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Posts posted by dio

  1. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I love how these soap Execs/HW think that slotting out and slotting in actors are going to improve what's wrong with these shows, lol.  That's like re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic. 


    I want to tell them "It's the writing, stupid!"


    it's more than just the writing it's the music, too, imo. Whenever they play that stupid twang for Kyle/Lola I roll my eyes. And the "villain" music B&B plays for Thomas isn't it either. And if I hear that Metro Court song on GH one more damn time... 🤢 🔪I know they can't afford real music with the tiny budgets but like why do they need music for every scene? It's like damn. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, cattykittens said:


    What have I missed? Last time I looked Summer was drinking herself to death, and extremely bitter about Kyle and Lola.  Now it sounds like she's on her way to becoming the next kyle & lola cheerleader.  What happened?


    show is trying to close that SL down to get to Summer/Theo/Phyllis quicker, imo. Yikes! Lots of foreshadowing with "if you do anything to hurt Summer you're dead" etc. Theo is a better looking throwaway Kyle, tbh. And Phyl still has to get Summer back for screwing Billy. 

  3. i would respect Lola a lot more as a character that values morals but as a character in general if she had told Kyle she couldn't be with him because of what he did to Summer... for her. And stuck to that, for at least a short period. And then FROM THERE we should be shown Kyle's growth as a character and they find their way back to each other, after we are shown how Kyle's become a "better person" etc. But, nah. This whole relationship is a farce built on a joke. And watching Lola act all high and mighty - knowing that it's all an act - is such a turn off! It's like watching Carly read Nelle/Ava the riot act *knowing* her rap sheet. It's like hunTTy, sit tf DOWN. 🤦‍♂️

  4. it really makes Lola look like a trash person how she's bothered Kyle used to party + sleep w/ lots of girls back in his NYC days, when she didn't even know him. But she's like "ehhhh." that he married Summer, got her to donate her kidney, and then dumped her only a few months ago. This is the man she "loves" today. Yikes. And it's not even like Summer's done anything to her that bad that she could get over it under that sort of guise. MESS. LOL

  5. the "big cast" isn't the problem, imo. It's the lack of utilisation, connections, interaction, or life to them outside whatever little pocket sl's they're involved in. Bad writing/storylines aside. It's like everyone are just props for the main Sonny/Jason circle, which is dumb and sad. 

  6. i thought they were gonna do something *interesting* w/ Kyle's past like make him a drug dealer/connect to his rich friends, and an overdose is what made him rethink his life choices/run back home to daddy... but nope. Just more boring shtick. 😴


    EDIT: also, I'm calling it now: Phyllis is gonna sleep with Theo. I think TPB are gonna push forward w/ a SL they were too scared to do with Kyle (but was heavily teased back in the GT days), because they didn't want to "taint" the character. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Darn said:

    He is too short and vanilla looking to be Nik. Stop that.


    I like Mark Lawson and I liked Brody but I'm sick of Valentini infesting this show with his friends and OLTL's unemployment pool.


    Watching the scene featured in that article and Emme Rylan is so miscast in this part. Who is this stepford mom playing Luke and Laura's daughter? And I know Kristen Storms has put on weight but have they dressed her in an actual mumu? Insulting.


    wat? He would be recasting Tyler Christopher. LOL And they're basically the same height, give or take a couple of inches. 

  8. a "close call" incest storyline is totally up GH's alley, rn. Or even a complete retcon to make Nikolas no longer Laura's son. I doubt he's just some average Joe on the scene. Especially since it seems like GH doesn't really want to split up Dante & Lulu and this is all just busy work. 

  9. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    This is all so ridiculous.  AFAIK, Adam never waived his parental rights, so what the [!@#$%^&*] are they fighting about?


    this whole SL is stupid and Y&R is BSing their way through it as usual, because Nick and Sage were married when he (likely) signed the birth certificate, and according to Wisconsin law Nick is the father, period. Nick is bound by the law. There is no legal way Adam can take Christian away, unless he gets Nick to petition to get the court to vacate. And on top of that Adam is the one that falsified the paternity test, so he would get laughed out of court. 

  10. like I said: MS is a great actor. That's a fact. Sorry about it. She will go down in Y&R history as one of their great actresses, and soap in general. And y'all will stay mad as hell, watching every episode/talking about spoilers on the internet as ur blood pressure skyrockets higher and higher, wishing/hoping/praying for cancellation. 



