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Very good episode yet again you guys. I loved the interaction between Nicole & Caroline. It's good to see things play out in your head while reading them. I've always liked Nicole and wish she would return on the real DAYS. I'm interested in what Jean & Alyson have to say about Eric. Bitch better not have had a baby or nothin....
Endgame- Episode 78-80 Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith Jennifer Snyder <HR> Monica slowly walks down the hallway of General Hospital. People stop and whisper to their friends as she walks by. Obviously word of her affair with Kevin has gotten around now. Monica's tempted to try and do damage control, but a part of her is glad that everything is out in the open. No longer does she have to hide her feelings for Kevin, but now she can be free from the guilt she has felt these past few months. Or can she? Monica's plans with Kevin were to just take it as it went. Maybe Kevin wanted more, but Monica wanted to live life in the moment. To say Alan's heart attack has changed her outlook would be an understatement. All of the feelings she thought she no longer had for Alan began to come back to the surface. "Old habits are hard to break," she tells herself while getting onto the elevator. The doors close and Monica leans her head against the wall. "Why is did this have to happen? Why now?" Monica tries not to make herself feel guilty, but a part of her knows that she's indirectly responsible for Alan's condition. <HR> Jason enters the waiting area and brings Emily a cup of coffee. She thanks Jason for being so kind, and for being patient with her during her little tirade against Monica. Jason feels that everyone is entitled to their own feelings, and doesn't want to tell someone how they should feel. Their conversation is interrupted by AJ & Skye. "Why are you giving mother such a hard time Emily? She's not perfect, we all make mistakes. I think she should be shown the same consideration," says AJ snapping at his little sister. "We're all upset, but you had no right to off on her like that." Emily puts her cup down and stands up. "I have the right to go off on whoever I damn well please. As someone who's been cheated on, I know how it feels to have your trust betrayed. To feel as if you weren't good enough. And that's what Monica has done to our father." AJ laughs and cocks his head to the side. "You mean the way you made Zander feel when you decided to shack up with Nikolas?" AJ feels the glare from Emily's cold eyes. "I think you're in no position to criticize." Jason doesn't take too kindly to AJ talking to Emily the way that he is. "What Emily did to Zander was in the past. It's sucks, but she knows what it's like from both ends." "The king of hypocrisy himself speaks. You're not in a position to pass judgment either Jason. You stole your brother's child and gave him to a criminal and whore!" Jason tosses a blank stare towards Skye's direction. "If you wanna bring that up Skye, go right ahead. But from one kid stealer to another, maybe you should back the hell up." "Monica should not be raked over the coals for having a moment of weakness. It happens to the best of Jason," Skye says. "I don't approve of what she did, but I'm not going to hold her over the fire either." "A moment of weakness happens once. Not multiple times. That's something I don't get. We've been down this road before and I supported our mother. I'm not happy with her actions and no one is going to make me feel otherwise." <HR> At the Scorpio house, Maxie makes her way to the front to answer the door. Much to her surprise, Robin is there, wanting to pay a visit to the family. The two girls catch up on what's been going on in each other's lives. Robin shares with Maxie that she and Patrick are moving in together and that for the first time since they've been an item, she feels as if they truly have a future together. Maxie asks Robin, if that's the case, why doesn’t she look too happy? After a few moments of silence, Robin reveals that she may be pregnant. Maxie is floored by Robin's statement. She immediately goes into concern mode, wondering of the baby will be ok, given Robin's HIV status. Robin says that nothing is concrete yet, but based on her calculations, she could be about two months pregnant. <HR> At Titan, Jax is speaking with a representative from a recently acquired company. "Thank you, I'm looking forward to making this transitions as seamless as possible," says Jax with his thick Australian accent. "Don't worry, your president of talent relations will fit in quite well here. I intend to make sure that this person settles in and gets acclimated to Port Charles quickly." Jax hangs up the phone and straightens up his office. His shuttle service should have picked up the newest Titan employee by now, and will be here at any moment. <HR> Monica signs the visitor's log and prepares to make her way to Alan's room. She enters the hall that leads to his room but is stopped by security. Monica is confused as to what's going on, and demands answers from those keeping her from Alan. Security tells Monica that they've received orders from Mr. Edward Quartermaine and Mrs. Tracy Quartermaine-Spencer to bar anyone not on the approved visitors list. Monica angrily pulls her arm away from the guard and tells him off. The guard hands Monica her purse and asks her to leave. "I see you've met our security," snaps a voice from behind, "I'm glad to know I'm getting my money's worth." <HR> Back at Titan, a knock on the door prompts Jax to invite the person in. "Come on in, the door's unlocked!" Jax, with his back turned to the door, is so focused on the paperwork on his desk, that he didn't see the person enter his office. "Have a seat please, I'll be with you in a moment," Jax says without looking up. "It's ok, take your time," the familiar voice says. Jax drops the papers on the floor. "Your voice sounds very familiar." "It should….you almost married me." Jax spins around in his chair and is shocked to find that the newest member of Titan Enterprises is no one other than the former love of his life, Brenda Barrett!!! Note: Brenda will be played by Gina Tognoni <HR> Monica turns around and sees Edward glaring at her! "Edward there's no need for this. I'm Alan's wife. I have a right to see him." "You lost all rights to my son when you decided to shack up with that Kevin Collins." "You have no right to do this Edward." "Actually I do. I may not come after you the way Tracy did, but I will make you suffer for literally breaking my son's heart." It's obvious how painful it is for Edward to speak these words to Monica. She's been a part of their family for years, but enough is enough. He has to stand his ground. "If you come near Alan again, you will be arrested." <HR> Next….on Port Charles - Jax is floored by Brenda's return - Carly arrives to GH just as Jason needs her the most - Liz & Sam watch as Jason is comforted by Carly - Epiphany is thrilled when Lainey asks Stan out on a date
Excellent previews daysfan. I'm looking forward to reading your stories. DAYS is a very interesting soap with such rich history. The fact that you're putting your own spin on the history by including other soaps in it is very unique and I think will work out great for you and your readers.
Great cliffhanger aMLC. Do you think we could get together and talk on AIM sometime about your blog? I have some questions (and some suggestions) I'd like to pass your way.
Executive Producer Breaks Silence; Backstage Shake-Up
Ryan commented on Josh's blog entry in The Guiding Light
I'm sad to see Dan go, but I believe you'll do a great job Joshy. You know I'll support you in whatever it is that you do. -
You know, one thing I like about your blog is your realistic tones, great plot twists and good dialog. It can be a bit too much at times(meaning the length of episodes, but who am I to talk, I write manifest destiny at times too), but you know what, it's obvious that you two put in a lot of hard work to make sure your blog is of a high quality. Keep up the good work guys.
Endgame- Episode 77 ICU Episode: "The Truth Hurts" Featuring the Quartermaines Tuesday, August 21, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> Port Charles picks up where we last left off. Kevin is about to reveal his relationship with Monica to the Quartermaine Family. "Monica, it's ok. They're going to have to find out sooner or later, and I prefer sooner than later." Kevin pulls Monica close and kisses her cheek. "The reason why Monica wasn't here…is because she was with me." The Quartermaine's exchange confusing and surprising glances as Kevin continues to speak. "Monica and I are in love. And we're going to be together for a very, very long time." Everything Edward has been suspecting over the past few months is finally falling into place. The camera pans on the faces of everyone in the room, ending with alternating shots of Tracy, Monica & Kevin. "You bitch," yells Tracy as she lunges for Monica! Tracy grabs Monica by the hair and begins tugging on it. Kevin pushes Tracy away from Monica and pulls her in close. Ned catches Tracy before she can fall. Dillon taps Kevin on the shoulder and slugs him in the face with a right hand. "Don't you ever put your hands on my mother again you bastard!" yells Dillon. "Get out of here." Ned and Dillon attempt to keep Tracy from beating the hell out of Monica. Jason strong arms Kevin to leave the room while they family meets to discuss. Kevin refuses to leave, but Jason lets Kevin know he doesn't really have a choice. Meanwhile, Tracy goes into a verbal tirade against Monica. "You have no right to be here. After your affair, you have nothing else to do with this family!" “I have every right to be here Tracy and you know it.” Monica stated as she walked past Tracy towards AJ. She hugged him and pretended that he didn’t stiffen. She walked over to Emily and tried to hug her but Emily avoided her. <HR> "If you would just let me explain what happened, I think you'll understand where I'm coming from." After Tracy calms down, Edward tells Monica that the floor is hers to explain. Monica let's them know it's no secret that things have been tense between her and Alan for years. They tried to get into therapy but it wasn't working. "I've wanted to end things for a very long time now, but just couldn't go through with it. Eventually I began visiting an online dating site after I pretty much decided Alan & I had no future together. That's where I met Kevin." Monica stops to look at the faces of the family she has hurt. No one will make eye contact with her. "I didn't know that he was Kevin at first. It was just general information and whatnot. He said he was coming into Port Charles on business and thought we should meet for a blind date…which I did." "How long has this been going on?" asks Jason angrily, he looks over to his left to see Emily glaring at their mother. "Since November….when Kevin came back to town." "You slept with Kevin, and then you let Alan hire him back at GH. My god Monica, what a selfish person you are. You get to sleep with Kevin and live off Alan's money." Tracy snaps. "How typical of you." "What happened….between you and Alan," Edward asks painfully. "Are you the reason why my son is in his hospital room fighting for his life?" "No that's not what happened at all. I finally told Alan the truth. He was being so sweet to me and I couldn't take it anymore." Monica begins crying. "Here I am, having this secret life while my husband is completely oblivious to what's going on. I couldn't take his kindness towards me. I