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Posts posted by DRW50

  1. 5 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    The author of the book mentioned how he didn’t watch the show in the early years and only saw them on Soapnet. He started watching in real time later in the run. And he also admitted his love of Delia, from when he started watching the show.

    I think if you are a Delia fan you will see those characters differently. It's a credit to NAA that I was still a fan of Jill's in spite of how much the show played one-sided games with the ladies in the early years. I was never much of a fan of the other characters the show used Delia to prop.

  2. 13 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Tony had a pretty strong arc with Carly/Michael and then his breakdown although one could argue the character never really came back from that.

    It's a mixed bag for me because I don't think most of that was framed as being about Tony in the end. I think Labine was the last writer who cared about him. If he had had a different fate after Guza's return I would probably rank him higher on their scale of importance.

  3. 4 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    Mac was definitely at least a B level lead during Monty through the first couple of years of Labine. I feel he slipped more into supporting during the Stone storyline, and while onscreen wasn’t really a lead again after that for the most part.

    The show put him front and center during the Ryan/Felicia storyline. And before that there were times I felt he was a newbie shoved down viewers throats.

    AJ barely had a story of his own other than alcoholism. I would say up to 1995 Mac was B tier and AJ was C. 

    The main difference for me between AJ and Mac in that period was that while AJ wasn't a lead, he also had distinct traits that did set up story for him and those around him. His feelings for Keesha, his inept business activities, how he impacted Jason, Ned and his parents, etc. Mac was mostly just there, often to react to others or to be a boyfriend.

    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I think I would consider Mac B-tier.  I would clump Ned, Jax, Tony and Alan at the same level during the 90's.  All of these guys drove big stories, but had periods where they weren't doing a whole lot.

    Although I can't recall a "Mac" driven story after 1998 and the Tale of 2 Macs.

    Honestly I think it's harder to rank the woman on the show. To me there are a lot more iconic woman from this show than men.

    I was torn on where to put Tony, but I feel like the show mostly stopped writing for him after Labine left and then his story mostly became about what drove plot for other characters. 

    I feel like Jax was at heart a B character and Ingo a B actor, but the show wanted him to be an A (for a while, anyway - not after Vanessa's '03 departure).

  4. 8 hours ago, Vee said:

    Which was what was baffling to me. On paper I thought the idea was fun and buzzy for the show, but it quickly became clear Franco just wanted to piss on the show and they just kept giving him more airtime and big setpieces because Guza and Phelps were starstruck. I'm sure people remember that big MOCA thing with Franco's weird-ass Hollywood friends and it was certainly more entertaining than a lot of the last decade, but let's at least have some self-respect, GH.

    He was the perfect fit for Guza and JFP as like them (especially Guza) he saw himself as being above soaps and his delusions were much higher than his actual talent level. I wonder if they actually thought he was going to bring a ratings boost. They even hired his mother. Just a horrible man for a horrible era.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    I don't know why GH is bothering with Heather, a 60 plus character with a convulated backstory not played by the original actress with tenuous links to the current canvas.

    If they want to reference the past there are plenty of other characters that could be brought on.

    Feels like a case where some up high just love Alley Mills and don't want to lose her (probably also why she stayed on B&B so long). Nothing against Alley Mills, but Heather isn't worth it.

    I would say Mulcahey, but I don't think he alone would have that power.

  6. 9 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    Didn't most of Sonni/Solita play out during the '88 writers strike? I didn't think Long wrote a lot of that.

    Yes. I think she wrote the end of that story, and then was starting to pair Sonni/Roger when Michelle Forbes left. 

    I think she did a good job with Harley too but I'm not sure how she felt about her.

  7. 4 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    I've never watched her time at AW, and actually didn't realize she lost to people on her own show. On GL, I think Alex is a lot tougher role with many more layers. I'd almost argue that Alex and Reva are the only two women Long really liked writing for. They're the only ones who consistently drive story.

    I do wonder if she enjoyed writing for Sonni/Solita, or if she just saw her as a plot-mover. I know some fans felt she enjoyed writing for Holly too but we probably don't have enough evidence to decide.

