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PC - Episode 294 Tuesday, November 20, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith <HR> "Alfred," bellows Nikolas in the study. "I need to speak with you." Nikolas paces around the study, very nervous. He calls Alfred's name again when his butler doesn't come fast enough. Alfred finally makes his way into the study. "Good, you're here. I need you to do something for me." Nikolas reaches into his desk and pulls out a box. "I need you to have this wrapped. I plan on giving it to Carly very soon, and I want it to be perfect." "I take it you'll be asking Ms. Carly a very important question sir?" Nikolas smiles and sits in his chair. "If everything goes well, I definitely will Alfred." <HR> The scene transitions to the PCPD, where Maxie is having an argument with Mac about her moving out of the house. Maxie doesn't understand why Mac is being such a hard ass about her moving back on campus. Mac tries to explain that he misses Maxie. With Georgie now in Texas with Felicia, and Robin living with Patrick, the Scorpio house is empty. In a rare moment, Maxie shows her sensitive side and hugs Mac, who's surprised at Maxie's sudden burst of emotion. Of course there's more to her hug than she lets on. As the guilt of her role in Brandon's accident continues to be kept secret, the harder she finds it to live with herself. Maxie promises Mac she'll visit the house more on the weekends, and may even bring by Serena when she comes. Mac says he'd like that…as long as Scott Baldwin didn't pop up too. The two laugh as Brenda makes her way up to them. "Oh good, you're here Maxie so I only have to make one trip," Brenda says after hugging Mac. "Since we all know about Robin being pregnant…..I thought it would be nice if we threw her a little surprise party after Thanksgiving." Maxie's eyes light up. "I think that's a great idea Brenda! We should so do that. And have it at the house too." "I'm not sure about that Maxie," says Mac. "Oh come on. You were just complaining about how empty the house is. This is a good excuse for all of us to get together. We can invite our close friends." Brenda and Maxie double team Mac and finally convince him to say yes. Maxie thinks it'll be nice to be around the family before she hits school full time again. Mac asks who would come to this party, Brenda suggests Anna, Patrick, maybe some of Robin's friends from the hospital. Nothing too big. Mac's face cringes when Anna's name is mentioned. The two of them haven't been getting along very well, and it might not be a good idea for them to be in the same room together. Maxie asks if anything is wrong with that list, interrupting Mac from this thoughts. He says everything is fine, and looks forward to getting together. <HR> On the PCU campus, Lucas has just finished working out at the school gym. He can't wait to get home and take a nice long shower, then head over to Kelly's to meet Lulu and Dante for some lunch. He says goodbye to his workout buddies and begins heading to his car. On his way there, he notices bright orange flyers on the bulletin boards and on the windshields of people's cars. A line on the flyer catches his attention. It reads: "STOP THE GAY SICKNESS – FIGHT THE 'SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE' OF SINNERS." The sign disgusts Lucas, who promptly rips it off the board and tosses it in the trash. <HR> Back at Wyndemere, Nikolas is playing with his son Spencer. Alfred walks in and tells Nikolas all of the arrangements have been made. Nikolas thanks Alfred for all of his hard work, and gives him the rest of the day off. When Alfred makes his leave, Nikolas picks up his son and holds him close. "This is going to be a wonderful night Spencer. Soon, we're all going to be one big family. If all goes well, you'll have two wonderful big brothers who love you very much. On top of that, you're going to be a big brother to the new babies. Yes you are." Nikolas kisses his son's forehead and then puts him over his shoulder, rubbing his back. "I'm going to give you the family I never had growing up Spencer." A wave of sadness comes across Nikolas. "You're mother loved you very much. Just like my mother loves me. While Carly will never replace Courtney, you will grow up having the love of a woman who will love you as if you are her own. And I the same with her children. This engagement will be a night to remember." The scene pulls away as Nikolas lays Spencer in his playpen. He walks to the window and stares out….unaware that Sam has been listening to his plans. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Sam reports to Helena what she's learned - Anna and Mac agree to put aside their difference for Robin's sake - Emily overhears Monica pouring out her heart to Alan
Lulu's a bitch plain and simple. She just met this girl and is rushing to judgment, just because she's friends with someone Lulu doesn't like. Lulu and Serena were friendly growing up, but they don't remember that. They haven't seen each other in years. But that'll be explored. Basically, at the party the night before, Lulu ran into Serena while picking a fight with Maxie, and it didn't end well. Lulu was immediately rude to Maxie, and Serena didn't like that. We're recreating the Luke/Scotty feud...only this time w/ their children.
PC - Episode 293 Saturday, November 17, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> <b>The next day…..</b> Luke and Tracy were enjoying their drinks and waiting for Lucy and her lawyer to arrive when Lulu comes flying into the living room, a storm cloud exploding on her face. She plops herself down across from her father and says, "Guess who I met the other night?" "Glad to see you decided to come home…..what did we do to deserve this 'wonderful' visit?" says Tracy. "Hush wife." An amused Luke smiles at Lulu before remarking, "Who precious?" "Serena…….Baldwin." Lulu spits out slowly and distastefully. She rolls her eyes and makes sure she emphasizes certain words. "She is <b>such</b> a bitch." Tracy smirks. "Well if she is anything like her father I trust your judgment. What did she do to you?" "And when did you meet her?" Luke asks. "At some college party." "Her sister Karen was very nice. I liked her very much." Luke remarks, taking a sip from his drink, obviously not caring about Lulu's immature feud with the female Baldwin. Lulu, agitated, jumps up and starts to pace. "Well this Karen may be nice but her sister isn't. Serena is just so annoying and thinks she is all so wonderful. I just want to slap her perfect little smile off her face." Lulu clenches her fists. "Dad I don't know see how you can be friends with a woman like Lucy, who produced such a horrible spawn." Lucy stops short at the door into the Quartermaine living room. Her hands cover her mouth as she gasps, "What did you say?" Luke stands up. "Lucy, Lulu didn't mean it. She was, you know, just getting some aggression out. You know how the younger generation is." Lulu turns around and faces Lucy. "No…no….I meant what I said Lucy. I don't like Serena." "Leslie Lu…you barely even know Serena. I'm quite sure once you get to know her, your opinion will change." "The fact that she's friends with Maxie Jones says enough about her character for me." Lulu says tossing back her hair. "Anyone who's friends with Maxie obviously doesn't have good taste." Serena pushes past Lucy and comes face to face to Lulu. She was just as furious as Lulu. However, she stares straight into Lulu's eyes and smiles sweetly, oh so channeling Maxie, "I really wish you wouldn't be jealous that Hunter prefers me over you. He is my boyfriend so you really might want to get over this." Luke, having a lot more important issues on his mind, raises his voice, "Lucy! Is your lawyer friend here? Because I would like to them and get started." Luke raises his head into the air, looks around and gets a disgusted look on his face. "What is that awful smell?" Luke asks. Scott Baldwin fills up the doorway. "At your service, Spencer." Luke's face turns beet red. "OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" bellows Luke, pointing at the door. "There's no way in hell you're here to help. This scumbag almost got me convicted for that Cassadine murder!" Luke looks over at Lucy, "Do you really think I would let a snake like Baldwin defend my sister in this case? I wouldn't let him defend her in a case about parking tickets!" "Told ya that Spencer would turn me down, Lucy. I'm not wasting anymore of my time here Lucy. Serena, want to get out of here?" Scott drawls. "Anything to get away from here, Dad." huffs Serena. "No, no, no, no." Lucy throws up her hands. "Think about Bobbie! Luke, you can't even get a lawyer and I did everything I could to convince Scott to help out here. He knows Alexis and Ric, he can make a deal or something." "Another one of your psychic predictions Lucy?" Tracy demands. She has a slight smile on her face as she looks at Scott. "ALICE!!!!!!!!!!!" Alice comes from the other room. "You rang Ms. Tracy?" "Yes Alice I did." Tracy pushes Alice towards Scott. "Please show our….guests out." "It'll be my pleasure." "Hey hey! Get your stinkin hands off me. I'm only here because Lucy asked me to," snipes Scotty. "Since when are you a defense lawyer anyway? Haven't you been a Prosecutor for a while now?" Luke remarks. "You know I have always done both sides of criminal law, as well as been a Special Prosecutor. I can help Bobbie if you let me!" Scott fires to Luke. Luke looks at Scott scornfully, "Why would I let you? Knowing you, you would throw this case. If anything, you would see that she gets the chair just to piss me off! Now why the hell should I trust you with Barbara Jean's life?" Scott walks up to Luke and narrows his eyes. "There was a time where Bobbie was the love of my life. I would do anything for her. I still would." Scott waves his arms around, "Can't you see that Spencer? This is about Bobbie, not Laura! Put your damn hatred for me aside so I can help out Barbara Jean. Once I'm done with that, then we can finish this, but until then, do what's right." Luke walks over to the sideboard and pours himself a drink. For several moments no one says a word. Luke downs his drink and looks at Tracy. She nods her head imperceptibly. Luke waves his hand. "Fine. Go see Bobbie. But if you screw up, I'll kill you." After Alice shows the Baldwins and Lucy out, the scene cuts back to Luke in the living room. Lulu asks if he's ok, and he says yes. Tracy comes in and says she'll try to get Justus again, maybe he can get some time away to come represent Bobbie. Luke tells her not to bother. He hates to admit it, but Scotty has a point. He's gotta put aside his dislike for Scotty for now….all that matters is getting Barbara Jean a reduced sentence. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Nikolas has a big surprise in store for Carly - Brenda enlists the help of Mac & Maxie - Lucas is irked by some flyers he sees on campus