couldn't let him continue to go on believing we were going to be ok when I knew we weren't….so I told him the truth." The tears begin to fall down Monica's face faster. "I told him that I couldn't be trapped in a loveless marriage any longer. I told him.....it was over. We got into a huge fight and I left." Tracy stands up from her seat and gets in Monica's face. "Get out. Get out of this room, get out of this hospital, and then you can get out of our house," says the angry sister with a monotonous tone. "How dare you show up here like nothing has happened? You are the reason that my brother is laying in a hospital bed!" Tracy yelled, pointing her finger in Monica’s face. She could feel the anger boiling to the surface and felt like she could break Monica right now. "None of us want you here so do us all a favor and go climb back into your lover’s bed!” “Oh shut up Tracy! You are certainly not one to talk. You refused your father his heart attack pills or are you practicing selective memory again.” "This is not about me," Tracy begins. "No matter what problems Alan and I have gone through, I have never stopped loving my brother." Monica tried to sit down when Tracy grabbed her arm. “What?” Monica started to say, turning around and facing Tracy again. Tracy reached back and slapped Monica hard across the face knocking her to the ground, all the while calling her a heartless whore. Edward yelled for them to stop it, that this wasn’t helping anything. He ordered Ned to take Tracy out of the room to cool down. Tracy barks at Ned to stay where he is. Monica gets up and slaps Tracy back, then pushes her against the wall. Tracy pushes Monica away, then punches her in the face. Tracy drags Monica by the hair and begins choking her against the wall. Epiphany walks in just in time to see the end result of Tracy choking Monica. Dillon and Ned grab their mother by the arm and forcibly dragged her out of the room, the whole time she was screaming that Monica was nothing but a whore. Epiphany tells them all if they cannot act like civilized adults, then she'll be forced to throw them out of the hospital. She asks Monica if she's alright. Once Monica is able to breathe again, she says yes, and asks Epiphany in her ear to call the police. Monica sat down, relieved that Tracy was gone. She looked around the room and noticed that no one would quite look her in the eye. In fact in was quite uncomfortable in the room. She asked what was wrong, was Alan all right? Emily remarked that it was finally nice of her to ask instead of fighting with Tracy. Monica demanded to know what she meant by that. Emily jumped up and said that maybe Tracy was right. The reason that her father was lying in the hospital in critical condition was Monica’s selfishness. <HR> Jason finally glanced up and ordered Emily to stop. This wasn’t the time for them to be fighting. They had to concentrate on more important things. Emily turned to him and said no, this all happened because of Monica. She looks coldly into Monica’s eye. “Tracy is right about you. You are nothing but a whore. This is not the first time you've done this. Maybe…just maybe I could excuse one time, but this is Pierce Dorman all over again." Emily chooses to mask her pain with anger. "You helped me deal with Nikolas' infidelity. You were the one who told me how painful it was to be on the receiving end of an affair. And yet mother, you do and do the same thing to father." Emily throws her hands up in disgust, but isn't ready to leave just yet. " In fact, <b>Monica</b>, I’m ashamed to call you mother. If my Father dies, you will be dead to me! Do you her me? Dead! Now I for one cannot stand the sight of you and want you to get out of here. Get out! " Jason grabs Emily and pulls her towards the other exit to cool her off. Monica gasped and looked round the room. No one looked at her. No one spoke after Emily’s outburst. She silently got up and walked out. <HR> Down at the Nurse's Station, Tracy finally pulls herself away from Ned. "Don't you EVER do that to me again do you understand me," growls Tracy. "You are my child and you will do as I say, not the other way around." Ned looks back forth as the visitors in the hospital begin to stare at them. "Be quiet mother, you're making a scene." "No, the scene was upstairs. I can't BELIEVE that Monica had the gall to show her face after what she's done. She's lucky I didn't beat her like the little guttersnipe she is." Ned continues to listen to Tracy rant until something catches his eye. Lt. Lucky Spencer, accompanied by 3 uniformed officers step off the elevator and make their way towards the mother/son pair. "Uh oh," says Ned. "This is not gonna be good." "What's not gonna be good?" "Tracy," Lucky says as he reaches into his pocket. "I'm sorry but I have to take you in." "For what? I haven't done anything wrong." "We got a call that there was an incident here at the hospital. You're under arrest for assault. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." Lucky continues to read Tracy her rights as she begins threatening the officers. "You have got to be kidding me. I'm Tracy Quartermaine damn it. I'm responsible for most of the money you make." The officers cart Tracy away towards the elevator. "Ned! Ned! Get my attorney!" Ned snickers to himself as the doors shut and Tracy is taken to the PCPD. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -The Quartermaine children's loyalties divide -Robin confides in Maxie that she could be pregnant -Jax learns his new acquisition will bring home someone special -Monica is barred from seeing Alan
Endgame- Episode 75-76 ICU Episode: "Family United/Secret Revealed" Featuring: The Quartermaine Family & Kevin Collins Sunday, August 19, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder <HR> Emily, Skye, AJ and Ned return to GH. Emily shares a bittersweet reunion with Edward. Edward wishes her return would have been under better circumstances, but is glad she came home. "I'm here for my family. That's what's counts," says Emily. She makes her way over to Tracy and says hello. Tracy does something that surprises the rest of the Q's and hugs Emily. "It's good to have you back," Tracy says wiping a tear from her eye. "You have been missed." Emily goes for an extra hug and Tracy tenses up. Edward laughs and Tracy tells her not to do that again. One hug is enough….and that's the last hug she'll ever receive from her. <HR> It was early morning and the Quartermaine’s, minus Monica, were gathered together in one of the waiting rooms at the hospital. They wanted to stay close to Alan, desperate for any news regarding his condition. Edward periodically go to the Nurse’s station and get updates on Alan. Tracy watches as her father makes his way back to his seat. If she didn't know any better, it appeared as if Edward aged ten years since news of Alan’s heart attack. Tracy walks over to Edward and takes his hand. "The doctor told me he was critical, but stable. You know….I never thought we would be in this situation again. I can't continue waiting around for bits and pieces of information. It's driving me crazy." Edward takes a deep breath and looks over at his daughter. "You remind me so much of your mother right now." Tracy closes her eyes and tries to keep herself from breaking down. Edward's statement is one of the nicest things he has ever said to her. "Thank you daddy. I don't want you getting upset. It's not good for your heart either." Though Edward & Tracy had a tumultuous relationship, there was nothing but love between them when the time mattered. All of the Quartermaine's shared that kind of relationship with one another. They fight like cats and dogs but will stand united when faced with a tough challenge. <HR> Edward & Tracy returned to the other waiting room and updated everyone with the news they learned. Skye and Emily held each other quietly crying, Jason stared stoically ahead and AJ paced back and forth. Tension abounded as time went by and Monica had yet to show up. Frustrated, AJ said that he wanted to do something for Alan, to show his father how much he is loved. Emily wipes the tears from her face and readily agrees. Skye suggests that they all donate money to the American Heart Association. Jason offers his idea of holding a candle light vigil tomorrow night at the church the family attends. Ned thinks that Alan would approve of that. Ned agrees and says that he will start calling people to get it started when the door opens. Edward looks at his grandchildren with much approval, happy that they are able to come together to support Alan. Edward considers going over to talk to Jason, but Tracy pulls him back, thinking that wouldn't be a very good idea. The doors to the private waiting area open suddenly. The Quartermaine's look over to the door to see Epiphany bringing in Monica & Kevin. Monica rushes over to her children and give them all hugs. Edward seems pleased with Monica's arrival and takes her hand. The only person in the room not happy to see Monica was Tracy. <HR> "I'm glad to see that you were able to break away from whatever it is you were doing and show up at the hospital," Tracy barks. "Your absence was barely noticeable." "Hush Tracy, that's enough." Edward commands. "Monica my dear, I'm glad you were able to make it." "Oh yes, because we couldn't get along without her her." Tracy looks around, picking up on what they really want to ask. "Well since I'm the only one who's willing to ask, what in the hell took you so long to get here? Why weren't you answering your phone?" Tracy demanded of Monica. "I was unavailable Tracy. That's all you need to know," Monica remarks. "I'm here now and I want to do anything I can to help." "Don't talk to Monica that way Tracy. What she was doing is none of your damn business!" says an angry Kevin. "Excuse me, but I do not believe I was talking to you." Tracy walks over to Kevin and looks him up and down. "Why are you even here?" "Kevin's here to-" "I'm here to support Monica through this ordeal." Kevin interrupts. "Monica needs someone right now to be there for her while she deals with this….situation." Jason walks over next to Tracy and looks right at Kevin. "Well that's nice of you Dr. Collins, but Monica has her family here to support her. That's all she needs." "What she needs <b>Jason</b> is someone to love her and hold her hand while she deals with you pack of animals." "Love? Are you saying that we don't love our mother enough to help her cope?" Emily asks with an attitude. "And who are you calling an animal," chimes in Skye. "Kevin just drop it," Monica prods. "There's no need to get into this right now." "No Monica, I think now is the perfect time." Kevin takes Monica's hand. "Kevin no…." "Monica, it's ok. They're going to have to find out sooner or later, and I prefer sooner than later." Kevin pulls Monica close and kisses her cheek. "The reason why Monica wasn't here…is because she was with me." The Quartermaine's exchange confusing and surprising glances as Kevin continues to speak. "Monica and I are in love. And we're going to be together for a very, very long time." Everything Edward has been suspecting over the past few months is finally falling into place. The camera pans on the faces of everyone in the room, ending with alternating shots of Tracy, Monica & Kevin. "You bitch," yells Tracy as she lunges for Monica! <HR> Next…on Port Charles -The Quartermaine's learn the truth about what happened the night of Alan's heart attack -Tracy loses it and attacks Monica -Emily disowns her mother and blames her for Alan's heart attack -The Quartermaine Family appears to be on the verge of imploding