    You're right that Alex is a tougher role to play, or was in those years, anyway, before JFP arrived. Beverlee did so much to get all the nuances going.

  8. 2 minutes ago, j swift said:

    But the question with regard to the book is did people think that in 1975, or is that a 2024 interpretation in hindsight? Of course this is purely rhetorical, because we don't have a time machine, and I can't find a 1975 review that mentions the concern.

    To me the characters are even called out on the show at times for this, it's just the actresses carry the flaws off.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I don't know about that. I think Mac was definitely an A or B-list lead until 1997 or so.

    I probably would have ranked it as:

    A-tier: Robert (until he was gone), Sonny, Luke, Jason (post-accident) etc.

    B-tier: Ned, AJ

    C-tier: Mac somewhere around or maybe above Tony or Alan (Jason was probably here pre-accident)

    You could probably clump those together though.

  10. 20 minutes ago, BrendaB said:

    Having said that, it's inexcusable how the actor playing Michael has gotten all flabby.  If John York (Mac) looks great shirtless, plus almost the whole male cast (Drew, Jason, Dex, Curtis) that's older than him, then he needs to lay off the alcohol and get back to the gym.

    I'm not sure it matters. The biggest sex symbol in GH history was Tony Geary, who never spent all the time in the gym. JJY always looked great but was still never seen as being above a C-level by the show. Dex, Drew and Curtis are all disliked or non-entities for many viewers, and Jason was never popular with viewers because of his shirtless scenes - it was mostly down to his leading ladies and the idea pushed through Guza of how soulful he was.

    I don't think Michael has ever been a compelling character. He was a suffocating plot device, and then under DG became a big overexposed ham, and under Duell has mostly just been there. 

    If we're talking cosmetics, I'd say give him a new hairstyle. I don't really care about his body. 

    If not for his being one of the only living Quartermaines, I would have killed him off many years ago. They probably should have done so and just sent Morgan packing rather than killing him.

  11. 34 minutes ago, P.J. said:

    But ATWT did drastically increase it's location shooting the last three years. What I never understood was why/how ATWT's looked so much better than GL's. They were supposed to be the same equipment. GL seemed to pick every crummy spot in Peapack and shot it, simply to have it in the can. ATWT at least seemed to put some thought into choosing it's locations.

    Was Suzy Cote the world's best ingenue? No. But she did bring a sensible sweetness to Samantha. Whether that should've been the personality of Jackie and Justin's child.....is up for debate. But in a way, I was grateful Ross had a chance to "raise" her before Dinah came back to town a complete trainwreck.

    It's undoubtable unfair to blame Gus on Wheeler. He may have even been dead before she took over as EP. But he was insufferable. I reserve the right to throw it out there at every opportunity.

    I found it impossible to like Jon/Tammy. Jon was a rageaholic. He had sex with his cousin to lash out at his mother. The entire dysfunctional plot around him (which I believe at one point included Cassie trying to set him up for raping her) was disgusting. GL spent years dealing with the consequences of rape (Holly, Rita and Beth's) and to have Tammy make excuse after excuse for Jon's behavior was like watching a prequal to Holly/Roger. No thanks. 

    As for KZ...there's no denying the talent. In the hands of a lesser actress, Reva could have easily veered into a shallow, home-wrecking whore that's done by year three. But it's a lot easier to find her over-the-top moments than these quiet, more grounded ones. Sometimes I do wonder though, if a) she would have all those emmys if Beverlee McKinsey had submitted or b) if Reva would've been as popular without Josh. I don't think Robert Newman gets nearly enough credit in that pairing. 

    ATWT did look better but I never really noticed because I just thought the material was so bad. I remember toward the end they had James Rehborn in a location shoot as a homophobic relative of Reid's, or something - I don't know, maybe I've mixed it all up.

    I tended to prefer Reva away from Josh because I thought he was so sanctimonious and cold.

    I do think Beverlee deserved those Emmys more than Kim, but after she repeatedly lost at AW to women from her own show it felt like they were sending her a message.


