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Posts posted by dio

  1. 3 hours ago, crc said:

    It'll probably be Charlie or Xander.  Thomas will find out about the video that might link him to Emma's death and suddenly one of those characters ends being shoved off a cliff or the Forrester Creations building by a mysterious figure.  Who will turn out to be Vinny who curiously has been talking up Thomas and going on about how supportive he's been lately, when not too long ago he was harping on Thomas for his crappy roommate habits and how he's been treating his son.




    idk about all that, but I think you are on to something with Vinny being the scapegoat... I thought it was suss that he's suddenly gonna be "gone" staying with his gf and the show felt that he was important enough to tell us that. 👀 I totally think they are gonna pull the "shadowy figure" business, making is think it's obviously Thomas or Zoe but it will turn out having been Vinny the whole time. LOL

  2. 4 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Bye Thomas!


    idk, they're really entrenching him in story - the fact that it's now Thomas vs. Brooke says a lot, imo. I think Thomas is the first young male actor the show has invested heavily in since Liam? I don't think he's going anywhere for now, but ish can turn on a dime on B&B so who knows? 🤔

  3. Just now, ChitHappens said:


    Nah!  Cane outlived his usefulness and was lucky they wanted him to sit on ice with Tracy.  That wasn't good enough for DG, so in the end, he shot himself in the foot.  


    if GH isn't already sniffing around, he will more than likely be back on Y&R in under a year. Dude knows his pull. The post is only a half hour old and he's already got 900+ comments of people "heartbroken" etc, etc. Y&R is struggling in the ratings as it is, so I don't buy that they're gonna heave this hoe and be done with him. lol 

  4. it was pretty obvious Kim wasn't catching on with fans and being written as a psycho in the making. I fully expect her to team up with Nelle and Kevin or something, gain a huge following in the process, and she will leave the show only to return in a few months time. lol

  5. i already know what's gonna happen with Victor/Victoria without even having to tune in - Vic will more than likely do something bts to make Newman Enterprises take a hit financially, so he's gonna be "forced" to return to Newman as CEO to restore faith, and a few weeks will go by and everyone is gonna find out and be mad at Victor, etc. Victoria is gonna quit and go work for... wait for it... either Dark Horse or with Abby at The Grand Phoenix. lol 

  6. nuNate is a gorgeous guy and I think the other nate was too... enthusiastic in his delivery, but nuNate is too subdued and has no charisma. I actually think the old nate had far more chemistry with MM, and he was just so... big and burly, tbh. I wish they would retro-cast Nate back to the other guy. LOL


    35 minutes ago, KMan101 said:


    Behind, but sounds like they swapped out Chance for Cane in this story. SMH.


    yupp! That's probably exactly what happened. LOL At least they're using someone on the canvas instead of casting yet another warm body. 🙄

  7. also, it's smart to make have Cane return to form. He's super boring otherwise, and the show needs more "bad guys" apart from freaking Adam - Adam vs. everyone isn't interesting! 🙄 And instead of having Phyllis stay scooping up Sharon's sloppy-ass-seconds they should pair Phyl + Cane. Why not? 

  8. i was wondering why it seemed like the show is trying to drum up a Kate vs. Kayla ravelry... 😂


    On 9/30/2019 at 3:12 PM, Vee said:


    Plenty of us do. Or plenty of us have. Whenever we do go back our feelings are justified again. The shows are bad, not simply the BTS shenanigans. If you don't feel that way fine, but you can't argue with the numbers. They're rock bottom because the shows suck, period.


    the shows are all losing ratings because the medium is dying, lbr. The only show that seems to "gain" (or isn't slipping as harshly) is B&B, but (imo) that's because their story arcs hit the ground running, wrap up quickly, and they still maintain a semblance real life-ness with the characters having them go to work and stuff not just sitting around having the same conversations over and over.  

  9. 10 hours ago, Wendy said:


    We're all entitled to our opinions. Mine? Forget the cartoon stale bullcrap. (Gina and Bonnie are as stale as Hope and Adrienne, IMO!) and, here's a radical idea, hire talented writers that can tell a coherent story without the tsunami of cartoon camp that Ron so adores. And hey, if these writers don't see women being violated as fun and games? Even better!


    But in the end, Ron is a hack extraordinaire. He can't tell a story without making everything a joke, and he can't construct the story beats, so now we get a time jump with new plot points (because, let's be honest, these aren't stories!) already in progress.


    this is daytime tv , no "talented" writers are gonna waste their time on daytime tv, that's why all the soaps that are left keep firing and rehiring the same circle of writers. lol 


    again, people need to get a grip and (imo) stop paying so much attention to bts shenanigans. and try to focus on the shows. ✌️

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