Endgame- Episode 74 ICU Episode: "Emily Returns/News Spreads" Featuring Ned, AJ, Skye, Emily, Monica, Kevin, Elizabeth, Steven, Sarah, Blake, Carly, Nikolas, Michael, Sam, Lucky Saturday, August 18, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder Tishy Smith <HR> 9 hours later…… Jennifer Ferrin debuts as Emily Quartermaine Ned, Skye & AJ wait at JFK Airport for Emily to arrive. As people begin piling off the plane, butterflies bounce all around in their stomachs. They wish Emily's return home would have been under better circumstances, but they have to take the good with the bad. Ned is the first to spot a visibly tired Emily making her way through the crowd. She drops her bags and runs to her cousin with tears in her eyes. Ned spins her around and mentions how good she looks. Emily downplays Ned's flattery and makes her way to Skye and AJ. Skye tells Emily it's good to see her again, and Emily says likewise. When she gets to AJ, he mentions that she looks different from the last time that he saw her. Emily laughs and makes the same comment to him. She asks how the family is holding up, and they agree they're trying the best way they can. Emily asks about Mom; AJ mentions they haven't been able to get in to get in contact with her, but they're still trying. Ned thinks they should get back to the hospital right away. AJ and Ned grab Emily's bags and the 4 head to the heliport, prepared to be taken back to GH. <HR> 2 hours later... The citizens of Port Charles awake from their comfortable night's sleep to word on the news and papers that Dr. Alan Quartermaine has had a heart attack. <HR> Kevin is in the shower waiting for Monica to join him. Today marks the first day of the rest of their lives together, and he plans to make the most of it. "Come on Monica, the water's nice and hot…and I need some company!" "I'm coming, I'm coming," Monica says grabbing a towel. She knocks over her purse in the process and notices her cell phone in blinking. "Hold on," she says getting ready to check her messages. "I'll be there in a minute." Monica picks up her phone and dials into her voicemail, but her signal drops. "Damn it," Monica says. She tosses her phone back into her purse and heads into the shower with Kevin. <HR> Elizabeth walks into Kelly's with Cam, Steven & Sarah. The group sit down and prepare to order breakfast while the news broadcast continues on the TV. Steven & Sarah compliment Elizabeth on tending to Alan while the paramedics were en route to the hotel. Liz downplays her role and is just thankful that Alan is ok. She goes to get a cup of coffee when she sees Blake reading the paper. She calls Steven over to get their cups so she can speak to Blake. "Hey you, sorry about our date." Liz pulls up a chair next to Blake. "I didn't really think our date would end that way." "Don't worry about it. You saved a man's life last night. That's a beautiful thing." Blake asks Elizabeth how she's holding up, and wonders if she's going into the hospital today. Elizabeth says her shift starts in a little less than an hour. Blake mentions that he has to go there too and offers to give her and Cameron a ride. Liz takes him up on the offer. <HR> "Mom!" yells Michael running through the halls of Wyndemere. "Mom, we've gotta go to the hospital." Michael turns the corner, runs into the den of the mansion, and is caught by Carly. "Hey, what's the matter? Why do we have to go to the hospital, what's wrong?" "Didn't you hear the news?" Michael asks gasping for air. "You know what, you probably did, and just don't care." Carly rolls her eyes and glares at Michael. "Don't you speak to me that way. Maybe if I knew what you were talking about, I could tell you whether I knew." "It's Grandpa Alan….he's in the hospital. He had a heart attack last night." Sam walks into the room with Lucky. Noticing the looks on their faces, she asks what's wrong. Nikolas tells her what happened. Carly & Sam both begin thinking about Jason. Nikolas calls for Alfred and asks him where Leticia is. They need to get to the hospital right away. Carly tells him no, everyone can't go. She tells Michael to stay with Morgan and she'll call him with an update. Lucky asks Sam if she wants him to take her to GH, but she says no. Carly, who's worried about Jason, snaps at Sam. "What do you mean you're not going? The father of the man you love…used to love is lying in a hospital bed probably about to die!" "Mom, don't" Michael interrupts. "Don't yell at her." "Why not? You can't even bother to fake an ounce of sympathy for Jason? He mourned for you for well over 8 months. 8 months! And you can't even give him this? What a waste of space you are." Carly grabs her keys and storms out of the room. Nikolas apologizes for Carly's rant and blames it on the hormones. "No Nikolas, that's just Carly being herself. Don't apologize for her. Just go….go with her to the hospital." Sam turns her back and walks over towards the window. Nikolas promises to call them all when they learn something. Lucky walks over and tells Sam he'll stay if she wants, but she tells him to go. When she's alone, she mutters Jason's name and looks longingly out the window. <HR> Back at Kevin's, Monica comes begins getting dressed. She takes her purse over to the dresser and notices that she received another new voicemail. Finally she's able to get a signal and dials in to check her messages. One by one she goes through, rolling her eyes at the "urgency" in the voice of the Quartermaine's who left messages for her. She assumes they learned of her affair and breakup and doesn't feel like being bothered with them at the time. She places her phone back into her purse and hops onto the bed while Kevin brings them breakfast. Kevin kisses Monica before turning on the TV. Both a stunned when they see a recap of the earlier broadcast and learn that Alan's had a heart attack! Monica runs back over to her phone and listens to more of the messages. She learns they've been trying to reach her all night and is completely thrown for a loop. Kevin tries to stop her from leaving. "Why are you running to him! Your marriage is over Monica. You owe nothing to him. There's nothing you can do!" Kevin follows Monica around as she tries to find the keys to her car. "Why are you doing this?" Monica ignores Kevin. The only thing on her mind is rush to her husband and making sure he's ok. Kevin demands that Monica answer him and tell him why she's rushing to Alan's side. "You want to know why I'm going? I'm going because he's my husband. MY HUSBAND. And I….and I…." "You what," Kevin says. "Come on tell me." "I owe him this," she says with tears in her eyes. "Alan had stood by me through the worst and I have to do the same for him." Monica looks Kevin directly in the eye and tells him this is something she has to do. He reluctantly gives in and decides to take her to the hospital to see Alan. <HR> Next…on Port Charles -The Quartermaine's wait anxiously for word on Alan -Kevin reveals he and Monica are together -Monica and Tracy prepare to face off
August 10, 2007-SURPRISE...FUNERALS PART 2
Ryan commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Man....you guys did a wonderful job. I loved that you hit all of the points that shows need to when writing an episode like this. I am very happy that you didn't decide to kill off Sami. I applaud you both for taking such a big risk and pulling a nice twist on the audience. I look forward to reading the next step in this storyline. Kudos... -
Hey Dee, thanks for making such wonderful banners. I'll do my best to promote ya
Endgame- Episode 73 ICU Episode: "Panic Sets In/Where's Monica?" Featuring the Quartermaines Friday, August 10, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler <HR> Music for Today's Episode (Press Play to activate) <object width="300" height="80"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/"></param><param'>http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent"></embed></object> <HR> “Where is my son?” Edward yells as he led the Quartermaines into the ER. Epiphany ushers the Quartermaines into a private waiting room and explains to them that Dr. Hayward is currently examining Alan and when there was any word, she would let them know. Right now, she didn’t have anything else for them, but she would keep them up to date. Epiphany turned to leave when Tracy asked where Monica was. Epiphany explained that Monica hadn't been reached. They tried her cell phone and her hospital pager but she hadn’t called in. They were going to continue to try to call her. No one spoke as Tracy anxiously paced from one end of the room to the other. She wondered aloud as to where Monica could be. Edward was hunched over, muttering, “Not my son, not Alan.” Skye grasped Edward’s hand and held on tight. AJ spoke quietly that they needed to call Jason and Dillon. They should also call Emily in Hawaii. Ned and Skye said that they would take care of it; Tracy told them she would call Dillon. The waiting game had begun and still, Monica was nowhere to be found. <HR> “Monica, your pager is going off.” Kevin lightly shook Monica awake. “It’s the hospital.” Monica sighed and remarked that it must be important, as the hospital knew she was on vacation. Kevin takes the phone and places it back on the hook. "No need to disturb you. The hospital has plenty of doctors that can handle whatever it is that's going on. You need some you time Monica. Let them wait until your vacation is over," Kevin says rolling on top of Monica. "This is our night" Monica agrees that she needs to be selfish for once and put herself first. She pulls Kevin in for another kiss and suggests they get back to what they were doing earlier. Kevin does a sexy growl and Monica gives a fake scream, the two pull the covers over their heads and begin going at it yet again. <HR> Tracy hangs up the phone and leaves a message on Monica's voicemail, demanding that she return her call as soon as possible. Shortly after, Tracy makes the phone call to Dillon, asking him to come to the hospital right away, and to bring Lulu with him. Skye calls Emily and informs her on the things going on, asking her to come home right away. Meanwhile Ned attempts to call Jason, but only gets voicemail. Skye's phone rings with a call from Emily; the quickest flight she can get on is the 5:30 from Kahului heading to LaGuardia. Skye tells Emily that Edward will arrange for a private helicopter to take her from the airport to PC. Skye updates the family about Emily as Jason gets off the elevator. Jason gives Skye a hug and asks for an update on Alan's condition. Tracy snaps at Jason for asking a question that they obviously don't have the answer to. Edward shuts Tracy up. Tracy blasts the family for acting like now that Jason's here everything will be ok. She refuses to take part in such a farce and walks away. Edward tells Jason to ignore her and admits he's glad he came. Jason asks where Monica is, but no one can say. Dr. Hayward comes out of Alan's room with an update. He says that thanks to Elizabeth, they were able to keep Alan's situation from getting worse while he was at the MetroCourt. It's too early to tell whether or not there was severe damage, but based on early indications, Alan had a series of minor heart attacks. He's been given a morphine drip and has been placed on an antiplatelet drug called clopidogrel. Edward asks if the family can see him, but David tells them to wait until the morning. They need to be able to monitor him without any disturbance. Ned thanks David for all of his work. Edward commends Elizabeth for doing such a wonderful job; she humbly accepts his compliments. Skye thinks they should go to the chapel and pray for Alan. All of the family agrees except for Tracy who's still masking her pain with anger. As they leave, she walks over to the nurses' station and asks for them to page Monica again. The irritated nurse says they've called Dr. Quartermaine already and she isn't responding, Tracy threatens to have the nurse fired if she doesn't do what she asks. Dillon & Lulu walks in on the tail end of the argument and apologize for Tracy. Dillon demands to know what her problem is. Tracy remarks that the family is here worried sick about Alan, yet Monica is nowhere to be seen. She had better have a damn good excuse for not being here, or there will be hell to pay. The scene fades to a shot of Monica and Kevin making love, then to Alan laying in his hospital bed as Port Charles comes to a close. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -News of Alan's condition spreads through town -Monica learns of Alan's heart attack -Monica & Kevin argue due to her wanting to be with Alan -Emily arrives in Port Charles