PC - Episode 292 Friday, November 16, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Steven walks up to the Nurse's Station and waves his hand in front of a distracted Elizabeth. "Hey, what's going on? I haven't seen you in a little while." He hands her a chart. She takes the chart from him and smiles gratefully." I know, sorry, it's been kind of crazy with the divorce and everything. Thanks for asking though. You should come see Cam sometime, just call me anytime and we can set something up. How are things with you?" Steven walks around the Nurse's Station towards the elevator. He pushes the up button. "I am running a little late. I was supposed to be upstairs for a consult five minutes ago, but things are good. I saw Sarah before she left. I'm glad she went home to see Jeff, he needs one of us there." Elizabeth bit her lip. "I know and I didn't want to go with the divorce and Cam and everything else going on. He understood. Sarah said that there was nothing here for her so she was happy to help him after his knee surgery." Elizabeth looked down at the charts in front of her. "I called the night Sarah got there and she got there safe. She sounded happy and so did Dad." The elevator doors open and Steven jumps in. "I did too. I will catch up with you later Liz." He yelled as the doors closed on him. <HR> Edward, Tracy, and Luke are sitting in the living room of the Quartermaine Mansion when a determined Emily sits down opposite them. Edward takes no notice of her as he reads the newspaper and Tracy continues to argue with Luke. Emily clears her throat. She is ignored. Again she clears her throat and she gets no response. Finally she stands up and says, "Grandfather! Tracy! I really need to talk to you about something." "Oh yes Emily! What can we help you with?" Edward folds his newspaper back and addresses his granddaughter. "Are you doing ok?" Emily pulls back her hair and catches it in a ponytail. "No, I am not ok. I've been doing a lot of….thinking regarding my career. It's kind of hard to do so when I'm beyond furious with Monica..." "Humph" Tracy says clearing her throat and grabs the toothpick holding the olive in her martini. She brings it to her lips. "You are not the only one Emily." "I've thought long and hard about what I want to do. This may seem a little sudden….but as of last Monday, I have stopped my medical studies and have re-enrolled at PCU part time so I can major in business." Emily notices a slight look of happiness on Edward's face. " Yes grandfather, I want to work at ELQ. You can't talk me out of it, I have already decided." Tracy almost drops her martini glass but Luke catches it. "You want to what?" Luke walks over to the sideboard and makes Tracy another martini. "You want to work at ELQ? Why would <b>anyone</b> want to work in that god awful place?" Tracy turns to Luke with an attitude. "Don't <b>you</b> work in that 'god awful' place? I would think you would have a different opinion." "Let me ask you something spanky……do you ever see me working at ELQ?" "Well…..no." "That proves my point," Luke says taking a sip of Tracy's drink before handing her the glass. Edward leans forward on the couch. "Emily, have you really thought about this? I second what Luke is saying. Why do you want to work at ELQ?" With a self satisfied smile on her face, Emily tells them. "Monica was the one who wants me to become a doctor. She pushed me and pushed me. Now I am done. I never really got the chance to explore what I wanted to do. I want to do what I want. And that is to go into the family business. I know Tracy is taking a leave of absence, but I thought when we aren't at the hospital; she could teach me some of the ins and outs. You now….kinda take me under her wing if that's ok." Tracy and Edward look and each other and they shrug, both in agreement. "Ok Emily. If this is what you want, you can begin working right away. For the time being, you'll work under Tracy, though not as her assistant. You're a Quartermaine. You start out at the top my dear. During your internship, Tracy will mentor you." Edward turned to Tracy, "I don't have to remind you not to overload her at this time." Tracy accepts the martini that Luke gives her as she nods her agreement to Edward. Luke was the only one who saw AJ standing in the foyer, a shocked and dismayed look on his face. The camera cuts to Emily, as a smile slowly creeps upon her face. It's time to show her grandfather what she can really do. AJ's face turns beet red. It's not enough he has to deal with Tracy at ELQ, now he's got Emily to deal with too. This is not going to bode well for business…. <HR> - Lulu bashes Serena to Luke - Luke is shocked when Scott arrives with Lucy - Scotty offers to represent Bobbie - Luke refuses to allow Scotty to help
Is Mikkos alive in your blog? I noticed Helena was talking about him being away, Mikkos was killed in the 80's during the weather machine incident. I'm only bringing that up because I wasn't sure if you brought him back or didn't know. Good episode.
Good episode Matt. Do you ever write episode in non-script form? I don't know if it'll make a difference, but I have a hard time getting into the dialouge only episodes. I know you wouldn't change just for me, but do you think you could try it a couple of times?
Glad to have you back ML. Sorry to hear about your accident, but I'm glad you're ok. God works in mysterious ways.
PC - Episode 291 Thursday, November 15, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Kevin and Mac were drinking beer and shooting pool. It had been some time since the two old friends had time to catch up. Kevin explained everything to Mac about his situation with Monica. Mac told Kevin his frustrations about Anna and work. That night, it felt good to unwind and release the frustrations of the past several weeks. However, when Luke Spencer is involved, nothing ever goes as planned. "Mac, Collins." Luke spit out the name Collins. "Mac, we gotta talk." Mac sighs as Kevin leans over to take his shot. "Luke, pick up a pool stick. Just to let you know, I am not going to talk shop tonight. No police talk from me tonight at all." Luke pulls out a cigar and leans up against the wall. "Mac, give me a break. Man to man, we need to talk." Luke puffs on his cigar, "Your brother would help me out here man." Kevin arches his eyebrow, "In case you haven't noticed, Luke, he isn't Robert." Kevin snarls. "Great observation." barks out Luke. "If I wanted to talk to you Dr. Collins, I'd make an appointment. From what I hear, your schedule is pretty clear." "Stop it both of you." Mac says as he takes his shot. "Luke, if you want to talk about Bobbie, you are going to either have to talk to Anna or to Alexis. It's out of my hands." Luke is about to open his mouth when his cell phone rings. Thinking it might be Tracy, he answers without looking at the Caller ID. "Luke! I'm so very very glad you answered. I really need to talk to you. It's so very important." Luke rolls his eyes. "Lucy, I'm busy right now." Lucy, who is driving in her car, turns on her windshield wipers as the rain is starting to come down a bit hard. She pouts, "Luke you are my very best friend in the world and I really need to talk to you. Please, I will come to you. Are you at the Quartermaines? The Hospital?" The jukebox started to play just as Lucy rides past Jake's and sees Luke's car. Luke repeated that it wasn't a good time. Lucy got very quiet and then said all right. She hung up her phone and in frustration, Luke put his away. "Well boys, it seems that Miss Lucy figured out where I was and is on her way here." He looked directly at Kevin when he said this. Luke puffs on his cigar and shows his contempt of Kevin, "Well Kevin, I really think you should leave as Lucy will be here very soon. You know she will not want you here." <HR> At Wyndemere, a shirtless Lucky is going through a box of photos and comes across one of him, Liz and Cameron taken the Christmas after their wedding. He smiles, rubs the face of Elizabeth and puts it back into the box. He carries the box over to the closet and places it firmly at the top. When he shuts the door, he notices Sam standing in the doorway. "How long have you been there," he asks. "I didn't wake you did I?" Sam walks in Lucky's room and stands near his dresser. "Not long…and no, you didn't wake me." Sam begins twirling the crystal on the necklace around her neck….the necklace Helena uses to keep Sam under control. "I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a while along the hillside. I came back up to the house after it started raining. When I came back you were up." "I guess we were both feeling the same way then," says Lucky as he puts the shirt lying on his bed. "I've got a lot of family stuff going on." "I know. I hope everything is going to be ok." "It should be. My aunt Bobbie really got herself into some trouble, but your mom promised she'd try to get her the help she needs." Lucky sits on the edge of the bed. "I'm just worried about Lucas. He and Bobbie had the closest relationship for years. This is just one more thing that the poor kid has to deal with. He's gonna need me." "He'll have you…and Lulu and your father and Carly. You all seem to love him very much. Family seems to be an important thing for Spencer's." Sam walks over and sits on the bed next to Lucky, closing her robe. She playfully leans against him and smiles. "You're a good man Lucky. You're there for your brother, everyone close to you and yet you still have time to help me." Sam looks down at her hands. "I don't say it enough, but I appreciate all you've done for me." Lucky reaches out and grabs her hands, holding them with his. She smiles and looks away. Lucky gently touches her face and pulls her gaze to him. Lucky leans in slowly and kisses Sam tenderly. She pulls away hesitantly, suggesting she should go. Lucky stands up and asks her not to leave. Sam says that she doesn't want to do anything to change….whatever it is between them. She says she's sorry and runs off. Lucky falls back on his bed and puts his hands behind his head. Sam walks into her room and shuts her door. She stands with her back to the wall and begins fanning herself. She heads over to her window and sits on it, staring at the rain. "Don't do it Sam," she says to herself aloud. "Don't let yourself fall for Lucky." <HR> A group of men are shown in an abandoned warehouse outside of the city limits. They appear to be waiting for someone, as they are horse playing around outside. Suddenly a limo pulls up. The window comes down halfway, but viewers are unable to see who is inside the car. The person asks for an update on the move into the Corinthos & Alcazar territory. One of the leaders of the men tells his boss that their plan is working, and their spies inside their organizations tell that the Corinthos/Alcazar factions are getting ready to have it out. The end of coming for them both. The person in the limo appears pleased. The person says that hopefully, they'll kill each other, leaving the opportunity for someone else to step in. Before the limo pulls away, the high ranking thug moves towards the window and tells boss that there appears to be a leak within their ranks. The boss nods, and tells him to take care of it. The limo pulls away. The leader heads back over to the group and calls them into the warehouse for an update. The scene cuts to an exterior shot of the building. A few seconds later, flashes of light are seen coming from inside, followed by the sound of shots firing. 