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Posts posted by dio

  1. 3 hours ago, Orea Mou Kiria said:

    Unless Phoebe turns out to be Finn I can't see anything that shocking about a dead person showing up alive on a soap. 

    Another weird thing is that B&B has been promoting this twist/event for quite some time. They never did that before with things like Maya's revelation or Sheila's return.

    Steffy having been Phoebe for almost 1-2 years worth of story would be a pretty huge/hilarious twist, imo. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Orea Mou Kiria said:

    B&B would be crazy enough to make Bill Spencer Eric's son for no real reason.

    We might get Stephanie's ghost visiting Broooke. (Please don't make Brooke pregnant)

    But I think it will have something to do with Steffy's maternity leave. I've read a crazy rumor about Phoebe being alive, but it makes no sense. So it could be it. 

    yep, I think that's it. She had plastic surgery to look like Steffy and the baby she had with Finn is Phoebe's, and Steffy+Finn this whole time has been Phoebe, etc, etc. and we're getting a Steffy+Liam+Hope retread when everything is found out and the real Steffy returns. LOL 


  3. i'm hoping/thinking Johnny was never possessed/isn't possessed but is just kooky and a bit caught up in the whole possession of his grandmother story - he got contacts and a voice modulator an acts like he's possessed. LMAO He has access to his Aunt Kristen's mask tech (which is how he looked like Jake/his dad) and is interested in Gabi. He wants to be bad and get what he wants and is using the devil/possession as a excuse. 

    meanwhile, this whole time, Ally's been possessed. 🤣

  4. 5 hours ago, dragonflies said:

    Xander and Gwen are awful, literally no chemistry. he and Sarah mesh well, it's oil and vinegar

    "chemistry" is one of those fake things that people use to sell couples/characters or rip them apart because they just don't like them. I actually think PT's had chemistry with everyone he's put on screen with, guys and dolls. Including Maggie and Leo. 

    i thin he's awful, but I even think he would work with Sami. I mean why not if they're gonna keep trying to sell us EJ 😷

  5. Xander is another example of hot guy = fuggedabout all the atrocious stuff he's done in the past. The only thing he has over Ben is that PT can act. Xander/Sarah should *never* have been a thing. Sarah was far too sweet of a character. Xander and Gwen are perfect for one another. 

  6. 6 hours ago, BreakingDownTheWalls said:

    Not the real Sonny.  Don’t care.  People only like this guy because he takes his clothes off.  That doesn’t impress me.  If you have to take your clothes off all the time, that’s desperation.

    Oh, and Leo is the worst.

    i personally like him because he can act circles around the entire younger set on DAYS/soaps rn (in Beyond Salem when he was super emo and went in on Leo... he had me!) and seems *really* enthusiastic about his role in a way that FS hadn't felt ever, I don't think he ever had ZT's go getter attitude when he originated the role, tho I did find that he played Sunny's infatuation for Will really well. 

  7. they're *really* leaning into the whole Chad, Will, Sunny friendship. And initially I thought it was sweet, but now it's kind of seeming like Will/Sunny are on a deserted island with only Chad and Leo to get into contact with. I do hope they interact with more folks. I always loved Will/Sonny's friendship with Gabi, and it would be nice to see Will's crush on EJ return. LOL 

  8. 17 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    Considering she still hates Gabi and trashes her ever chance she can for Nick's death.

    the fact that they pair Nick and Gabi for the xmas special and keep trying to brush aside that Gabi killed Nick because he was sexually adulating her is beyond problematic. 

    2 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    Well Gabi also messed with her pacemaker and was going to kill her.

    the pacemaker storyline was well after it had been established that Julie *hates* Gabi. 

  9. 2 hours ago, pdm1974 said:

    PLEEEAAAASSEEEE let this be true. Absolutely nothing against the actors...they performed what was written...but Ciara was forever ruined by this coupling. I could never buy her falling in love with an actual serial killer OR that he's allowed to walk around free since he's on meds. I know it's DAYS, and we have to suspend a lot of reality but this was too much for me. What really sucks is that Ciara had SO MUCH potential, and I'll always believe that Theo should have been her true love since previous writers set that up even when they were kids.

    Over the years, I just couldn't stomach all the characters, such as Marlena, who were used to "prop Ben" and to try and make us okay with the fact that he was a "reformed serial killer." If they had to keep the actor, they should have made him a twin or a look alike, and I would have been okay with situation.

    i have everything against RSW... he's an absolutely awful "actor" and all his years in this role have done nothing to make him better. He's just like GG, totally awful. 

  10. 5 hours ago, janea4old said:

    "Craig arrives in Salem to set the record straight with Chloe and Nancy."
    Yeah I've seen more than one person speculate...
    To set the record straight... that he's not straight?

    i'm telling y'all now, this is why Leo's coming back and will be on contract - to be Craig's love interest. But at the same time, I could see Craig being involved in some sort of affair with Sonny... lol 

  11. 3 hours ago, Soapsuds said:


    tbh, it's about time. It's been weird af having Chloe on and off w/o any family ties in Salem. And holy crap KS looks handsome as ever. 

    1 hour ago, victoria foxton said:

    Joy would make a nice addition to the younger set.

    The Wesley's were fun schemers. I hope RC writes them that way.

    in my head Craig has his sights set on chief of staff and will be Kayla's foil + Tripp's mentor? And Nancy will sort of take Julie's place in Salem as the town busybody, fighting with all the younger girls, etc. 

  12. 5 hours ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I'm thrilled to have Sarah back. Her abrupt exit was a mess, and I really liked her and Xander together. Xander with Gwen is awful. I'm also glad LG is ready to come back.

    ?? I personally thought her "exit" was one of the best in soap, these days. Setting up for further story down the line. I love how DAYS has been planting seeds for future story where the pay off isn't for 6 months to a year. I miss that in soap. It's really boring how there is none of that and everything wraps up in a few weeks-to-a month, because writers believe viewers are impatient, and then stories really suffer. 

  13. was he anti-vaxx? Seems awfully sudden considering they built so much story around him and all the main characters were revolving around him. Did word come down from the higher-ups that the show's current trajectory was boring af and they better right the ship now or they're all going down with it? I smell a "who done it?" mess coming up. LOL

  14. 13 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I called it a while back. But until June? The taping is beyond ridiculous! There'll be another Beyond Salem special..."It's the Easter Beagle Will and Sonny" before they appear on the main show.

    i mean that ridiculous schedule is what kept new eps of DAYS on though the first lockdown. I can't imagine other soaps aren't seriously looking into a similar tape schedule. 

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