Jump In to Port Charles #4 Jason/Sam/Lucky/Liz/Alexis The "Jump In" articles that we'll be posting will help viewers who haven't followed General Hospital/Port Charles very closely. These articles will update you on storylines told over the past year and help you further understand our stories. Another story we retold in 2006 was the maternity story involving Sam & Alexis. Helena finally had something to hold over Alexis, and decided to go after her. She teamed up with Manny Ruiz (who wanted to kill Jason & Sam) and had Alexis & Sam kidnapped. The two women spent weeks missing, with those at home thinking the worse of each other. Sonny & Nikolas believed Ric might have done something to Alexis; while Jason thought Manny may have been behind Sam's disappearance, but couldn't prove it. Sam & Alexis eventually learned who their capturers were, with Alexis learning the startling news that Sam was her long lost daughter! Helena planned to blackmail Alexis with the information, threatening to turn her daughter against her if she didn't do what she wanted. Alexis still kept Sam in the dark, and the two women teamed up to make contact back home. Sam made contact with Liz (Jason left his cell phone at the hospital by accident). After telling Jason about the phone call, Liz called Lucky to help Jason. Ric shows up at Jason’s penthouse with the audio from Alexis' car, proving that she taken. Jason, Liz (against the wishes of the others), Lucky and Ric went out in search of Alexis and Sam. Stan was able to trace the phone call and gives them the location. Helena realized her plan was coming undone and decided to kill them all. She arranged for the building to be demolished by a series of explosions. Alexis and Sam realized that the end is near for them as the building begins to explode. Alexis comes clean with Sam about her parentage, causing Sam to flip out. Alexis and Sam shared an emotional moment, promising to get to know each other a hell of a lot better if they made it out alive. Meanwhile, Lucky, Liz, Ric and Jason found the building where Sam and Alexis were being held and barged in. Jason gets into a fight with Manny as he sends the others to look for Sam and Alexis. The others are able to find Sam and Alexis but are soon cornered by Helena’s goons. Jason rescues them, and then they all try to escape. During the escape, one of the explosions causes Sam and Liz to be separated from the others. Jason and Lucky find both Sam and Liz, who are trapped by fire. Jason tries to get through but the fire is too hot. Lucky is unable to move, frozen with fear and has flashbacks to the fire that allegedly took his life years ago. Helena watches the devastation, takes advantage of Lucky’s hesitation, and shoots him. At the top of the staircase, Helena forces Jason to choose who he’s going to save. Sam or Liz. When Jason doesn’t respond fast enough, Helena pushed Liz over the balcony and pushed Sam down the stairs. Jason chooses Liz and runs to try to break her fall. Sam sees this as she’s falling. Lucky immediately tries to go after Sam but the floor caves in, causing her and Lucky to fall. With a wounded arm and head, Lucky still tries to rescue Sam. Frantically calling out “Oh my god Lucky, help me please!” Lucky goes as fast as he can. Just as he reaches her, another explosion happens, sending Lucky over another stairwell. Down in the lobby, Lucky is dragged to safety by Ric. While outside of the building, Alexis argues with Jason to go back inside but he tells her there is no way back up. Another explosion happens knocking them all back. Alexis is horrified when she learns that Sam wasn’t saved during the explosion and blames Jason for not saving her. In the process, Alexis reveals that Sam is her daughter and Jason is responsible for her death. In the events following Sam’s death, a funeral was held. Jason withdrew from his friends and family, leaving Sonny to handle more of the business. Liz and Lucky began having problems because Liz felt Lucky didn’t do his best to save her. Liz begins to bond with Jason more, leaving Lucky to nurse himself back to health. Alexis on struggled with finding her daughter, only to lose her, and imagined she was seeing Sam everywhere. In the fall, Liz and Lucky continued to grow further and further apart. Liz began having an emotional affair with Jason. Going to him, confiding in him, while shutting Lucky out. Lucky struggled to handle the growing rift between him and his wife, eventually getting some advice from his brother Nikolas. One night after a fight with Lucky, Liz ran into Jason (who had received a package in the mail that reminded him of Sam) at Jake's and the two of them got drunk. The attraction between the two was too strong to resist and the two were on the verge of making love….until Lucky walked in! Lucky moved out afterwards, sick of Elizabeth's behavior. Jason realized that it was too soon for him to move on after Sam and told Elizabeth he was glad they were interrupted. Things only got worse when Jason and Liz's friendship grew more on more. At the Quartermaine Thanksgiving, Jason brought Elizabeth as his date….angering Lucky and Carly. A fight ensued between Jason/Lucky and Carly/Liz, ending with no one happy. Lucky returned home afterwards and got the surprise of his life when a very much alive Sam showed up on his doorstep! Sam, who has selective amnesia, has no memory of her life with Jason or the past year. Lucky felt it was his duty to protect Sam, especially after being haunted by her 'death'. He vowed to protect her from Helena and try to help her reclaim her life. He kept Sam a secret; Elizabeth thought Lucky was finally moving on with his life; Nikolas stumbled upon Sam by accident. Nikolas' roles as the dutiful cousin and protective brother kicked in as he had the two of them move into Wyndemere. Sam has been in therapy sessions with Lainey off and on since January. Meanwhile, Jason again tried to move on by trying to date Elizabeth. After the two of them finally made love, Jason realized it could never happen again. Only Nikolas, Lucky and Lainey knew about Sam….until Robin saw Sam in the park (Sam thought she was alone). Robin spilled the beans to Jason while at the same time; Carly learned she was alive after overhearing Nikolas and Lucky talk! Jason sprung into action to reclaim the love he lost, arranging for Alexis to find out the truth when he confronted Nikolas & Lucky. Both were disappointed when Sam had no memory of them and wanted nothing to do with either of them. Jason also began reeling from the fact that Lucky and Sam appeared to have a connection! Recently, Sam's behavior has gotten a bit suspicious. Where was she during the months she was missing? Moreover, why is she not afraid of Helena, the woman who tried to kill her? As Lucky and Liz prepare to finalize their divorce, what does this mean for Lucky and Sam? Will Jason & Elizabeth comfort each other in their heartbreak?
Jump In to Port Charles #3 Brandon/Lucas/Bobbie/Noah/Tony The "Jump In" articles that we'll be posting will help viewers who haven't followed General Hospital/Port Charles very closely. These articles will update you on storylines told over the past year and help you further understand our stories. In 2006, we retold Lucas' coming out when I started my blog back in January 2006. In February (one month into the blog), Lucas was outed by someone who liked him (Brandon Wexler) at an important family gathering. The news was a total shock to Bobbie and Tony. Tony, though disappointed, accepted his son with open arms and promised to be there for him. Bobbie on the other hand didn't take the news well at all and immediately disowned her son. Lucas' coming out put a severe strain on Tony and Bobbie's budding relationship. Tony left town to pursue other career interests leaving Lucas alone to deal with Bobbie. Lucas didn't handle his forced coming out well either. He rebelled against his mother and hated the person responsible for outing him. This situation however, created a stronger bond between him and his older sister Carly, who vowed to help her brother in any way she could. Due to problems at home, Carly arranged for Lucas to move into the old penthouse she shared with Sonny. Eventually, Lucas came to have feelings for the person who outed him, and they started a relationship. Lucas continued to struggle with his sexuality affected his life, and though Brandon took his time with Lucas, Lucas obviously felt that he was jerking Brandon around (no pun intended). While this was going on, Bobbie turned to drinking, instead of dealing with her issues. This would put a strain on her relationship with Noah Drake. Noah, who accepted Lucas as is, tried to get Bobbie to address her issues instead of turning to the bottle. She would deny she had a problem for months, but it was obvious to those around her that she had a problem. Showing up to work drunk, and was even arrested for public intoxication! This added another layer to the drama, due to Noah being a recovering alcoholic and not wanting to see the woman he loved follow the same path that he did when he lost his wife. Noah tried to compare his strained relationship with Patrick to that of Bobbie/Lucas, which only infuriated her more as she couldn't see the difference. Meanwhile, Lucas and Brandon encountered bigotry in public, and resisting the urge to have to defend their relationship. The conflicts these two had only brought them closer together. After months of going toe to toe, Bobbie and Lucas had a real breakthrough and everything seemed to be going well. Lucas finally decided that it was time for him and Brandon to take the next step in their relationship. As a token of their love, and a Christmas gift, Lucas gave himself to Brandon and they made love for the first on Christmas night. Something that Bobbie walked in on unbeknownst to the happy couple. Bobbie tried hard to accept her son's life the best way she could, but this severely sent Bobbie into a downward spiral. Bobbie continued to lash out at her family and friends. The Spencer's eventually talked Bobbie into attending rehab, though it didn't last too long. Bobbie's struggle with her alcoholism came to a head in April 2007, when she got behind the wheel while drunk and accidentally killed Lucas' boyfriend Brandon! Noah covered up Bobbie's involvement and married her to protect her. Mac has been on the case since then and is close to finding out the truth. Recently, Bobbie confessed all to her brother Luke, promptly sprung into action to protect his sister.