10 men walked into the building….only 2 walked out. <HR> Kevin looks from Mac to Luke in surprise, "Are you kidding me?" "Nope. I think you should leave." Luke says as Kevin grabs his jacket and heads to the door just as Lucy opens the door to Jake's. He stops and stares at her, "Thanks a lot Lucy." Kevin says sarcastically. Lucy looks over her shoulder at the departing Kevin. She shrugs it off and rushes over towards Mac and Luke. "What was that about? Oh never mind." Lucy shakes her hands. "Luke, how are you? I have missed talking to you and I know that there are so many things going on for you and I want to help." Lucy says in a rush. "Oh and hi Mac." Luke laughs. "Know any lawyers since Mac here can't cut my sister any breaks? Tracy tried to get Justus but he can't." Mac sighs, "I told you Spencer." "As a matter of fact....I do" Lucy says as if a lightbulb has gone off in her head. "He's very good! I will call him right away! It's the least I can do for you, my very best friend. Well, Felicia is my very friend but she isn't here so Luke you are my very best friend and I will do anything for you. So let me do this for you and him." Lucy excitedly rambled. "Ok Lucy, do what you want." Luke, amused, says. "Because I know you will." Lucy pulls out her Blackberry. "Ta-ta!" As she makes her way back to her car, she hopes this goes well. <HR> <b>Six hours later…</b> Lucy's phone rang early the next morning. She picked it up and a harsh, scruffy voice demands, "Why did you call me so late last night? Is something that matter with Serena?" Lucy sits up in bed and adjusts the covers around her. "Scott! No, it's not Serena, she's just fine. I was wondering if you could possibly do me a really tiny favor for me?" Scott lets out a sigh of relief. "I'm just glad Serena is ok. And of course you need something Lucy, that's how you are." "Scott, please hear me out." Lucy pleads. Lucy goes on to explain how Bobbie needs a lawyer. Lucy explains everything that has happened and that Bobbie needs some serious help. Since Bobbie and Scott were such old friends, Lucy naturally thought that Scott could Bobbie out. Sarcastically Scott says, "Bravo Lucy. Now why do you really want me to come to Port Charles?" Lucy pulls out her trump card. "When was the last time you saw Serena?" "Fine, I'll be in Port Charles tomorrow!" Scott slams down the phone. Lucy smiles and snuggles down into the bed, a smile on her face. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Liz & Steven discuss Sarah leaving town - Emily makes a surprising career move
http://boards.soapoperanetwork.com/index.p...g&blogid=77 On August 4 a casting call went out from All Our Lives that stated the show was looking for the following: a male, has blonde or light brown hair, is in his mid to late 20's and has an innocent look. The answer as to who the character was and what actor would land the role was previously announced in the first issue of the DR-TV Insider. Viewers found out that former ATWT actor Craig Lawlor has landed the role of Benjy Hawk, the child who super couple Steve and Kayla almost adopted in the late 1980’s. In the article posted in the Insider it was announced that Benjy would be a long term character. With that news we asked if that meant a return of Kayla was in the near future, for in AOL history Steve is still dead. Michael Amello responded saying that AOL has yet to plan a return for Kayla or Mary Beth Evans at this moment in time. In even bigger news comes the announcement that Renee Jones a.k.a Lexie Carver will start appearing on the blog soap. From the head writer himself we have learned that she has been given a contract just like Craig Lawlor and will stay with AOL for the foreseeable future. When we contacted Renee Jones herself she had this to say, “I am so happy Michael Amello decided to bring Lexie on his show. It’s great to be working in a major story again.” When we asked Michael Amello why he decided to bring Lexie back to the canvas he responded saying, “Renee Jones is a superb actress. It would be stupid in my mind not to have her on screen. I knew from the first day of production that I wanted to bring Lexie back into the fold and am now happy that fans will finally be able to see her story unfold.” With this news many fans are speculating if a return of Stefano and Joseph Mascolo is in the cards. Also adding to that speculation is how in episode 12, E.J’s Prisoners are Revealed, E.J was shown talking to Stefano, though he was not seen to viewers. Sadly an AOL rep declined to comment on this particular rumour. Hopefully in time we will get to the bottom of this.
Love your timing Joshy
PC - Episode 290 Friday, November 09, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> A mass of emotions contort Lucas' face. Anger, pain, disappointment, sadness and even hope all cross his face. "I just feel so much, I don't know, so much pressure right now. It's like I am constantly being scrutinized. Every action someone is watching me. I can't be just me. Because Brandon is gone and it's like everyone is watching to see if I will fail." Leaning back, Dante asks, "Why would anyone think you would fail?" "Because Bobbie, my mother, the woman who raised me, hates the person I am. Everyone in my family knows it. I love my sister Carly, but she calls me constantly. She is smothering me. She has her own worries and I wouldn't want to bother her anyways. Everyone is hovering trying to anticipate my next move and I hate it!" Lucas kicks at a rock and watches as it skips into the water. "You know that they are doing it because they care." Dante counsels. "I know but," Lucas looks at Dante, who is staring intently at him, "I sound selfish don't I" "No," Dante whispers, "You sound like someone who has gone through more than their share of problems." A wave of intense feeling shakes Lucas to his very core. Just looking at Dante makes him feel very warm inside. Lucas doesn't say a word, he just listens to the sounds of the pier. He looks deep into Dante's brown eyes as Dante smiles ever so slightly. The camera alternates on the faces of Dante & Lucas. They slowly begin to lean closer to each other, fixated on each other's features, embracing the chemistry. Closer…and closer they lean, their lips almost about to touch…. "Hey Dante!" Someone shouts. "Where are you dude? I thought I saw you come down here!" The heated moment between Lucas and Dante is broken. They lean back, breaking eye contact. Dante clears his throat. "Yeah, I'm down here with a friend of mine." Lucas and Dante could hear footsteps coming closer. "It's getting late. We're going to take the party back to the frat house," the person yells. "You and your friend want to come?" Dante looks at Lucas quizzically. Lucas quickly shakes his head no. Dante yells back. "I'll catch up with you guys later. I won't be much longer." <HR> Back inside the club…. Serena and Maxie thread their way through the crowd towards a group of banquettes situated near the bar. Serena stops short, causing Maxie to bump into her back. "What the hell?" Maxie demands. "Why did you stop? I almost spilled my beer all over you." Serena points towards one of the couches where Hunter is sitting. Sitting very close to him is a very flirtatious Lulu. "Who does that bitch think she is? She has no idea who she is dealing with." Serena fumes. "She better keep her paws off my man." Maxie smiles broadly, "Oh Serena, you and I will get along very well." The two walk over to the table and Hunter moves so that Serena can sit next to him. Lulu moves over and Maxie sits at the end of the couch. Immediately one of Hunter's friends starts to flirt with Maxie, who flirts back. All the while Maxie is keeping an eye on Serena, Lulu and Hunter. Serena scoots closer to Hunter and kisses him softly. Hunter tells her she looks very pretty tonight. Lulu has taken an immediate disliking to Serena. Lulu reaches over and very deliberately knocks her Coke all over Serena. Serena, in shock, grabs a bunch of napkins and runs off to the bathroom. Once Serena is out of sight, Maxie calmly says, "You know Hunter, do you know what kind of person Lulu is? She is the kind of person who would go after her supposed friend's boyfriend and sleep with him. Isn't that right Lulu?" "Go to hell Maxie." Snarls Lulu. Maxie leans forward on the table and narrows her eyes, "You are pathetic Lulu. You can't find a guy of your own so you first go after Georgie's man and now you are going after Serena's. Nice little pattern you have here. Make sure you don't give her your number Hunter, she'll call you multiple times a day and get herself into some kind of drama so you can come play the big here." Lulu jumps out of the booth and stands over Maxie. "And you are as pure as the driven snow? Should we go through your rap sheet?" Maxie smiles sweetly and looks Lulu in the eye, "Hey with me, what you see is what you get. I have never lied about that. This is more than I can say for you." Serena comes back just in time to see Lulu going for a glass of water. "You are such a bitch!" Lulu shouts, throwing water in Maxie's face. Maxie smiles angrily and goes to charge after Lulu, but the bartender grabs her. Serena taps on Lulu's shoulder. "No, you're the bitch." Serena lays a left hook across Lulu's face, knocking her into the sofa. Serena then grabs picture of water from behind the counter and pours it over Lulu's head, getting her all wet. "Stay away from me, my boyfriend and Maxie." Serena pulls Hunter by the arm and heads towards the door. "You coming Maxie?" Maxie, now alone, wipes the water off her face. "Yeah…well handled Serena." "Why thank you." Serena locks arms with Maxie as they walk arm in arm away. <HR> College Never Looked This Good! Click Here to Read <HR> The camera pulls away from a phone ringing. A pregnant Robin is shown coming out of the bed room and walking into the living room. "I'm coming, I'm coming," she says a little disoriented. This'll teach her to leave her cell phone in the living room. She grabs her phone and looks at the caller ID. It's an unknown caller. When she answers the phone, she can barely hear the person on the other end. "Hello?" "Robin…....I…………..see………………..soon…………..there…………………few days," the voice says breaking up very badly. Robin gets annoyed and hangs up the phone. She tries to trace it, but it's private. She tosses her phone back on the table and starts to head back into the bedroom. She turns around and cuts the phone off before going back to bed. <HR> Back at the club, one of the guys yells ok and Dante and Lucas watch in silence as the silhouettes disappear into the night. They don't notice that one of them has turned back to watch the two of them for a minute longer. "Thank you Dante, "Lucas whispers. "No problem." Dante stands, "Look, my car is here. Can I give you a ride home? I can't let you walk home after all that you have drank tonight." Lucas looks out over the water. "Yeah, a ride would be good. I'm still a little buzzed but I feel better. You are a good listener. I appreciate it. I'm really grateful for you listening to me tonight, you didn't have to but you did." Lucas looks down at his feel and blushes slightly. "You have no idea how much I appreciate it." Dante starts to walk up the pier, "Well how about we get going?" Lucas falls into step with Dante. He can't help feeling guilty for the…I guess you can call it feelings, that he feels for Dante. When he wakes up in the morning, the first thing on his mind isn't Brandon. It's whether or not he'll run into Dante before class, or see him at Kelly's. That only makes him feel even more guilty. He can't stop thinking of him. He looks forward to their classes together. He knows that he will be able to talk to him at least twice a week. But more than anything in the world, he wanted to kiss Dante tonight. And his instincts told him that Dante wanted to kiss him too. