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Blog Entries posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 74
    ICU Episode: "Emily Returns/News Spreads"
    Featuring Ned, AJ, Skye, Emily, Monica, Kevin, Elizabeth, Steven, Sarah, Blake, Carly, Nikolas, Michael, Sam, Lucky
    Saturday, August 18, 2007

    Written by: Ryan Chandler
    Jennifer Snyder
    Tishy Smith
    9 hours later……
    Jennifer Ferrin debuts as Emily Quartermaine

    Ned, Skye & AJ wait at JFK Airport for Emily to arrive. As people begin piling off the plane, butterflies bounce all around in their stomachs. They wish Emily's return home would have been under better circumstances, but they have to take the good with the bad. Ned is the first to spot a visibly tired Emily making her way through the crowd. She drops her bags and runs to her cousin with tears in her eyes. Ned spins her around and mentions how good she looks. Emily downplays Ned's flattery and makes her way to Skye and AJ. Skye tells Emily it's good to see her again, and Emily says likewise. When she gets to AJ, he mentions that she looks different from the last time that he saw her. Emily laughs and makes the same comment to him. She asks how the family is holding up, and they agree they're trying the best way they can. Emily asks about Mom; AJ mentions they haven't been able to get in to get in contact with her, but they're still trying.

    Ned thinks they should get back to the hospital right away. AJ and Ned grab Emily's bags and the 4 head to the heliport, prepared to be taken back to GH.
    2 hours later...
    The citizens of Port Charles awake from their comfortable night's sleep to word on the news and papers that Dr. Alan Quartermaine has had a heart attack.

    Kevin is in the shower waiting for Monica to join him. Today marks the first day of the rest of their lives together, and he plans to make the most of it. "Come on Monica, the water's nice and hot…and I need some company!"

    "I'm coming, I'm coming," Monica says grabbing a towel. She knocks over her purse in the process and notices her cell phone in blinking. "Hold on," she says getting ready to check her messages. "I'll be there in a minute." Monica picks up her phone and dials into her voicemail, but her signal drops. "Damn it," Monica says. She tosses her phone back into her purse and heads into the shower with Kevin.
    Elizabeth walks into Kelly's with Cam, Steven & Sarah. The group sit down and prepare to order breakfast while the news broadcast continues on the TV. Steven & Sarah compliment Elizabeth on tending to Alan while the paramedics were en route to the hotel. Liz downplays her role and is just thankful that Alan is ok. She goes to get a cup of coffee when she sees Blake reading the paper. She calls Steven over to get their cups so she can speak to Blake.

    "Hey you, sorry about our date." Liz pulls up a chair next to Blake. "I didn't really think our date would end that way."

    "Don't worry about it. You saved a man's life last night. That's a beautiful thing." Blake asks Elizabeth how she's holding up, and wonders if she's going into the hospital today. Elizabeth says her shift starts in a little less than an hour. Blake mentions that he has to go there too and offers to give her and Cameron a ride. Liz takes him up on the offer.
    "Mom!" yells Michael running through the halls of Wyndemere. "Mom, we've gotta go to the hospital."

    Michael turns the corner, runs into the den of the mansion, and is caught by Carly. "Hey, what's the matter? Why do we have to go to the hospital, what's wrong?"

    "Didn't you hear the news?" Michael asks gasping for air. "You know what, you probably did, and just don't care."

    Carly rolls her eyes and glares at Michael. "Don't you speak to me that way. Maybe if I knew what you were talking about, I could tell you whether I knew."

    "It's Grandpa Alan….he's in the hospital. He had a heart attack last night."

    Sam walks into the room with Lucky. Noticing the looks on their faces, she asks what's wrong. Nikolas tells her what happened. Carly & Sam both begin thinking about Jason. Nikolas calls for Alfred and asks him where Leticia is. They need to get to the hospital right away. Carly tells him no, everyone can't go. She tells Michael to stay with Morgan and she'll call him with an update. Lucky asks Sam if she wants him to take her to GH, but she says no. Carly, who's worried about Jason, snaps at Sam.

    "What do you mean you're not going? The father of the man you love…used to love is lying in a hospital bed probably about to die!"

    "Mom, don't" Michael interrupts. "Don't yell at her."

    "Why not? You can't even bother to fake an ounce of sympathy for Jason? He mourned for you for well over 8 months. 8 months! And you can't even give him this? What a waste of space you are." Carly grabs her keys and storms out of the room. Nikolas apologizes for Carly's rant and blames it on the hormones.

    "No Nikolas, that's just Carly being herself. Don't apologize for her. Just go….go with her to the hospital." Sam turns her back and walks over towards the window. Nikolas promises to call them all when they learn something. Lucky walks over and tells Sam he'll stay if she wants, but she tells him to go. When she's alone, she mutters Jason's name and looks longingly out the window.
    Back at Kevin's, Monica comes begins getting dressed. She takes her purse over to the dresser and notices that she received another new voicemail. Finally she's able to get a signal and dials in to check her messages. One by one she goes through, rolling her eyes at the "urgency" in the voice of the Quartermaine's who left messages for her. She assumes they learned of her affair and breakup and doesn't feel like being bothered with them at the time. She places her phone back into her purse and hops onto the bed while Kevin brings them breakfast. Kevin kisses Monica before turning on the TV. Both a stunned when they see a recap of the earlier broadcast and learn that Alan's had a heart attack!

    Monica runs back over to her phone and listens to more of the messages. She learns they've been trying to reach her all night and is completely thrown for a loop. Kevin tries to stop her from leaving.

    "Why are you running to him! Your marriage is over Monica. You owe nothing to him. There's nothing you can do!" Kevin follows Monica around as she tries to find the keys to her car. "Why are you doing this?"

    Monica ignores Kevin. The only thing on her mind is rush to her husband and making sure he's ok. Kevin demands that Monica answer him and tell him why she's rushing to Alan's side.

    "You want to know why I'm going? I'm going because he's my husband. MY HUSBAND. And I….and I…."

    "You what," Kevin says. "Come on tell me."

    "I owe him this," she says with tears in her eyes. "Alan had stood by me through the worst and I have to do the same for him."