Endgame- Episode 72 ICU Episode: "The Bond" Featuring Jason, Carly, Michael & Morgan Tuesday, August 7, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder Ryan Chandler Tishy Smith <HR> Jason floors the gas pedal in his SUV, determined to make it to the hospital as fast as he can. Things haven't always been great between he and his father, but they've made significant strides in their relationship over the last two years. He looks down at his cell phone as it rings. "Not now Carly," he says, sending the call to voicemail. He flashes back to the events leading up to the phone call he received from Liz. <HR> Carly opened up the closet and took down some boxes that she had stored on the top shelf, and she sat them down on the sofa. She wanted to start taking some of her things to Wyndemere but she had to go through some of the stuff before she starting packing. She opened the one large box and to her surprise, it was filled with memories of her and Jason. As she started to empty the box of items, she noticed the black leather jacket Jason had gotten her for Christmas, and underneath lay the pool stick she had used every time she and Jason shot pool at Jake’s. Her mind filled with memories of the days when they were just two strangers looking for comfort. She quickly put the items back in the box and sealed it back up. Her and Jason would never be, she had to stop thinking that they would. She was with Nikolas now, and having his baby, she couldn’t be reminding herself of what could have been with someone else. As she went through the other boxes, collecting things she wanted to take with her to her new home, there was a knock on the door. She hurried to answer it, finding Jason on the porch waiting. “Hi…” he said as she stood holding the door open. “Can I come in?” Jason asked and she left him pass. “Look, I’m sorry for the other day. I don’t know what came over me.” “Forget it. I can’t stay mad at you, Carly…regardless of what was said.” Jason replied and then noticed the boxes on the couch. “Going somewhere?” “Um, just taking some of my things to Wyndemere.” Carly said as she went to hide the box filled with stuff from their past together. It was too late; Jason saw what was in the box as it popped open revealing the leather jacket. “That was a pretty cold Christmas …,” he said bringing up the Christmas he bought the jacket for her. “Yeah it was.” She said as she stopped packing the empty box in front of her. “Carly, do ever think ….” “No …” she replied knowing she does. “Yeah me neither …” he lied. He took the jacket out of the box and held it close to him. “You’re happy with Nikolas?” He asked as she continued packing. “Yeah Jason, Nikolas makes me very happy. He accepts me for who I am, flaws and all. He makes me want to be a better person, and because of him, I am.” She looked at him holding the jacket in his hands. “Then that’s all that matters to me, Carly.” He replied and handed her the jacket, she taking it and grabbing his hand pulling him for a hug. “You are the best friend I ever had, Jason and I don’t ever want to lose you.” She said and her eyes got moist from the warm tears that filled them. “You won’t. I just want you to be happy.” As the two standing embracing each other, two rowdy children could be heard coming down the stairs. “Uncle Jason!” Morgan shouted as he flew down the stairs and into Jason’s arms. “Hey buddy, how are you?” Jason said to the youngster, looking up and seeing Michael standing in front of him. “Hey Uncle Jason.” “Hey … wow you’re both growing like weeds.” Jason said as he noticed the two boys were growing in to two fine young men. “If you’d stop by more often …” Michael started and Carly shushed him. “No, that’s okay Carly. He’s right. I need to be there for these two more often. I’ve been busy lately, but I promise to stop by more often.” “You promise …” Morgan piped up. “Yes I promise.” Jason replied and gave Morgan a bigger hug. “So I heard you’re going to have a new brother or sister soon. That’s exciting, huh?” Jason and the boys continued to talk as Carly moved some more boxes to the storage pile. “Yeah I guess. We’re hoping for a brother.” Michael said as he drew Morgan closer to him. “Yes these two already have plans on sleeping arrangements and who’s getting their own room.” Carly said as she raised an eyebrow in Michael’s direction. “I am the oldest.” He smirked. “Yes you are and you’re going to be a great big brother to the new baby.”Carly replied as she put her arm around Michael. “Everything okay …” Jason said as he noticed Carly’s eyes got moist with tears. She quickly wiped the tears away. “Yeah it’s great.” She sniffled back the tears. “Oh this… yeah it’s just hormones.” She laughed. “Okay, just wanted to be sure.” “Yeah everything is great. Was there something you stopped by for Jason?” Carly asked as he sat with the boys. “I, uh …” “Stopped by to check up on me?” Carly finished his thought. “Yeah you could say that. I worry about you Carly. And especially now …. Nikolas and all.” “You can stop worrying. I’m fine, the boys are fine and finally I’m happy.” She replied as she bit her lip. She's loved many men….AJ, Sonny, Lorenzo, Nikolas, but she has never loved anyone the way she loved…and loves Jason. A part of her wonders what life could have been like if she was with Jason, she knows she could have been happier with Jason, but it just didn’t turn out the way she thought it would. Her words took her back once again to a different time and place. A time when she and Jason were as close as two people could possibly be. A time that seemed to have stood still while they were together, a special time she would not soon forget. As Carly and the boys spent some quality time with Jason, she couldn’t help but think of what could have been. What life would have been like if she and Jason were to be more than just friends and how it would be if the baby she was carrying was his. “Okay why don’t you boys go outside to play while Jason and I have some time to talk about some stuff?” Michael and Morgan gave Jason a hug goodbye and went outside to play like their mother told them too. “Are you sure you want to do this, Carly?" Jason asks with much concern. "I mean moving in with Nikolas is a huge step.” “I'm not moving in full time, just bringing some things over. But yes I’m sure. I love him Jason and I’m happy with him.” “Okay, I know how you are Carly, you jump before you think.” “Not this time.” Carly wipes a tear from her eyes. "After Sonny, I didn't think I would open my heart up to anyone else again. I got into marriage way too fast with Lorenzo. I tried to use him to get over my feelings for Sonny and it didn't work. But it's not the same with Nikolas." Carly walks over towards Jason and sits down on the sofa. "I thought long and hard before getting into a relationship with Nikolas. I am sure that I love him. The only other person I've been this sure of was…." Carly lets her voice trail off. “You know I’ll always be there for you if you need me.” Jason reached for her and drew her to him. “I know and I’m thankful every day that I have you in my life, Jason.” Carly leans over and hugs Jason. She lets him wipe the tear from her eyes. "I don't know where I would be without you. You are the best friend….my only friend." Jason started towards the front door and Carly pulled him back to her. “I love you, Jason.” “I love you too.” <HR> Jason had just finished visiting Carly and the boys when his cell phone rings. "Hello?" "Jason," says the voice on the phone. "It's Elizabeth." "Hey…what's wrong? You don't sound too good." Jason picks up on the distress in her voice. "Is something wrong with Cameron?" "No it's not. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But Alan's been brought into General Hospital. He just had a heart attack." Jason reels from the shock, speechless. "I'll be right there." Jason hangs up his phone and rushes to his car. The flashback ends and Jason is turning onto the street where the hospital is. <HR> Next…on Port Charles <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> The Quartermaine's rush to the hospital to be with Alan. Monica learns about Alan's condition. Kevin is furious that Monica wants to rush off to Alan's side. Tracy places a difficult call to Dillon. The prognosis on Alan doesn't seem good.
Endgame- Episode 71 ICU Episode: "The Heart Attack" Featuring Alan, Monica, Kevin, Lucy, David, Liz, Blake, Jason & The Quartermaines Monday, August 06, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder <HR> Kevin opened the door to his house and was relieved to see Monica there. When he saw the look on her face he pulled her in his arms and kissed her lightly. She welcomed the embrace and returned the kiss. She followed him into the living room where he solicitously asked her if she wanted a drink. She declined, saying she just wanted to be with him. He asked her if it was hard. She sighed that it was terrible, but it was done. She didn’t want to think about it as she raised her lips to his. “Make love to me Kevin”. At the MetroCourt, Liz and Blake are shown eating dinner. Apparently, Liz decided to take Blake up on his offer and went out with him anyway. They appear to be having a good time. Elizabeth speaks to Alan as he enters the dining area. Alan, who looks very tired, speaks to Liz. Blake introduces himself and asks if he's alright. Alan says no, but he'll be fine eventually. He walks over to the bar outside on the terrace. “Pour me another.” Alan said morosely as he slid his empty glass towards the MetroCourt bartender. “In fact, just give me the whole bottle.” Alan poured himself another glass as he made a hateful toast to Monica. He downed the drink and poured another. He wanted to get good and drunk. She tore his heart out and stomped all over it. He needed to get rid of the pain. He needed to rid his memory of the horrible day so far. <HR> Hearing about Skye’s new position with Jax, AJ invited Skye to ELQ to discuss business. While she was there, AJ brought up the subject of wresting control of ELQ from Tracy and ousting her from the CEO position. They were so deep in discussion that they didn’t even hear the door open. “What are you two talking about?” Tracy demanded. Unfazed, AJ said that they were just discussing ELQ business. Skye pointed out that as the liaison between ELQ and Titan, she was here to talk business with AJ. Tracy shot back that she overheard them discussing whose votes they could get to oust her as CEO. Tracy said she wouldn’t allow that to happen and demanded that Skye leave. The three started to argue back and forth when Edward stormed into the room shouting that the whole floor can hear them and that they needed to calm down. <HR> Kevin and Monica lay in his bed, content after having just made love. They lay together with their hands and legs entwined. She kissed him gently and he pulled her close. Kevin talked happily about their plans for their future, maybe even the possibility of moving in together. Monica laughed and kissed him again, remarking that she had just left her husband. But yes, they would be together. At the same time, Alan is thinking back to his life with Monica. He thinks to all the happy times that they shared both professionally and personally. Alan's memory gates flood open as he recalls the birth of AJ, the acceptance of Jason into the family, the adoption of Emily, Jason's accident, their many fights and breakups, they reconciliations. Alan stood up, intending to head for the men’s room. As he took a couple steps, he gasped and grabbed his left arm. He fell into some bar stools on his way to the ground. At Kevin's, Monica feels a sharp pain in her chest. She winces in pain, enough to make Kevin rush over and see how she's doing. Monica shrugs off the pain, and instead asks Kevin to make love to her once more time. Alan writhes on the floor in pain, unable to speak, damn near unable to move. The flashbacks become a lot more violent, only increasing the pain and his chest. Lucy & David step off the elevator, on their way to enjoy a nice dinner when they see a crowd of people screaming out on the terrace. They rush over and see Alan on the floor. Elizabeth is next to Alan tending to him. "Oh my god, Alan!" Lucy shouts, running over to him. "Somebody call an ambulance! Please!" "One is on it's way Miss," says Blake, trying to calm down Lucy. "We also told the hospital to let the family know that he'll be brought into the hospital. Just exactly what's going on?" "This man is having a heart attack," shouts David. David and Elizabeth work together to try and keep Alan's condition from getting worse. Lucy and Liz talk to Alan, trying to get him to stay with them. David gives Alan aspirin and asks for an AED (automatic external defibrillator). The EMT's finally arrive to take Alan to the hospital. David and Lucy inform the EMT's they'll ride with Alan. Blake offers to take Elizabeth to the hospital in his car. <HR> “What is going on in here?” Ned walked in. “Mother, what’s going on?” Tracy yells that he always assumes that everything is her fault. Edward retorts that it’s because it usually is. Edward demands to know what is going on and Tracy tells him that she walked in to AJ and Skye talking about securing enough votes to kick her out of ELQ. Everyone started talking at once and shooting accusations around when the phone rang. Suddenly everyone's phone begins to ring. Skye crossed over to AJ’s desk and picked it up. She turned to the Quartermaines, “Shut up! I can’t hear!” She turned back to the phone and said, “Oh my God. Where are they now?” She was silent as the group stared at her and saw that tears were forming in her eyes and her face turned 3 shades of white. “Ok. Yes, the rest of the family is here. I’ll let them know. Thank you, thank you for calling.” The phone slipped out of her hand and she lifted her head, tears streaming down her face. "What's wrong Skye?" Edward walks walking over. "Who was that." Skye is unable to get the words out of her mouth. "Well don't just stand there you idiot, tell us what's wrong!" yells Tracy. “That was the hospital," Skye says wiping the tears from her face and tucking her hair behind her ear. "Alan's had a heart attack. We have to go to the hospital….NOW!" Edward stumbles after hearing this news. Tracy and AJ help him regain his balance and he waves them off. They rush out of the office together, seemingly putting their differences aside to rush to the aid of their relative. <HR> Jason had just finished visiting Carly and the boys when his cell phone rings. "Hello?" "Jason," says the voice on the phone. "It's Elizabeth." "Hey…what's wrong? You don't sound too good." Jason picks up on the distress in her voice. "Is something wrong with Cameron?" "No it's not. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But Alan's been brought into General Hospital. He just had a heart attack." Jason reels from the shock, speechless. "I'll be right there." Jason hangs up his phone and rushes to his car. <HR> Next…on Port Charles <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> An "ICU" episode featuring Jason, Carly, Michael & Morgan. This episode showcases the events leading up to Jason receiving the phone call about Alan. Jason shows up at Carly's and the best friends share a very close moment. The episode will end with Jason rushing off to the hospital.
