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Posts posted by dio

  1. as far as the court knows, Nelle's baby was stolen from her and replaced with a dead baby and she went to prison and was released on parole... so there is no reason not to grant her sole custody, especially when you take into consideration the criminal element of Michael's father and the baby's step mom having been in a cult. 

  2. like I said, covid-19 screwed up a lot of people's "future plans" so expect many returns. I mean NBC actually got Christopher Meloni to return to the role of Elliot Stabler (in a new L&O spin off, that will likely have SVU crossovers) when for years he's said he had no plans to ever return to the role. I wouldn't be surprised to finally see Jagger/AS Jr. return. 

  3. 3 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    Count me third on JMW. Love her.


    That said...ugh on this news. Who hasn't fake an illness? I think she could have come back from that. The Flo thing...well, knock her on the head and give her loss of memory of something to keep her. Or has she been rescued already?


    i personally felt Sally was justified, considering everything Wyatt's done to her and all the awful stuff everyone else has done in town, especially Bill and Brooke. 

  4. 10 hours ago, SoapSudz said:

    Only B&B takes an actress that can act and writes her into a corner whole JMW is still chewing scenery and rocking one bad wig after another 🙄


    people can hate all they want, but JMW can act well too. Just because y'all don't like a character does't meant they're "chewing scenery" lol


    the 2 younger blonds otoh... yikes!

  5. On 5/9/2020 at 2:55 PM, Errol said:


    Sounds about right. Honestly, while I do want the shows to go back into production as soon as possible and no one to go without any money for as long as we can prevent it, I want that DAYS schedule shot to hell as soon as they get back. The later the better for that purpose alone. Yes, it is benefiting the show during a pandemic, but come on. Eight months? Really? WOW. Only a movie should get away with that type of lead. Not a daytime soap, much less any show on television. Exception being animated, of course.


    considering the dires straits we're in rn, they're probably gonna fk any plans they had on shortening the shoot-ahead-schedule, and the remaining shows are gonna start doing what DAYS does as a precaution. LOL

  6. On 5/16/2020 at 3:22 PM, Gray Bunny said:


    ... only to find out she was never Sarah Horton after all. 


    P.S. DAYS/NBC could really promo it up over the fact they're the only soap offering NEW episodes now. I mean, they're not very good, but, they're NEW! lol 



    they really need to. people are home and their usual shows are airing ancient retrospective reruns... if there was ever a time to jump ship it's now. lol 

  7. 12 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I will say there’s always sensitivity about making characters who are homicidally insane and child abusers (like Thomas) LGBTQ, especially on a show that has resisted showcasing queer characters for years, even as it was set in an industry known for queer representation.


    you cannot in all seriousness single Thomas out as "homicidally insane" or "abusive" with this cast of characters he's surrounded by. That's what makes this SL so stupid... what has Thomas done that any worse than anyone else on the show? Really? Nothing. His storyline literally boils down to being in love with Hope, and he hasn't even *DONE* anything that horrible in name of that love. 

  8. On 5/6/2020 at 4:42 PM, soapfan770 said:


    Haha two months later and looking back you did turn out to be correct about Sally lol.


    Of course the show really blew the Vinny angle LOL. Vinny brought Thomas lunch and had lunch with him and wanted Thomas to stay at *his* house with him and kept trying to talk Thomas out of marrying Zoe and stop worrying about Hope. On the wedding day he told Thomas how handsome he looked and made one last desperate plea to stop the wedding. Then he cried in disgust once Thomas’s was exposed. Like Thomas we hadn’t seen him since.


    like, I know they've been trying to rebuff the "gay" and "fashion" stereotype for decades... but at this point it's beyond disingenuous that the show has had no gay people whatsoever. Vinny being in love with his bff Thomas would be cuteee! 


    my next prediction, if he show ever comes back, is that Flo's gonna sleep with Bill and be his new love interest. They've been focusing too heavily as a character to be for Wyatt. imo. They are gearing up to retread Steffy/Bill, but with Flo imo. It's the only thing that makes sense, tbh. 

  9. Maggie's in prison, meanwhile Kristen is walking the streets. LOL 


    a mess.


    i'm glad for DAYS they have story for literally months, meanwhile the other shows are running "special" reruns all week. lol Good for them. Their ridiculous shooting schedule is paying off. 🤘😂🤘

  10. 5 hours ago, edgeofnik said:

    Worse - Bridge’s only reaction was like a one-liner to Quinn. I bet it had something to do with how AJ was paid. Why bring her back if not to pile on Brooke?  Katie may think she’s been betrayed, but Bridget is related to one of Brooke’s ‘follow my heart’ moments. 


    yup! It would have been an absolutely epic callback to have Bridget get sick to her stomach and vomit in the nearest trash can, and then before Katie and Ridge can really get started Bridget starts railing on Brooke and everyone is standing there shocked and speechless and the only person that even *attempts* to come to Brooke's defence would be Steffy in a shocking twist. We as viewers would feel sympathy for rooke in spite of knowing it's everything she deserves! LOL 

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