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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 2 hours ago, TheyStartedOnSoaps said:

    Check out The Locher Room new show about Stand Up 2 Cancer - several actors take part - including Erika Slezak - her first interview since her daughter died

    Though Erika was appearing on the show to talk about her Breast Cancer Storyline on OLTL - towards the end the host offers his condolences - and Erika cuts him off saying she doesn't want to talk about it

    But she does make it a point to thank fans for huge amount of  cards and letters she has received, and to let the public know how she appreciates all the support she has gotten

    But it is obvious she is still grieving and the last part of her interview where she briefly talks about it - is devastating. 

    I did watch yesterday (there were a number of OLTL alum involved). You could see how much Erika was struggling. Kudos to her for still being willing to appear.

  2. 13 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Again, that's fair.  I was a Sonny, Jason, and Carly fan back in 99/00.  In fact, I am pretty sure I enjoy Sonny, Carly, Jason still more than most on this board even though I absolutely see their faults and can realize they are over played.

    I still stand by the fact GH was pretty solid for me until 2003.  

    Guza was left to his own devices for far too long and I did disagree with a lot of the material he put out.  I still knew he was capable of more if reigned in and I am not sure CVE and EK are.

    That's fair. It's very dull to hear someone say, "Oh you were wrong about material you enjoyed," and I definitely don't mean to come across that way. I do remember how in the '00s the show managed a number of very strong scenes.

  3. 8 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I really get everyone's criticisms with Guza.  You all make valid points and I don't disagree.  There were serious issues with the show when he was in charge.  But it was more entertaining and more memorable than anything we've had in the last 7 or 8 years.  I am not saying GH should re-hire Guza, but at least the man knew how to write a sweeps event even if the main players were generally Sonny, Carly, Jason.  

    I haven't rewatched, but one of the reasons I stopped with GH regularly in the early '00s was because I genuinely thought 1999 and 2000 were two of the dullest years I'd ever seen on a soap. The closest might have been ATWT and GL in their real doldrums around 1994. If I had to see one more person wandering around the docks looking bored or one more slo-mo shootout for Emmy submission or one more "it's my house/I bought it for you" or Ned going on about "gatekeeping" or Emily berating everyone over the glory of Jason I might have lost my mind.

    I imagine "Guza unleashed" was more exciting for people, but when the excitement mainly involves which young woman that month is going to be murdered (or raped - or raped and later murdered), in-between mob fantasies, Jason harems, Tony Geary jerkoff material and speed running through vet corpses...I just don't want to see it. 

    I do know if people have watched on a daily basis in recent years they might miss those days more. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    He coasted for me for years after how good his 1996 and most of 1998 were. I just kept waiting to see that guy again. Glimpses during events like Brenda’s first return, the  Metro Court and Scrubs/refocus on the Hospital. But nothing like his earlier runs.

    I didn't even care about most of 1998 so that's how I knew he just wasn't for me, but I respect those who did admire his work. 

  5. 2 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    For all the talk about how boring it has been (and I am not denying that it lacked action), did any of you watch during the latter half of Guza?

    It was miserable people being miserable between sweeps months, doing essentially nothing. While being explored nearby daily (look at the episode counts!), Sonny, Jason and Carly had very little evolution during that entire decade. The changes that did come were due to Carly recasts, and eventually the arrival of Dante as a fourth lead with the same counts.

    The scripts were better back then, it had more depth. It had entertainment factor during sweeps, but that was it for me. At least some of these people smiled and for once Sonny was being treated like the monster he is. 

    I'd say that describes most of Guza's run, which is a reason why I would not ever want him back. He hated soaps and he especially seemed to hate GH as the years passed. His scripting team deserves the credit for any of the better moments.

  6. 24 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Everyone knows PM is/was a superb dialogue writer. But, his HW experiences at both GL and GH were never set up for success as far as I can tell with both shows being a messy situation behind the scenes during his HW-ing stints. I don’t think he ever really got a fair shot as both instances were messy and he didn’t have producers that supported him or whose vision gelled with his.

    Did anyone think Chris and Dan moved the needle at all on this show? Does anyone except Korte to turn this show around? I don’t. PM being fired doesn’t mean GH is in for some type of renaissance, especially with people like both Valentini and Korte who’ve already been there for years and likely to just keep the status quo going. A lot of GH’s issues started before his stint and will continue after. 

    I agree that the show lacks energy and momentum, but is that all down to PM? When there are internal conflicts, little gets done. If Korte wants to be a yes woman to Valentini and Varni, I don’t see how that would be beneficial for the show either. 