  11. 9 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    What facts? That’s your opinion, something you have issues separating from “fact.”



    it's a FACT that's she's been nominated for multiple Emmys and won multiple Emmys, and this is back in the hay day when Emmy awards *actually* mattered. You tried, tho. Bloop! 😂


    6 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Right.  Just as it's also fact that her return has yet to set Y&R's ratings on fire.  I mean, they're on fire, yes, but more like in a "Viking death ship" sort of way.


    if you are actually putting Y&R's ratings on MS' shoulders then that pretty much shows how big of an influence she is - at least as far as you are concerned, it seems. 🤷‍♂️


    she has truly got you all's minds. 💀


    so, Y&R's rating were super amazing before MS returned, and that's why they had a regime change and traded out GT? 


    really, gurl? We gonna go THERE? 





  12. 1 minute ago, Khan said:


    That's not nuance.  That's mugging.


    MS is like the drunk girl who flashes her breasts on-camera while the otherwise oblivious TV news reporter is in front of her, reporting on local reaction at a sports bar to that night's Super Bowl.


    like I said, hate and call it what you want but she makes Phyllis into a living, breathing person, not just soap character 10989, etc. Like, you could tell how uncomfortable she was w/o the character announcing that they're uncomfortable. That's REAL skill, and peeps can try to clock or drag her for it but it facts are facts. 

  13. 11 hours ago, Khan said:

    If a video game voice gig isn't such a big deal these days, then why do "name" actors such as Gary Oldman do 'em?


    because THEY in particular are getting paid big bucks. You think Kiefer Sutherland was paid the same as David Hayter when he took over as Snake? LOL 

  14. peeps can hate on MS all they want, but she's a really good actress that gives her characters nuance. The scene in Society when Adam and her crash the Newman fam dinner, the way she was standing in the bg and her expressions and when she's hiding her face at the bar. Just really good stuff, imo. Peeps don't give her enough credit. She really makes Phyllis and her scenes pop in a way GT couldn't muster.

  15. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Other actors in games, sure. Those two? Nope. Nolan North is a household name with a ton of young folks because of gaming and is pitched as such at major industry events. Brian Bloom, again, has never been hard up enough to return to soaps (and there's times I've hoped he would), even in his worst years. These days he has a similar career to North, who was never as famous outside games as Bloom was to begin with. And Bloom also has substantial film industry connections with big directors. So no, he definitely won't be back.


    And if by some miracle either of them were to appear they wouldn't do it as Drew, the stopgap character absolutely no one at GH cares about.


    Google is your friend. There have been numerous articles about how the video game industry makes billions of dollars and voice actors stay getting low pay and shot vocal chords. They're all replaceable, even NN and BB. And cheap af. Why do you think Peter Dinklage was eventually replaced on Destiny with NN? Because he's cheaper. Period. 


    if any of these soaps came calling, I highly doubt either of these guys would turn them down. 🤣

    2 minutes ago, AdelaideCate007 said:

    I don't know about pay wise, but fame wise, Nolan North and Brian Bloom have careers most soap stars would kill to have. Nolan North is probably the biggest voice actor in games right now. He's basically given a good sized role in most PS4 exclusive, and is in Destiny 2 and a lot of the Ubisoft titles. He's also one of both Marvel and DC's go to voice guys. Bloom has Wolfenstein and Bethesda, Call of Duty, and also does a lot of Marvel and DC voice over work. If you're into video games or cartoons, you know them.


    which literally amounts to nothing. Y'all can keep acting like being voices on video games is a big deal - bigger than being on a soap - all you want, but that's not the reality. Sorry! 


    in fact the big Avengers  video game reveal back during E3 was a big flop. So, let's not. 

  16. 9 minutes ago, Vee said:


    Actually, he is. The dude is the king of video game work. May sound silly to you and it is, but he works on million dollar game after million dollar game and has far more public recognition from games like Uncharted now than 90% of the current breed of soap stars. You don't have to like it, but it's true. It's why North made it clear a few years ago (at a game event) that he hated his time on soaps and would never go back.


    I love this medium, but I'm also honest. North is now too well-ensconced in his current industry to come back. Brian Bloom, who has never been desperate enough to come back anyway, is also doing pretty well for himself there and elsewhere.



    I do! He won't!


    as someone that works in video games I cannot help but laugh at your assertions that the pay is ANYWHERE close to soap/tv work. 🙊


    and there's being real and then there's being a stick in the mud acting like soap is trash, especially compared to voice acting. 💀

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