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Luke joins Mac & Kevin for a guys night out - Lucy has an idea that will help Bobbie - Lucky kisses Sam - Someone plans the demise of Sonny & Lorenzo
We're glad you're liking this Matt. Carly was originally going to return as Serena. We were going to have her be a senior in high school, but at the last minute decided to age her into the college set. She sorta didn't do much at first, but we've got BIG plans for her It's Spencer vs. Baldwin Generation II
PC - Episode 289 Thursday, November 8, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Not long after Lulu took off after Lucas, Maxie and Dillon stand awkwardly together at the edge of the dance floor. Neither one says anything as they watch Lucas brush Lulu off again. Maxie sighs, "I'll be back Dillon." She heads into the crowd, searching for a particular person. She finally catches sight of him at a table surrounded by his friends and she walks right over. "Excuse me, you're Dante right?" Maxie asks the popular student. "Can I talk to you for minute?" "Yeah, sure." Sitting in a booth, Dante stands up and excuses himself from his friends. Maxie leads the way towards the door, where it is a little quieter. She turns around and faces a very curious Dante. "I'm sorry, I don't think I know you." Dante apologizes. Maxie leans close. "Thats ok, I'm Maxie Jones. I think you know my cousin Lucas Jones. I saw you two talking in the Student Union. I've also seen you at Kelly's. Am I right though, you know Lucas?" Dante nods slowly saying that yes he and Lucas know each other and that they have a couple classes together. Maxie starts to talk fast. "Well Lucas is going through some really hard times right now. Especially with his family. We've tried to get through to him but he is shutting us all out. Anyways, he's like been drinking a lot tonight and I don't think I've ever seen him like this." Waving her hands in the air, "I was kind of wondering, and I am sorry to be asking because it is sorta rude, not that I care anyway, but could you maybe talk to him? I mean look at him." She points him out on the dance floor where he is dancing sexily with Alexa. "That is not Lucas. I was just thinking..." Dante smiles and interrupts. "Maybe I could get him out of here and stop him drinking for the night. Maybe….see what's going on. Sure, I'll get him out of here." Maxie expels her breath. "Thanks D, I owe you one." Dante puts his arm around Maxie and gives her a quick hug. "You are a good person to look out for your cousin like this. He should know that you really care." Maxie laughs sarcastically, knowing that statement is about as far from the truth as anything. "Yeah well, don't tell anyone that I am a good person. I have a reputation to uphold." <HR> Lucas decides against taking the Ecstasy. However, he is still drinking like there is no tomorrow. He takes a couple shots and again dances with Alexa. Suddenly Lucas' head is filled with memories of that fateful night. He flashbacks to the night that Brandon was killed. In his mind he sees himself and Dillon in the bedroom and Dillon telling him that he had feelings for him. How the music was blaring. How good he felt when Dillon kissed him even thought he was in love with Brandon. And the moment when Brandon opened the door with Lulu on his heels and Brandon found Lucas and Dillon with their shirts off about to have sex. Lucas' head starts to fill up with the unpleasant memories. The room begins to spin and Lucas bolts off the floor, leaving Alexa behind. Lucas finds a chair over to the side of the dance floor. He collapses in it and hangs his head in his hands. He starts to gasp as he sees Brandon's face before him. Lucas knows he has drank way too much tonight. He has no recollection how many beers or shots he has drank. The lights and music seem to surround him. There is no way he wants to cry in public but somehow he thinks he will. He doesn't notice when someone comes up to him and places their hand on his shoulder. "Hey Lucas, how about getting out of here." Lucas looks up at the handsome face of Dante and nods. "Yeah." Lucas sniffs and stands up, wobbling a little bit. "Please get me out of here." "Let's go" Dante cuts through the crowd, making sure that Lucas is behind him. <HR> Lulu flails her arms in the air. "Dillon you can't be serious! You have a thing for Maxie! Get out of here!" Lulu pushes back her long blonde hair. "I have never ever thought I could imagine this, you have seriously stunned me. You and Maxie, no way!" Dillon narrows his eyes and focuses on Lulu. Sternly he says, "There is nothing going on between me and Maxie and there will never be, ok Lulu?" "Yeah right" Lulu says sarcastically as she stands next to Dillon. They watch as Maxie walks towards them and Dante Brennan heads to the to the dance floor. Not long after Dante walks across the dance floor and Dante and Lucas head for the door. Seeing this as an excuse to leave, Dillon takes it. "Well now that this crisis with Lucas seems to be resolved, I am heading out. See you guys later." Dillon rushes out of there as Lulu mumbles, "I am so not finished with you yet Dillon." Serena walks up to Maxie. "There you are. Maxie, I have been looking everywhere for you!" "Well, now you found me. What's up?" Maxie finished her beer and ordered another from the waitress. "Everything ok?" Serena pulled out her sidekick cell phone and texted a message back to Hunter. She looks up at Maxie and smiles, "Of course. Some of Hunter's friends saw you and thought you were kinda hot. Over there at the bar." Serena points to the three guys waving at Maxie. "Come on, they want me to bring you back with me." Annoyed that Dillon brushed her off, Lulu decides to take some pot shots at Maxie. "Awwww, Look at Maxie blackmailing people to be her friend," Lulu says, her words laced with sarcasm. She turns to Serena and begins to speak to her. "Are your friends on drugs or something? Because no one ever thinks, that Maxie is hot. Unless they themselves are on drugs." Serena doesn't look up from her cell phone. She leans the side and while still texting. "Who's this bitch? And why is she in my space?" Maxie rolls her eyes. "Trust me; she is no one worth mentioning. If you ignore her she'll go away." "Excuse me? Who are you calling a bitch?" Lulu said, getting up into Serena's face. "And don't talk around me like I'm not here." "I believe I just did….and if you know what's good for you, you'll back the hell up off me." Serena eyes Lulu up and down and turns her face away in disgust. "Who the hell are you anyway?" "Lulu Spencer." Serena starts to laugh, infuriating Lulu even more. "Oh this is priceless. You are Lulu Spencer!" Serena says sarcastically. "Allow me to introduce myself." She puts out her hand and smiles calmly. "Serena……Serena Baldwin." <HR> Lucas and Dante are walking along the pier near the club. Dante shoves his hands in his pockets and glances over at a dishelmed Lucas. Lucas looks so angry and so sad. However just in walking with Dante in silence, his anger is starting to dissipate. After about ten minutes, Dante asks, "Want to talk about it Lucas?" Lucas keeps walking. After a while, he responds, "Not really." He raises his head and looks at Dante. "I mean, everybody keeps asking me what's wrong, like I am going to break. Everybody wants me to talk to them but no one gets that I don't want to talk about anything going on right now." "Hey that's cool." Dante replies. "Just so you know that you can talk to me if you want to. I've been told I am a great listener." Lucas stops. "Not to be rude or anything, but you don't even know me Dante. Why are you suddenly being so nice to me?" Lucas asks suspiciously. Dante shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know Lucas. You are really nice guy. A guy who has had some bad breaks. I have heard about the stuff that has happened to you and it sucks. I figured you could use a friend." "I don't need your pity." Lucas starts to walk away from Dante. "I'm not offering you pity. I'm offering you friendship." Dante calls out. Lucas turns around and walks back towards him. "It's just that everybody tries so hard with me, like I am going to break or something. I feel so much pressure now, even more so than before. Ever since I found out that Bobbie was the drunk driver, everyone has tried to hover over me. I just can't stand it! I see him everywhere and no one can understand that. I feel so guilty going on with my life! And my mother is the one that took his life away all because she can't stand that I am gay!" a very frustrated Lucas shouts. He grabs his stomach. "I think I'm gonna get sick." Lucas runs to the edge of the pier and leans over. <HR> "Maxie, why am I not surprised that you would attract a bitch like Serena Baldwin. Now you have another whore to hang around with." Lulu spits out. 