    Monica looks Kevin directly in the eye and tells him this is something she has to do. He reluctantly gives in and decides to take her to the hospital to see Alan.
    Next…on Port Charles
    -The Quartermaine's wait anxiously for word on Alan
    -Kevin reveals he and Monica are together
    -Monica and Tracy prepare to face off
  2. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 75-76
    ICU Episode: "Family United/Secret Revealed"
    Featuring: The Quartermaine Family & Kevin Collins
    Sunday, August 19, 2007

    Written by: Tishy Smith & Ryan Chandler
    Jennifer Snyder
    Emily, Skye, AJ and Ned return to GH. Emily shares a bittersweet reunion with Edward. Edward wishes her return would have been under better circumstances, but is glad she came home.

    "I'm here for my family. That's what's counts," says Emily. She makes her way over to Tracy and says hello. Tracy does something that surprises the rest of the Q's and hugs Emily.

    "It's good to have you back," Tracy says wiping a tear from her eye. "You have been missed."

    Emily goes for an extra hug and Tracy tenses up. Edward laughs and Tracy tells her not to do that again. One hug is enough….and that's the last hug she'll ever receive from her.
    It was early morning and the Quartermaine’s, minus Monica, were gathered together in one of the waiting rooms at the hospital. They wanted to stay close to Alan, desperate for any news regarding his condition. Edward periodically go to the Nurse’s station and get updates on Alan.

    Tracy watches as her father makes his way back to his seat. If she didn't know any better, it appeared as if Edward aged ten years since news of Alan’s heart attack. Tracy walks over to Edward and takes his hand.

    "The doctor told me he was critical, but stable. You know….I never thought we would be in this situation again. I can't continue waiting around for bits and pieces of information. It's driving me crazy." Edward takes a deep breath and looks over at his daughter. "You remind me so much of your mother right now."

    Tracy closes her eyes and tries to keep herself from breaking down. Edward's statement is one of the nicest things he has ever said to her. "Thank you daddy. I don't want you getting upset. It's not good for your heart either."

    Though Edward & Tracy had a tumultuous relationship, there was nothing but love between them when the time mattered. All of the Quartermaine's shared that kind of relationship with one another. They fight like cats and dogs but will stand united when faced with a tough challenge.
    Edward & Tracy returned to the other waiting room and updated everyone with the news they learned. Skye and Emily held each other quietly crying, Jason stared stoically ahead and AJ paced back and forth. Tension abounded as time went by and Monica had yet to show up.

    Frustrated, AJ said that he wanted to do something for Alan, to show his father how much he is loved. Emily wipes the tears from her face and readily agrees. Skye suggests that they all donate money to the American Heart Association. Jason offers his idea of holding a candle light vigil tomorrow night at the church the family attends. Ned thinks that Alan would approve of that. Ned agrees and says that he will start calling people to get it started when the door opens.

    Edward looks at his grandchildren with much approval, happy that they are able to come together to support Alan. Edward considers going over to talk to Jason, but Tracy pulls him back, thinking that wouldn't be a very good idea.

    The doors to the private waiting area open suddenly. The Quartermaine's look over to the door to see Epiphany bringing in Monica & Kevin. Monica rushes over to her children and give them all hugs. Edward seems pleased with Monica's arrival and takes her hand. The only person in the room not happy to see Monica was Tracy.
    "I'm glad to see that you were able to break away from whatever it is you were doing and show up at the hospital," Tracy barks. "Your absence was barely noticeable."

    "Hush Tracy, that's enough." Edward commands. "Monica my dear, I'm glad you were able to make it."

    "Oh yes, because we couldn't get along without her her." Tracy looks around, picking up on what they really want to ask. "Well since I'm the only one who's willing to ask, what in the hell took you so long to get here? Why weren't you answering your phone?" Tracy demanded of Monica.

    "I was unavailable Tracy. That's all you need to know," Monica remarks. "I'm here now and I want to do anything I can to help."

    "Don't talk to Monica that way Tracy. What she was doing is none of your damn business!" says an angry Kevin.

    "Excuse me, but I do not believe I was talking to you." Tracy walks over to Kevin and looks him up and down. "Why are you even here?"

    "Kevin's here to-"

    "I'm here to support Monica through this ordeal." Kevin interrupts. "Monica needs someone right now to be there for her while she deals with this….situation."

    Jason walks over next to Tracy and looks right at Kevin. "Well that's nice of you Dr. Collins, but Monica has her family here to support her. That's all she needs."

    "What she needs <b>Jason</b> is someone to love her and hold her hand while she deals with you pack of animals."

    "Love? Are you saying that we don't love our mother enough to help her cope?" Emily asks with an attitude.

    "And who are you calling an animal," chimes in Skye.

    "Kevin just drop it," Monica prods. "There's no need to get into this right now."

    "No Monica, I think now is the perfect time." Kevin takes Monica's hand.

    "Kevin no…."

    "Monica, it's ok. They're going to have to find out sooner or later, and I prefer sooner than later." Kevin pulls Monica close and kisses her cheek. "The reason why Monica wasn't here…is because she was with me."

    The Quartermaine's exchange confusing and surprising glances as Kevin continues to speak. "Monica and I are in love. And we're going to be together for a very, very long time."

    Everything Edward has been suspecting over the past few months is finally falling into place. The camera pans on the faces of everyone in the room, ending with alternating shots of Tracy, Monica & Kevin.

    "You bitch," yells Tracy as she lunges for Monica!
    Next…on Port Charles
    -The Quartermaine's learn the truth about what happened the night of Alan's heart attack
    -Tracy loses it and attacks Monica
    -Emily disowns her mother and blames her for Alan's heart attack
    -The Quartermaine Family appears to be on the verge of imploding
  3. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 73
    ICU Episode: "Panic Sets In/Where's Monica?"
    Featuring the Quartermaines
    Friday, August 10, 2007

    Written by: Tishy Smith
    Ryan Chandler
    Music for Today's Episode (Press Play to activate)
    <object width="300" height="80"><param name="movie" value="http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/"></param><param'>http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://media.imeem.com/m/1KVoYqvtNy/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="80" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>
    “Where is my son?” Edward yells as he led the Quartermaines into the ER. Epiphany ushers the Quartermaines into a private waiting room and explains to them that Dr. Hayward is currently examining Alan and when there was any word, she would let them know. Right now, she didn’t have anything else for them, but she would keep them up to date. Epiphany turned to leave when Tracy asked where Monica was. Epiphany explained that Monica hadn't been reached. They tried her cell phone and her hospital pager but she hadn’t called in. They were going to continue to try to call her.

