" are the issue with HT, but the lack thereof any whatsoever. LOL She literally has no storylines bad or otherwise and is just a moment-to-moment prop. The only thing I can think is that even tho she's borderline recurring/dayplayer, she's not paid like it. 😉

  7. On 9/19/2019 at 4:27 PM, ajsp35801 said:



    I don't have any issues with any actors. I don't care for Phyllis/MS BUT, I am one of those that think she is Phyllis so I was happy to see her back. 


    I honestly don't think you pay mishael much attention. If you did, you'd know that she has never had any issues with her story, even when her fans hated them. Your comments are 100% your feelings and nothing to do with her. 



    lmao, like I said we'll see. I'd bet $$$ MM won't be confined to Devon-centric stories anymore. 🙄✌️

  8. 5 hours ago, ajsp35801 said:


    EB and MS? I don't think everyone on set measures their worth by if they are in story with Victor and Phyllis; MS wasn't even on set when Mishael decided to come back. This was on the works prior to the GT/MS switcheroo. 


    I think there might be some projection here. Don't confuse your unhappiness with the orbit Mishael was in and stories her Hilary got with hers. There has been nothing mishael has ever said or did to indicate she was unhappy. She left over money. Not creative decisions. She's not MS. 


    However, I do agree that KSJs death and coming back to set may have provided a bit of nostalgia and a responsibility to carry the torch. 


    yeah... I think y'all and the issues you have with these actors are your own. I hate MB on GH but , but I can appreciate that most soap actors would jump at the chance to work opposite him, and i'm sure the same is true for MS and EB. 🤷‍♂️


    and she had insane airtime, of course all she cared about was getting pay equal to the work she was putting in... back then. But now things are different. I HIGHLY doubt MM's coming back just to get back on the Devon-romance-go-round. 😴


    but hey, we'll see. 

  9. On 9/17/2019 at 2:54 PM, AdamNewmanFan said:

    She probably realised that things weren't as bad as she thought. 


    nah, I think KSJ's death probably hit her hard (in that it gave her some perspective), and when Y&R approached her with an offer to return it was more than likely far above whatever she had wanted initially, and they promised her scenes with EB and MS and more story beyond Devon's d*ck, etc - it makes no sense to me that she would return unless the offer was BETTER than what Y&R had initially turned down during negotiations. And after KSJ's death she probably felt a bit like she should help carry the torch for POC in Genoa City a bit, and to look past whatever bitter feelings she had with showrunners.

  10. like, how many times are they gonna fake Victo/a character's death on this show w/o letting the audience in on it right away? Like, just reveal the whole plan to the viewers and let us watch how it all plays out. Playing "gotcha!" with your fans over and viewers and making them look like fools over and over again isn't a cute look. 🙄

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