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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. I never would've imagined Robin being autistic. You barely see that on daytime, or television for that matter so I couldn't imagine it in 1968.

    Also, someone mentioned earlier the Brooke Ames story, how she stabbed her hand and was later killed in a fight with Val. I was wondering what led to this breakdown and her hate for Valerie? And what happened after Val fled the scene after realizing Brooke was dead?

  2. I kind of agree as well. I didn't really want the montages but less focus on Project Orpheus and JR's beakdown would've been nice. I could've accepted Stuart, Dixie and Zach coming back from the dead for whatever reason, even within the three months it happened without an entire project focused on it.

  3. Does anyone know how long Stephanie Braxton played Laurie? I can't find that anywhere.

    And does anyone know what month Jada Rowland returned as Amy in 1968? I was wondering if she was back in time for the start of the feud with Belle, with the accidental drowning.

  4. This was several years before Michael Malone was writing the show and the character of Todd had been created, but the name of the plant was Lord-Manning. I had not realized that until now!

    Wow, I hadn't realized that either though I had made the connection of the two factory names. I wonder if Michael had made the connection when he created Todd or if Irene had anything to do with the naming of it though she had been dead for years by then.

  5. This was several years before Michael Malone was writing the show and the character of Todd had been created, but the name of the plant was Lord-Manning. I had not realized that until now!

    Wow, I hadn't realized that either though I had made the connection.

  6. Thank you both so much for that insight and information.

    Is there anywhere online that has detailed information about the show and particularly, Vanessa? I can't seem to find anything in-depth about past storylines.

    Can anyone fill me in on the Nell Saltzman story? I know she was having an affair with Jason and dressed in a wig to frame Van, but what was her motive and how did the story conclude?

  7. I'm not sure that I ever knew Robert Gentry was on OLTL, playing Echo's brother, at that. I'd like to see some of that stuff someday. Did Echo ever mention Giles when she returned in OLTL's final years?

    I don't think she did. I was always waiting on someone to mention him, but I don't think it ever happened. I would've loved to see him return though and be a full-time rival for Clint.

  8. I was surprised by some of the comments in the 1990 review. I certainly agree it was probably one of the worst years of the show though. I will always love Eterna, Buchanan City, etc. though. I was stunned when they considered the casting of Fiona Hutchinson a miss though, but I love her and Gabrielle, so maybe I'm biased. I never thought Michael Palance was all that popular, so didn't expect him to be considered a hit. And Karen Witter was never my personal ideal Andrea Evans replacement.

  9. Oh, that ball! I lived through that and remember thinking at the time, "WHEN is this going to end???" LOL! And yes, Christine Jones was playing Viki at the time.

    Christine was playing Viki all throughout that year-long story with Ted Clayton and all then. Thanks for posting those other reviews as well, I can't wait to read them!

  10. That was an extremely harsh, yet well written review. I consider it harsh mainly because a lot of the stuff I consider gold compared to the daytime of today. Id love to have seen the same writer review the show was it was in its final years.

    Was Christine or Erika playing Viki during the Masquerade Ball? I like Christina Jones, but she is Pamela to me and I can't enjoy someone outside of Gillian or Erika as Viki.

    That was. A LOT to happen throughout the ball, but over a three week period, I'd imagine that to play out nicely and keep the momentum going.

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