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Posts posted by soapfave06

  1. I so enjoyed reading all the feedback 😊


    Now in mid-January 1995 and am enjoying how close Viki is to Larry and Nora as her life slowly crumbles and Sloan's military funeral-wow!!


    I did not watch or read up on 1994 much-how rushed was the story of RJ framing Hank for a 1972 university murder? Seems like this back story had a lot of potential but in a two week period Hank is arrested, RJ gets himself out of prison, Hank stands trial and is acquitted. I rather enjoyed it but seems like there was much more to play on there. 


    Nice to see early Todd and Blair, meanwhile I am lost on what to feel about Andy. Can anyone fill me in on why she was popular?

  2. While $26 million is not a lot for 200+ episodes in a year they could certainly do better at lighting and background in 2021. Half the cast looks better in pictures and less flattering onscreen. People make a living online with no money. 


    With that said they have gotten better in recent years with fall 2015 being the best lighting in at least 12 years IMO. 

  3. Very interesting to think of Eileen as Gabrielle after what she did with Kristen on DAYS, imagine if that never panned out. 


    I would just have loved to have seen Andrea's Tina amidst the darker DID story and Victor's death being revealed, plus the David drama. Idk, also as a huge Tina and Cord fan it's almost hard to see him without her lol and seeing her Tina with Roger's Todd and Kassie as Blair. There should have been so much more to do with Tina I 1995, I would assume. 


    I would have loved to have seen a OLTL without such turnover-Ellen Bethea mesmerize me as Rachel in any scene (more recently Hank stepping down as DA and Nora convincing Rachel to support Hank in the courthouse bathroom) and was such a blow to lose her, I loved Mia Korf as Blair and would have liked to see Kassie as maybe Blair's sister or even an older Kelly. 


    I did also get to see Javier with Rachel begging for drugs and they were living with RJ, he was indeed hot and talented. I guess they already had rapist Todd to fulfill the permanent bad boy position though. 

  4. Thanks Vee and DRW! And wow-I had no idea Tea was brought in as a possible pairing to Antonio and Kevin-hard to picture her outside of Todd despite this being an era I have never had much interest in. 


    I am enjoying Nora and Bo's ties to all the Llanview drama and I am assuming they are pretending to be on opposite sides of the Antonio and Andy crime drama-well actually they just confirmed this onscreen 😊


    As I did not start watching until '06 but enjoy pre-mid 90s the most I wish there was a Gabrielle or Tina esque star power character, I like the cast here but no one seems on that page. 

  5. Watching some 1995 episodes, was the Linda Soto character mainly background or did she get major play? I see her with Antonio as he makes Andy jealous and she was working with Bo to help Andy out but have never heard of her. If she was a Vega family friend I am assuming she was phased out as Tea was brought in?

  6. Will81, that was a great assessment as I didn't really watch before 2009. I kept up in the magazines but nothing grabbed my attention, attempted to get into the show in 2009 but got briefly hooked the summer of 2010-I was so excited to see Amber back only for them to waste her, and loved Brooke sleeping with Oliver as a newer viewer. However I was bored with the umpteenth pregnancy story until late 2011 and totally invested in the Steffy/Liam/Hope triangle and Jacob Young back as Rick. 


    I agree with the other poster who said 2011-2016 wasn't bad. Amber/Rick/Maya had potential and Aly and Oliver were adorable while the Avants were a great addition. But they killed any and all momentum and I lost investment. 


    Had they invested more in business oriented storylines and kept a focus on fashion with some occasional psychological drama instead of monthly PSAs that were poorly written and the same conversation about the main triangle for all characters I think the show could have been on fire. 

  7. Was Janice referring to Michael Storm being a good kisser and enjoying working with him? I thought he did not care for her? 


    Interesting her thoughts on Rauch. Sad. 


    Wonderful to see Ken doing well! Glad you got to hear back from him and he liked that great collage. 

  8. As much as I love 80s OLTL especially Rauch I really wish they had not broken what was so lively and beautiful. I am not huge on the Buchanan's but it would have been nice if maybe they did not consume the show. Its nice to finally see this time period after only having the 1969 episode. 


    I could watch Ellen Holly and Doris Black read the phone book. I can't believe they could not come up with another frontburner story for Ed and Carla after they adopted Josh. Ed could have gotten mixed up in a dangerous investigation. The father or mother of Josh could have came on. Anything. 


