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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. WOW! That episode was everything. I am officially willing to do anything to see more Lorie/Vanessa in high quality. I was glued to their screens. Was this Lance recast popular? 


    I enjoyed the Nikki/Victor scenes and the comedy angle worked with I wasn't expecting and I did not know what to think of the April/Barbara twin story though I was still interested.  


    I hope that if they only show classics featuring current characters that we at least get a Through the Years/Highlights package with top moments. I would love to see Phillip's death and Lorie being framed by Vanessa. Probably my top two. 

  2. I just can't get over the fascination with Sonny/Carly/Sam/Jason. Ugh. Everytime the show seems to get back on the right track it goes downhill. I remember being so excited by the Kevin/Laura/Ryan story and it went to hell. And again with the return of Nikolas and his relationship with Ava. Willow and Sasha are the same character. Nina is pointless. Liz is forgotten all over again. Its the same BS every time I try to get back into it. 

  3. Wow! The 1990 episode was phenomenal. I am stunned at how much was going on, the episode flew by and I would love to see more of this era I have largely ignored. I wouldn't have expected them to have the George Rawlins case and the Marge/Kay about to climax at the same time with David Kimble just getting started with Nina. The ending with Marge/Kay was great and the mood was everything for me. Cassandra is absolutely captivating, I wonder if Bell just lost interest in her after this?


    And I forgot his name...but Adrian Hunter actor seemed like a weak link with a different vibe than everyone else for me. 

  4. I would die if they did a gothic/horror week. I am more of a OLTL fan but Y&R exceeds at that film noir atmosphere and I am dying to see the Suzanne Lynch/Nikki and Paul in the cult, the dungeon, more of Eve/Julia/Nikki with Victor's first "death", the Norman Bates story and the Veronica story. 


    Super excited for the 1981 episode and really really hope it has good Vanessa/Lorie scenes. I know there are edits on YouTube...but nothing in good qaulity available right?


    In fact they could probably do a Victor's Many Deaths week. Didn't he "die" in 1983, 1993, 1999 and somewhere in the 2000s and 2010s? 

  5. 8 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I don't really remember Malcolm and Olivia getting much of a response - to me it felt like not knowing what to do with the characters (especially Olivia) and one of the signs of how lazy and incestuous the writing was becoming for the show's black characters. I was never that fond of the Dru and Neil marriage as I felt like he just nagged her all the time and didn't want her to be herself. I can't speak of their second marriage as I had quit watching by then.

    Thanks for responding! This is sad as it seems they had set up so much and lost steam fast. Outside of the cold medicine fiasco do you think it would have been a good idea to do Malcolm/Dru and Neil/Olivia since they didn't invest in any other characters. I guess they only tried with Dr. Stephanie Simmons and Keesha but Stephanie went no where from what I see (I'm trying to watch more 90s but still in the early 90s)

  6. Seeing Nathan/Dru/Olivia/Neil in the 1991 episode got me wondering if Malcolm and Olivia were popular down the line? And does anyone think Dru and Neil were kept interesting post marriage? It seems like the quad lost momentum (I haven't seen these years, going by summaries) after the Keesha story and Malcolm and Olivia don't seem to have been kept together at all with any actual story. 

  7. I have been dying to see OLTL from 1968-1982. Carla's identity struggles, Vinny, the Odyssey story, Ed's arrival and Gillian's Viki/Niki among other things have intrigued me for years and then the Gordon Russell years seem phenomenal. 


    GH-Audrey's murder trial with the babysitter

    Where the Heart Is-seems like an insane show 

    AMC- Ruth's speech and the early years

    GL-late 60s and early 70s then the Dobson years

  8. I just finished watching the Cruise of Deception summer. WOW. One of the best adventure stories I have ever seen on daytime. I loved the balance of the cast with Julie and Victor drawn in, the Jack/Jennifer angst (really made me a fan) and the romance between Hope/Bo and Roman/Isabella. I also really enjoyed Ernesto Toscano-probably a Stefano clone more or less but I thought he was fun. 


