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Posts posted by dio

  1. 36 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    GH would waste her so bad, why would anyone wish that(GH) on her? She's too good for them

    are we really in 2022 acting like B&B is any better than GH? Come on, sis. lol 

    31 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Well, this seems totally out of nowhere. I wouldn't mind seeing her on GH though

    That's what I'm wondering. After everything she went through Carter, it doesn't seem believable that she would just up and leave him

    it would certainly give Sheila's character some teeth and ratchet up the threat level aspect instead of this weird Wile E. Coyote vibe Sheila's had ever since she came back. 

  2. yikes, what a mess. She has a happy ending with the BLACK GUY and then it's adios... it's like they're not even pretending anymore. Watch GH scoop her up and give her loads of story. Probably gonna rework the budding romance w/ Brook Lynn and the awful-singer-cop guy and make some kind of weird mother/daughter triangle... 


    ETA: I wonder if they're gonna kill her off? Have her find out Sheila's still lurking and have Sheila kill her? hmm. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, j swift said:

    But didn't she just win the Daytime Emmy?

    the sad thing about Daytime Emmys is that they don't really matter for much unless you are someone like Oprah/Ellen and you are winning like 3 or 4 at a time and it's just adding to your already towering status. I remember Sarah Michelle Gellar said in an interview ages ago that after she left AMC she thought she was big ish because she had just won an Emmy but the reality was peeps were like "so?" and it was basically a paperweight. And I'm sure they matter even less now. 

    hoping for the best for MM. I hope she can snag a Netflix or Amazon show role.


  4. 14 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I wouldn't mind him being a Dylan recast. Yes Paul is off screen, but Nikki is around and they could reunite him with Sharon. Additionally, you could always bring back Heather if you wanted more of a connection for him and Christine is here and there. 

    he played an army dad on the Roswell reimagining, so I can actually see that and the casting director seeing that and wanting to snatch him up because they didn't want to deal with SB's bs. Also, DD was probably the vet from the blind item that refused to return for a limited run... 🤣

  5. On 7/22/2022 at 9:24 PM, Dylan said:

    He literally wants Victoria dead. He called her a bitch and said he woshed she died in that burning car. I don't thibk aby of this will happen. 😅

    that's all? lol The "worst" thing Ashland has done on a show full of convicted/accused murderers and kidnappers, etc. is fake having Cancer which is literally nothing compared to what everyone else revolving around him has done. Y&R would go to greater lengths to assassinate Ashland's character to justify an "accidental" murder by Nick of all people. I mean they turned JT into a complete psycho, but Ashland just calls Vicky some names and told her to go die in a fire? What about it? IDK how it's happening, but I guarantee you Ashland isn't dead and will be back. Get ready.✌️😂

  6. if his body disappears then he's def. not dead. They are probs gonna have a celebratory gala for all the Newman news (Nick and Vic returning to the company, etc) and Ashland will show up and announce that he's been named co-co-CEO with Victoria and Nicki - citing that he had a super secret meeting with Victoria and Nick where they buried the past... And Nick and Victoria with be forced to go along with things because Ashland has them dead to rights. Predictable. Boring. Fighting over a company nobody does any work at. LOL 

  7. 12 hours ago, Taoboi said:

    #1 If Elizabeth, I guess they might have to go for a recast or perhaps they refused because the story was going to be a character assassination.


    #2 Same.

    #3 I would think the latter. Which would be hilarious. 

    literally had that same thought. GH *really* does like doing this, too. 🤣🤦‍♂️

  8. 53 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    A veteran star refused this soaps offer to return for a limited run. 

    Look for surprising returns and new additions at this sudser.

    This soap alum was happy to see a former co star, one of the shows veterans at an event. However, the latter didn't recognize the former.

    #1 is likely GH? I'm assuming they have *something* planned for Elisabeth's story that has to do with her past and having DID, and they wanted to bring someone from her past back?

    #2 DAYS? Most everyone from Beyond Salem is probably coming over to the main show

    #3 I don't get the point of this one? Making fun of someone older for forgetting or making fun of someone getting so much work done they're unrecognizable, or making fun of them because they played a forgettable character? Hmm. 


  9. 2 hours ago, Dylan said:

    Soap Opera Digest says that Ashland wants to kill Victoria. He tries to fight her and she grabs something to fend him off. Nick arrives and sees it and he and Ashland get into a brawl. Amelia Heinle says something happens and this will drive the story for a while.

    Also, Phyllis and Nikki plot for Phyllis to get a job at Jabot/Marchetti where she can secretly sabatoge Diane.

    i'm guessing Ashland gets hit in the head/falls and hits his head, is in a coma and wakes up with amnesia and thinks he's still married to Victoria, and Vic and fam play along because Victoria/Nick are guilty of causing it, etc. But Ashland is likely faking... 

  10. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    Bradley just couldn't help himself. He had to add $Bill to the story. Why am I not surprised. I'm surprised it wasn't Liam that found her.

    i'm happy w/ this. All Bradley'stalk of Bill/Deacon finding "unexpected love" had me scratching my head, but Bill+Li and Taylor+Deacon is great, imo. LOL

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