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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. Started watching MP 10 years ago and finally made it through S6 and into 7. I hate Samantha one episode and don't mind her the next but I actually grew to enjoy the Sam/Billy/Jennifer/Jeff mess and loved how they broke out into two separate fights on the complex but it was missing something older MP didn't miss and that was everyone leaving their apartments to watch the fight. 


    Didn't mind the four of them exiting but I kinda wanted Sam to leave single and lonely after the crap she pulled and just like they did with Jake/Jo they failed to reunite Billy and Alison. 


    The Coop/Lexi climax was great I'm glad he's gone and it was nice to see the craziness ease back into the show and in the end he was right, it was all Megan's fault that he got put into that situation. 


    Jane being back is more than a fresh air. She has saved the show for me. I haven't enjoyed the show as much as I have in season 7 since the beginning of season 4. 

    13 minutes ago, te. said:

    I'm watching season three and this is like soap on crack! :lol:


    Kimberly's going to fail her psych eval! Amanda's suddenly feeling tired (leading to her cancer)! Sydney's about to join a cult with Traci Lords!


    Alison will survive - she's like a rash I can't get rid off.

    I love love love season 3. That was the last perfect season to me. But I think they ran through so much story or plot rather from seasons 2-4 that it pushed the show back. They ran out of ideas and destroyed half the characters in the process. 

  2. 10 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    AHA! here it is! :D lot more campier then I remember 


    WOW! LMAO that was may more campy than I had expected. I do miss this stuff on soaps it just works with the nightmare\daydreaming sequences. Thanks for sharing that and everything else you do. 

  3. 44 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    I still think the most bizarre fantasies were David's about Killing Nina and Cricket, and the rats eating them...You'd figure something like that would be seen on DOOL or Passions but not Y&R...only thing was that they made it seem more serious and horrifying, then the campy humor JER would do...

    I did not realize Y&R went so far out there. Are any of those scenes on YouTube?

  4. Thanks for sharing that ghfan89! 


    Really wish they hadn't killed off Natalie. i would love to see a long term story with Robin's Janet and Natalie but how absurd for Natalie to tell the sister who imprisoned her to marry her husband. 


    Although with how the 90s ended I do wonder if Natalie would have had a place on the show anyway. Watching the '91 episodes and I love the family unit they have built up with Trevor/Natalie/Timmy/Haley. 

  5. I'll have to try and find those Robin/Kate scenes on YouTube. 


    Didn't ABC and Disney converge at the same time? Was it the declining ratings or Disney that caused the white washing of the ABC Soaps?



    Also-Does anyone know exactly when Kate Collins left in 1992? I found an episode with the recast from early September but wanted to see Kate's last episodes. Thanks in advance!

  6. Was trying to get back into the Retro TV episodes. Is anyone else caught up that can give a brief recap? I haven't really watched since the 1970 episodes when Althea returned and a little bit when Carolee and Steve reunited after he was in prison. 

  7. Got some 1991 episodes with Janet having Natalie in the well. Love the tone of the show during this period and it's insane how diverse the canvas was in 1991 in comparison to when I started watching in 2006, or even any soap currently on the air. You have Livia, Derek, Terrence, Mimi and even An-Li. Its insane how few Asian characters have been on daytime. How jarring was it to have Mimi, Livia, An-Li and Terrence off the show within just four years? Of course they were all relatively new but they really laid out some permanent groundwork there. 


    And the entire Janet/Natalie story is so well done. I would love to have seen Kate Collins Natalie around for Robin's Janet. 

  8. Just checked that, thanks! They had a good memory too, reminds me of the days we had saynotoursoap. 


    Watching some 1988 episodes, did anyone know that Sarah and Gabrielle were initially quite good friends? 

    I will say as ludicrous as this era was (in a months time span Melinda was given electro-shock therapy, Tina posed as a nun and befriended a "giant" named Picollini, Clint is in 1888 and a so called magician has his magic potion and Viki meets with an Indian Chief, Clear Eyes) it never seemed out of the realm.of possibility because the writing and acting was there and the stakes came back to the characters' loved ones/family. 

  9. The person doing the clips said his name actually was "Tom," and his being named that by Meredith was a coincidence. That she named him after her bio dad (Tom Sutton) and Edward, a pet cat. Apparently Tom's brother was also on the show at some point.

    Tom Sutton was Meredith's biological father? Did I miss that entirely? 


    And Tom had a twin? The more we know...now I'm dying to know what other tidbits we don't know. 

  10. Thanks for sharing those! So nice to get a glimpse of that unavailable era. 

    Tom was around a lot longer than I initially thought. Unless I gathered the wrong info from their brief conversation, Tom and Marcy were involved romantically before she went crazy? Did they ever reveal Tom's past/identity?


    The cast list for the clip (what the uploader wrote) lists them both with the last name "McKenzie." So maybe that was his real name? Last name, anyway. 


    I never knew he was involved with Marcy or that their stories were intertwined. 

    I hope they continue to upload more. Its amazing how little is known of this time period even with the history books. 

  11. Thanks for sharing those! So nice to get a glimpse of that unavailable era. 

    Tom was around a lot longer than I initially thought. Unless I gathered the wrong info from their brief conversation, Tom and Marcy were involved romantically before she went crazy? Did they ever reveal Tom's past/identity?


    I would love to see the entire Cathy Craig story. I can't believe not one episode of the Odyssey House is available as it must have been groundbreaking at the time. 

  12. Agreed! I'm still months behind but peaked ahead to 1969. The Ed/Anna story has been surprisingly at the forefront. I wonder if any other soaps briefly had frontburner black characters like the Doctors.

    Does anyone happen to have Ed and Anna's first airdates?

  13. After two years I'm finally watching season one. It's absolutely great, the only downside being Matthew. He has no chemistry with Krystle or Claudia and just plain doesn't fit in. I don't mind Lindsey. She's just as neurotic as Claudia and I love it! But Matthew and that oil rig nonsense is a waste of time. I simply don't care.

    Steven and Fallon are at their best here in season one. I can't believe how much they destroyed them. Steven and Claudia's affair is intriguing. Its too bad her marriage to Matthew is boring because it's the only downside to the story.

    Only other thing bothering me is Blake randomly raping Krystle and the two minute non apology he gave her unless I missed something?

  14. I'm way behind but caught up a little on recent episodes. Nick and Althea remain my favorites. I could watch them all day long. I loved the episode where they got engaged. Now that they have softened his character he's a joy to watch.

    I'm really enjoying Anna and Ed's story. I didn't think we'd be seeing them featured as much.

    The Maggie recast is hard for me to adjust too but she's here to say and as much as I thought I would enjoy Karen, I loathe her and every story she's involved in. I just don't find her fun at all.

  15. I agree Paul Raven. Its incredibly pathetic that a show airing 46 years ago is more mature and progressive than the daytime soaps of today.

    I've finally caught up. So glad that Althea is back even though only briefly so far. As mentioned above I'm really happy Matt Was the one to save Liz and I can't wait to see Nick's reaction. Hopefully its calm and not his usual yelling.

    I seem to enjoy Ruth's breakdown story as long as it stays on the back burner. I get tired of it fast. Wouldn't it have been usual for Bill to drink in front of her in those days? Wasn't alcoholism treated differently then?

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