'Whore?" Maxie says, leaning back on a table. "Pot. Kettle. Black. See Serena, Miss Lulu thinks that there is a pedestal up high and she is looking down at us little people. Let me warn you, I wouldn't trust her as far as I could throw her. She's a backstabbing tramp who hates it when other people are happy." Serena steps into the conversation. "It seems to me that the only bitch around here is you." "Shut up both of you." Lulu throws up her hands in between them. "I don't have to take this from either of you." Looking from Serena back to Maxie, Lulu says, "You two deserve each other. I am so outta here." Flicking her blonde hair off her shoulder she haughtily stomps off into the bar area. Serena and Maxie watch Lulu head off into the crowd. Serena glances up at Maxie who picks up her new beer from the waitress. "What's her deal with you?" Serena looks down at her cell phone. "Ooh, message." Sighing and rolling her eyes, Maxie explains, "Lulu and I have never gotten along. She decided she wanted my sister's boyfriend so she went after him, broke them up and when he didn't want her she blamed me for it. They aren't together anymore, but still. She knowingly went after him. There is just a lot of other stuff that has gone down and we just don't like each other." "Ok," Serena shrugs her shoulders. "I really want you to meet Hunter and his friends. Let's go." <HR> Lucas wipes the back of his sleeve over his eyes. He feels horrible from all the alcohol that he has drank this evening. He feels horrible for yelling at Dante tonight, because at least he can yell. Thanks to Bobbie, Brandon can't. Even if it was just pain, it was more than Brandon was feeling. His eyes filled with anguish, he looks at Dante, "I'm sorry." Dante's handsome face is filled with compassion. "Hey, you have nothing to apologize for. But why don't we go sit on one of those benches. Maybe you will feel better." Lucas stands up and wipes his hands on his jeans. "Well, at the very least, I didn't throw up." Lucas cracks. "Yeah cuz you know I've been told I am a good friend, but I really don't like to clean puke up." Dante shoots back, lightening the tension between the two. They sit down on one of the benches and Dante asks, "You sure you are ok?" A mass of emotions contort Lucas' face. Anger, pain, disappointment, sadness and even hope all cross his face. "I just feel so much, I don't know, so much pressure right now. It's like I am constantly being scrutinized. Every action someone is watching me. I can't be just me. Because Brandon is gone and it's like everyone is watching to see if I will fail." Leaning back, Dante asks, "Why would anyone think you would fail?" "Because Bobbie, my mother, the woman who raised me, hates the person I am. Everyone in my family knows it. I love my sister Carly, but she calls me constantly. She is smothering me. She has her own worries and I wouldn't want to bother her anyways. Everyone is hovering trying to anticipate my next move and I hate it!" Lucas kicks at a rock and watches as it skips into the water. "You know that they are doing it because they care." Dante counsels. "I know but," Lucas looks at Dante, who is staring intently at him, "I sound selfish don't I" "No," Dante whispers, "You sound like someone who has gone through more than their share of problems." A wave of intense feeling shakes Lucas to his very core. Just looking at Dante makes him feel very warm inside. Lucas doesn't say a word, he just listens to the sounds of the pier. He looks deep into Dante's brown eyes. Dante smiles ever so slightly. They lean closer to each other.... <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Dante and Lucas get closer - Robin gets a strange phone call - Lulu sets her eyes on Hunter - Maxie & Serena clash with Lulu
PC - Episode 288 Wednesday, November 7, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> The beat of the music permeates the air as the doors to the View open up. Serena had to beg Maxie to come. Maxie, still feeling pangs of guilt coupled with her newborn feelings for Dillon didn't feel like going out. In the end, Maxie decided to go out with her roommate to the new club. As they stand just inside the doorway, Serena leans over and tells Maxie that she sees her sometime boyfriend, Hunter. Hunter is sitting at a banquette and she wants to go say hi. Maxie starts to follow but her eyes are wandering. She lets Serena go ahead and orders a beer for herself. Maxie brings the beer to her lips and surveys the crowd. Immediately she sees Lucas, dancing as if he has no cares in the world. Maxie decides to check on Lucas. She begins to walk slowly towards the edge of the dance floor. She notices there is something very sexual about the way Lucas is dancing. He isn't dancing with anyone in particular, he is dancing with everyone that he comes in contact with, regardless is they are a male or female. His hands grab the hips of the person in front of him and he draws them closer to him. Because he was so attractive, no one cares. Maxie watches as Lucas steps up behind a very attractive guy and starts to grind with him. Lucas is acting very aggressive and very unlike himself. Feeling guilty for her role in Lucas' downfall, Maxie sips at her beer and decides to look out for Lucas. She never notices Dillon approach. <HR> Pain. That's what Lucas wants to get rid of. So far he is making a damn good effort. He doesn't care if he is dancing with a girl or a guy as long as they are hot. He moves behind a guy and starts to dance with him. The guy responds favorably and the two grind away together. Lucas smiles. This is exactly what he needs to take away the pain that he has felt for the last year. Even more so since Bobbie returned home and revealed her secret. The guy, who Lucas has never bothered to ask for his name, leans in for a kiss. Lucas doesn't care and kisses him back. He is making out with the guy on the dance floor when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He ignores the tap and prays the person will get the hint. They don't. It gets more insistent and Lucas gets annoyed. He pulls away from the guy and angrily turns around, "What the hell do you want?" Lulu stands there, arms crossed across her chest. "Lucas I need to talk to you. Now." Lucas turns towards the sound of Lulu's voice, "Lulu, I would appreciate it if you would leave me alone." "This is important Lucas." Lulu states, tapping her foot impatiently. "We really need to talk. The person that Lucas was dancing with moved away. Sarcastically Lucas replies, "Since when did you become my mother? Not like I have a real one anymore, but you get my meaning. Why do you have to constantly interrupt me like I am a child?" "Lucas..." Lulu starts to say, "I just want to help you." "You can help by leaving me the hell alone Lulu. And tell everyone else the same thing too." Lucas heads for the bar so he can get another drink. <HR> "Hey Dillon. I'm surprised to see you here." Maxie leans forward so that Dillon could get a good view of her cleavage in her shirt. "You doing all right?" Dillon tries not to notice Maxie's blatant attempt to get his attention. "No, I needed to get out of the house and now seemed a good time. Good party." Dillon's eyes kept drifting to the dance floor. Maxie smiles. "Yeah, my roommate and I just got here. She convinced me to come." Maxie noticed that Dillon wasn't paying attention to her. "Yeah and then she and I are going to go back to our dorm room with her boyfriend and some of his friends and have sex with them. Do you want to come?" Dillon finally drags his eyes away from the dance floor and Dillon finally focuses on Maxie. "What did you say Maxie?" "Whatever Dillon." Maxie rolls her eyes and watches as Lulu approaches. "Great. I so don't want to deal with Lulu, so I am out of here." Maxie takes off to the dance floor and asks a guy to dance with her. The two start to flirt and dance seductively. "Dillon, I know you and I haven't talk much in like ages, but I am really worried about Lucas." Lulu lays her hand on his arm. "He is drinking so much tonight. He also seems so angry." Dillon's eyes look over Lulu's shoulder to where Maxie is dancing. Dillon can't help but notice how cute she looks in her blue top and tight jeans. "Um, yeah Lulu, of course he's angry what do you expect?" "I expect someone to help him!" Lulu exclaims indignantly. Dillons eyes go back to the dance floor where Maxie is. "You can't honestly expect me to be that person do you Lulu?" Lulu gasps as she follows Dillon's gaze. Maxie was stepping off the dance floor. " Are you kidding me? You have a thing for Maxie?" Lulu exclaims. Maxie walks up to the two of them. "Lulu, you are still here. Why don't you go away?" Maxie waves her hand away and grabs her beer. Lulu bristles in anger, "Not that the two of you care, but Lucas needs our help. And if you two won't help him, I will!" With that, Lulu heads off back to the dance floor. <HR> After fortifying himself with another drink, Lucas walks back onto the dance floor. He moves onto the floor and starts to dance with the first person who grabs him, a beautiful, captivating blonde named Alexa. Lucas is so drunk he doesn't care. They start to move together to the music. Her arms reach up around his neck and she lightly brushes her lips across his. Lucas responds by putting his hands in her pockets and pulling her closer. "I have something for you Lucas." Alexa whispered. Lucas looks at the Ecstasy tab in her hand and looks up at Alexa. She smiles seductively. "Come on Lucas, I promise you that you and I can go back to my room and" she trails a finger down his chiseled chest, "well, I am sure we can figure out something to do. This will make everything all better and take away all the pain that I can see hidden in your eyes." Lulu appears out of nowhere and grabs onto Lucas' arm. "Lucas, what the hell are you doing? Who the hell is this?" "Leave me alone Lulu, I so don't want to talk to you. Can't you take a hint?" Frustrated, Lucas feels close to pushing Lulu away from him. "You need to lay off the drinking." Lulu states. "How much have you had? And why is this," Lulu stares Alexa up and down in disapproval, "girl giving you Ecstasy. You are better than this Lucas. What is the matter with you?" Alexa moves in front of Lucas and stares at Lulu. She stands her ground. "Um, Lucas, who is this girl? Are we going to get out of here?" Lulu crosses her arms across her chest and regards Alexa. "No, Lucas isn't going anywhere. I have to talk to him and I have to talk to him now." Lulu narrows her eyes at the blonde. "So if you don't mind." "Actually Lulu, I mind. Do me a favor….go away and I am going to stay here and dance with Alexa. Leave me the hell alone." Lucas turns to Alexa, "I just want to stay here, so let's go back and dance." Lucas leads Alexa back onto the dance floor. Alexa throws Lulu a glaring look of triumph. Annoyed, Lulu stomps back to Dillon. <HR> Next on Port Charles… - Maxie shows some compassion - Lucas has a freak out moment after he's flooded with memories of Brandon - Dillon still denies any feelings for Maxie - Lulu's mouth gets her in trouble with Serena - Lucas opens up to Dante
Forgive me if this sounds rude..... Since when did Elizabeth have a sister? And why are we just now hearing about this? I hope that Elizabeth's death isn't going to be cheapened by the sudden appearance of a "twin." That's a Reilly move.....
EXCLUSIVE! Interview with Headwriter/Co-EP Shawn Dunphy!
