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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. I'm re-watching the soap Classics DVDs and watching the episode where John humiliates Lisa and it opens with Mark and Connor. Were they popular? Because I can't stand either actor, their both cringeworthy. I felt like I was watching a parody of a soap opera. The show wasn't exactly exciting then but they stood out as terrible to me.

  2. Jake and Jane were one of my favorite couple biggrin.png

    I have to admit they are kind of growing on me. Not as bad as I thought they would be.

    I've hated Brooke all throughout Season 4 and was finally starting to at least pity her when she hit her head in the pool. Bad timing.

  3. I had heard about Jake and Jane getting involved and couldn't picture it but now that I have watched it..I still don't know what to think. I didn't like the kiss they had with him falling into the pool with her though. Wasn't feeling it. I was enjoying Jane using Michael and that cliffhanger with her having the stroke was amazing but that excitement died down for me once they pushed her towards Jake.

  4. Its been a while since I have watched Season 2 and I've only seen a few Season 3 episodes but what's up with Sydney's fashion in Season 4? Its like she's stuck in the 60s. I don't remember her dressing like that in Season 2.

  5. Eileen was a friend of the Martin family, I believe. Eric would know more but if you go to Agnes Nixon's site that episode is available.

    Wow! Thanks, I had no idea that episode was up. Can't wait to watch.

  6. Does anyone remember which OLTL characters made a cameo in AMC in 1970??? As I know...Eileen Siegel and Larry Wolek....anyone else??? Thanks

    I didn't know Eileen Siegel ws also a guest on AMC. What did she do?

    As far as I know, only Larry appeared. And before that, GH's Steve. Hardy was a guest on OLTL.

    I would like to see the earlier years as well. Anything with Gillian's Viki/Niki or the Carla passing for white would be a dream come true but I have honestly lost hope.

  7. I have picked back up with season 4 right after Jack died. I'm still enjoying it but their seems to be so much unnecessary conflict like Brooke's dad flipping out when Alison was touching Ms. Armstrong's door and Jake getting mad that Jo was going to Hawaii with Richard not knowing she did not yet know Jane wasn't coming. I understand where the conflict was coming from but it came off bad and lazy to me. Season 4 is kind of hit or miss. I think Season 2 will forever be my favorite.

  8. Dr. Polk was a recurring character utilized by One Life to Live and All My Children. After he "cured" Viki's split personality disorder (we did not term it DID in the 60s), there were other crises in Llanview warranting his therapeutic prowess. He attended to Viki again in the summer of 1971 when Marcy Wade was drugging Viki and attempting to convince everyone that Niki Smith had returned. In February of 1972, Meredith Wolek needed therapy for post partum depression and the death of one of her twin babies. In January 1973, Viki slept with Joe Riley while married to Steve Burke. She and Joe argued, causing Viki to crash her car. When she awoke, she thought it was 1971 and had forgotten everything that happened in between, including her marriage to Steve. Dr. Polk helped her recover her memory. Almost immediately at the end of this story, on All My Children, Kitty Cole had a miscarriage and tried to commit suicide, prompting treatment by Dr. Polk.

    At this point, Dr. Polk was played by Norman Rose. During the original Niki Smith storyline, Donald Moffat played Dr. Polk. Moffat is remembered as Edgar Halcyon in Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City. Norman Rose last appeared on AMC and OLTL around 1974. Afterward, the psychiatrist angle was downplayed, and later, in 1976, Polk was no longer necessary because Will Vernon had been created. Dr. Polk was resurrected for Niki Smith's real return in 1985. James Douglas played Dr. Polk then, and it was his Dr. Polk

    who was eventually murdered by Tracy James.

    What a wonderful recap! Thank you so much, as always. So Erika's first major story as Viki was the Marcy Wade plot. She started off with what must have been frontburner story.

  9. Fallon is brilliant in season one. For me, Dynasty is only good seasons 1-2 & 9. Right now I've been re-watching the series and it has been a chore to get through. I'm currently stuck somewhere in season six, but I haven't watched in two months. I decided to watch The Colbys, which actually was MUCH better than Dynasty was at that point. Both seasons were good, but season two you can see a huge improvement.

    I've seen a few clips of the later years and read season recaps and everything after the wedding shooting sounds dreadful but I still plan to watch what has been released so far.

  10. You should see season one when Pamela Sue Martin's Fallon is the main antagonist against Krystle. She played the vixen very well!

    I'm looking forward to seeing season one soon. I was going to skip it since it didn't have Alexis but I quickly came to love all the cast so now I'm dying to see it. Fallon's been interesting this season those few moments she got to be snarky were wonderful although I'm enjoying her affair with Nick and the car crash and her realizing she wants to keep her baby.

  11. After seeing a few YouTube clips of the more over the top moments I finally started watching the show and picked up with Season 2. I loved it more than I thought I would.

    Its a lot more character driven than I had expected, especially in the firsthalf of the season. I'm enjoying that while I can.

    I am enjoying every character on the show and I loved the Nick Toscanni storyline. Its great to see a much younger Heather Locklear as I have only seen her on Melrose Place. She's great as Sammy Jo. Pamela Bellwood has been great too. I can't wait to see her character get out of her depressed state, if she ever does.

    I'm also loving Pamela Sue Martin as Fallon and Al Corley as Steven so I'm not looking forward to the roles being recast.

  12. I was flipping around last night and saw that Joan Collins was on. She said that a Dynasty reboot has been shopped around town but turned down by all of the networks.

    That's unfortunate. They could at least do a little mini-series to test it out. It might not work long term but a 5 or 6 episode order could bring in good ratings.

  13. Yes, I was watching at that time when Jessica was doing things like leaving a mangled baby doll on Dorian's front step. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think RC retconned that it was in fact Tess who was doing all of those awful things to Dorian after Jessica lost the baby. Robin Strasser hated what they did to Dorian in that s/l.

    That's interesting about Tess being the one who tormented Dorian. I hadn't heard about that. I didn't see the actual storyline but from what I've heard, I would honestly prefer it to have been Tess.

  14. Wow! Thank you so much for sharing that. So Bill Bell was still with DAYS in 1977? For some reason I thought he left in 1975. I love how honest and open Bill, Pat and Ann are and Pat's story about fighting to tell Tommy's being amnesiac after returning from Vietnam and having her own family member in the same situation is really interesting. I had no idea. Same with the Trish killing her stepfather story. I would love to see more of 60s and 70s DAYS.

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