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Posts posted by dio

  1. 8 hours ago, DynamiteKiddo said:

    I've always wanted Brady/Nicole as endgame... I know they're a Higley thing, but after ALL this time, they feel like the right conclusion.  And I've always been a fan--so... guilty, I'm biased.  Lol.


    I do like Eric/Nicole, too.  I want to like Sarah, but there's something that doesn't totally work for me about her.  Love her and Xander together, though.  I'm pretending that Kyle Lowder's Rex never happened.  Oiy.


    But I'm guessing the baby is def. Brady & Kristen's.  Better than Eric & Sarah's, but ugh to either option. I will never understand why Tomsell didn't have Kristen have Eric's baby in '14?!?  THAT was the show changing story.


    i do think they're gonna do a fake-out baby switch sl, and Kristen/Brady are gonna have their hopes put up to high heavens b4 they're sent crashing down to earth (again), simply because the show is focusing a lot on keeping the paternity secret from Eric, and Brady/Kristin are mostly an afterthought. 


    Brady's good when he's bad and so is Kristin, tbh. It makes no sense to me that they would be a happy little family unit. 🤷‍♂️


    as an aside: cannot help but laugh at how much of a flop Brad Bell is for letting LG go... if they somehow had Caroline in the Thomas/Hope/Liam/Steffy storyline it would be killer, imo. She's literally putting all the younger actresses to shame turning the chaff DAYS gives her into meat & potatoes. 😭👏

  2. 3 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:


    ...because they don't need a child together. Eric and Sarah were a boring filler couple that they threw together because Ari Zucker wasn't on the show. I highly doubt most viewers care about Eric and Sarah together or them sharing a child, and I'm not sure what storyline potential there is with them having a kid.


    The baby being Kristen's is way more interesting. And if the baby really is Sarah's, honestly it'd be way better if the baby turned out to actually be Xander's. She and Xander at least have chemistry.


    DAYS has tried for years and years to make Eric/Nicole happen, and the audience just does not care. LOL I like Sarah/Eric, they're wholesome but with edge. And Eric needs a woman that will put his happiness first, for once and isn't lying for their selfish reasons. 


    if Eric/Nicole were endgame this storyline wouldn't be happening, imo. There is no way Eric would forgive Nicole,  especially if the baby is dead. Nicole's gonna go dark and end up with Xander. They have waaaaaay more chemistry, anyway. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    Yeah, they do need a spawn. Why the [!@#$%^&*] do Eric and Sarah? lol


    You're not seeing the drama potential in Kristen having Jarlena's grandchild. Should this have happened 5 years ago? Yes. But I'll take it now.


    You know Will secretly likes to be choked ;) 


    Eric and Sarah have no kids so far, and Brady already has a kid he's not really fathering, etc. Kristin don't need no kids. She's not even a blood DiMera. It's like... why? lol Sarah and Eric otoh are blood related to 2 core families and neither of them have any kids. 


    also, it just makes more sense that Kristin would "reform" and get her Happily Ever After only to be shoved off the deep end yet again. That's literally her perpetual story arc. rotf

  4. 6 hours ago, xtr said:

    Here are some upcoming spoilers from SOD:


    Cane will face the music, Chelsea's loyalties will be tested, Victor and Nikki will celebrate the importance of Thanksgiving while, residents of GC will help Sharon serve dinner for the homeless at Crimson Lights. 


    Kyle will be relieved to hear that Theo is moving to Paris, but Jack will try and convince Theo to stay in GC and not take the offer. Also, Billy will tell Jack that he is resigning, Jack will be back as CEO, Kyle and Lauren will be joint COO, Summer will be promoted to head of marketing and Theo will run the Social Media Department. Devon and Cane will face off over Colin's claim that Cane was apart of Katharine's will con. Also, Chelsea will make a surprising move, Chance will receive a proposition, Phyllis will reminisce with Nick and Devon will be haunted by his past. 


    I wonder if Cane really was involved in the scam with the will. Or if Colin is lying. Also, I wonder how Devon will be haunted by his past. And it's interesting that a lot of people at Jabot are being promoted. I actually like that Jack is welcoming Theo into the family fold and is giving a him a job opportunity. 


    i would say at this point the writing's on the wall that DG's leaving town disgraced. LOL They will probably have him skip town with all the billions and disappear, and that will begin Devon's new sl and how he'll have to "struggle" not being a billionaire anymore, and Ellena's true colours will come shining through, etc. 


    i'm choking @ Jack being back as CEO, tho. Mess. Only a matter of time unil Victoria's out on her ass and Victor's back as wekk. lol

  5. 1 hour ago, edgeofnik said:


    Exactly. Having Kristen suffer the loss is a much better approach and, hopefully, they can make her somewhat likable. SH's Kristen has been way too harsh and while she's no ED, SH is capable is doing more than sneering. We all knew a switch was happening as soon as Kristen/Sarah both preggers at same time. 


    i still don't buy it. I'm thinking it will be a switch-mistake, in that everyone will think the babies were switched, because Xander thought he had switched them (or something) and after Brady+Kristin are happy with "their" baby, Sarah is on the brink, and Eric has lost it again and fallen off the wagon... we will find out the baby's were not switched, and YOU ARE THE FATHER, Eric! And Kristin's gonna go postal again. LOL 

  6. 1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:



    Ron has to do a baby switch on every show that he writes for. 


    as soon as Kristin said she lost a daughter I got a really sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. 🤢


    poor Eric and Sarah. I do feel like LG and GV are really good w/ dramatic material, but holy crap @ all that Eric has had to endure all these years, and Sarah just in these few months... 😭


    just awful. 

  7. 13 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Hey, they're just writing to Michelle Stafford's strengths.


    nah, even before she fell down the stairs her character had evolved beyond this point. She had friends, was a business woman, etc. Now she's a freaking grifter. It's not cute. They should have had Victor name her co-CEO of Newman with Victoria, instead of doing that sl with Kyle/Billy (which isn't realistic, especially when Jack was so against making Ashley CEO...). That would have been an interesting dynamic. 


    ETA: and the fact that Amanda being in town and it not affecting her at all when Hillary was supposed to be her bestest friend... a mess. 

  8. it's kind of funny how they have regressed Phyllis to the point where it's like pre-Sharon. It's really not fun to watch this old af woman acting like a petulant child, constantly. Yikes.  


    ETA: also, they need to recast the kid playing Connor. He's not a good enough actor or cute enough to have so much story focus, tbh. 

  9. 7 hours ago, xtr said:

    According to soaps.com Y&R is looking to cast white twins or triplets for a new born that is approximiately four months old. I wonder which character(s) the baby is for? Also according to SOD Tristian Thompson is returning in the role of Colin for two days starting November 20. 


    Summer gonna get pregnant w/ Kyle or Theo's baby? 🙄 

  10. so hilarious how they had Addby in a half-hearted interracial pairing (she was more deeply involved with the sex trafficking guy, and even Lauren's son!), only for it to end "amicably" (painting Nate as the bad guy do-gooder, that won't accept Abby for who she and her family are...) to throw her head first into another relationship... with a white "good guy"🤣


    these shows are a mess. 

  11. 38 minutes ago, te. said:


    I just think it's a good opportunity to age her up a bit without going too drastic.


    i mean her parents are all mid-20's so it seems strange to saddle them with a soon-to-be teenager and have to deal with all that mess and have that drive their stories already, when there's still so much story they could drive themselves because they're all so darn young. lol


    meanwhile, Nicole still has a 4 year old, probably. 💀

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