    No one spoke as Tracy anxiously paced from one end of the room to the other. She wondered aloud as to where Monica could be. Edward was hunched over, muttering, “Not my son, not Alan.” Skye grasped Edward’s hand and held on tight. AJ spoke quietly that they needed to call Jason and Dillon. They should also call Emily in Hawaii. Ned and Skye said that they would take care of it; Tracy told them she would call Dillon. The waiting game had begun and still, Monica was nowhere to be found.
    “Monica, your pager is going off.” Kevin lightly shook Monica awake. “It’s the hospital.” Monica sighed and remarked that it must be important, as the hospital knew she was on vacation. Kevin takes the phone and places it back on the hook.

    "No need to disturb you. The hospital has plenty of doctors that can handle whatever it is that's going on. You need some you time Monica. Let them wait until your vacation is over," Kevin says rolling on top of Monica. "This is our night"

    Monica agrees that she needs to be selfish for once and put herself first. She pulls Kevin in for another kiss and suggests they get back to what they were doing earlier. Kevin does a sexy growl and Monica gives a fake scream, the two pull the covers over their heads and begin going at it yet again.
    Tracy hangs up the phone and leaves a message on Monica's voicemail, demanding that she return her call as soon as possible. Shortly after, Tracy makes the phone call to Dillon, asking him to come to the hospital right away, and to bring Lulu with him. Skye calls Emily and informs her on the things going on, asking her to come home right away. Meanwhile Ned attempts to call Jason, but only gets voicemail. Skye's phone rings with a call from Emily; the quickest flight she can get on is the 5:30 from Kahului heading to LaGuardia. Skye tells Emily that Edward will arrange for a private helicopter to take her from the airport to PC.

    Skye updates the family about Emily as Jason gets off the elevator. Jason gives Skye a hug and asks for an update on Alan's condition. Tracy snaps at Jason for asking a question that they obviously don't have the answer to. Edward shuts Tracy up. Tracy blasts the family for acting like now that Jason's here everything will be ok. She refuses to take part in such a farce and walks away. Edward tells Jason to ignore her and admits he's glad he came. Jason asks where Monica is, but no one can say.

    Dr. Hayward comes out of Alan's room with an update. He says that thanks to Elizabeth, they were able to keep Alan's situation from getting worse while he was at the MetroCourt. It's too early to tell whether or not there was severe damage, but based on early indications, Alan had a series of minor heart attacks. He's been given a morphine drip and has been placed on an antiplatelet drug called clopidogrel.

    Edward asks if the family can see him, but David tells them to wait until the morning. They need to be able to monitor him without any disturbance. Ned thanks David for all of his work. Edward commends Elizabeth for doing such a wonderful job; she humbly accepts his compliments. Skye thinks they should go to the chapel and pray for Alan. All of the family agrees except for Tracy who's still masking her pain with anger. As they leave, she walks over to the nurses' station and asks for them to page Monica again. The irritated nurse says they've called Dr. Quartermaine already and she isn't responding, Tracy threatens to have the nurse fired if she doesn't do what she asks. Dillon & Lulu walks in on the tail end of the argument and apologize for Tracy.

    Dillon demands to know what her problem is. Tracy remarks that the family is here worried sick about Alan, yet Monica is nowhere to be seen. She had better have a damn good excuse for not being here, or there will be hell to pay. The scene fades to a shot of Monica and Kevin making love, then to Alan laying in his hospital bed as Port Charles comes to a close.
    Next….on Port Charles
    -News of Alan's condition spreads through town
    -Monica learns of Alan's heart attack
    -Monica & Kevin argue due to her wanting to be with Alan
    -Emily arrives in Port Charles
  4. Ryan
    Written by Fan Tastic

    Due to the hiring of Tishy Smith as the co-headwriter, the powers that be took unprecedented action by shelving two weeks worth of episodes and re-shooting a frontburner storyline to take place as soon as possible.

    "We revised our gameplan," says co-head writer and executive producer Ryan Chandler. "We felt that we let our viewers down last month and wanted to make up for it by doing something really big." 'Port Charles' is known for not going all out during typical sweeps months, rather choosing to bring their bigger guns during the months when others may be treading water.

    We spoke to consulting producer (and rumored future third chair on the writing team) Jennifer Snyder to get her input on this big change. "This is a story that all of us at 'Port Charles' can be proud of," Snyder says. "The work that went into creating this story has been top of the line, and I'm very pleased with the end result."

    "This is another GIGANTIC steps towards the emotional, character-driven stories I have been promising to deliver," Chandler said. "This will give us plenty of story play for the rest of the year and maybe into next year as well."

    Without further a due, we present to you the "Port Charles" promo for the month of June titled 'Quartermaine Tragedy'. Following the promo is a revised list of previews:

    <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>
    - Monica and Alan go away for a romantic getaway
    - Monica reveals the truth to Alan
    - The Quartermaine's get terrible news about Alan
    - The Quartermaine Family rallies together
    -A tragic event brings about the return of a fan favorite
    - Lorenzo meets with the 5 Families
    - Lucy is hurt when Kevin rejects her
    - Anna has a new admirer
    - Lucky and Sam admit their true feelings for one another
    - Mac & Lucky attempt to intimidate Sonny
    - Bobbie and Noah spread word of their engagement
    - Ric asks Sonny to end his war with Lorenzo
    - Nikolas attempts to make up with Carly
    -Carly tells Nikolas about the baby
  5. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 72
    ICU Episode: "The Bond"
    Featuring Jason, Carly, Michael & Morgan
    Tuesday, August 7, 2007

    Written by: Jennifer Snyder
    Ryan Chandler
    Tishy Smith
    Jason floors the gas pedal in his SUV, determined to make it to the hospital as fast as he can. Things haven't always been great between he and his father, but they've made significant strides in their relationship over the last two years. He looks down at his cell phone as it rings. "Not now Carly," he says, sending the call to voicemail. He flashes back to the events leading up to the phone call he received from Liz.
    Carly opened up the closet and took down some boxes that she had stored on the top shelf, and she sat them down on the sofa. She wanted to start taking some of her things to Wyndemere but she had to go through some of the stuff before she starting packing.