    That's the key part - the idea that Chris and Dan were fired to roll out the red carpet for Mulcahey baffles me. The show had real problems. That's why someone stepped in and made some token changes (instead of going as far as they should have). We could say viewers didn't respond to his work, but we don't even know how much of that work was his. You can say oh the writing for women regressed, or things were dull, or there was too much focus on Jason and Carly rather than Jason and anyone else, but most of these were issues years before he returned to the show. 

    Even most of the fan complaints I saw didn't blame him - they threw the blame squarely at Korte, because many of those fans know her trademarks and were seeing them all over the episodes. So even most of them know that nothing positive has come from this decision.

  7. 12 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Interesting to hear they allegedly scrapped an Aiden/Laura coming out scene for 'more Jason' as part of the BTS conflict.

    I actually do think they need more of Jason's story because it's the only main primary mover on the show for months, but that's a shame. There's tons of other crap to cut instead of that key SL. But I would happily kill Jason again.

    I wonder if that's just a cover to justify them moving away from a story they were never going to be comfortable with.

  8. 10 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    The problem remains: ARE THERE any writers still out there who even have formidable reputations any more? All the greats have either passed away or are retired.

    I guess people could hope for Sri Rao again.

  9. 16 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Are they? I haven't seen any evidence of that. And I think the only reason his job is safe is because PM's is done.

    I've seen people suggest he is moving toward Alexis.

  10. I thought it might be Tabyana Ali, although admittedly I'm not sure she's "beloved" outside of a part of GH Twitter. Becky makes a lot of sense, especially now that the show is moving Finn (whom they are still invested in) elsewhere. I could see Cynthia Watros or Maura West going too.

  11. 2 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Ha, and if a completely new writing team does happen, it will still probably be filled with friends of FV or upping people already writing for the show. 

    I wonder what Dena is doing these days...

    (sarcasm aside, I genuinely do not know)

  12. I wonder how much Korte has written the stories all by herself this whole time, with Mulcahey mostly just writing certain angles or scenes. 

    Regarding The Gates - looking at the track record of soaps in the last 30+ years, it's not much to hope for. The only thing I want to believe is TPTB will be patient with ratings and that they will trust Michele Val Jean. And I know that's a lot to ask, but it's all we have.

  13. 11 minutes ago, vetsoapfan said:

    The GH cast is top-heavy and bogged down with a huge number of irrelevant and/or burned out characters who need to be pruned away, pronto. I've entertained myself more than once by taking cast lists of the various soaps and crossing out the names of all the characters whom I feel could/should be shown the door.

    I think GH has long had some weaker actors compared to other soaps, but the difference in earlier years was the structure could support them. You haven't had that structure which was a part of keeping GH going up to the '90s. I don't think most of the younger cast are any more dull or wooden than, say, Jon Hensley (as I saw him mentioned) was for years and years when he was younger, but current GH is not close to what ATWT was in the mid/late '80s and early '90s, so the likes of Dex or Joss stand out more.

  14. 29 minutes ago, Vee said:

    That too, especially with Tracy. And her burgeoning relationship with Stella.

    There were almost always decent or good scenes sprinkled into the show when I looked in on it occasionally before this. I'm sure there will be again. But this was the first time I'd watched daily in years with the exception of last February's Spencer/Trina Ice Princess adventure, which was silly but fun. For most of the time since 2015 I've only kept up with the show in intermittent clips or the very occasional spate of episodes here and there if something or someone caught my interest. Unless something massive changes at this show, that's what I'll be going back to.

    There were moments which were pleasant surprises, like Bobbie's funeral, and even that they finally did try with Trina and Spencer, but I mostly wish it didn't have to feel like an anomaly. 

    To be honest I'm not sure I remember ever thinking of Korte as a standout writer even with decades on the show.

    I do appreciate what we had with Stella. I know some fans feel some of her scenes should have gone to Portia, but I'll take any Vernee Watson I can get.

  15. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I think she's been a mix for awhile now really, but the writing for her was much more intelligent and nuanced since the writers' change.

    The glimmers of stuff that felt a lot like PM to me - the really wonderful series of scenes about Marshall's misdiagnosis; Trina's long series of monologue segments at Spencer's gravesite; Drew and Nina's business/political canoodling and possibly this Ross Marler-esque political setup for Drew Q - and just the enhanced focus on families and connectivity and character really stood out, as well as righting the scales re: Sonny however clumsily it was done at times. Maxie especially improved tremendously. But there was also a ton of random mess. You can't tell me PM was invested in the Home and Heart/QVC 'Let's Pay For My Daytime Friends' Insurance' Showcase stuff.