Ryan commented on Shawn's blog entry in Salem Nights
I can't wait for this to debut. I know you're gonna bring it Shawn. -
PC - Episode 287 Tuesday, November 06, 2007 Written by: Jennifer Snyder & Ryan Chandler <HR> After seeing his fiancée with Jasper Jax, Lorenzo heads home to drown his sorrows in a bottle of booze. He walks into the living room and makes a beeline for the wet bar. As he’s pouring himself a glass of smooth whiskey, one of his body guards enters the room to see if he needs anything. “Sir, can I get you anything?” “No, I’m fine. This is all I need.” Lorenzo replies and shows the guard the shot glass filled with alcohol. As the guard walks away, Lorenzo gives him one last instruction…”I am not to be disturbed for any reason, you got it?!” The guard turns around to acknowledge Lorenzo’s order and then turns to walk out. “And close the door behind you!” Lorenzo barks. Lorenzo swallows the glass of alcohol in one gulp and he is about to pour another when he hears his name being called from behind. “Lorenzo …” He quickly turns around to see Anna sitting on the couch. <HR> Jason awakes to knocking on his door. It appears as if he fell asleep on the sofa. Jason gets up rubbing his eyes and opens the door. Much to his surprise, his older brother AJ walks past him and sits down in the lounge chair. "What do you want AJ?" Jason asks angrily. AJ gets back up and tells Jason to calm down. "Look, I know that things between you and I haven't been great. I mean we've been civil for the sake of the family, and I appreciate that. And I know I'm probably overstepping here, but….Grandfather wants you to move into the mansion." "No chance in hell," snaps Jason. "I can't do that. I won't. I've been coming around the family. Showing my face, letting them know I'm here if they need me, but that's it." "I can't believe you can't do this one thing for Grandfather. That's all he wants." Jason says the fact of the matter is, he's not ready to be a Quartermaine again, and he doesn't think he ever will. Edward always tries to us family emergencies to get everyone back under his control. AJ says he understands that, but Edward isn't going to be around forever. And when that happens, Jason will regret not spending enough time with him when he had the chance. AJ shakes his head and begins walking towards the door. Jason reluctantly tells AJ to wait. He says that he won't move into the mansion, but he'll come over a couple morning, maybe stay a night or two at the lake house. But that's as far as it goes. AJ thanks Jason and walks out. Jason shuts the door and walks over to his closet, where he takes out one of his locked boxes. After inputting his code, he searches through the box. He pulls out a picture of himself, AJ and Alan taken shortly before his accident. <HR> Lorenzo not at all interested in hearing what she has to say, as he swallows another shot of alcohol. Anna continues to tell Lorenzo all about her confrontation with Mac regarding her being too close to the case and he wanting her to be removed from it. “I’m sorry Anna but I’m going to have to cancel my subscription to your magazine. I don’t need your issues; I have plenty of my own.” “Excuse me?” Anna annoyed with Lorenzo not wanting to listen to the problem she is facing with Mac. “You heard me! I have my own problems right now, one of which is I just saw fiancée having sex with Jasper Jax at the Quartermaine gatehouse. Can ya see how my issue trumps your issue?” Anna taken back by hearing about Skye and Jax at the gate house. She herself was smitten with Jax and thought there could be something between them. Lorenzo noticed her reaction to the news. “What are you doing here anyway?” Lorenzo questioned as he poured himself another drink. “I was trying to tell you about it but you weren’t listening apparently.” “Apparently not…” Lorenzo said sarcastically. “Yeah so Mac and I had a long talk about this case and he seems to think I’m getting too close to it. You know sleeping with the prime suspect will tarnish anything that I come in contact with regarding this case.” As Anna continued with her rant on Mac and telling Lorenzo her side of the story, Lorenzo just couldn’t get the image of Skye and Jax on the couch out of his mind. Before long, Anna’s words became muffled and Lorenzo had zoned out completely. “Are you listening to me, Lorenzo? You didn’t hear a word I said, did you?” Anna noticing he had zoned out of their conversation and had his mind elsewhere. Lorenzo turned to her and planted a kiss on her that left her breathless. He pulled away quickly and began re-thinking what he was doing. She teetered on her heels as he pulled away and stepped back from their kiss. “I can’t ….” He said as he turned away from her. “What?! What do you mean you can’t? Come on, Lorenzo, you enjoy our intensity as much as I do.” She said as her hands lay against his back encouraging him to continue what he started. " The touch of her hands and the soothing sound of her voice were enough for him. He turned around and kissed her harder and more deeply than he had ever done before. He takes her into his arms, a place where she desires to be, as the two become engulfed in each other’s passion. Scene fades to black as the moonlight glistens off her supple skin, and the two silhouettes become one. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - The Port Charles University Greek Party @ the new club begins - Lucas tries to down his sorrows by getting drunk at the party - Maxie flirts with Dillon to no avail - Lulu's interference only pisses off Lucas Note: The next couple of episodes feature the college characters. This has been done to further along stories and lay the foundation for upcoming stories.
Marlena & Roman I wish very much so that Michael would have crushed Joelle, but I guess Elizabeth will have to do I hope Alyson and Nicole come to blows in the next eppy.
PC - Episode 286 Sunday, November 04, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder <HR> Note: Port Charles has reached an important milestone. Pre-arc wise, we put together 47 episodes. Following the implementation of our arc format, we successfully wrote 139 episodes of "Secrets & Lies" and 100 episodes of "Endgame." After Tishy joined as PC's head writer, we realized that writing ours limited our storytelling and though we had the "arc" title for Endgame, we didn't limit ourselves just to that story. Beginning with today's episode, the arc stories are over, and will return to non-arc storytelling. <HR> Skye walked into the Gatehouse with a purpose and made a beeline for the opened wet bar. As her hands were shaking, she grabbed a hold of the decanter filled with vodka. She hesitated before she dropped a few cubes of ice in a glass tumbler, and poured over them a half a glass of Vodka. As she took a drink from the glass her hands wrapped firmly around the glass, tears began to fall. Life's been a real bitch to Skye lately. Alan's heart attack, the reveal of Monica's affair and Alan's most recent set back has been too much for her to handle. Such actions were more than enough reason for Skye to make excuses for her falling off the wagon. “Damn them!” she cursed the family who drove her back to the bottle and she took the last swallow of vodka still in the glass. She reached for the decanter once more, as she heard a knock on the door. “Go away!” she shouted towards the door in the hopes whoever it was would go away and leave her be. “Skye, let me in!” the voice shouted back from the other side of the door. She looked towards the door and put the drink down on the bar. “Jax?” “Skye it’s Jax, let me in.” <HR> The scene fades to pitch black. Muffled voices are heard in the distance. Suddenly the picture begins to come into focus, hazy, but slowly into focus. The first person view shows a man's hand shaking pointing a gun at Lorenzo Alcazar. Lorenzo's voice is muffled, but it's clear he's pleading for his life. Sirens are blaring. It appears as if they're on the pier. Lorenzo denies having any wrongdoing, but the man refuses to believe it. The vision continues to get more hazy. The camera switches angles and it begins to pan up on the man. It's Sonny! Suddenly the roles are reversed. Sonny is the one being held at gunpoint. Lying in the PC harbor are the people closest to Sonny; Michael, Morgan, Kristina and Mike are floating face down. Sonny begins to spiral in a panic. As the camera begins to circle, he's seeing the faces of his murdered loved ones and the enemies he's made through the years. Sonny yells for the voices to stop. He puts his hands over his face. When he pulls away they're stained with blood. He turns to his left and finds Carly lying on the ground bloodied and bruised. He asks her what happened. She points to him and screams in pain. The man holding the gun on Sonny pulls the trigger on Carly. Sonny yells out in anger and tackles the masked man. He punches him repeatedly in the face before pulling off his mask. When he does, the camera freezes on the face of the man…..SONNY! The clone Sonny has wild hair, dark bags under his eyes and looks very sinister. Sonny doesn't understand what's going on. Clone Sonny tells him everyone around him will die and it'll be all his fault. Their blood will be forever stained in his hands….and there's nothing he can do about it. Thunder cracks across the sky, jolting Sonny from nightmare. It appears as if Sonny fell asleep in his chair. He heads into the bathroom and throws some water on his face. He heads into the bedroom and finds a blonde woman lying in his bed. He reaches and touches her shoulder. When her lifeless body turns over, it's revealed to be Carly! Her eyes spring open and she whispers "You did this to me." Sonny yells out again. Thunder cracks across the sky, waking Sonny from yet another nightmare. Is he awake for real this time? Sonny gets up and looks terrified as he looks across the room. He calls for Max. Max enters and asks Sonny what's wrong. Sonny begins rambling about his dream before he realizes how crazy it sounds. Max suggests to Sonny to head upstairs and get into the hot tub, hoping it'll make Sonny feel better. As Sonny reluctantly makes his way upstairs, Max's brother Milo enters the room. He asks Max what's wrong with Sonny. Max tells his little brother that it's happening again. Milo looks confused. Max says Sonny is on his way to another breakdown, and this time it won't end well. <HR> She went to the door and opened it revealing her ex-husband standing on the stoop. “What do you want?” she said as she stumbled back towards the bottle of vodka waiting for her. Jax noticed the opened bottle and went to grab it away from her. “No Skye, this is not the answer!" He exclaimed with his heavy Australian accent as he took it from her hands. “Yes it is, damn it! Give it back!” She barked back at him and grabbed the bottle back. “The answers are not found in the bottom of a bottle Skye, you know that. Just talk to me. Come sit down.” She took a drink and staggered towards the couch. She flopped down on the couch and held up the glass towards him as if she was toasting to whatever she wished. “Here’s to …" she hesitated. “Here’s to a life that …. I have made a shambles of…,” she slurred. “That’s not true.” Jax replied as he went to sit down next to her on the sofa. “Sure it is … You should know better than anyone what a mess I made of my life, Jax. We were married and I even ruined that.” “No, Skye you didn’t. I did.” “Awe that’s sweet of you Jax, but I have a knack for making my own problems and tonight was no different. You see, Alan, my father, he’s in the hospital.” “I know. I paid him a visit the other day. He's going to be ok.” “He had a heart attack and … and they didn’t think he was going to make it.” She began to cry and Jax took the glass from her hand and set it on the table in front of them. Jax realizes that nothing is going to stop Skye from doing what she wants to do. The only thing he can do is try to be there for her. “Oh I’m so sorry. Come here …” he said as he leaned her into him to comfort her. “I’m sure he’s going to be okay, he’s in very capable hands at GH.” Her tears moistened his suit jacket as her head leaned against his shoulder. “I’m so scared Jax, I could lose my father and I don’t know what I’d do without him.” “It’s going to be okay, Skye. You don’t need the alcohol." “I don’t?” “No, you have me. I told you I would always be here for you when if you needed me. You need me now Skye. What kind of friend would I be if I weren't?” He lifted her head with his hand on her chin and their eyes met. He slowly moved in towards her and his lips lightly brushed hers. She hesitated as her lips quivered against his, but it was only a brief moment before she gave into his kiss and they fell back against the sofa. She didn’t know if it was the alcohol or her emotions that was drawing him to her, but she needed him, at least for tonight. She asks him if she's sure he wants to go through with this, and he says yes. Tonight is about being there for one another, in any way possible. Skye agrees and rips open Jax's shirt. As the two of them caressed each other on the couch, they didn’t notice the car that had pulled up outside the gate house. As Lorenzo approached the front door, Jax began unbuttoning Skye’s white blouse to reveal her white lace bra. As their passion re-ignited on the couch in front of the fireplace, Lorenzo peered in through the window and saw something he wishes he hadn’t. He quickly went back to the car and sped away, leaving Skye in the arms of her ex-husband. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - An angry Lorenzo returns to his home to find Anna waiting - Jason gets a surprise visit from AJ
Welcome to SON Daniel! I'm looking forward to seeing what you have in store over the coming months. If you need anything, feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to help.