    She opened the one large box and to her surprise, it was filled with memories of her and Jason. As she started to empty the box of items, she noticed the black leather jacket Jason had gotten her for Christmas, and underneath lay the pool stick she had used every time she and Jason shot pool at Jake’s. Her mind filled with memories of the days when they were just two strangers looking for comfort. She quickly put the items back in the box and sealed it back up. Her and Jason would never be, she had to stop thinking that they would. She was with Nikolas now, and having his baby, she couldn’t be reminding herself of what could have been with someone else.

    As she went through the other boxes, collecting things she wanted to take with her to her new home, there was a knock on the door. She hurried to answer it, finding Jason on the porch waiting.

    “Hi…” he said as she stood holding the door open. “Can I come in?” Jason asked and she left him pass.

    “Look, I’m sorry for the other day. I don’t know what came over me.”

    “Forget it. I can’t stay mad at you, Carly…regardless of what was said.” Jason replied and then noticed the boxes on the couch. “Going somewhere?”

    “Um, just taking some of my things to Wyndemere.” Carly said as she went to hide the box filled with stuff from their past together.

    It was too late; Jason saw what was in the box as it popped open revealing the leather jacket. “That was a pretty cold Christmas …,” he said bringing up the Christmas he bought the jacket for her.

    “Yeah it was.” She said as she stopped packing the empty box in front of her.

    “Carly, do ever think ….”

    “No …” she replied knowing she does.

    “Yeah me neither …” he lied. He took the jacket out of the box and held it close to him. “You’re happy with Nikolas?” He asked as she continued packing.

    “Yeah Jason, Nikolas makes me very happy. He accepts me for who I am, flaws and all. He makes me want to be a better person, and because of him, I am.” She looked at him holding the jacket in his hands.

    “Then that’s all that matters to me, Carly.” He replied and handed her the jacket, she taking it and grabbing his hand pulling him for a hug.

    “You are the best friend I ever had, Jason and I don’t ever want to lose you.” She said and her eyes got moist from the warm tears that filled them.

    “You won’t. I just want you to be happy.” As the two standing embracing each other, two rowdy children could be heard coming down the stairs.

    “Uncle Jason!” Morgan shouted as he flew down the stairs and into Jason’s arms.

    “Hey buddy, how are you?” Jason said to the youngster, looking up and seeing Michael standing in front of him.

    “Hey Uncle Jason.”

    “Hey … wow you’re both growing like weeds.” Jason said as he noticed the two boys were growing in to two fine young men.

    “If you’d stop by more often …” Michael started and Carly shushed him.

    “No, that’s okay Carly. He’s right. I need to be there for these two more often. I’ve been busy lately, but I promise to stop by more often.”

    “You promise …” Morgan piped up.

    “Yes I promise.” Jason replied and gave Morgan a bigger hug. “So I heard you’re going to have a new brother or sister soon. That’s exciting, huh?”

    Jason and the boys continued to talk as Carly moved some more boxes to the storage pile.

    “Yeah I guess. We’re hoping for a brother.” Michael said as he drew Morgan closer to him.

    “Yes these two already have plans on sleeping arrangements and who’s getting their own room.” Carly said as she raised an eyebrow in Michael’s direction.

    “I am the oldest.” He smirked.

    “Yes you are and you’re going to be a great big brother to the new baby.”Carly replied as she put her arm around Michael.

    “Everything okay …” Jason said as he noticed Carly’s eyes got moist with tears.

    She quickly wiped the tears away. “Yeah it’s great.” She sniffled back the tears. “Oh this… yeah it’s just hormones.” She laughed.

    “Okay, just wanted to be sure.”

    “Yeah everything is great. Was there something you stopped by for Jason?” Carly asked as he sat with the boys.

    “I, uh …”

    “Stopped by to check up on me?” Carly finished his thought.

    “Yeah you could say that. I worry about you Carly. And especially now …. Nikolas and all.”

    “You can stop worrying. I’m fine, the boys are fine and finally I’m happy.” She replied as she bit her lip. She's loved many men….AJ, Sonny, Lorenzo, Nikolas, but she has never loved anyone the way she loved…and loves Jason. A part of her wonders what life could have been like if she was with Jason, she knows she could have been happier with Jason, but it just didn’t turn out the way she thought it would.

    Her words took her back once again to a different time and place. A time when she and Jason were as close as two people could possibly be. A time that seemed to have stood still while they were together, a special time she would not soon forget.

    As Carly and the boys spent some quality time with Jason, she couldn’t help but think of what could have been. What life would have been like if she and Jason were to be more than just friends and how it would be if the baby she was carrying was his. “Okay why don’t you boys go outside to play while Jason and I have some time to talk about some stuff?”

    Michael and Morgan gave Jason a hug goodbye and went outside to play like their mother told them too.

    “Are you sure you want to do this, Carly?" Jason asks with much concern. "I mean moving in with Nikolas is a huge step.”

    “I'm not moving in full time, just bringing some things over. But yes I’m sure. I love him Jason and I’m happy with him.”

    “Okay, I know how you are Carly, you jump before you think.”

    “Not this time.” Carly wipes a tear from her eyes. "After Sonny, I didn't think I would open my heart up to anyone else again. I got into marriage way too fast with Lorenzo. I tried to use him to get over my feelings for Sonny and it didn't work. But it's not the same with Nikolas." Carly walks over towards Jason and sits down on the sofa. "I thought long and hard before getting into a relationship with Nikolas. I am sure that I love him. The only other person I've been this sure of was…." Carly lets her voice trail off.

    “You know I’ll always be there for you if you need me.” Jason reached for her and drew her to him.

    “I know and I’m thankful every day that I have you in my life, Jason.” Carly leans over and hugs Jason. She lets him wipe the tear from her eyes. "I don't know where I would be without you. You are the best friend….my only friend."

    Jason started towards the front door and Carly pulled him back to her. “I love you, Jason.”