Endgame- Episode 70 ICU Episode: "The Breakup" Featuring Alan & Monica Sunday, August 05, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith Ryan Chandler <HR> It was the last night of Monica and Alan’s getaway and Monica still hadn’t been able to bring herself to end things with Alan. She knew in her heart that she had to tell him, and tell him tonight. She was ready to move on with her life with Kevin. She walks absently around in the sitting room, deep in thought as to what she is going to say. In the bathroom, she can hear Alan whistling as he shaved. The two of them had spent earlier making love….that's the least Monica could do, especially since she was about to end things with him. When he finished he walked into the sitting room and took Monica in his arms. He tells her again how much he loves her. He kisses her neck and caresses her hand. He is so happy that they came on this trip to rediscover their love for each other. He mentions that being close to her today, for the first time in months, had made him realize how much the intimacy was missing from their marriage. Monica begins to squirm as he continues to talk about the 'progress' they've made. He even has a gift for her. Monica wrenches herself free from his grasp and tells him to stop. That she can’t take this anymore. Puzzled, Alan looks at her. He asks her what is on her mind Monica draws in a deep breath and avoids looking into his eyes. Finally, she focuses on the picture on the wall right above his right shoulder. “Alan, I want to…I just…I think we should go ahead with the divorce. I can’t keep living a lie anymore.” Alan backs away from her. “What are you talking about, living a lie? You want to go ahead with the divorce? I thought you wanted to repair our marriage Monica. That’s what this trip was for. That's why we've been in therapy! What is going on here?” Alan stares at her and watches her expression. Everything that has been suspicious about Monica's actions these past few months begin to fall into place. Alan demands to know if this has anything to do with her resigning her position as Chief Cardiologist. Monica sinks into a chair and folds her hands in her lap. She thinks back to when she first started chatting online with Kevin. How connected she felt with him and how she still feels with him. The feeling she gets when he makes love to him. Slowly, she starts to tell Alan about how when times were tough between the two of them she met someone online and that they became confidants. Then they decided to meet as he was coming to Port Charles. Alan interrupts, “You met him Monica? You confided in this man. You opened your heart to this man, all the while I thought we were doing good? Tell me, do I know this person?” After a long silence, she nods. “Yes Alan you do. You know him quite well." "Well don't just sit there Monica, share with the class what his name is?" "Don't you patronize me Alan. That's part of the reason why this isn't working anymore! You don't treat me with respect." "Damn it! Tell me his name!" Monica's anxiety turns to anger. "It's Kevin….Kevin Collins.” “You are having an affair with Kevin Collins!” Alan’s face turned red with rage as he ranted. “How long has this been going on Monica, this carrying on behind my back? How long?” Monica whispered that she had been seeing Kevin for months. “Oh wonderful, you must have loved it when I hired him on at the hospital again." Alan's surprise and pain begin to grow as he realizes what a fool he's been these past few months. "Tell me Monica, did the two of you have sex at the hospital? Here in this hotel? At my house…..IN OUR BED?” Alan angrily stormed around the room and picked up a glass, and threw it against the wall. "And don't you even bring up that nonsense about it being your house." “Well it is my house! Look Alan, just stop it. Stop it! I mean….it just happened! We were having problems…” Monica’s voice trailed off. Alan turned around and faced her, a vein throbbing in his neck he was so angry. "It just happened? It just happened? No Monica, flash floods just <i>happen</i>. Affairs, months long, secret, hidden affairs are done voluntarily." He laughed maliciously, saying it was just like her to blame him when she was the one that had the affair. He had tried so hard to please her and the whole time she was sleeping with Kevin. He demanded to know who else knew. He realized that David Hayward had to know since she recommended him for her old job. "Let me guess….those packages you were receiving…..David must have found out and blackmailed you into resigning as Chief of Staff." She also told him that Lucy knew. “Well tell me Monica, tell me who didn't know? Who didn't know that you were breaking your marriage vows while I sat at home like an idiot?!” Monica shot to her feet and yelled back that he had been constantly ignoring her and she needed attention. Kevin was there for her. He gave her that attention. He made her feel like a beautiful, sexy woman whereas Alan made her feel unwanted. "You stand there with your self-righteous indignation and accuse me of breaking your heart. We haven't been happy for years. I may have had an affair, but you are NOT innocent in this. You've had your fair share of affairs too Alan, so don't you try to act like I'm the evil one." Monica walks over towards the closet. "I did love you Alan. I loved you very much, but I don't love you anymore." Alan yelled that he loved her every day of his life. “Get out Monica. I need to be by myself. Get out and go to your lover!” Monica’s eyes were blurred with tears as she grabbed her purse and her coat and walked through the door. After she shut the door, she could hear Alan yell an angry yell. Monica placed her head on the door as the tears streamed down her face. She's tempted to go back inside, but realizes that doing so will only put them back in the same cycle they've been in. Monica takes a deep breath, regaining her composure, walking away and not looking back. Back inside, Alan sat on the edge of the bed and tried to keep from letting the pain overcome him. To be continued…. <HR> Next…on Port Charles <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> The continuation of the special "ICU" episode. Monica heads to Kevin's after breaking things off with Alan. The other Quartermaine's argue regarding ELQ. Meanwhile Alan drowns his sorrows at the MetroCourt bar. What happens when he's flooded by so many memories of Monica that his heart breaks? How will the family and Monica deal with the news? Characters featured tomorrow: Monica, Kevin, Alan, Liz, Blake, David, Lucy, Skye, AJ, Tracy, Ned and Edward. The Quartermaine's and those connected to them will face a very challenging time. Relationships destroyed may be rekindled, alliances will be formed and battles will be drawn.
