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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. DAYS was a let down this November Sweeps. GH though not perfect, and their storytelling choices leaves plenty to be desired, was somewhat entertaining.  B&B also a let down. Y&R I've been burned by this show so many times, I don't even pay attention to it, though Chelsea's attempt to take her own life and Amanda catching Devon and Abby were written surprisingly well. 


    DAYS: D

    GH: C-

    B&B: F

    Y&R D+

  2. Were Brenda/Sonny the first time they used this troupe of wounded gangster being taken care of his eventual love interest? Sigh. Maybe if they hadn't taken this route, and played them naturally like they were before (Joss and Dex butting heads, the whole scene of her looking in the garbage for Donna's neckless seemed less forced) it wouldn't feel like the writers weren't throwing everything including the kitchen sink to prop these two. 

    I can't help but to get flashbacks of the Ford brothers on OLTL when I see Dex on our screen. A new pet for Frank to prop, and sacrifice other characters for. 

  3. 12 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    -- Now Esme wants to start thinking like her dad. Sorry, but that doesn't mean this actress is capable of playing unginged and dangerous. Mean girl, OK, but this is no super villain.


    The show is trying to make Esme into Nelle 2.0. Nelle wasn't even a character deserving of a clone. It just reads as plot driven and desperate, with no idea as to what direction they want to take Trina/Spencer or Esme.

  4. 17 hours ago, beebs said:

    The time to bring her back was in 2013 when Nick was unravelling. I really wish they'd spun Nick's shooting into a longer term whodunnit, and NOT killed him off in the process (ultimately have Gabi still be the shooter, but set Will, Sonny, Sami, and others as viable suspects). Having Jessica back around this time to help with Nick's recovery and have her and Hope mix it up during the investigation would have helped re-establish her. Have her at odds with Will and Sonny, with Jessica particularly hostile toward Will as he's not only the b*stard of a b*stard, but also gay? It would help explain Nick's homophobia a little better than prison rape, imo.


    Plus, I'd have a recast Josh Fallon come on, still married to Jessica, but with them on the outs thanks to her prissy, uptight, neurotic nature that's manifested itself in smothering Nick, partly why Nick left for Salem - to get away from his mother. I'd have someone like Robert Parucha come on as Josh, and have him eventually start an affair with Hope after Jessica's antics push Joshua far enough away (let's face it, it was never really gonna work with Aiden).


    Buuuut that time is long past.

    Loveeeee this. That entire time period from 2012-2013 was good, but could've been better. Your ideas really tap into one of those missed opportunities. 

  5. 6 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

     I will also say the Harley/Cyrus relationship on GL, which was the last pit stop for an increasingly degraded, hollow Harley. The only entertainment value was the insane rumors surrounding the actors at the time.

    So much of those final years for both ATWT and GL had some of the most preposterous affairs. 




  6. Looking back, Guiding Light had a few well written ones...




    ...and also a few not so well written ones

    Blake and Rick which resulted in the twins

    Rick and Beth while Rick was married to Mel. 

    ETA: So-so 

    Beth and Phillip sleeping together after their plane crash/avalanche. Looking back it wasn't so bad, the subsequent blackmail, tying to Lizzie's cancer, the story had ripple effects for a good 2-3 years, even playing out at the Bauer BBQ when Phillip found out Rick and Harley slept together which produced Jude. 

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