  12. On 5/3/2024 at 4:32 PM, j swift said:

    I share your surprise, and it is a lingering concern about the book that both characters are referenced as strident and judgmental by the author, without a source validating that is how they were interpreted by the audience.

    As I mentioned, I could see why women at home might align themselves with Delia over Jill.  But, I think we can all agree that the Claire Labine's intention was to portray both women, and their choices, as being aspirational.

    I've never read the book, and I'd say both characters, especially Mary, were often strident and judgmental. The actresses, at least when Kate played Mary, balanced the writing, but it was always there to me. I think Jill was a difficult character to write because she was aspirational but we also never stopped hearing about how sad and lonely she was. 

    Anyway, I don't know if this was ever posted here before. It's a few minutes of a live recording from September 18, 1979.


  13. 13 hours ago, Sapounopera said:

    Kissing cousins, SORAS going crazy with Susan Lemay being the same age as Leah Bauer, depressing stories, claustrophobic sets, Reva having another baby, creepy opening, Cooper-mania, yet the show could have been saved... until the new model premiered. 

    ATWT never had a new model and it only lasted about a year longer. I wish both shows were still on - I'd bring both back if The Gates does OK - but they were lucky to have survived as long as they did, especially GL.

  14. 7 hours ago, P.J. said:

    Her list of offenses against soapdom is long...Jammy, Otalia, firing JvD, Gus Aitoro, etc etc etc.

    The only good thing she did was bust up Vanessa and Matt, and I speak as a Billy/Vanessa fan. :) 

    Do you mean she made Gus worse? I know he was around several years before her arrival. I never had a great deal of interest in him whoever was producer at the time. 

    I didn't have a big problem with Otalia, other than the obvious censorship and how much the whole "groundbreaking" element and feverish fan support obscured all the contrivances in the story. I think other than Billy/Vanessa and maybe Dinah/Mallett I was just not interested in any couples on the show by the time I tuned back in, so I didn't have as much resentment as fans who stuck it out all through the '00s might have. 

    I tend to agree with @VelekaCarruthers that the fatal damage was done in the mid '90s, and also that ATWT had a worse writing staff...not that it justifies the terrible choices made under Wheeler. Still, I believed at the time she ended the show better than many could have, even with the various flaws, and every soap finale since hasn't proved me wrong.

  15. Thank you for the info and photos. I'm glad as many people turned out as did. That love and loyalty is what kept AW on the air for those last 20 years and what keeps it alive today.

    Broke my heart when I remembered Anne Heche couldn't be there.

  16. Now that I've seen this clip again, I can have another marvel at the choice to have wind effects for realism but no indication that Jack standing right next to a window and shattering it to pieces might cause him some physical harm. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Is that available on YT?  I haven't actually watched those scenes, but I'd like to very much!


    There are probably more clips (I'm not sure) but I didn't want to clog the thread.

    Memories of first watching a decade ago is probably overhyping them, but I think Monty's era, at least in that period, was able to have a certain rawness in those moments to make the docks seem dangerous, whereas later on I just felt like they turned a fog machine on and put a few crates in the background.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Compared to some of these sets I miss those foggy docks these days. A lot.

    I totally understand why - I feel that way when I watch the late '70s or even through a good portion of the '80s. The scenes of Paddy Kelly being stabbed are disturbing and almost feel like something that could happen in real life, with the atmosphere and dread. By the '90s, especially the late '90s, everything starts seeming too fake for me. Admittedly, it probably looks like cinema verite compared to what we have now.

  19. Thanks for the responses. Blaze is a very dated name for current performers - she should change it.

    2 minutes ago, John said:

    GH prior 2002 was all about families and the communities that made up Port Charles and the Hospital. Whomever the hell allowed Sonny and the Mob to take over GH from 2002-2012 is why fans are confused. Sonny is a mob boss. Most of the town should not want him around.

    I'd say 2002 is generous. I remember some fans joking in the late '90s about how the docks got more airtime than the hospital.

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