    “I love you too.”
    Jason had just finished visiting Carly and the boys when his cell phone rings. "Hello?"

    "Jason," says the voice on the phone. "It's Elizabeth."

    "Hey…what's wrong? You don't sound too good." Jason picks up on the distress in her voice. "Is something wrong with Cameron?"

    "No it's not. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But Alan's been brought into General Hospital. He just had a heart attack."

    Jason reels from the shock, speechless. "I'll be right there." Jason hangs up his phone and rushes to his car. The flashback ends and Jason is turning onto the street where the hospital is.
    Next…on Port Charles

    <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

    The Quartermaine's rush to the hospital to be with Alan. Monica learns about Alan's condition. Kevin is furious that Monica wants to rush off to Alan's side. Tracy places a difficult call to Dillon. The prognosis on Alan doesn't seem good.
  6. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 70
    ICU Episode: "The Breakup"
    Featuring Alan & Monica
    Sunday, August 05, 2007

    Written by: Tishy Smith
    Ryan Chandler
    It was the last night of Monica and Alan’s getaway and Monica still hadn’t been able to bring herself to end things with Alan. She knew in her heart that she had to tell him, and tell him tonight. She was ready to move on with her life with Kevin. She walks absently around in the sitting room, deep in thought as to what she is going to say. In the bathroom, she can hear Alan whistling as he shaved. The two of them had spent earlier making love….that's the least Monica could do, especially since she was about to end things with him.

    When he finished he walked into the sitting room and took Monica in his arms. He tells her again how much he loves her. He kisses her neck and caresses her hand. He is so happy that they came on this trip to rediscover their love for each other. He mentions that being close to her today, for the first time in months, had made him realize how much the intimacy was missing from their marriage. Monica begins to squirm as he continues to talk about the 'progress' they've made. He even has a gift for her. Monica wrenches herself free from his grasp and tells him to stop. That she can’t take this anymore.

    Puzzled, Alan looks at her. He asks her what is on her mind Monica draws in a deep breath and avoids looking into his eyes. Finally, she focuses on the picture on the wall right above his right shoulder. “Alan, I want to…I just…I think we should go ahead with the divorce. I can’t keep living a lie anymore.”

    Alan backs away from her. “What are you talking about, living a lie? You want to go ahead with the divorce? I thought you wanted to repair our marriage Monica. That’s what this trip was for. That's why we've been in therapy! What is going on here?” Alan stares at her and watches her expression. Everything that has been suspicious about Monica's actions these past few months begin to fall into place. Alan demands to know if this has anything to do with her resigning her position as Chief Cardiologist.

    Monica sinks into a chair and folds her hands in her lap. She thinks back to when she first started chatting online with Kevin. How connected she felt with him and how she still feels with him. The feeling she gets when he makes love to him. Slowly, she starts to tell Alan about how when times were tough between the two of them she met someone online and that they became confidants. Then they decided to meet as he was coming to Port Charles. Alan interrupts, “You met him Monica? You confided in this man. You opened your heart to this man, all the while I thought we were doing good? Tell me, do I know this person?”

    After a long silence, she nods. “Yes Alan you do. You know him quite well."

    "Well don't just sit there Monica, share with the class what his name is?"

    "Don't you patronize me Alan. That's part of the reason why this isn't working anymore! You don't treat me with respect."

    "Damn it! Tell me his name!"

    Monica's anxiety turns to anger. "It's Kevin….Kevin Collins.”

    “You are having an affair with Kevin Collins!” Alan’s face turned red with rage as he ranted. “How long has this been going on Monica, this carrying on behind my back? How long?” Monica whispered that she had been seeing Kevin for months. “Oh wonderful, you must have loved it when I hired him on at the hospital again." Alan's surprise and pain begin to grow as he realizes what a fool he's been these past few months. "Tell me Monica, did the two of you have sex at the hospital? Here in this hotel? At my house…..IN OUR BED?” Alan angrily stormed around the room and picked up a glass, and threw it against the wall. "And don't you even bring up that nonsense about it being your house."

    “Well it is my house! Look Alan, just stop it. Stop it! I mean….it just happened! We were having problems…” Monica’s voice trailed off.

    Alan turned around and faced her, a vein throbbing in his neck he was so angry. "It just happened? It just happened? No Monica, flash floods just <i>happen</i>. Affairs, months long, secret, hidden affairs are done voluntarily."

    He laughed maliciously, saying it was just like her to blame him when she was the one that had the affair. He had tried so hard to please her and the whole time she was sleeping with Kevin. He demanded to know who else knew. He realized that David Hayward had to know since she recommended him for her old job. "Let me guess….those packages you were receiving…..David must have found out and blackmailed you into resigning as Chief of Staff."

    She also told him that Lucy knew. “Well tell me Monica, tell me who didn't know? Who didn't know that you were breaking your marriage vows while I sat at home like an idiot?!”

    Monica shot to her feet and yelled back that he had been constantly ignoring her and she needed attention. Kevin was there for her. He gave her that attention. He made her feel like a beautiful, sexy woman whereas Alan made her feel unwanted.

    "You stand there with your self-righteous indignation and accuse me of breaking your heart. We haven't been happy for years. I may have had an affair, but you are NOT innocent in this. You've had your fair share of affairs too Alan, so don't you try to act like I'm the evil one." Monica walks over towards the closet. "I did love you Alan. I loved you very much, but I don't love you anymore."

    Alan yelled that he loved her every day of his life. “Get out Monica. I need to be by myself. Get out and go to your lover!” Monica’s eyes were blurred with tears as she grabbed her purse and her coat and walked through the door. After she shut the door, she could hear Alan yell an angry yell. Monica placed her head on the door as the tears streamed down her face. She's tempted to go back inside, but realizes that doing so will only put them back in the same cycle they've been in. Monica takes a deep breath, regaining her composure, walking away and not looking back.

    Back inside, Alan sat on the edge of the bed and tried to keep from letting the pain overcome him.

    To be continued….
    Next…on Port Charles

    <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

    The continuation of the special "ICU" episode. Monica heads to Kevin's after breaking things off with Alan. The other Quartermaine's argue regarding ELQ. Meanwhile Alan drowns his sorrows at the MetroCourt bar. What happens when he's flooded by so many memories of Monica that his heart breaks? How will the family and Monica deal with the news?

