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Posts posted by dio

  1. 4 hours ago, Fevuh said:

    Brooke almost got him but Hope's instance looks like it's going to be successful.  Ridge will be back on the blame-train.  


    all this while Shauna is literally throwing herself at him on the regular. The poor, put upon mofo! 💀


    2 hours ago, soapfan770 said:


    Thudley must have been watching his old Days VHS tapes from 1990 and said "Aha!" 


    Seriously it's been long rumored Brad and Ken are drinking buddies lol. 


    he's probably been watching Tim Burton's Batman. I'm half expecting Kim Basinger to show up as Shauna's mom, and a new, new love interest for Eric. 🙊😂

  2. 42 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    I don't know how they'd explain him living (Thomas)...but the actor was a model on Price is Right today talking about his character.


    he'll probably be The Phantom of Forrester Creations or something dumb like that, lurking in the shadows and wearing a mask because he was disfigured by the vat of acid, etc. B&B would do something like that. 

  3. aren't they gonna stop the taping 6 months ahead business? And take a 4 month hiatus or something (while the recorded shows are still airing) so they can catch up and let the actors chill and then come back with a more reasonable tape  schedule. Like, apparently PTB didn't expect Gabi/Stefan-O to catch on like they did, but by the time they found out it was too late to course-correct. LOL 


    i also RS to return as Vivian. She was just too damn good not to, imo. 

  4. On 11/2/2019 at 9:08 AM, xtr said:

    Here are some spoilers from Daytime Royalty and soaps.com that will happen after the time jump:


    From Daytime Royalty:


    Ben shares his woes with a surprising confidante. Sonny is going to get acquainted with Evan, who will be Rafe's new nanny. Nicole and Sarah share their guilt over a deception. Gabi tells Eli that she thinks that Chad is plotting against her. Kristen talks about the incident that caused her to leave Salem and Kayla heads home for a romantic evening.


    From soaps.com


    Chad and Abigail will return. Eric will realize that JJ Is high, Princess Gina will have a shocking new companion, She will also make a move on John, Ciara tells Victor she has given up on Ben, and Chad will tell Abigail that he has been in contact with Stefano. Also, Gabi will tell Eli she thinks that Chad is plotting against her. 


    I think that a lot of these spoilers sound interesting. I wonder if the person that Ben confides in is indeed Will. Maybe the rumors about him being prison are true. Also, I think that Evan being Rafe's nanny is interesting, and I wonder if the rumors about him being John and Marlena's son are true. It looks like Kristen left town (maybe because her baby was stolen), which could also tie into Nicole and Sarah sharing guilt over a deception. Maybe they are feeling guilty over stealing/knowing Kristen's baby was stolen. And maybe JJ turns back to doing drugs again to cope with Jen being in the coma. 


    as ott a lot of that twitter acct's spoilers were, I think a lot of it was true - Will going to prison, Will+Ben in prison, Sonny getting with Evan, etc. I think most of that stuff is true. It would be sooooooo Ron to make a triangle with Ciara/Ben/Will - 3 very popular, younger characters on the show. They would make Ben only show his good guy/be better Ben to Ciara, while Ben gets to be his "real, dark" self with Will or some mess. 🙄🤣

  5. people can hate, but I like Princess Gina. KA looks gorgeous. 

    1 hour ago, te. said:

    It's not like Jenn can become a worse person while in a coma.


    like, literally! What is he point of this SL? Just so MR can go back to treating MA/Jack like ish? 🙄


    what they should have done was have Rolf turn Jen into Princess Gina. LOL

  6. the "shocking death" is probably Quinn. Today, Donna was calling Eric "honeybear" and it was weird and seemed out of nowhere. It's interesting that they're very clearly lightning up on Big Bad Thomas. They've all but stopped playing "evil" music when he's scheming and now we have Hope using his feelings to manipulate him? LOL I hope this sticks, and we finally see a younger guy on the canvas that ptb is investing in that isn't a freaking Spencer. 😴

  7. 3 hours ago, crc said:

    It'll probably be Charlie or Xander.  Thomas will find out about the video that might link him to Emma's death and suddenly one of those characters ends being shoved off a cliff or the Forrester Creations building by a mysterious figure.  Who will turn out to be Vinny who curiously has been talking up Thomas and going on about how supportive he's been lately, when not too long ago he was harping on Thomas for his crappy roommate habits and how he's been treating his son.




    idk about all that, but I think you are on to something with Vinny being the scapegoat... I thought it was suss that he's suddenly gonna be "gone" staying with his gf and the show felt that he was important enough to tell us that. 👀 I totally think they are gonna pull the "shadowy figure" business, making is think it's obviously Thomas or Zoe but it will turn out having been Vinny the whole time. LOL

  8. 4 minutes ago, rlj said:

    Bye Thomas!


    idk, they're really entrenching him in story - the fact that it's now Thomas vs. Brooke says a lot, imo. I think Thomas is the first young male actor the show has invested heavily in since Liam? I don't think he's going anywhere for now, but ish can turn on a dime on B&B so who knows? 🤔

  9. Just now, ChitHappens said:


    Nah!  Cane outlived his usefulness and was lucky they wanted him to sit on ice with Tracy.  That wasn't good enough for DG, so in the end, he shot himself in the foot.  


    if GH isn't already sniffing around, he will more than likely be back on Y&R in under a year. Dude knows his pull. The post is only a half hour old and he's already got 900+ comments of people "heartbroken" etc, etc. Y&R is struggling in the ratings as it is, so I don't buy that they're gonna heave this hoe and be done with him. lol 

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