Endgame- Episode 100 Saturday, November 03, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Port Charles begins with a continuation of a scene from the day before… "Monica, I had to see you." Kevin quickly strides into the room and pulls her into a tight embrace. He catches her face in his hands and begins passionately kissing her. He continues to kiss her until they are both breathless. "I want you to remember what we have Monica. I don't want you to forget that I love you." Kevin whispers as they break apart. Monica leans her head against his chest. She doesn't move out of his arms but eventually pushes him away. "I know that Kevin, but I can't do this right now. I need to be with my husband. Please don't make this any harder than it already is. I have to stay with Alan for now, I thought you understood that." "I understand this." He bends his lips down and touches Monica's lips softly, "And this." He kisses her again and pulls her closer as if to imprint his body with hers, "And this." Monica sighs as she gives herself up fully to the kiss. Kevin walks her backward to the bed and places her on it. He follows her down on the bed, fully intending to make love to her right then and there. Neither of them hears the door open until it slams. Both Kevin and Monica jump up as if they were burned. "Oh for God's sake Monica, how low class of you to meet your lover in a hospital bed." Emily spit out scornfully. "Lest you forget, Alan, your HUSBAND, who suffered a major heart attack is lying in this hospital down the hallway! Don't you want to know how or why I found you? Or should I leave the two of you alone for your little rendezvous?" Hatred poured out of every inch of Emily's body as she glared at the two of them. <HR> At the PCPD, Anna walks into her office and finds Mac sitting in her chair with his feet propped up. Anna tells Mac to get out, but he doesn't move. Instead he dances around walking in during Anna's little rendezvous with Lorenzo. Anna acts as if she doesn't know what Mac is talking about. Mac walks over to Anna and talks about their sworn duty to serve and protect, not serve on your back. Anna has a surprised look on her face. Mac shifts his eyes to her desk and makes a disgusted facial gesture. Anna hauls off and slaps Mac across the face for his blatant disrespect. Mac tells Anna that her extracurricular "activities" with Lorenzo has officially become a conflict of interest. Mac says Anna acts with a heir of superiority, when she's no better than the people she's supposed to take down. Mac says she's not in the spy business anymore, she can't get in so deep that she can't dig herself out of it. Mac says things around the PCPD better begin to change around here, or he'll go the mayor and tell him everything. Before Mac goes, he asks Anna if she'll be able to make the right decision when the time is right. The camera shifts the door as he closes it. Anna flops down in her chair looking worried. She reluctantly admits to herself that Mac is right. She has become too involved. Anna then hears a chime on her computer. She opens up her Outlook account and finds an encrypted e-mail. Remembering her training from the WSB, she decodes it and finds a message telling her this person has important information regarding the recent mob attacks. The e-mail instructs Anna to meet with him/her at Pier 24 at midnight tomorrow. She takes out her phone and places a call to Lorenzo, but gets his voicemail. She tells him they need to meet as soon as possible. <HR> Salem Lives: What "Days Of Our Lives" should be.....Weekdays on SONBC <HR> At Wyndemere, Nikolas knocks on the door to Michael's room. After being told he can come in, Nikolas finds Michael listening to his iPod. Nikolas asks Michael how he's feeling. Michael sits up in pain, still feeling the affects from his attack a few weeks before. Michael says he's fine, and though he's not trying to be rude, all he wants to do is be left alone. Nikolas says he'll leave after he asks Michael something. Nik asks if Michael would be interested in having a little party with some of his friends at Wyndemere tonight. Nik is surprised when Michael snaps at him. "You mean have friends here? Have them come all the way out to Spoon Island where they not only have to deal with my dad's security, but yours as well? Thanks, but no thanks. Besides, no one wants to hang out with me after what happened. They think something could happen to them. And I would feel really bad if something did." Nikolas can't blame Michael for being worried for the safety of his friends, and says he understands. He promises Michael that things won't be this way forever, saying Sonny is doing his best to protect his family. Michael snaps back, his best just isn't good enough anymore. The camera zooms in on Nikolas as he turns his head away. The camera pulls back into the next scene. <HR> Skye is shown sitting at the bar in the MetroCourt Hotel. She flashes back to only a few minutes before where she ordered a dry martini. She stares at the glass and fiddles with the olive in her glass. Skye knows she should probably call her sponsor right now, but just one sip..one taste would quell her craving. Skye's battle with alcoholism is no secret, it's been a tough battle for her to overcome but it's a battle she eventually won. The hardest part is resisting the urge to fall back into comfortable patterns. Skye is about to take a sip from her glass when she sees Jax enter from the corner of her eye. She immediately puts down the glass, gives the bartender money and exits the bar. Jax sees Skye rushing out and calls her name. When she doesn't answer, he turns and backtracks her movements, realizing she was at the bar. He begins to worry about Skye's sobriety and decides to pay her a visit. <HR> Kevin sat up and pointed a finger at Emily, "Don't you talk to your mother like that! Treat her with the respect that she deserves." Emily walks towards Kevin and turns up her nose as if she smells something badly. She looks at Kevin, tilts her head and slaps the hell out of Kevin. "Don't you ever talk to me about respect Kevin. Respect is given to those who earn it. Grandfather, Tracy and I were visiting my father…you know, her husband, your supposed close friend when he suffered another heart attack. He almost died while you were about to have sex with this jackass Monica. I heard the page and saw Kevin come flying down the hall. Locked, cocked and ready to unload right? Emily shouts sarcastically, "So sorry that I interrupted Kevin, but when my father almost dies I get a little upset." Kevin opens his mouth to protest and Emily yells at him to shut up. Monica stands up to hug Emily. Emily slaps her hands off her. "Don’t touch me. Down that hallway less than an hour ago, my father almost died and Grandfather almost lost it. If he sees the two of you together, it will kill him." Emily does a good job of keeping herself from losing control. She opens the door and whispers to Monica that she needs to begin putting her husband first. When Monica is far enough down the hall, she shuts the door and turns back to Kevin. "If you know what's good for you, you'll go home. Take a vacation, go visit your daughter, do something. Do anything that'll keep you away from my mother. As much as I dislike what she has done to my father and my family, she still is my mother, and I will do anything I can to make sure my father is happy. If I ever hear about or see the two of you together again in this hospital, or it even seems as if there could be anything beyond a professional relationship, I'll have you fired. I will ruin your career, simply because I can." Kevin warns Emily not to start something she can't finish. Emily warns Kevin not to test her patience. She once again, strongly recommends he takes a vacation for a while. Emily walks out of the room and slams the door. Kevin flops down on the bed and exhales deeply. He takes out his cell phone and places a call. "Livvie? It's dad. I'm going to be taking a little vacation soon and I wanted to know if you would be up for a visit. I know Caleb err….Stephen will be going on tour soon, so I'd like to see you before you go. I really miss you Livvie. Call me when you get this. I love you." Kevin closes his phone and walks out of the room. <HR> Skye pulls into the driveway of the Gatehouse. She bangs her hands on the steering wheel and screams in anger. Why do bad things always have to happen to her family? Alan accepted her into the Quartermaines even when he didn't have to. He adopted her knowing she wasn't his biological father. He's shown her more love than Adam Chandler ever did. She can't lose that. She can't lose the man she calls her father. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Skye falls off the wagon - Jax is there for Skye in more ways than one - Sonny has an ominous dream An unexpected tragedy will affect Nikolas & Carly. Find out this November...only on Port Charles
Endgame- Episode 99 Thursday, October 25, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> "What is going on! Someone get in here!" Tracy yells as alarms started blaring. Emily starts to speak soothingly to her father and brush his hair back. Alan's eyes roll into the back of his head as several doctors, including Dr. Hayward, and nurses run into the room. Elizabeth quickly ushers Edward, Emily and Tracy out as a crash cart is wheeled into the room. Elizabeth tells the three of them to stay where they are and someone will come talk to them as soon as they know something. Elizabeth then runs back inside as the glass door closed as the three Quartermaines stand there, staring in shock. Edward reaches for Tracy. His tear stained face shows utter shock and fear as he holds tight to the daughter that he has spent decades battling. "Tracy I can't do this. A parent is not supposed to bury his own child. I've already lost Bradley…I can't lose Alan too." Edward whispers. Tracy, who's shown more emotion than she's use to, is reserved with her feelings. She stays strong for her father. In one of her rare moments, Tracy tells her father she loves him and will be strong for the family. She fiercely tells him that Alan is just like him. He's a fighter and he's strong willed. He will come out of this a bigger pain in the ass than he was before. Tracy leads Edward to a chair as Emily starts to call the rest of the family. <HR> The camera pans to the number "7" on the elevator door. When the doors open, Robin & Patrick are shown kissing passionate in the elevator. Robin goes to step off but Patrick pulls her back, wrapping his arms around her stomach. She tells him they need to get back to work, but he thinks they have some time to kill. Robin promises that she and the baby will still be around waiting for his loving arms when they get home. They step off the elevator hand in hand to find themselves the subject of many stares on the hospital floor. Lainey comes over and smiles at Robin & Patrick. The young couple exchange glances as they ask her what she's smiling about. Lainey says nothing, then giggles and walks away. Epiphany doesn't play along with the rest of the staff, coming right out and saying very loudly congratulations