    Characters featured tomorrow: Monica, Kevin, Alan, Liz, Blake, David, Lucy, Skye, AJ, Tracy, Ned and Edward.

    The Quartermaine's and those connected to them will face a very challenging time. Relationships destroyed may be rekindled, alliances will be formed and battles will be drawn.
  7. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 71
    ICU Episode: "The Heart Attack"
    Featuring Alan, Monica, Kevin, Lucy, David, Liz, Blake, Jason & The Quartermaines
    Monday, August 06, 2007

    Written by: Tishy Smith
    Ryan Chandler
    Jennifer Snyder
    Kevin opened the door to his house and was relieved to see Monica there. When he saw the look on her face he pulled her in his arms and kissed her lightly. She welcomed the embrace and returned the kiss. She followed him into the living room where he solicitously asked her if she wanted a drink. She declined, saying she just wanted to be with him. He asked her if it was hard. She sighed that it was terrible, but it was done. She didn’t want to think about it as she raised her lips to his. “Make love to me Kevin”.

    At the MetroCourt, Liz and Blake are shown eating dinner. Apparently, Liz decided to take Blake up on his offer and went out with him anyway. They appear to be having a good time. Elizabeth speaks to Alan as he enters the dining area. Alan, who looks very tired, speaks to Liz. Blake introduces himself and asks if he's alright. Alan says no, but he'll be fine eventually. He walks over to the bar outside on the terrace.

    “Pour me another.” Alan said morosely as he slid his empty glass towards the MetroCourt bartender. “In fact, just give me the whole bottle.” Alan poured himself another glass as he made a hateful toast to Monica. He downed the drink and poured another. He wanted to get good and drunk. She tore his heart out and stomped all over it. He needed to get rid of the pain. He needed to rid his memory of the horrible day so far.
    Hearing about Skye’s new position with Jax, AJ invited Skye to ELQ to discuss business. While she was there, AJ brought up the subject of wresting control of ELQ from Tracy and ousting her from the CEO position. They were so deep in discussion that they didn’t even hear the door open. “What are you two talking about?” Tracy demanded.

    Unfazed, AJ said that they were just discussing ELQ business. Skye pointed out that as the liaison between ELQ and Titan, she was here to talk business with AJ. Tracy shot back that she overheard them discussing whose votes they could get to oust her as CEO. Tracy said she wouldn’t allow that to happen and demanded that Skye leave. The three started to argue back and forth when Edward stormed into the room shouting that the whole floor can hear them and that they needed to calm down.
    Kevin and Monica lay in his bed, content after having just made love. They lay together with their hands and legs entwined. She kissed him gently and he pulled her close. Kevin talked happily about their plans for their future, maybe even the possibility of moving in together. Monica laughed and kissed him again, remarking that she had just left her husband. But yes, they would be together.

    At the same time, Alan is thinking back to his life with Monica. He thinks to all the happy times that they shared both professionally and personally. Alan's memory gates flood open as he recalls the birth of AJ, the acceptance of Jason into the family, the adoption of Emily, Jason's accident, their many fights and breakups, they reconciliations. Alan stood up, intending to head for the men’s room. As he took a couple steps, he gasped and grabbed his left arm. He fell into some bar stools on his way to the ground.

    At Kevin's, Monica feels a sharp pain in her chest. She winces in pain, enough to make Kevin rush over and see how she's doing. Monica shrugs off the pain, and instead asks Kevin to make love to her once more time.

    Alan writhes on the floor in pain, unable to speak, damn near unable to move. The flashbacks become a lot more violent, only increasing the pain and his chest. Lucy & David step off the elevator, on their way to enjoy a nice dinner when they see a crowd of people screaming out on the terrace. They rush over and see Alan on the floor. Elizabeth is next to Alan tending to him.

    "Oh my god, Alan!" Lucy shouts, running over to him. "Somebody call an ambulance! Please!"

    "One is on it's way Miss," says Blake, trying to calm down Lucy. "We also told the hospital to let the family know that he'll be brought into the hospital. Just exactly what's going on?"

    "This man is having a heart attack," shouts David. David and Elizabeth work together to try and keep Alan's condition from getting worse. Lucy and Liz talk to Alan, trying to get him to stay with them. David gives Alan aspirin and asks for an AED (automatic external defibrillator). The EMT's finally arrive to take Alan to the hospital. David and Lucy inform the EMT's they'll ride with Alan. Blake offers to take Elizabeth to the hospital in his car.
    “What is going on in here?” Ned walked in. “Mother, what’s going on?” Tracy yells that he always assumes that everything is her fault. Edward retorts that it’s because it usually is. Edward demands to know what is going on and Tracy tells him that she walked in to AJ and Skye talking about securing enough votes to kick her out of ELQ.

    Everyone started talking at once and shooting accusations around when the phone rang. Suddenly everyone's phone begins to ring. Skye crossed over to AJ’s desk and picked it up. She turned to the Quartermaines, “Shut up! I can’t hear!” She turned back to the phone and said, “Oh my God. Where are they now?” She was silent as the group stared at her and saw that tears were forming in her eyes and her face turned 3 shades of white. “Ok. Yes, the rest of the family is here. I’ll let them know. Thank you, thank you for calling.” The phone slipped out of her hand and she lifted her head, tears streaming down her face.

    "What's wrong Skye?" Edward walks walking over. "Who was that."

    Skye is unable to get the words out of her mouth. "Well don't just stand there you idiot, tell us what's wrong!" yells Tracy.

    “That was the hospital," Skye says wiping the tears from her face and tucking her hair behind her ear. "Alan's had a heart attack. We have to go to the hospital….NOW!"

    Edward stumbles after hearing this news. Tracy and AJ help him regain his balance and he waves them off. They rush out of the office together, seemingly putting their differences aside to rush to the aid of their relative.
    Jason had just finished visiting Carly and the boys when his cell phone rings. "Hello?"

    "Jason," says the voice on the phone. "It's Elizabeth."

    "Hey…what's wrong? You don't sound too good." Jason picks up on the distress in her voice. "Is something wrong with Cameron?"

    "No it's not. I'm sorry to have to tell you this. But Alan's been brought into General Hospital. He just had a heart attack."