Endgame- Episode 69 Saturday, August 04, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler Jennifer Snyder <HR> Port Charles begins with Robin and Patrick down at the lake. The two took the day off to spend some time together, as they've been working extra shifts at the hospital. Patrick planned their day out, and what a day it's been. The two went jogging together this morning, came back to his apartment for some shower sex, took a nap, went to the race track and are now spending some quiet time down by the lake. "You know, this is probably the most fun I've had in a while." Patrick says taking out their blanket. "What about you? Did I balance our activities out?" Patrick looks over and Robin, who seems to be staring out into space. He calls her name but gets no answer. He calls her name again and snaps his fingers, breaking her from her trance. "What," she asks a little rudely. Patrick gives her a clueless look. Robin apologizes for snapping, she was just thinking about something. Patrick notes that Robin has been a little distant all day, zoning out for minutes at a time. "Is something bothering you? You seem a little….distracted." "I'm just a little tired," remarks Robin. "I was thinking about how our lives have changed since we met," she says smiling at Patrick. Part of that is true, she was thinking about their lives, but she was also thinking about Anna's strange dream. There's no way she could be pregnant. They've been careful each and every time they've had sex. She knows condoms aren't 100% effective, but what could they have done wrong? Robin shakes off her thought and begins telling Patrick what a wonderful day she's had with him. The happy couple discuss the progress they've made with their relationship. For the first time since last year, there's no one trying to break them up, no one trying to make them doubt one another, just the two of them being happy and in love. Patrick tells Robin to meet him in the water in 10 minutes, he has to run to the car for something. <HR> Lainey's shift had just ended, and she decided to shower and change before heading home. She entered the on call room and found Steven pouring a cup of coffee from the freshly brewed pot. She acknowledged him but passed by on her way to the locker room. "Dr. Winters," says Steven inquisitively. She turned around when he said her name. “Yes, Dr. Webber, what can I do for you?” “Do you like Italian or Indian?” “Indian, why?” “I was hoping you’d pencil in your date book a night out on the town with me this Friday night. There’s this new restaurant that just opened up on the outskirts of the city. I was really hoping you could join me for dinner?” “This Friday? I’m sorry I can’t. I have plans.” Steven , thinking she was just giving him an excuse, pushed further. “What about Saturday? It's supposed to be really nice this weekend.” “No sorry I have plans with my father on Saturday.” “I have Wednesday night off …” he hinted. "And I have to work," Lainey says with an annoyed tone. "I’m sorry. Look, I like you Steven, you’re a very nice guy, but I am one who likes to keep things professional. There will be no date with you anytime…ever." Lainey turned and walked into the locker room as Kelly emerged. <HR> Back at the park, Robin impatiently waits in the lake for Patrick. He said 10 minutes…..it's been well over a half hour. The car wasn't parked that far away and it's beginning to get chilly outside. Patrick runs from the parking lot into the water where Robin is. "Sorry that took so long. I had something to do." "Like what," asks Robin with an attitude. "You said ten minutes. It's been longer than that. Do you know how cold it is in this water? I'm a freakin prune right now!" Patrick laughs at Robin's anger, which just seems to annoy her a little more. "The reason I took so long is that I needed to get this for you." Patrick reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small, rectangular box. He hands the box to Robin and asks her to open it. Butterflies begin to fly in her stomach, but she does it anyway. "Oh my god," she says, pulling out a white gold curve pendant shaped like a key with eight round diamonds in a prong setting accented by tapered baguette diamonds in a channel setting. "What is it?" <HR> At the hospital, Steven tried hard not to show the effects from Lainey’s rejections on his face, he turned away with his coffee in hand. Dr. Lee reached into the refrigerator for a bottle of water. “Did I hear you say there’s a new Indian restaurant in town?” Steven stopped in his tracks. He thought to himself “she’s pretty, a doctor, independent, fun .. why not?” “Yes a new one opened up last week, I’ve been anxious to try it out. Would you like to go out on Friday?” “Sure ….” Kelly slinked up closer to him and touched his stethoscope. Steven became all flustered. “I’ll, uh, pick you up at … um, 7?” “Sounds great, I’ll see you then.” As Steven left the on call room, Lainey emerged from the locker room wondering why Kelly was making advances on Steven. “You just had to didn’t you?” Lainey said with a very bitchy tone. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Kelly said innocently. “Oh you don’t? I heard you flirting with Dr. Webber. You were basically throwing yourself at him.” “Why do you care, you turned him down?” “Yes I did, but that doesn’t mean I’m not interested in him at all, Kelly.” “Well perhaps you should have taken a rain check on dinner instead of blowing him off completely. The way I see it, Miss 'I like to keep this professional,' you had a chance, you blew it, and now I'm going to probably have a very great time enjoying myself," Kelly smirked and she stormed out of the on call room. <HR> "That my dear," begins Patrick, walking behind Robin and placing the necklace around her neck. "Is the key to my heart, something you've had metaphorically since we met. Now you have it literally. You see I was told that the original was designed to celebrate love. I decided to be a little creative and had it redesigned to be a key. Those eight stones represent how our love has grown, and will continue to grow over time. Whenever you feel lost, or alone, or just need to be close to me, you can grab that key and know that you are the only woman to ever have the key to my heart." Robin moves her hair to her left side and wipes the tears from her eyes. "I should be so mad at you. You are unbelievable you know that? You make me wait here, and then you show up with this…this beautiful token of our love. I love it Patrick. Thank you." Patrick pulls out his necklace, which is similar to Robin's except it's a men's pendant with a lock on the bottom. "You put your key into this pendant, and inside you can see us together." "I love you too Robin. But that's not all I have for you." Patrick goes into his left pocket and pulls out something else. "This…..is the key to my apartment…our should I say our apartment. I want to be with you, more than I get to be with you now. I want to come home to you. I want to go to sleep with you and wake up to see your face. I want us to have a home together." Robin takes the key and kisses Patrick. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean the necklace was enough, but this is a serious commitment Patrick. I don't want us to move in together and have it not work out you know?" Patrick takes Robin's hand as they walk back onto the sand. "I wouldn't do this if I wasn't sure. You mean the world to me Robin, and think us moving into together signals the next chapter in our relationship. I want us to write this chapter together. So….you gonna do it….roomy?" Robin smiles with tears in her eyes. "So when do I pack?" Patrick picks her up and kisses her passionately. "How about now?" Port Charles comes to a close with Patrick racing Robin back to the car. <HR> Next….on Port Charles A special "ICU" episode featuring Alan & Monica. After months of having a secret affair and waiting for the right time to end her marriage, Monica finally breaks things off with Alan. Tomorrow's episode kicks off a series of episodes geared towards the Quartermaine Family and the tragedy they must face. The Quartermaines and those connected to them will face a very challenging time. Relationships destroyed may be rekindled, alliances will be formed and battles will be drawn. Get ready….."The Quartermaine Tragedy" is on it's way.
#85 Thursday, August 2
Ryan commented on Sweet_VeeVee24's blog entry in Destineysmine24 Fan Fic Flair
Good episode Venus. Even though I hate Sharon, I can understand her wanting to be recognized as Brad's significant other. I kinda feel bad for her. -
Endgame- Episode 68 Saturday, August 04, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder Ryan Chandler Note: There were Scrubs (Patrick & Robin) scenes that were to be in this episode, but I took them out due to their rewritten scenes going a bit long. There will be another episode posted today that will include the missing Scrubs scenes. <HR> Mayor Floyd not pleased with the conduct of his Co-DA, he requests a private talk with Alexis out in the hallway. “May I see you out in the hall?” Floyd asked Alexis as she straightened herself up a bit. Ric was sure a reprimand was coming down on Alexis and began to follow them. “I need to talk with Alexis in private.” Floyd said as he saw Ric following. Ric backed off but as soon as the door closed, he listened in. “Alexis what are you thinking? I am trying to maintain a professional DA’s office but you are making this difficult.” “I’m sorry, Garrett, it won’t happen again.” “You’re right, it won’t happen again. For months I've trusted you to cooperate with the PCPD and help them build their case against Sonny Corinthos and Lorenzo Alcazar, but yet, I see nothing. You're the lead DA on this case and you just aren't delivering. But then again, I guess you'd rather meet your husband for quickies in the afternoon. Effective immediately, I’m putting you on suspension upon further review by the review board.” Alexis is taken back by the suspension. “Garrett? Is that really necessary? I mean come on. I'm willing to put your second comment aside for the time being, but I do a damn good job for you and the citizens of PC. It's not my fault that your lead investigators aren't doing theirs." “I’m sorry Alexis. But I’ve made my decision.” Ric who was listening emerged from his office and tried to convince Garrett he was making a mistake in suspending Alexis. Mayor Floyd puts his hand up, stopping Ric in his tracks. “Ric, don’t try to plead this case with me. You’re going to lose.” “Garrett, listen to reason will you?” Ric tried to appease the already upset Mayor. “Ric, you’re a great DA, really you are. But honestly you’re lucky you are still working in this office. The connection you have to the major crime boss in this town would certainly serve reason enough to have you removed not only from this case, but as the DA as well. However, I’ve been able to look past that because of your impeccable conviction record. The fact of the matter is, I feel Alexis is a liability and may have some kind of loyalty to Sonny because they share a child. Besides, she's distracted. The fact that her oldest daughter….Sam I think her name is, is not dead, but alive, must be placing some kind of stress on her. This will give her time to work that out and when she's done, she can return. Alexis feels her blood boiling at this point. Does he thinks he's not able to handle more than one thing at time just because she's a woman? How dare he. Ric watches Alexis' jaw clench and tries to intervene. "Please don’t give me another reason to boot your butt back to Manhattan,” says the mayor, warning Ric more time. The mayor walked away, leaving Alexis and Ric dumbfounded and standing in the hallway wondering what just had happened. <HR> Meanwhile, Detective Cruz Rodriquez gives Mac a status update on the Bobbie Spencer-Drake investigation. He lets her know that Bobbie seems to have disappeared. They've searched the entire city for her, yet no one has seen her since the day he (Mac) went over to her house. Mac begins to put two and two together and realizes that Bobbie must have went underground. Mac orders Cruz to keep this between the two of them, not to inform anyone related to the Spencer family about what's going on. Lucky may be a cop, but he's loyal to his family and that could cost them this case. Mac puts in a call and orders an secret APB out on Bobbie Spencer-Drake. Mac picks up his gun and badge and decides to pay his old buddy Luke a visit. <HR> As Alexis and Ric watched Garrett walk away from them, he quickly turned around and came back towards them like he forgot tell them something. “Forget something?” Ric said as Garrett approached. “Yes actually. I forgot to tell you. You'll be getting a new Assistant DA. I've assigned him to specifically work the Corinthos/Alcazar case. The two of you are excessively too close to it. I needed someone who will look at it rationally and objectively. " Garrett smiles a little bit. He figures this as a chance to rid himself of the people holding him back in his campaign to rid PC of crime. "His name is Darin Palmer, one of the top ADA's in the city of New York. Play nice with him Ric or you'll find yourself in the unemployment line." As Garrett walked away from them, Ric was reminded of an old law school buddy, namely Darin Palmer. Alexis noticed Ric was off somewhere else. “Ric, are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine. I just remembered where I know that name from.” “Who, Darin Palmer?” “Yes him. He and I are old acquaintances. We went to law school together.” “Well this should be interesting. The two of you together again, were you close friends?” “We were….. until he stole the woman I was in love with.” Ric walked away from Alexis, leaving her with even more questions about Ric and the life he lived before they met. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Patrick gives Robin a special gift -Patrick & Robin take another big step in their relationship -Steven takes a chance and asks Lainey out on a date -Someone shows interest in Steven