    Outside of her ending up with Stefano, did they delve into Hope's missing years? I could honestly see Ernesto's "magic trick" working and they somehow escaped the whole time. 


    As for the rest of the show around this time-I wish they did more with Carrie and Sarah, Maggie seems so much younger than Mickey, Emilio/Melissa/recast Kimberly/Nick, etc. do not draw me in at all and its nice to see DAYS attempting an interracial romance with Marcus and Carly. 

  9. Was skimming through YouTube and came across a video from 1985 of a Pretros Cassadine that was identical to Mikkos? Was this an actual story or a plot device? I have never heard of a Mikkos and did not know the same actor returned in a different role. 

  10. Was Anita Santos still on the show in 2006? I'm rewatching the Mardi Gras Ball explosion and saw a nurse talking with Julia that seemed to be Anita but she was more like an extra. If it was Anita did they never try anything with her? 


    And it is amazing how Reggie was treated like a background character at this point in the Montgomery family. Lily was given plenty of camera time and story with Jonathan throughout the ball while Reggie and Danielle were barely given anything to do aside from a quick camera pan. 

  11. I finally finished the Natalie in a well storyline and I love how Natalie feels betrayed and is through with Trevor and never wants to see him again. Usually with soaps they instantly reunite and move on. Natalie and Dimitri seem to be simple friends (so far) but I must say Trevor really grates as he disrespects Dimitri trying to get Nat back at Wildwind. 


    With Natalie and Trevor being such a big couple I was also expecting a bigger "reunion" moment instead of him walking into her room at Wildwind. I was expecting a location sequence at the mansion or something spectacular. 


    While I certainly consider Ron Carlivati hit/miss some of the elements to the conclusion reminded me of Ron's early OLTL- Timmy's random letter, Mimi's investigation, Natalie attempting to leave town on time and the slow build up. I love how it slowly involved a good portion of the cast. You never get umbrella stories like that anymore.

  12. Was watching some past episodes from different eras of OLTL and it is amazing how much the show changed through the years with the exception of Viki and Buchanan's. 


    August 1987- all in all the show was so good when it came to Clint/Viki/Tina/Cord/Maria but all the newbies just weren't working for me. Gabrielle was still a heroine and then the Sanders family was just blah. Wanda had a nice little story where she lost her diner to I guess the city and Judith Sanders helped stage a protest to help Wanda but a scene like that would have worked so much better with Larry, Viki and other written out characters like Carla, Ed, Jenny, etc. who would have known Wanda for years. I love the over the top Rauch era but I really wish he had maintained the diversity with different social classes and races. 


    August 1992- my first time really getting into the Gottlieb years but the AIDS Quilt climax was some of the best episodes I have seen of OLTL. I finally see what people liked about Sloan & Viki and I wish Andrew had not become such an afterthought. Only thing I wasn't feeling in the 1992 episodes are Tina/Cain/Sarah but I was a big fan of Andrea Evans and Jensen Buchanan. And it is impressive how quickly they integrated the newer, more entertaining characters into Llanview. Rachel, Hank, Sheila, Marty, Jason just feel like they always belonged. 


    November 2007- I did not realize at the time how much Carlivati did to improve the show between Viki being back at the forefront (I am loving Gigi, Moe, Noelle & Charlie) and the slight return to social conscious (Langston & the Cramer's facing the foster care system, Marcie on the run with drag queens & the New Orleans family) it is really a shame that outside of that I can only think of a few other times Carlivati kept this up (Rex having financial problems for medical bills around Christmas 2008, the beatbox gift for Shane was cheesy but I enjoyed it and the 2009 Kish story which I thought they over did with Dorian trying to marry a woman)

  13. Started randomly watching some December 1995 episodes. It is so nice to see the Michael Delaney stories. While cheesy at times it is a simple, realistic storyline that brings together the whole community versus some convoluted mess. I wish we had more of that towards the end. 