    Jason reels from the shock, speechless. "I'll be right there." Jason hangs up his phone and rushes to his car.
    Next…on Port Charles

    <object width="325" height="250"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAXji8SQt_4" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="325" height="250"></embed></object>

    An "ICU" episode featuring Jason, Carly, Michael & Morgan. This episode showcases the events leading up to Jason receiving the phone call about Alan. Jason shows up at Carly's and the best friends share a very close moment. The episode will end with Jason rushing off to the hospital.
  8. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 77
    ICU Episode: "The Truth Hurts"
    Featuring the Quartermaines
    Tuesday, August 21, 2007

    Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith
    Port Charles picks up where we last left off. Kevin is about to reveal his relationship with Monica to the Quartermaine Family.

    "Monica, it's ok. They're going to have to find out sooner or later, and I prefer sooner than later." Kevin pulls Monica close and kisses her cheek. "The reason why Monica wasn't here…is because she was with me."

    The Quartermaine's exchange confusing and surprising glances as Kevin continues to speak. "Monica and I are in love. And we're going to be together for a very, very long time."

    Everything Edward has been suspecting over the past few months is finally falling into place. The camera pans on the faces of everyone in the room, ending with alternating shots of Tracy, Monica & Kevin.

    "You bitch," yells Tracy as she lunges for Monica! Tracy grabs Monica by the hair and begins tugging on it. Kevin pushes Tracy away from Monica and pulls her in close. Ned catches Tracy before she can fall. Dillon taps Kevin on the shoulder and slugs him in the face with a right hand.

    "Don't you ever put your hands on my mother again you bastard!" yells Dillon. "Get out of here."

    Ned and Dillon attempt to keep Tracy from beating the hell out of Monica. Jason strong arms Kevin to leave the room while they family meets to discuss. Kevin refuses to leave, but Jason lets Kevin know he doesn't really have a choice.

    Meanwhile, Tracy goes into a verbal tirade against Monica. "You have no right to be here. After your affair, you have nothing else to do with this family!"

    “I have every right to be here Tracy and you know it.” Monica stated as she walked past Tracy towards AJ. She hugged him and pretended that he didn’t stiffen. She walked over to Emily and tried to hug her but Emily avoided her.
    "If you would just let me explain what happened, I think you'll understand where I'm coming from." After Tracy calms down, Edward tells Monica that the floor is hers to explain. Monica let's them know it's no secret that things have been tense between her and Alan for years. They tried to get into therapy but it wasn't working.

    "I've wanted to end things for a very long time now, but just couldn't go through with it. Eventually I began visiting an online dating site after I pretty much decided Alan & I had no future together. That's where I met Kevin." Monica stops to look at the faces of the family she has hurt. No one will make eye contact with her. "I didn't know that he was Kevin at first. It was just general information and whatnot. He said he was coming into Port Charles on business and thought we should meet for a blind date…which I did."

    "How long has this been going on?" asks Jason angrily, he looks over to his left to see Emily glaring at their mother.

    "Since November….when Kevin came back to town."

    "You slept with Kevin, and then you let Alan hire him back at GH. My god Monica, what a selfish person you are. You get to sleep with Kevin and live off Alan's money." Tracy snaps. "How typical of you."

    "What happened….between you and Alan," Edward asks painfully. "Are you the reason why my son is in his hospital room fighting for his life?"

    "No that's not what happened at all. I finally told Alan the truth. He was being so sweet to me and I couldn't take it anymore." Monica begins crying. "Here I am, having this secret life while my husband is completely oblivious to what's going on. I couldn't take his kindness towards me. I couldn't let him continue to go on believing we were going to be ok when I knew we weren't….so I told him the truth." The tears begin to fall down Monica's face faster. "I told him that I couldn't be trapped in a loveless marriage any longer. I told him.....it was over. We got into a huge fight and I left."

    Tracy stands up from her seat and gets in Monica's face. "Get out. Get out of this room, get out of this hospital, and then you can get out of our house," says the angry sister with a monotonous tone. "How dare you show up here like nothing has happened? You are the reason that my brother is laying in a hospital bed!" Tracy yelled, pointing her finger in Monica’s face. She could feel the anger boiling to the surface and felt like she could break Monica right now. "None of us want you here so do us all a favor and go climb back into your lover’s bed!”

    “Oh shut up Tracy! You are certainly not one to talk. You refused your father his heart attack pills or are you practicing selective memory again.”

    "This is not about me," Tracy begins. "No matter what problems Alan and I have gone through, I have never stopped loving my brother."

    Monica tried to sit down when Tracy grabbed her arm. “What?” Monica started to say, turning around and facing Tracy again.

    Tracy reached back and slapped Monica hard across the face knocking her to the ground, all the while calling her a heartless whore. Edward yelled for them to stop it, that this wasn’t helping anything. He ordered Ned to take Tracy out of the room to cool down. Tracy barks at Ned to stay where he is. Monica gets up and slaps Tracy back, then pushes her against the wall. Tracy pushes Monica away, then punches her in the face. Tracy drags Monica by the hair and begins choking her against the wall. Epiphany walks in just in time to see the end result of Tracy choking Monica. Dillon and Ned grab their mother by the arm and forcibly dragged her out of the room, the whole time she was screaming that Monica was nothing but a whore.

    Epiphany tells them all if they cannot act like civilized adults, then she'll be forced to throw them out of the hospital. She asks Monica if she's alright. Once Monica is able to breathe again, she says yes, and asks Epiphany in her ear to call the police.

    Monica sat down, relieved that Tracy was gone. She looked around the room and noticed that no one would quite look her in the eye. In fact in was quite uncomfortable in the room. She asked what was wrong, was Alan all right? Emily remarked that it was finally nice of her to ask instead of fighting with Tracy. Monica demanded to know what she meant by that. Emily jumped up and said that maybe Tracy was right. The reason that her father was lying in the hospital in critical condition was Monica’s selfishness.
    Jason finally glanced up and ordered Emily to stop. This wasn’t the time for them to be fighting. They had to concentrate on more important things. Emily turned to him and said no, this all happened because of Monica. She looks coldly into Monica’s eye. “Tracy is right about you. You are nothing but a whore. This is not the first time you've done this. Maybe…just maybe I could excuse one time, but this is Pierce Dorman all over again."