    I guess Anna and Jim did not really get much story either outside of being tentpoles. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    I wonder why they dropped Josh as he had the potential for way more story that also would have given Ed/Carla more screentime.

    I guess at that point his only romantic option would be a black character which meant another cast member and that was not seen as important or necessary. Maybe Jack Scott could have a daughter which would have provided  more complications for Carla.

    I never thought of that option. That would have been nice and definitely complicated Carla and Ed's lives. 

  10. Thanks j swift!


    I just finished the April 1977 episode. 


    What a shock to see Lana/Brad/Jenny. These episodes are a real treasure. And Viki/Joe in turmoil. Erika is stunning with the long hair. 


    I really loved this Joshua Hall and thought he had chemistry with Samantha. I did not realize he Todd Davis from GH. How interesting Carla did not want Josh anywhere near Sam. 

  11. OMG this just made my entire weekend. I gave up on ever seeing any new OLTL period especially of this era. 


    I love all the natural touches-the dialogue feels so real, Eileen vacuuming, religious drama but not overdone, characters at work, Tim being a construction worker. 


    Nice to see it in color-especially the bright 70s fashions. 


    Ellen Holly looked stunning, amazing to see the progress over ten years. Carla is not only visiting Anna's house and welcome inside but taking Jenny to a meeting they are attending. So happy to see Anna and Carla's friendship. 


    Also grateful to see Tim and Jenny for the first time. Wow is he handsome and I loved the little go they had at the end. 


    I enjoyed GR as Tony here too. I saw him in the DTR episode but that mixed with the behind the scenes drama blurred him for me. 


    The 1975 episode moved very fast but I would say wasn't plot driven. Just characters going about their day and their ongoing relationship drama. 

  12. I haven't watched classic soaps in a while and wow the community feel to that Michael Delaney storyline is sorely missed. Relationships, point of views, family drama, holidays feeling like holidays. This is unheard of now and I'm sure never to be seen again between the laziness and covid. 


    You would think with the severe budget cuts we would have too much community drama and natural conversations and less BS. Instead we get Sonny and Carly playing soccer mom and dad. 

  13. Genie Francis is literally carrying this entire story on her back. Whoever plays Cyrus was DREADFUL playing those dock scenes with Jason and then learning Florence was kidnapped. 


    Was absolutely fantastic seeing Denise Alexander back. I wish they had utilized her more over the years would have loved a three generations story between Lesley/Laura/Lulu that only soaps can do. It does seem she is able to walk better now or they covered it better. 


    While the show is lacking energy as said above I find it infinitely more enjoyable with Sonny and Julian gone. At this point I would take Jason and Carly taking over the mob in exchange for no more Sonny or hell at least the end of Sonny and Carly. Put me out of my misery. 


    I did enjoy the end of December unraveling of Molly/TJ and Curtis/Jordan. I wish Molly and TJ were better utilized. 


    Despite being very vanilla I do have a soft spot for Chase and Willow 😬

  14. It would have been interesting to see Cathy back in 2005 but at the rate they were going she would have been dead and buried in no time. 


    Watching DAYS recently and thinking back to Marlena in comparison to Viki and how RC has overall kept Marlena at the forefront either through family or having old enemies return and thinking of what could have been with Viki.  


    He did great with the romance with Charlie and there was obvious interference (seemed pretty glaring by 2009-2011) but I would have loved to see Viki getting a good balance of leading The Banner and battling old villains like she did in the late 80s. Obviously not kidnapped every week like Marlena and not Jamie Sanders coming back every 6 months to kidnap someone but I just wonder if there were and how many plans there were for Viki that never came to be. 


  15. Binging through the end of November into early December. I have to admit I only really watch when Laura is on so it has been great seeing Laura back. I am loving seeing Laura recall the past as the Grey mystery builds but definitely Lesley is missing from this. It would have been great to see Lulu more involved and three generations in a story together-something we were neglected and only soaps can give. 


    Nice to see Taggart is alive but WTF with his working with Carly and Sonny. 


    Nice to see the cast being peeled back but they have a long way to go. 


    Ava and Nikolas should be front and center and Carly/Sonny/Jason/Sam can just fall into an abyss for all I care. I can't stomach seeing them as judgemental heroes any longer. I actually miss the Guza writing for them at least it was realistic and they were played for what they were. 

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