New Opening debuts for the summer/fall of 2007 As with most shows, whenever a new head writer joins, there will be changes made to the canvas. As a result of those changes, many stories have been tweaked and rewritten, and so a new opening must ensue. The lineup again has shifted to better put the families and those involved in stories together near one another. The following actors have been added to the opening: Marco Dapper (Dante), Michael Park (Darin), John Ingle (Edward), Keiko Ellsworth (Stan) and Josh Casaubon (Blake). The following actors have been given new or updated shots: Julie Berman (Lulu), Jennifer Ferrin (Emily), John J. York (Mac), Kimberly McCullough & Jason Thompson (Robin & Patrick), Rebecca Herbst (Elizabeth) and Nolan North (Steven). <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object> New Updated Lineup Alan/Monica Emily AJ Michael Carly Nikolas Lulu Dillon Maxie Mac Dante Lucas Bobbie Kristina Alexis Ric Sonny Brenda Robin/Patrick Stan Lainey Lucky Sam Jason Elizabeth Blake Sarah Steven Darin Skye Jax Anna Lorenzo Edward Ned Tracy Luke David Lucy Kevin
Endgame- Episode 67 Wednesday, August 01, 2007 Written By: Jennifer Snyder Ryan Chandler <HR> Ric was finishing up some paperwork and couldn’t keep his eye off the clock sitting on his desk. It had been a very long day, and it was only 2 o’clock in the afternoon. As he sat behind his desk, he heard a light knock on his office door. He looked up from his work and saw Alexis peering in to say hello. “You busy? She asked as she pushed open the door farther. “Well, it’s been one of those days, so yes I guess you could say that I’m busy.” He replied as his wife slinked into the office with something on her mind. She approached his desk and came around to where he was sitting in his chair. He turned towards her and she sat down in his lap. By this time, Ric knew something was on her mind and it wasn’t work. “Alexis, what are you doing?” he asked as she nibbled on his ear. “You don’t like it?” “No, no, I do …” he replied stuttering. “I was just …” “Since you were having a bad day, I thought perhaps I could help you relax.” “Mmmmm….” Escaped his lips as she went from his ears to his neck. Her fingers entangled in the hair at the nape of his neck and he could feel himself getting aroused by her tactics to relax him. “Okay … Alexis …” he said as he tried to get up off his chair so he could lock the office door before they got too far into the relaxation therapy session. He got up off his chair and went to the office door to close it and Alexis follows him and begins to unbutton her blouse. He turns around after locking the door and sees her coming towards him. She pushes him back against the door and plays with his neck tie. “Um …. Why don’t you get comfortable while I take care of some business in the other room and I’ll be right back.” As Ric goes into the private bathroom that connected to his office, Alexis began to unbutton her blouse further. As she removes the blouse, she catches a view of her body in the mirror that is hanging on the wall of office. She stood and stared at herself for a couple of minutes and wasn’t aware that Ric had return in grand entrance style in nothing but his black boxers and black socks. <HR> Meanwhile, at the Harbor View Mall, AJ is picking up some clothes he thinks Michael would like. The two of them have been making some progress when it comes to their relationship. Michael still doesn’t call him "dad," but his attitude towards AJ is starting to decrease. AJ comes across a really nice business suit that would fit Michael perfectly. He takes it up to the counter and begins purchasing the clothes when he spots Nikolas and Michael in the corner of his eye. Nikolas shows Michael some clothes. Michael picks up and oversized shirt and puts it on, trying to cover Nikolas with the other shirt. The two run around the store playing around and having a good time. Michael picks up some matching outfits for Nikolas, Morgan, Spencer, himself and baby X (Carly's baby). Nikolas nods that he likes them and rubs Michael's head. AJ watches as this plays out can't help but feel a little jealous that Nikolas, Carly's boyfriend, gets to spend more time with Michael than he does. <HR> The role of "Blake Barrington" will now be played by Josh Casaubon Elsewhere at Kelly's, Liz gets off the phone with Audrey, who informs her that Cameron isn't feeling too well. Liz promises she'll be home later to take care of him. Liz puts her face in her hands and lets out a little yell. Maxie comes over and hands her a shake, courtesy of the cute guy at the other table. Elizabeth turns her head and smiles at Blake. He takes at as an invitation to come over and talk with Liz. The two engage in some meaningless conversation, with Blake eventually asking Liz if she'd like to go out on a date with him. Liz doesn't think she's ready to date anyone. Blake says that he asked for one date, he didn't ask to be her boyfriend. Liz laughs, but politely turns him down. She mentions that she has to take care of her son who isn't feeling well. She thanks him for the shake and the two say goodbye. Blake leans back in his chair and comes up with a way to win Elizabeth over. <HR> “You’re not ready Alexis …” Alexis distracted by what she saw in the mirror. “Do you think I’m fat?” she asks still looking in the mirror. “Fat? Alexis you’re not fat. You’re beautiful.” He replied as he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “I mean, I feel so …. Old and frumpy.” “You’re not old and frumpy, Alexis. You’re beautiful and smart and funny and you are a great wife and mother.” Alexis turned into him and smiled crookedly. “Thank you for that. But you don’t have to lie to me.” “It’s not a lie, Alexis. You are all those things and they are just a few reasons why I love you.” He leaned in and gave her a kiss as he pulled her close to him. He began to caress her and to make his move. She was now distracted with the mirror and how she looked. “What’s the matter, Alexis?” She sighed. “I don’t know. One look in the mirror and it ruined the mood, I guess.” Ric disappointed that his therapy session was ruined. He was really looking forward to his afternoon quickie with his wife. “I’m sorry, Ric.” She replied as she noticed he was standing in front her in just his boxers and socks. She laughed a little at what she was looking at. He chuckled. “What?" She couldn’t hold it in any longer and a laugh escaped her lips. The laughing was contagious because he couldn’t help but joining in laughing with her, even if it was at his own expense. Ric teased Alexis by turning around and shaking his tush. Alexis places a gentle slap on his rear before he pulls her into a kiss. It appears as if the mood is about to kick back in when they receive a knock on his office door that startled them. They looked down at one another and realized neither was decent to answer the door and began to scramble to get dressed. As Ric went into his private bathroom to put his clothes back on, Alexis hurried to put on her blouse and make herself look presentable. “Coming ….” She said as the visitor knocked a second time. She opened the door as she tried to fix her blouse, but she still looked a bit disheveled. “Mayor, what a surprise to see you.” Mayor Garrett Floyd looks Alexis up and down, and then smiles a bit. "Yeah I see that.” He said as he noticed her appearance. “I stopped by to see Ric. Is he …” “Yes he’s here. Why don’t you come in?” she said as Mayor Floyd was already walking passed her and into the office. Ric came out of his private bathroom buttoning up the last button on his dress shirt. “Am I interrupting something?” the Mayor asked as he noticed his two DA’s were in disarray. “No … no .. of course not.” The two answered in unison as they looked at each other like they both got caught with their pants down. <HR> Next….on Port Charles -Ric and Alexis face repercussions from the Mayor -Ric reunited with an old rival from law school -Mac shows up looking for Bobbie
Jump In to Port Charles #2 Carly/Nikolas/Courtney The "Jump In" articles that we'll be posting will help viewers who haven't followed General Hospital/Port Charles very closely. These articles will update you on storylines told over the past year and help you further understand our stories. The friendship between Carly and Nikolas continued to grow stronger in the wake of Courtney's departure from town. Carly sees Nikolas as someone who accepts her for who she is. Nikolas resists his budding relationship with Carly at first, but begins to accept it when she proves that she isn’t using him to get back at Sonny. Carly helped Nikolas through Courtney leaving town while pregnant, encouraging him to move on with his life and not live in the past. Nikolas helped Carly take her own advice and the two began to form a bond. Courtney returns to town after giving birth and reveals to Nikolas that he is the father of her son. They name him Spencer Matthew Cassadine. Though she and Nik aren’t together, she would like them to be. Courtney picks up on the chemistry between Carly and Nikolas and it doesn’t make her very happy. She moved to CA with Spencer to help expand her foundation, unable to handle the relationship between her former best friend and ex-lover. In the fall, Courtney returned to town feeling out of place and trying to rebuild her life. Carly & Nikolas became a full fledged couple, making love for the first time in the winter of 2006. The one thing that was obvious in their relationship is Nikolas makes Carly want to be a better person. She's become more accessible to her family, and is there to help them when they need her, instead of putting Sonny first. Michael also accepts Nikolas as a part of Carly's life, which makes their relationship mean a lot more. Carly helped Tracy & Luke gain control of ELQ and in the process was given the power to re-create Deception Cosmetics, renaming the company to Deception Inc. Carly has put a lot of focus into her work, determined to make something of her life for herself and her children. Courtney was killed after someone blew up her apartment. This was the catalyst for the growing mob war between Sonny & Lorenzo. Carly and Nikolas grieved for her, with the two of them getting even closer in the wake of the tragedy. Carly promised to help raise little Spencer. Soon after, Nikolas found out that his cousin Sam survived the explosion and that Lucky has been keeping Sam safe since Thanksgiving. Nikolas immediately took control of the situation and arranged for Sam to begin therapy with Lainey. Lucky & Sam moved into Wyndemere (though Sam's presence was kept a secret). Carly overheard Nikolas talking with Lucky and learned that Sam was in fact alive and they were keeping it a secret. Carly told Jason what she knew and froze out Nikolas for weeks….until she found out she was pregnant. Cary and Nikolas made amends and are now enjoying their family on the way.