    Was this teen scene Anita/Bobby/Laura/Scott/Kevin popular? I do enjoy Scott/Anita/Kevin. Laura is okay at times and Bobby I completely do not like. Wasn't Kelsey part of this teen scene or was she older?


    Skipped on to the Cutting Edge climax where Laurel ends up dead. Did the seemingly sensational ending give the show a ratings bump out of curiosity? Or was the event spoiled prior to airing?

  14. After years of never finding the time I have finally dug into the November 1979 episodes and this show was top notch. I did find some of the Marland episodes a drag but of the Dobson years available I have never seen a boring episode. It's a shame that they didn't keep the Dobsons at GL and post Marland at ATWT immediately. 


    I am loving the drama of the the main story- Rita and Ed divorcing and Rita wanting an abortion. The build up of Roger being alive while Holly is in prison (already read spoilers to know where that's going) and Lucille plotting to poison Ben only to nearly kill Amanda. The episodes fly by and it is all based on the psychological motivations of the characters. I miss that and haven't seen it on a soap in my 12 years of viewing. 


    The only drags to me are Dr. Greg Fairbanks and Peter Chapman. Both so dull. I also applaud them for keeping Sara and Bert among others an integral part of the fabric of the show. 


    It's amazing how having the characters interact with multiple viewpoints and psychologically motivated storylines keep the show familiar and only a few years later they would lose half the cast. I have no interest in anything of GL from 1984-1991 maybe outside of the Sonni/Solita plot and Holly and Roger's return.

  15. I have been looking for episodes from the fall of 1978/January 1979 with Sara/Dean but it seems that there are none available until late 1979. This seems to be her last major storyline and I would love to see some of it. Does anyone know of videos coded under anything more difficult to find?

  16. 1 hour ago, amybrickwallace said:


    Not really, except for his troubles when his arm was temporarily paralyzed. Their wedding was off-screen, but they did get some pretty racy honeymoon scenes!! I'm still shocked that the green speedo Palmer Deane (Hank) wore got past the NBC censors of 1974!! 


    In any case, I believe the Iversons stay on until 1976. I read in an old SOD synopsis that Hank had accepted a position in Boston.

    Thanks so much-sad that they will soon be gone. From what I have read the rest of the series is constant cast changes outside of Matt & Maggie. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Soaplovers said:


    I don't know where it's posted.. since I am fortunate to have one of the few stations airing it... but I believe tomorrow will be the start of June 1975.  

    I got some help, you are lucky it airs in your area. I picked up with April and already the characters seem so much more likeable. I gave up with the early 70s episodes as everyone I loved (Rita Lakin tenure was amazing) I ended up hating. Who is Althea's new interest, Tom? When was he introduced? 


    Nice to see Hank and Laurie still on I must admit I am surprised they even got to kiss in an elevator as an extra watched. Have they had any significant story outside of her singing woes? 

  18. I was watching the show up to 1969 before giving up as the characters became extremely unlikeable. Not sure if anyone would agree with that but is there any other period I should pick back up on that featured goof stories and the characters decent? 

  19. Watching the possession story and in February 1995 Stefano sends out five Marlena clones across the country to divert the authorities from catching Marlena. Were these clones ever revisited? And did I miss the explanation on when or how he created them? 


    Between Hattie, Samantha and these five clones Marlena must be the soap character with the most look a likes. Lol. 

  20. Started watching this on Hulu after seeing a clip of Mac online. I got hooked with the Nightingale family and the aftermath so I decided to pick up in January. The show is so good but it is hard to get invested when this thirty minute show has such a large cast. I can barely keep up with who is who and by the time I remember them they do not appear again for over ten episodes after having two front burner episodes. Lol. Hopefully I'll get the cast together. 

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