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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    It’s not gonna be pretty when Phyllis is revealed to be alive. Not entirely sure what her endgame is.

    At least JG is taking big swings that give people a platform to act these days instead of the constant flatline. 


    I'm slightly invested, primarily because I want to see the fallout from her being found out. If Phyllis doesn't get any comeuppance from this, which is in form for JG, I'll be severely disappointed. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Michael said:

    Ooof, definitely. DAYS was surprisingly strong from fall 2012-fall 2014. I mean, there were duds -- the Jordan story, early Abigail/Ben, the weird disregard for John, Dannifer -- but there was a lot of good stuff going on. The Brady/Kristen and Nick umbrella stories were highlights in particular. Then Sami and EJ left, and we were left with a huge focus on Serena and that damn elephant statue, plus more of Jordan's crew. Things didn't improve until Josh Griffith took over the following summer, and we all know how that turned out...

    It seriously seemed like Jordan/Ben/Clyde were going to be a Austin/Billie/Curtis redux under Tomlin, but Jordan/Ben/Clyde intentions changed each writer that followed. 

  3. AW: I never got the feeling this was much of a family oriented soap (Though I started watching around 92/93), but more about those who come into your life friends/lovers, become your family. It was more about friends and romance than family. Felicia/Cass, Ryan/Frankie, Rachel/Felicia etc. etc. 

    Guiding Light: Also started watching around 92/93, the show was down to earth and about community, family, and friendships. Warmth was the tone of the show. 

    Y&R: Cold. Sharp. Thrilling. Dark. Witty. Lush set designs and score.

    B&B: Light. Flashy. Scandalous. When Sheila was wreaking havoc in the mid 90s, it could also be dark. 

    DAYS: In the 90s was more of a longgggg drawn out romance novel. Later in the 90s it was more of romance mixed in with comedy. 


  4. 28 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    DAYS has never been a show I’ve loved, even though I watched (and was entertained by) the first Reilly era. Soaps already require a healthy bit of suspension of disbelief even when they are more grounded. Sci-fi/fantasy breaks the spell for me, especially when the sci-fi rules are so often inconsistently applied. It’s not like watching something like Doctor Who, which can be silly but is a contained story that breezes by in an hour and dazzles you enough with wit and cleverness that you don’t consider the logical inconsistencies. 

    For me, RC lazily uses sci-fi as an out when he can’t come up with compelling story complications. Let’s have people run around in masks and pretend to be other people in order to break up couples instead of organic conflict rooted in story. Nothing is believable or worth getting invested in. And it doesn’t help that the show is so shoddily made.


  5. I'm interested in this flash forward, however the lead up to it is the least of my concern, what about after Christimas 2023? I really do think the show will lose steam or seemingly meander in trying to properly play all the proper beats once it's revealed who was killed. We'll spend all of 2023 working up to the murder mystery, and then spend all 2024 playing the aftershock of the murder? Yikes. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    I totally miss how textured these shows were when they could afford it. Characters like Miguel, Lynn, John Silva, and Douglas Austin on Y&R or Stavros, Donna, and Ginger on GL added so much dimension (and often lightness and comedy) to those shows. They didn’t need to be involved in deep stories, but someone like Douglas Austin made Victor seem so much more relatable, as their friendship illuminated Victor’s motivations, yearnings, and humanity. 

    GH is the only show that still has a deep roster of recurring characters, but they are used so sparingly that Port Charles doesn’t feel as rich as it could be. Characters need friends who aren’t their exes or family members.


    DAYS has tried to do this at times, with Victor's butler Henderson and Anne Milbauer stirring the pot at the hospital, it was a half @$$ attempt, but an attempt no less in the last few years/decade compared to other shows. 

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