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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. Thanks for sharing those articles, DRW. It's nice seeing the story previews and why they made some story decisions. I am in the middle of rewatching season three and am almost to the finale so it was perfect timing.

    I can't believe they didn't do more with Michael and Amanda. Those two really could have been a power couple. I would have loved to see Peter and Kimberly team up to turn Michael and Amanda against each other out of jealousy. While I love the epic season three finale, i think it made it hard for Kimberly to fit in and then that disastrous D.I.D. storyline she had. Anything would have been better.

  2. The show seemed so gothic between 1980-1982 between the cult, the Edward story that definitely seems inspired by Psycho and wasn't Katherine taunting Suzanne and/or Jill around this time too? And I think it was 1983 with Victor faking his death and crazy Eve too. I wish I could see these years in full.

  3. I've finally started watching season one and wow, its a completely different show. I've heard.it was awful but i have enjoyed some of these stand alone episodes. And I don't know if I completely missed this detail later on, but I had no idea Jane was pregnant and lost the baby in the first season.

    I have also enjoyed the forgotten Rhonda and Sandy more than I expected, especially after Sandy lost that country accent. Sandy was well enough and i don't think it was a loss to write her out but I wish they had tried more with Rhonda.

  4. Bad episode? Probably my favorite so far this season. Liked seeing the Gov again and it was refreshing to see him not be a psycho. That family did wonders for his character. I hope he sticks around

    Glad I'm not the only one. I really enjoyed it. I actually liked the family too. Though I found it ridiculous the girl had not realized to shoot them in the head yet.

  5. Loving this season. Nothing will beat Asylum for me, but they have a great cast this year. I was surprised they killed Madison so early. And this was probably the most disturbing episode of the entire series for me...but that ending scene between Fiona and Madison was phenomenal.

  6. I know this is going waaay back, but reading the Llanview in the Afternoon book and seeing Lee Warrick's comments I became interested in her character, Julie Siegel. She was there 1969-1974 but all I can find was how her relationship with Jack Lawson drove her to a breakdown, then she married Mark Toland. That happened in 1971 and I know he cheated with Dorian years later but she's left out of those recaps. Anybody have any background information on her?

  7. I don't remember seeing this anywhere else, but I was re-reading the 2008 trivia book and thought I would share some changed storylines.

    Apparently Pat was supposed to be in the love triangle with Dorian and David Renaldi, not Jenny but it says Jacqueline Courtney had been lingering for too long and already chose to leave.

    Angela Holliday was supposed to be the one enabling Max's gambling addiction but they switched it to Blair since she and Max already shared a past.

    The worst of all is that they intended to kill off RJ Gannon...at the fault of Rachel. Nora would have confessed to killing RJ to protect her.

  8. I have finally started watching Season 3 and I'm living it. Not sure I like it as much as Season 2 but it still beats the fourth season.

    I'm up to Jasmine Guy's first episode as Caitlin and she is GREAT. I love seeing her and Peter plotting.

    Does anyone else feel as though the baby plot with Jo and Kimberly was on the back burner compared to other stories?

  9. I used to avoid the later years because I found them boring but I'm also rewatching on the SN weekends and I'm really enjoying Season 8. I found the end of Season 7 incredibly dull and boring (started with the hostage episode and the end of Donna's stalker story). I'm surprised by how much I've enjoyed Steve with Hilary Swank's character but I'm not sure where they possibly could have gone with them story-wise.

  10. Hillary B. Smith wanted to come back to ATWT but Ellen Dolan was currently in the role but when Dolan briefly left ATWT in 1993, Douglas Marland wanted Hillary B. Smith to come back but she couldn't due to being hired on OLTL

    I love her as Nora and while I'm a bigger OLTL fan than ATWT, I would have preferred Hillary as Margo rather than Ellen, who I never liked when I watched on and off from 2006-2010. She was so cold and boring.

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