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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. I absolutely hate this Norman Bunker character but I do wonder where they are going with this.

    Carolee and Liz's friendship has been a nice twist. The idea of them as roommates was genius.

    Althea's therapy session was truly nice it was great to see her finally open up about her sons death and what caused her break up with Nick. I like how much in denial she is that she ever loved him.

    I don't want to spoil the story if it hasn't already aired but has the story with Phillip Townsend and Liz already aired? Phillip is listed in the February 1968 script posted earlier in the thread but hasn't been seen yet. Then again the story of Liz drugging herself is what led to the Phillip story and that apparently happened in 1967.

  2. I wish they would do more with John. Does anyone know how long ago he had fallen for Liz? All he does is argue with that jerk Nick and visit Polly.

    I felt TERRIBLE for Carolee, left a third wheel on her own date night. I really really wish we could have seen her and Steve's first date though, they could have cut out some of those long John/Polly scenes.

  3. The show remains top notch. I hope its doing well for RTV. Its nice to "step back in time" and I'm enjoying this so much I could care less to watch the present shows, save B&B.

    Its quite an adjustment to see all the smoking, particularly with the women. That would be so cliche and forced on a soap now

    And I was really shocked at Carolee's line about slitting her wrist over the holiday cheeriness. People say that all the time today but I rarely hear it on TV or soaps I should say.

  4. Caught up in all the episodes and this show is just superb. I can't get enough of it. Maggie and Althea remain my favorites. I love all the therapy scenes.

    The show isn't melodramatic at all. It must have really stood out from say As the World Turns at this time. Although I do love melodrama and over the top soap, they are really impressing.

  5. Loved it! Hope they continue to post despite the freezing.

    Love the 60s fashions and Althea and Maggie are already favorites of mine. I really like this Maggie and just read snw gets recast?

    The Nick and John characters also interest me but Matt has to grow on me. I was back and forth with him.

    Such a pleasure to see a mature soap episode, from the 60s, in color and such amazing quality.

  6. Thanks for posting the latest Lorie clip. Love JLB with the longer hair. This Leslie/Lorie confrontation was better than the last (where Lorie learned Leslie was pregnant with Lance's baby) and it was nice to see Leslie play the piano.

    I've come to the conclusion I'm not a fan of Dennis Cole as Lance. I prefer the little over seen of John McCook.

    And the background music! Love the cue they played in the first five minutes during the Leslie and Loroe scene.

  7. A Nikki question: Did the show ever reveal Edward the stalker's last name? I remember reading that he was from a wealthy family.

    I looked in the anniversary book and he's just referred to as 'her neighbor Eddie' and in the cast list as Edward, played by Paul Tulley.

  8. I don't know - but didn't he introduce Nikki to his mother...who was in an URN???? *cue "Psycho" theme*

    Yes! The clip is on the TV guide website in am interview with Melody on her thirty fifth anniversary. I have been dying to see the entire story since. Lol.

  9. Thanks for posting the music critics ball. Leslie and Lorie looked stunning. That was such a lavish setting. We will never get stuff like that today. B&B comes close but have they ever even had a ball?

    That's the first I've seen of Stuart and Liz together, too bad they were separated and written out. And its always nice to see Jeanne Cooper/Kay! Especially her earlier stuff.

    Yes,I will find those and post...

    Thanks so much!

  10. Thanks for posting more! Is this before or after the funeral scene where Lucas throws open the casket?

    Glad to see the start of more background cues. A lot of the other scenes which were already great would've been even better with those amazing scores in the background.

    So they actually brought the Robert Laurence character back or the actor? I wonder what other random characters came and went.

  11. Thanks for posting! I've always wanted to see this play out and YT only had quick snippets of it. JLB has...interesting acting. She draws you in but is totally over the top.

    Victoria Mallory looks much better with the long hair compared to her shorter hair in the previous clip.

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