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Posts posted by dio

  1. Kyle and Theo both have more chemistry with Mariah (and each other) than either of them do with Summer/Lola, and I think that is 1) hilarious and 2) a huge/more interesting missed opportunity. Why not have Theo pursue Mariah as a "challenge", Kyle find out and get a little jealous... that story literally writes itself and the drama/angst is there for the taking. And Summer should still be obsessed/going after Billy or even Rey or Chance (Abbey honestly should be Summer's rival, not Lola and Phyl shouldn't be wasting her time with Abbey, lol). I just don't see her with these young guys anymore. It all comes off as forced, now. 



  2. 6 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That's what I was thinking too; that at some point Rolf switched Bonnie and Adrienne's memories


    yeah, I thought it was weird that Hattie was talking about Bonnie so much during her scenes with Eve in prison... like the writers didn't want us to forget she existed or something. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:


    How so? 


    because, imo, Will is portrayed/pushed as *the prize* (in spite of his faults) in these romances and it's one thing to have another white guy worshiping at his "alter," but wholly another minority. Just the imagery of it, mostly on account the show is too lazy to build a deeper story beyond that. 🤷‍♂️

  4. not really. Paul/Will were not equals - Will always had the "power" and was always the "prize". That's basically Will's role on the show, being Sami's eff-up kid that's gorgeous, so none of the guys that want him care about all his baggage. Paul/Will didn't work because it brought up too many racial implications. lol Like, how can anyone that actually watched the show see Sonny as the one with the power in the relationship? Even when Sonny had to dump will and marry Y&R's Kevin Will was like whatever, and Sonny was the one still sniffing after him. 


    Will will always be he "prized" dick on the show. 🤷‍♂️

  5. i'm so freaking *over* Will/Sonny, at this point. Sonny literally goes after any cute, white dick he can get. He even put up more resistance with Paul (only half white, so...), and he was an ex-bf and Will was thought dead! Meanwhile, he's all over Evan (who I'm 99% sure is the father of that kid Rafe's gonna adopt) and like see ya laterz, Will! 🙄


    i want Will to come out of prison vengeful af, seduce Evan right out from under Sonny and then drop him like a bad habit just because he can. Tired of goody-two-shoes Will and thirsty af Sonny. 😑

  6. soaps in general stay suffering because the writers keep going for cheap, ez drama, because they're too lazy/are not committed to doing something long-term. This Adam/Connor/Chelsea story should be a long-term story. Instead, Adam/Chelsea get back together, they announce to Connor that their family is "complete" again, the kid cries... and we're done here. They will probably ship the kid off to boarding school in a month's time. And then they wonder why ratings are falling and viewers keep dipping out. 🙄

  7. 22 hours ago, Darn said:

    Who tunes in for this? Do either of these couples have fans?


    Truly, is there a contingent of fans invested in who Chelsea (what is even her last name) ends up with?


    imo, Chelsea is fodder. She's in their age group, isn't ugly, and can act well enough, etc. When Adam finds out Sharon's sick, he's likely gonna book it to her side. It's pretty obvious by how quickly everything went down and was wrapped up that they 1) got bored with the Connor/messed up kid sl, and wanted to scoot rather than actually delve into that (I mean why not have Connor be a little demon tormenting Sharon or something?) and 2) want to hurry along the Adam/Sharon drama, ut make it less... menacing? Anyway, Adam+Chelsea Happy Family was super-fast-forwarded so Sharon could be their iceberg, etc. And I think Rey's going with Victoria, in the end, she will probably sleep with him before Billy does anything with Amanda, tho. lol 


    as for Nick? He's probably getting a new love interest. Elena, perhaps? Because we gotta keep Devon on that Hillary/Amanda hook, even tho MM's likely gonna be paired with someone else... 🙄

  8. 1 hour ago, soapfan770 said:


    Nineteen years ago when MS steamrolled back into GC as Jabot's newly hired webmaster and immediately mixed it in with her old friends and lovers Malcolm, Jack, and Michael. If MS had any clout she'd already be married to JM's Nick as we'd endure Phick part 17. Instead we have a 55-year old red haired cougar wannabe who is a sounding board. 



    these are different times, you can't expect stuff to be handled like 19 years ago. 💀


    lol, some y'all are older than her and you rag on age non-stop. Mess. And the men on these shows get younger and young women all the time, so you'll forgive me. I say let Sharon and Phyl troll the school yard a bit. But go off, I guess. 🤷‍♂️

  9. i'd say the fact that they're not throwing MS into any her-focused SL's right now but stay using her to big up the newbies says more about how much the show values her clout than whatever nonsense y'all think. LOL They have literally used her to help push nuAdam and NuChance. 


    as opposed to MCE who they just stapled to JM as soon as she hit GC. lol Mess.


    the way they are handling MS is the way you handle a returning character, imo. 

  10. sad to see him go. I really liked him, until they made him constantly whine and be such a spineless biotch. 


    anyway, I hope they have Sonny kill him, just to give him some actual balls and provide some conflict. They can have Julian & Ava get back into "the life" and have Lucas join them. They can have Sonny take a hit out on him, and Sam break ranks to worn Lucas... but they're too late, etc. 

  11. i like this. It's a great way to use your vets instead of adding a bunch of new peeps to the cast. I still think they should have tried harder to get PR instead. I would have been good fun seeing "Bo" and "Hope" scheming together even tho they're not together. They would be a super couple still, inseparable, basically each other's bff, but no romance. That would be an interesting dynamic to explore. 👀 🤷‍♂️


    6 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    I feel like it's Stefan Cassadine not Stefano DiMera lol


    i mean he was modeled after Stefano pretty much, so why not? LOL 

  12. watching this video Sarah/Xander talk about playing a scene where they didn't know what happened, and they recently just found out what they were reacting to and thought the reaction wasn't big enough... 😂 I wonder if Sarah's in on the baby switch to "dirty" her character and put her on equal footing with Nicole and Xander? 🙄


    also, Jack and Jen and MBE are so cute in this interview, and so is Lani! I love the braids. I hope she has that on the show.  lol 



    On 11/27/2019 at 11:24 AM, victoria foxton said:

    Today's spoiler pic. 



    unlike most on here I love stuff like this/Hope being Gina... because the actors are CLEARLY into it. I would much rather watch actors enjoy what they're doing than zombie-walk through story like Hope has been for freaking years. 

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