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Posts posted by MichaelGL

  1. 13 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Ehh was a bit disappointed and underwhelmed by TEB’s anniversary episode today other than a couple Sheila clips I don’t even think this episode even highlighted her best clips. Plus having Gloria, Kevin, and Chloe there smirking and mugging, ugh. Should have been just been family dinner with just Michael, Scott, Fen, and Trey at an empty Society or some makeshift home dining room geez. 

    That said Fen and Trey were cute, and Fen should have been gay back in 2012 from the get go. Making him instagay is so lazy but typical of Griffith’s dreck.

    Enjoyed the Mary Williams clip the most. Weird Brad wasn’t acknowledged at all. 

    In a perfect world it would've been Paul and Traci (maybe even Danny) sharing memories with Lauren, with Michael, Scott, Fen, and Trey in the background. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, Noel said:


    So Eric, the priest, decides to bang Jada and Sloane quicker than a New York minute and then decides to pull out a gun and blame Stacy for the "deaths" of Kayla and Kate. I can't remember if Marlena and John have a fireplace in their penthouse, but all Stacy had to do was grab a fire poker and whack him upside the head and tell him to shut his wuss-ass mouth up. He's not going to do anything.


    Ron's attempt at trying to make Eric edgy. The way he's been acting it really wouldn't surprise me if he's fallen off the wagon again. 

  3. ^Same. I liked the villainous three Scott, Ann, and Paul wreaking havoc in Madison. I think if DePriest had stayed, their stories would've wrapped up differently, with some of the stories possibly intersecting. 

  4. I have no doubt that if the show had a steady and consistent writing team in 1975 they would've expanded to an hour that or the following year. The new opening, Nick's brief return and the one hour long episode, it seemed they were gearing up for the idea becoming a reality, but show just couldn't seal the deal. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, Skylover said:

    I like Freddie. But he'll be out there faster than you can say axed, as EE doesn't often give characters a chance. I think he should have a proper storyline, they've clearly hired him for his social media presence but I think he has some decent acting skills so might as well use the character properly.

    I hope Ricky jr is the father of Lily's baby because it will get Sam involved. But I fear Lily lied about who the dad is.

    I have a feeling she lied too. 

    I can't shake the feeling that the show was dropping red herrings with who it could be, maybe not in the scripts, but the direction of the past few episodes. They were switching to Bobby, Freddie, even Harvey while we were watching this play out with Lily/Stacey. Even the Alfie/Stacey brief convo had me wondering if they'd paint him as a possible suspect. 

  6. 1 hour ago, darrell66 said:

    The Sonny/Will scenes was just so annoying in that the show refuse to play the Ben Weston card and that's would have been the perfect time for it.

    Listening to Will going on and on about all the terrible things Leo has done - all of it 100% the truth - and Sonny just sitting there more or less just listening to it without having a truly realistic response by simply saying, "And what about your friendship with Ben Weston?!"

    if Sonny would have done that a floodgate of raw emotions could have been played out. Of course Will will try to justify his friendship with Ben with the weak argument that Ben has changed and that's he was mentally ill at the time. But Sonny would be easily able to crush that argument by retelling Will the night Sonny got the phone call telling him his husband was dead. Through gut wrenching details Sonny could tell Will about the horrifying emotions he went through thanks to Ben's violent actions. But not only did Sonny had to go through the agonizing pain but he reminds Will that their daughter had to go through that pain as well. And you expect me to be perfectly fine with your friendship with Ben?

    For the first time Will could truly understand just how painful his "death" was to the people he loves and how incredibly insensitive his friendship to Ben is to those around him.

    Those would have been some powerful, meaty scenes that both Zack and Chandler could have truly flex that acting muscles. It would have also made the scenes more compelling, more dramatic and much more realistic. 

    I've been watching soaps for a long time and I've seen plenty of crap. But I've also seen crap saved by common sense storytelling by playing to simple logic. Why us it so difficult for Ron to do that?

    This would've been brilliant to watch. 

  7. I was a bit disappointed how they basically ignored Janine/Stacey and Janine/Whitney this go around. Especially the Janine/Whitney angle considering Whitney and Mick always had a "thing".  And with Janine's final scenes with Scarlet, Ricky, and Sonia I'm shocked no one brought up how Janine callously killed Scarlet's father. 

    Overall I did like the episode. The show is strong compared to other UK soaps at the moment, but there are still a few glaring holes in the storytelling and canvas. Hopefully they will work on those over time 

    The episode was their highest viewed episode for Xmas since 2019. And the show is seemingly up compared to last year. 

  8. Really enjoyed the Christmas episode, so I'm looking forward to viewing todays episode and the Victor tribute. DAYS is one of the last few soaps left that still has the capability to be written with heart. 

    Speaking of the xmas episode, I'm not usually fond of ghostly visits, when used by Ron on this soap. I think he uses it way too often and as a substitute to move a plot along. However the visit from Abigail this Christmas was written unlike the other ones, instead was treated with care and the dialogue wasn't as clunky. It just seems like out of all the ghostly visits Ron has written on this show, this was the most justified and gave closure. 

  9. 5 minutes ago, Forever8 said:


    Hayley Sparks (filled in during Ehlers' maternity leaves; May 5, to July 30, 1999; July 18 to August 3, 2001; August 25 and 26, 2002)

    They should've SORAS both Zach and Jude since Leah who was born years after them was now a teenage while those kids were still in elementary school made no sense. They could've had Zach and Jude stay with Buzz and built them up with the teen scene until they found a recast for Harley. 

    Yep, Hayley Sparks! Thanks!

  10. On 10/10/2022 at 5:33 PM, Spoon said:

    Harley.  When Ehlers left they certainly should've recast, SORAS at least one of her sons and appropriately recast Daisy.  Whether you liked Harley or not, she was a big tent pole of the show.  If written out, Harley needed to be gradually phased out and not dismissed with throwaway lines about being in Greece.

    During BE's maternity leave in the early 2000s, they hired a capable and I think charismatic actress to temp for her, the actress's name escapes me, but they should have brought her back when BE vacated the role. 

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