    The tender material with Gregory feels like it might have been more from Mulcahey. 

    I had forgotten Lane Davies was coming back. I guess they will just stick Finn with Alexis, but hopefully they can' find something worthwhile for Lane. Or at least not make him use a Colonel Sanders accent like MEK.

    I think what's most disappointing is now you won't even be able to look forward to those glimmers of quality or wondering what might be. Now you are just going to be shocked if there's one scene that doesn't feel lifeless or agenda-laden.

  16. 8 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    You didn't think the scene between Nina & Ava wasn't top notch writing for both actresses?!!! Well, I did. 

    I was talking about the general treatment of the character. Frank and company apparently didn't see that as the right scene, whether we did or not.

    2 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Well given it was Van Etten pitched the Heather's hip poisoning her story, I don't hold out much hope, they seem to want to redeem her lol 

    The only part of the story that could be interesting is the consequences for Laura, but it mostly seems like a way to keep a plot device psycho on the show, or an actress they like.

    1 minute ago, Khan said:

    My hunch: Nathan Varni (or someone else at the network level) decided a change was needed and went to PM, given his reputation, with the promise of being allowed to write the kind of material he wanted.  Frank Valentini, however, had other ideas.

    That and firing Howarth. I wonder if there was any clashing over plans to get rid of the other pet (Easton).

  17. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    I guess it's time to trot out Megan Ward's terrible acting as Ghost Connie (sorry, I loved her in the 2000s but every appearance she's made since in this role has been dreadfully bad) to make Ava cry and weep and do penance for her natural self once again so they can reset the character to 'kind of nice and friendly with everyone, actually.'

    I really have been out of the loop. I didn't even know that was a thing. 

    They probably deserve Broadway legend Kelly Sullivan.

    Ava is one of many characters on this show where it just seems like she exists for the sake of a few thrown together scenes to appease her Twitter fans rather than actually going anywhere. I guess that's the future of the show, for worse or worse. 

  18. 1 minute ago, Soapsuds said:

    It's on life support until ABC pulls the plug. It might come soon if The Gates blasts GH out of the water come January.

    I think the days of soaps being that level of competition to each other, or anyone else, are long gone, although if it gives ABC an excuse to pull the plug and put on GMA Part 394 they might try. Ideally I would have thought that they brought Mulcahey in and made some other changes, like dumping Howarth, because they knew they had to shape up with a new soap on the way, but clearly that isn't the case. 

    Good a writer as Mulcahey is (even if not necessarily as headwriter), he alone was never going to be enough to genuinely fix the show. I guess that will never happen, but if it does, it's going to take a big turnover. Not Korte, Von Etten, or other grinding mediocrities waiting out the clock.

  19. 1 minute ago, dragonflies said:

    This show has no hope as long as Frank continues to run it(into the ground)

    The show is locked into the same lose-lose position as Goutman at ATWT and Wheeler at GL - Frank is not going to improve the show, he is incapable, but he is also likely the only reason the show is still on.

  20. 8 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Yeah, for me, that was another, earlier sign (earlier than Van Etten's name showing up again) that something was amiss.  Since I don't have to be polite anymore about it, I'll just say that I thought that idea (the poisoned hip) was junk from the beginning and smacked of the kind of idiotic bullshit that Van Etten would come up with.

    And not just him showing up, but the claims that he was fired and suddenly we got "oops he was there all along," like he was kept in a glass case marked Frankmergency. I wonder if Mulcahey was being undermined from the start as Frank didn't want him, like what Paul Rauch may have done to Claire Labine at GL

    4 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:

    And it's obvious that Jason's return has been a big flop and no fault of PM.

    People are tired of Jason.

    Absolutely. I know some fans were disappointed because he wasn't thrown back at Sam and Liz, but even if he had been, that ship has sailed. You can't rely on 20-25 year old memories. And the future scene the show could have built up, like Trina or Cam, the show has no interest in. 

    Maybe they can dredge up more relatives for Carly and hope they luck into finding wonderful actors as that is seemingly the only path the show has these days.

  21. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    FV clearly never was behind this hire or losing his trained writers, which is why Van Etten is back. The show was much improved but also deeply schizophrenic and stuck in the mire. Now Frank gets to keep control and reset. Sad, predictable but I don't have to watch it.

    I can't pretend I was watching regularly, but I did have more interest in the show again, after ignoring it (more out of apathy than any rage) for most of the last decade, but the analyses and interest from you and others in this thread did help capture my interest again. It could never last, but it was a nice dream. 

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