to the parents to be. Robin searches the room and sends and angry glare towards Dr. Kelly Lee's way. Robin can't believe Kelly told everyone she was pregnant! Kelly says she didn't. Robin asks who did, and Patrick says he did. He says he wanted their co-workers and friends to participate in their happiness. Patrick hopes she's ok with this. Robin tells him she's fine, but a part of her isn't. There's no guarantee she'll carry this baby to term, she doesn't want to jinx it, but she doesn't let Patrick know. <HR> In what felt like hours for the Quartermaines, but what was really half of an hour, David comes out, wiping sweat off his brow. The three of them rise, hoping for the best but fearing the worst. "Edward, Tracy, Emily. Alan is ok for now. He's stable, but unfortunately he has fallen back into a coma." "Why did my son open his eyes? What's going on Dr. Hayward?" An anxious Edward asks. "Alan suffered another heart attack, this one milder than the first one but a heart attack nonetheless. As for his eyes opening, that is common for patients in a coma. It is just a reflex." David glanced up at the clock on the wall. "I ordered a complete blood work on Alan." David sees Tracy is about to open her mouth to bark an order, but he cuts her off before she can begin. "And yes Tracy, I put a rush on them. The results should be back within the next hour. The important thing is that he is ok for now. Do you have any questions?" When none of them spoke up, David continued, "I will be here in the hospital for the next couple of hours. Do not hesitate to page me if you have any questions. Now, will you excuse me." With that David brushed by them. Tracy nearly succumbs to her emotion after Luke hugs her from behind. He grabs her and kisses her tenderly on the lips, promising everything will be alright. Shortly thereafter, Skye, Ned, Jason and AJ arrived. Edward and Tracy filled in the rest of the Quartermainesto what happened as Emily stood to the side. Skye is hit very heard by the news. She collapses in Jason's arms. Jason doesn't really know how to handle this, seeing as how he's only really close with Emily. He reluctantly pats her on the back and tells her everything will be ok. AJ, who's checking with a nurse mouths the words thank you to Jason, who nods his head. Emily hears a strange page over the PA System, then saw something that caught her eye. She heard a page and then saw something that caught her eye. She excused herself and slipped out of the ICU. <HR> Elsewhere in the hospital….. "Hello, it's Dr. Monica Quartermaine. I just received a page to come to this room." Monica says as she walks into a vacant patient room. She stands there and looks around "Is there anyone here?" Monica looks around and exasperated, mutters to herself, "Not my day I guess." She starts to walk out when the door opens and Kevin walks in. "Kevin, what are you doing? Did you page me?" "Monica, I had to see you." Kevin quickly strides into the room and pulls her into a tight embrace. He catches her face in his hands and begins passionately kissing her. He continues to kiss her until they are both breathless. "I want you to remember what we have Monica. I don't want you to forget that I love you." Kevin whispers as they break apart. Monica leans her head against his chest. She doesn't move out of his arms but eventually pushes him away. "I know that Kevin, but I can't do this right now. I need to be with my husband. Please don't make this any harder than it already is. I have to stay with Alan for now, I thought you understood that." "I understand this." He bends his lips down and touches Monica's lips softly, "And this." He kisses her again and pulls her closer as if to imprint his body with hers, "And this." Monica sighs as she gives herself up fully to the kiss. Kevin walks her backward to the bed and places her on it. He follows her down on the bed, fully intending to make love to her right then and there. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - Emily goes off in a tirade on Monica & Kevin - Michael turns down Nikolas' offer to throw a Halloween party at Wyndemere for him - Anna and Mac square off over her ability to do her job - Skye resists the urge to fall off the wagon
Roman I don't think you understand why Lucas is so upset. Lucas has spent the past two years struggling to be accepted by his mother. He wasn't ready to be out of the closet, but someone forced him out of it. When the time came to be honest with himself and his family, the only person who didn't accept him was Bobbie. His father, Tony, didn't approve of Lucas' lifestyle, but ultimately decided if he wanted to be a part of his son's life, he would have to accept him as he is. Bobbie didn't even try to accept Lucas at first. She shunned him and turned to drinking to keep her from dealing with her problems. It began affecting her career and her relationships with her family. It was Lucas who kept trying to reach out to Bobbie. Brandon was the only other person Lucas could trust 100%. Brandon was in fact Lucas' life. He was drugged the night Brandon was killed so that the could loosen up and Brandon would see him going at it with Dillon Quartermaine. Bobbie was drunk that night and wanted to "save" Lucas. She killed Brandon when she it him with her car. Instead of coming clean when she remembered what happened, she covered it up. Lucas didn't bring this on himself.
Endgame- Episode 98 Tuesday, October 23, 2007 Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler <HR> Lucy steps out of the hospital elevator to check on Alan’s condition. Luke was keeping her informed but she had not heard from him that day so she decided to come to the hospital herself. She was walking past the couches and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Kevin sitting down, looking very depressed and sad. Lucy's heart softened. A part of her wanted to walk away, but the other needed to go over there because he was her doc. Sighing to herself, she straightens herself up and pastes a smile on her face. She walks over and sits down next to him. At first, Kevin doesn’t notice her until she waves her hand in front of his face. “Kevin!” “Lucy.” Kevin said sullenly, “What do you want?” Lucy asked him how he was doing. Kevin replied not well. He drags his hand through his hair and rhetorically asks Lucy what he had done to deserve the treatment that he is getting. He has become a pariah throughout the staff and most of his patients have cancelled their appointments with him. For the first time since he returned to Port Charles, things were not good. He looked at Lucy with a desperate look in his eye and asked if she would go to dinner with him, have coffee with him, something. For a moment, Lucy considered his offer. “You know Kevin, I pleaded with you for another chance when I came to back Port Charles. You told me no, that you were in love with Monica. I feel sorry for you Kevin, I really do. I know you Kevin, more than you think I know you. You want me to listen to you go on about Monica, but you wouldn’t listen to me when I needed you the most. I don’t think so. You knowingly got into an affair with a married woman, Kevin. What do you expect Kevin?” Lucy stood up and brushed her hair off her shoulders. “I’m going to go see how Alan is doing. I’m sorry I even stopped.” With that, Lucy walked away. Kevin, dismayed, watched her leave. He didn’t see David walking up, confident and cocky. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Dr. Collins. Hard Day?" he asked innocently. “It’s not every day that your married lover leaves you and your ex leaves you in the dust.” David watches Lucy in the distance. “You know, she and I have been seeing a lot of each other. She is one fine lady. I have a lot to thank you for Dr. Collins. Because of you, not only do I have Monica's job, but I'll end up with Lucy too.” Kevin jumped up from the couch and warns David to keep his distance from Lucy. David scoffs at Kevin, telling him that he blew his chance when he started sleeping with Monica. He never knew how well he had it, but now it was David’s chance to win Lucy. Kevin clenched his fists and told him to leave Lucy alone. David responded that he would think it over and get back to him about it. David then left Kevin and walked away laughing to himself, leaving Kevin alone fuming. <HR> On the other side of town, Lucas enters the penthouse as Harbor View towers. He slams the door so hard is bounces back open. He walks over to his desk and takes out a picture of himself and Brandon. He looks around the apartment and flashes back to his wonderful Christmas with Brandon. A tear slowly falls from Lucas cheek. He slams the picture down and walks over to the bar area. He's tempted to drown his sorrows in liquor, but doesn't want to fall into the pattern Bobbie did. Instead, he takes out his cell phone and places a call to his father Tony Jones, currently living in Arizona. He reaches Tony's voicemail. He hangs up instead of leaving a message. Soon after he hangs up, he notices he has a message from Lucky on his cell. Lucas checks his message and seems to be cheered up by the message his cousin left him. Lucky tells him that he knows he's going through a hard time right now. It may seem like he has no one in the world, but he has family. He tells his cousin that he loves him and asks him to stay at Wyndemere with him, Carly and Nikolas for a while. <HR> The scene fades to later in the day. Edward, Emily and Tracy wait outside Alan's hospital room. Tracy gets a call from Luke, who informs her of what went down with Bobbie at the PCPD. Tracy tells her husband she'll place a call to Justus, who lives in Boston, to see if he can represent her. David examines Alan and comes outside to tell them there has been no change with Alan. He is still in the coma. The three Quartermaines file in and take their places around Alan's bed. Tracy's guard starts to crumble as she starts to tear up looking at all the wires coming out of her brother. "I wish, God Alan just wake up! We need you Alan, I need you." cries Tracy. "There are so many things that I want to tell you that I never got a chance too and I am afraid I will never get a chance too." Edward places his arm around Tracy's shoulders and pulls her close. While Edward hugs Tracy, Emily gingerly picks up Alan's hand and kisses it. "Emily, you studied this medical stuff, when is Alan going to wake up?" A frustrated Tracy asks. Emily sighs, "Tracy, you heard Dr. Hayward. He's in a coma. He could wake up at any time. He most likely can hear everything that we say." Tracy shrugs off Edward's arm and gently places a kiss on Edward's forehead. Tracy starts to pace around the room and grows increasingly agitated. "Jesus God Almighty Alan, wake up!" Tracy half shouts as she walks close to Alan. Her shout turns into a full scream as Alan's eyes fly open. <HR> Next…on Port Charles - The Quartermaines can't seem to catch a break - News of Robin's pregnancy spreads around the hospital - Alan has another setback - Monica's tempted to give into temptation
You'll see things play out Scotty. If you want to know why we did what we did, PM us a question to answer in our new Q&A feature