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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. Soapnet just started 2010 (they did New Years Eve last night...the one where Dorian fired Bo and Kyle and Olver had their only "sex" scene.) looking back i see more clearly how there were more cracks in Viki's marriage than she or i wanted to beleive back then. Charlie's been drinking and lying to her about it. and we all know it gets much worse thanks to Mitch and Dorian. I wonder if they will be going to the final episode in 2011 and then stop or go back to 2006 again.

    Thanks for filling me in. I was thinking about switching cable companies and wanted SoapNet again, regardless of how much time it has left. 2010 was a rough year to sit through though. It was the first time I kept my promise to stop watching. I did enjoy Viki and Charlie's marriage troubles when he fell off the wagon though, but that was only brief.

    I hope they go through the final episode and then play some real classics, or at least 90s to early 2000s. Anything other than the past 10 years.

    Soapnet just started 2010 (they did New Years Eve last night...the one where Dorian fired Bo and Kyle and Olver had their only "sex" scene.) looking back i see more clearly how there were more cracks in Viki's marriage than she or i wanted to beleive back then. Charlie's been drinking and lying to her about it. and we all know it gets much worse thanks to Mitch and Dorian. I wonder if they will be going to the final episode in 2011 and then stop or go back to 2006 again.

    Thanks for filling me in. I was thinking about switching cable companies and wanted SoapNet again, regardless of how much time it has left. 2010 was a rough year to sit through though. It was the first time I kept my promise to stop watching. I did enjoy Viki and Charlie's marriage troubles when he fell off the wagon though, but that was only brief.

    I hope they go through the final episode and then play some real classics, or at least 90s to early 2000s. Anything other than the past 10 years.

  2. Thanks for sharing that Family Feud episode. I've been looking for it and its nice to finally see it.

    Wasn't Kathy Glass some diva behind the scenes?

    Has anyone been watching the SoapNet repeats? If they still air them, I was wondering what month/year they were at now.

  3. According to her Wiki page she thought someone from her past wasafterher when she was ran downso she asked Michael to fake her death at the hospital. That makes no sense to me though. How would she not know that Samanthas father her over?

  4. Thanks for sharing those. I really wish they would release some of the classic episodes. The 70s-early 80s and the 90s intrigue me most on this show. Its nice reading about Jill's being insecure about Drucilla and trying to get her fired and demanding to know Nina's intentions with Ryan for Phillip's sake. For some reason, I kind of thought they backed off on Nina's relationship with Jill a while after Phillip's death. Did that continue through the years before Nina left town?

  5. I just got done watching the first season so I really enjoyed the little reunion. Donna Mills looked great I would love for them to do a reuion special. I was also surprised they didn't mention Larry and kept waiting for it.

  6. That was before Ivan came back with a robotic arm to mind control Larry, right? (Or am I mixing him up with someone else...)

    The robotic arm happened in 1985, a result of his 1982 exit. The scenes in this episode have him spying on Karen, wanting to strangle her from behind some bushes, then having a psychological flash or maybe a flashback, it was hard to tell, but well done. Then he hires Claudette (I think that was her name) a hooker who worked with Karen to manipulate her. It was very exciting. The show was more gothic than I had imagined, but its nicely done and I couldn't stop watching the entire episode.

    Also had Ina Hopkins, Katrina Karr, Anna Wolek, Ed Hall (briefly), Faith Kipling.

    Its posted by jupitervideovision99 and just titled ONE LIFE TO LIVE.

  7. Anyone remember when the Hubbard's took in Little A as a foster child? Watching again and I thought that was a cool arc and would've been interesting had it stuck. Loved the little bond he started to have with Natalia!

    When did that happen? I don't remember it at all.

  8. I'm not sure that it was ever posted here but there is a 1980 episode up on YouTube with a lot of Karen and Ivan. That was the first time I've seen a good chunk of their story and I see why it was so popular. Seeing more of Katrina, I wish she had stuck around.

  9. What's more, their unneeded departure made way for the Implentation of the Fords, which made 2010 such a dreadful year for this show and one of the worst decisions that Cartini made for the show. They made the Arrival of the Rappaports - whom I had no use for aside from Lindsay - look like smooth sailing in comparison.

    I keep blocking them out of my memory. I had forgotten what became of the show that summer which is sad and frustrating as they had hit a good stride, IMO.

  10. Watching the SoapNet reruns (I believe they're up to the fall of '09) and my opinion is still same as it was 3+ years ago:

    My Kimmy Cakes (Kimberly Andrews/Aubrey Wentworth to the rest of you) was truly the best new female character to come along in the last 5 years of that show. Not only did she spark with Clint and make Stacy a smidge interesting, she consistently shat on that smug heifer Gigi all day, every day.

    The Jared period was the only time that I found that red-headed heifer tolerable, though she sure tested my patience with the way that she treated Messica as if she was an intruder in the Buchanan family. All the more reason why I dread Jared's death - because I know that she'll rear her ugly head once again while I'll have to fast-forward through that worthless pairing that was her and McBain.

    Kish should've been the prized young couple of the show instead of those two dummies Rex and Gigi. Yes, I'm well aware that it took them a century for them to finally get their sh!t together, but I'd rather watch hours of their angst than a minute of the twin dolts with the cockatoo hair.

    I don't usually agree with you, but I agree 100% on Amanda Setton/Kim. She was amazing. Losing Kim, Kyle, Fish, Jared, Rachel, etc. Within 5 months hurt the show so badly for me and took another year for me to fully enjoy it. That was by far among the worst casting decisions I have ever seen.

  11. I think I read somewhere that around 1971 they didn't have a Christmas show because they had so much going on as well. I want to say it was the story with Marcy Wade, Steve and Viki. I don't feel like anything on a soap should take away from the holiday episodes though, even if its a sad Christmas.

  12. Did anyone who actually knew Ivan prior to 1985 ever realize that he returned besides Cassie, Rob and the younger set. I know he later worked in the hospital and Jenny realized he was back during the David storyline, but not much was made of it. It seems they wasted some story not playing on his past with Dorian and Larry. I never understand why they brought him back in the first place.

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