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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. I can't thank you enough for posting this amazing stuff!

    I know its been said before but I really wish we could have seen Lorie stay with the show for years. However its amazing the way Bill Bell rebooted the show and had successful leads thereafter.

  2. Amazing to see part of the Brooks storyline! It was almost a role reversal from everything I've read about Leslie and Lorie with Lorie being in the emotional state and Leslie calmer.

    Does anyone know what year those scenes aired?

  3. I thought there was a thread for this but I couldnt find it so figured I would ask here.

    Did anyone ever get the B&B DVD releases with the first 16 episodes and then the most memorable moments? They came out about two years ago but for whatever reason I waited this long to order them. The disc packaging is rather cheap but the quality is great and its nice to see the beginning of the show, which was entirely different. However their choices for most memorable moments (2003-2008 the only years they chose) were rather lackluster.

  4. I had heard about the belly dancing scenes through recaps and thought it might have come off embarrassing but that was actually surprisingly well done. Lance's random singing somehow worked too.

    That kind of stuff would come off dreadfullybad these days.

  5. I'm watching more of my Brooks family edits and this stuff is sooooooooo good! Right now there is a good chunk of Lorie figuring out that Leslie was pregnant with Lance's child. Jamie Lyn Bauer is a true star. I can't believe she never won an Emmy. She is so grand. Victoria Mallory is also much better than I expected. I'd mostly only seen episodes with Janice Lynde so I just decided she was the good Leslie. The only episodes I'd seen with Victoria previously were the reunion at Nikki and Victor's first wedding where she didn't really do much. It's a shame Bill Bell couldn't have thrown more money and kept Lorie and Leslie around. I love their relationship. Chris and Peggy could've kicked rocks, but Lorie and Leslie needed to stick around.

    I know one of you fabulous posters offered to help me upload this stuff. If someone can PM me on how to do this I really want to get it online for you guys! This stuff is so good and I haven't seen ANY of it online.

    Soo jealous! Lol. I really hope you can figure out a way to upload and share it.

  6. Thanks for sharing that! So happy to finally see it and in color! It did not disappoint. JC was so good. I'm really intrigued by her Alice and Pat on OLTL but I wish she stayed as Alice.

    Thank you saynotoursoap!

  7. There are about six different Y&R minisodes. The preniere. Katherine and Phillip in the 70s. Snapper saying goodbye to Chuckie. Cole and Victoria. Tricia taking Victoria's place. Christine and Danny marrying. I thought it was just a few! I wish they would add more 70s/80s!

  8. Does anyone know if Joshua Hall's biological parents ever appeared? I got to thinking how AMC got years of story for Joe and Ruth adopting Tad but Carla and Ed seemed to just marry, adopt Josh and fade into the back burner until her affair with Jack Scott.

  9. Forgot to add that I felt every character added something to the ongoing story with separate motivations. Compared to today's Victoria, Stitch, Billy and Chelsea. The show is just unrecognizable.

    And seeing Michael as a villain is nice too. I wish they would have used Lauren's affair with Carmine to send Michael towards another breakdown.

  10. Thanks for all the uploads! I had not had time until recently to watch these early 90s episodes and I'm glad I finally got to it! I have never seen much of that era but it is captivating honestly. I see what people mean by every scene feeling important.

    Loved the Dru/Neil scenes and Lauren

    seeing the Forrester label on Molly's dress

    and she's IN CHARACTER, looking fabulous.

    Ashley and Traci's scenes were especially nice, so many layers to their relationship and Beth looked amazing, better than ever there.

    Does anyone think her marriage to Steve was the last straw for the character? I know she was already on recurring and stayed for a few more years but I think she could have had another lead romance.

  11. I remember thinking Rafe had wanted housewife in Delila every time I watched some late 80s clips or read recaps. Wasn't Delila origiy a schemer? Too bad they didn't do more with them with her yearning to be a singer in night clubs. I think she did continue singing though.

    Was there anyone else they could have paired Rafe with after she left in 1989?

  12. I was listening to the 1968 Joan Crawford episode. Is anyone able to give further detail on the Valerie/Nick/Joan storyline? Did Nick leave Joan for Valerie and how heavily were they involved?

    And Valerie mentioned Joan paying someone off but not having the money or the brains to do so. What had she lied about and who was helping her in her scheme?

    Thanks in advance!

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