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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 1 minute ago, Sapounopera said:

    BTW the set seems familiar. Is it the apartment in the Bauer house? Kelly and Morgan stayed there when they got married, right?

    I think so, yes. IIRC Claire was living there at the time so Ed and Maureen could keep an eye on her.

  2. The material that Jessica did get in her time on the show is somewhat remarkable considering the conservatism of P&G, yet you do still wonder what could have been. 

    (not even getting into her second run, where she may have been more leading, but I think most of her material was extremely degrading) 

    Yesterday I was thinking about how much I miss the Hughes family Memorial Day barbecues. The holidays are when I miss P&G soaps most of all. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

    May I say how much I love this version of the theme? 

    Does anyone know if that's a beauty shot or was it a scene from the episode?

    Beauty shots are such an underrated part of the daytime soap experience. I'm sorry they didn't keep them for a longer period.

  4. 7 hours ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    Im a bit behind.. I’m still in April..

    The pacing of the show is hit and miss. Sometimes it’s so all over the place but I’m still invested.

    Maeve vs Emmett is definitely one of the better storylines tbh

    I hope Logan returns. He was so funny and charming and I liked him with Monique :( 

    Im so happy to have Boyd actively back in the show but I’m upset his happy ending got screwed for that.

    I am enjoying some of the stories, but I don't really know about as of late - Maeve/Thaddeus is reminiscent of some of the bad comedy they used to give Damo and also clearly filler until she reunites with Viliami (again...), and Phil/Ihaia are so dull and incredibly unpleasant. Most of the strongest stories, aside from Chris' breakdown, feel like they have been wrapped up. Boyd's story in particular felt incomplete to me. I feel like the show swings from being extremely dark (so many characters have lost children in just a few years) to empty, not much in between.

  5. What do you all think of the books? I have a few. I don't think I've ever fully read one, although I've read parts. I wonder how the tone changes in them as the years go by. I read one from the late '00s or early '10s where a big rich man takes over a lot of Cabot Cove and really pushes buttons when he takes over the 4th of July celebrations, complete with his nepo baby daughter wanting to be heavily involved in the patriotic play, and Jessica noting with polite disdain that the band the guy brought in to play has <gasp> long hair </gasp>.

  6. On 5/25/2024 at 1:09 PM, Contessa Donatella said:

    @DRW50 You might be interested. 

    If you do Facebook, I recommend this group to you


    It's Kim Wells's group, new as of this year & she has me as a co-admin just to help her out. And, all it is, is AW full episode uploads. Kim has some stuff not found anywhere else. But, right now all of her uploads are 1990s. You may recall that she had her long-time AW group hacked last year & lost it. So, she is starting again but this time just concentrating on full episodes, not discussion. Although if someone had something to say about an episode I am sure it would be welcome. 

    Edit to Add: Kim's just announced that she's going to begin uploading earlier episodes too. 

    Thanks for letting me know. I'm glad that you are both helping to keep AW alive.

  7. 7 hours ago, P.J. said:

    I did think of one---Sofia Landon Geier, which obviously wouldn't have worked at the time. 

    She definitely had that hard edge. I could have seen her as a temp recast later on.

    9 hours ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    Who you calling flighty?!! I'm only half way serious but if you ever talked to Anna you would know how dead-on serious she was about character, scene analysis, etc. 

    I'm talking about her performances, not her as a person. That's how she played Vanessa and generally how she played Donna - flighty, neurotic. There's nothing wrong with that. It's just not Vanessa in the long term.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Seriously, is it December already?  Because that's been the time of the year when we have so many frequent, high-profile deaths.

    Reminds me a bit of how 2016 and 2020 played out. I'd say it's election year turmoil, or climate change, or the general dispiriting vibe in this country, but I know that's too easy; its probably just many factors converging.

  9. 2 hours ago, P.J. said:

    It would be interesting to see if any other notable names were considered. But I agree--I can't really see anyone else in the role. Someone like Anna Stuart had the same look, but is so distractingly different when she subbed in during the Diane Ballard murder case.

    Anna was a flightier actress. Maeve had more of an iron rod, even when Vanessa was more lightweight early on.

    I can't imagine anyone else as Vanessa either - maybe Christine Jones.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    HOJJ was posted in the previous Proposed Soap thread which was archived.

    Charles Gussman and Charles Irving worked together on SFT a few years later. Catherine McLeod had been a B movie actress in the 40's.

    Broadcasting 31st Jan 1955

    Official Films Inc., N. Y., has completed two conditional sales for The Heart of Juliet Jones, five- day -a -week quarter -hour soap opera film series. Contract contains clause giving Official 60 days to negotiate sufficient number of sales to make production feasible. Sales were to KSD -TV St. Louis and Texas iv station.

    Obviously they couldn't get enough stations interested.

    Thanks for the extra info.

    27 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    I am pretty sure there was a thread in the cancelled soaps thread about ¨Juliet Jones" many years ago. This version looks a little clearer, but I may be imagining things. I think it was being proposed as a syndicated show. 

    I have vague memories, mainly of the scene with Juliet and beau, but so much runs together for me...

    As mentioned above, looks like it was posted here a little over a decade ago. Glad it popped up again, at least. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Bright Eyes said:

    Looking it up, it was based on a very successful comic strip that lasted from 1953 all the way to the year 2000! 

    The close up of Pop was strange, but the worst choice was to not end the episode with the reaction from the show's namesake for the series' first cliffhanger. That's just bad soap opera.

    That's a good point.

    I've heard of Juliet Jones, vaguely, but never read it. This is pretty early after the strip started - I guess it must have been a big hit from early on.

  12. 9 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Also, wasn’t Pinkins around at least until spring ‘86? The Doug Cummings story wrapped in ‘86, right? And Heather had that jarring scene with Doug…wasn’t that in ‘86? The article got the dates wrong.

    IMDB has her up to August 1st. Around that time would make sense as in the episode posted on this page Roy mentions looking for her. 

    Her exit always feels so abrupt to me (lack of context probably not helping). It's a shame they didn't keep her around. 

    I haven't watched her Locher Room interview yet. I am glad someone got to spill some tea on that podcast. 

  13. Thanks to @Liberty City for posting this elsewhere.

    Catching Up With AMC/ATWT Alum Tonya Pinkins - Soap Opera Digest

    I remember Ernie Pysher writing an SOD article around 1984 or 1985 about how bad the backstage atmosphere was. I guess he wasn't the only one who felt that way.

    Not to be discouraged, she auditioned for two other soap operas in the following weeks, and booked ATWT, working alongside some of the top names to come out of daytime, including Meg Ryan (ex-Betsy), Marisa Tomei (ex-Marcy), Julianne Moore (ex-Frannie/Sabrina) and Steven Weber (ex-Kevin).

    “We were the kids,” Pinkins says. “[Late Head Writer] Doug Marland was a great, great writer, but there was a culture there that was incredibly toxic. It was like the writers were reading all the soap mags and finding out what was going on in people’s real lives and putting that into the show. It was very tense.”

  14. 15 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    Is there any of Alan and Rita's affair online? I haven't found anything.

    I think there may be an episode near the end of that story but not much. The most I ever remember seeing was this anniversary special clip at about 4 and a half minutes.

    (I watched that special so many times back then)

  15. I'm still confused at Buzz and Olivia on GL, although maybe they weren't that bad, I don't know.

    Brooke and Dimitri on AMC (the first time around), although I thought Nader and Julia Barr had chemistry.

    Emmerdale is full of these types of couples, to the point where it's a joke to a lot of fans. 

    Kevin and Laura on GH.

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