    Emily chooses to mask her pain with anger. "You helped me deal with Nikolas' infidelity. You were the one who told me how painful it was to be on the receiving end of an affair. And yet mother, you do and do the same thing to father." Emily throws her hands up in disgust, but isn't ready to leave just yet. " In fact, <b>Monica</b>, I’m ashamed to call you mother. If my Father dies, you will be dead to me! Do you her me? Dead! Now I for one cannot stand the sight of you and want you to get out of here. Get out! " Jason grabs Emily and pulls her towards the other exit to cool her off.

    Monica gasped and looked round the room. No one looked at her. No one spoke after Emily’s outburst. She silently got up and walked out.
    Down at the Nurse's Station, Tracy finally pulls herself away from Ned.

    "Don't you EVER do that to me again do you understand me," growls Tracy. "You are my child and you will do as I say, not the other way around."

    Ned looks back forth as the visitors in the hospital begin to stare at them. "Be quiet mother, you're making a scene."

    "No, the scene was upstairs. I can't BELIEVE that Monica had the gall to show her face after what she's done. She's lucky I didn't beat her like the little guttersnipe she is."

    Ned continues to listen to Tracy rant until something catches his eye. Lt. Lucky Spencer, accompanied by 3 uniformed officers step off the elevator and make their way towards the mother/son pair.

    "Uh oh," says Ned. "This is not gonna be good."

    "What's not gonna be good?"

    "Tracy," Lucky says as he reaches into his pocket. "I'm sorry but I have to take you in."

    "For what? I haven't done anything wrong."

    "We got a call that there was an incident here at the hospital. You're under arrest for assault. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." Lucky continues to read Tracy her rights as she begins threatening the officers.

    "You have got to be kidding me. I'm Tracy Quartermaine damn it. I'm responsible for most of the money you make." The officers cart Tracy away towards the elevator. "Ned! Ned! Get my attorney!"

    Ned snickers to himself as the doors shut and Tracy is taken to the PCPD.
    Next….on Port Charles
    -The Quartermaine children's loyalties divide
    -Robin confides in Maxie that she could be pregnant
    -Jax learns his new acquisition will bring home someone special
    -Monica is barred from seeing Alan
  9. Ryan
    Ignacio Serricchio TERMINATED!!! Diego to be recast

    SOD- In a move that should surprise no one, General Hospital has opted to release Ignacio Sericchio from his contract. Sericchio, who originated the role of Diego Sanchez-Alcazar in 2004 hasn't always been a favorite of the fans. Up until his character shared scenes with Lindze Letherman, he was constantly criticized for his lackluster performances. Head Writer Ryan Chandler has confirmed to us that the role will be recast in the form of Tyler Hoechlin. Hoechlin, who has acted opposite Tom Hanks, was most recently seen on the 'WB's 7th Heaven' as Martin. Hoechlin is very excited to be taking over a role that has much potential. "I am really looking forward to working with Ted [King]. I've been a big fan of his work for years and hope that the fans will like what I bring to the role". Hoechlin has been with the show since January, though the show opted to keep the recast under wraps until now.
  10. Ryan
    2 Recasts Revealed! + Kimberlin Brown News!!
    by Tu Morrow

    Last week SENN reported that the roles of Lucas Jones and Brandon Wexler were being recasted. We can now 100% confirm that Justin Bruening (Jamie, AMC) has been cast as Lucas Jones. When asked why Justin was chosen, co-headwriter Venus Stone-Cutter said "Justin has a great personality. He's good looking, intelligent and we believe that he will grow into the role every easily." Sources close to the set say that GH's casting department will be undergoing a shake-up if the next few roles cast don't pan out too well.

    Jay Kenneth Johnson was a frontrunner in the role, but GH decided at the last minute that he'd be better utilized in another role on the show in the future. Sources close to JKJ say that he has signed a holding contract with GH for the next 5 months. A GH rep said to us that fans will choose the role that JKJ will play on GH.

    Lucas' boyfriend has also been recast. Actor Matt Cohen (Aiden, South of Nowhere) has been cast as Brandon Wexler. Andrew Ridings (ex-JR, AMC) previously portrayed Brandon since early 2006. When we contacted GH regarding the hiring of Cohen, GH headwriter Ryan Chandler said "Matt has what we are looking for and we believe he will have a great future on our show."

    Both men have been working hard since they were hired. Our source reveals to us that GH has had Cohen and Bruening reshoot scenes done by Ben Hogestyn and Andrew Ridings. Hogestyn and Ridings' last episodes have already aired.

    In other news, we have learned more information regarding the role being written for Kimberlin Brown. It appears as if her character will have ties to Port Charles in more ways than one. Though we cannot confirm this at this time, rumor has it that Kimberlin's character is part of the restructuring of the Cassadine family. We're expected to receive more information next week.

    It appears as if Alicia Leigh Willis' time on GH is just about up. The show is refusing to renogiate the actress' contract and is content with having her on recurring status. It is highly rumored that her character will not be recast.
  11. Ryan
    3 Hunks & A Hottie To Join!!

    The city of Port Charles is about to become hotter and hotter! To follow up on a previously reported story, after weeks of searching, PCINDepth can confirm to SONBC, that the roles of Blake, Ethan & Hunter have been cast, as well as a then unannounced role for a female character. 3 of the 4 characters have established ties to those who either currently reside, or did reside in Port Charles.

    We have been told that the character “Blake” is the brother of Alison Barrington. The role of Blake Barrington will be played by former “Passions” alum and current “Smallville” star Justin Hartley. In 2002, Hartley joined the cast of Passions as the headstrong Fox Crane, the rich heir of the villainous Alistair Crane. Hartley has been taping for the past 4 weeks and will debut at a yet unknown time.

    The role of Hunter Halloway (yes, he has a last name) will be played by former “DAYS” star Eric Winter. Winter has been taping for the past 2 weeks and will debut in May. Winter’s character Hunter is the brother of Summer Halloway, a character murdered by Stefan in 2003. Expect Hunter to become heavily involved with Lucas.

    The role of “Ethan Scott”, now known as “Evan Kozlosky”, will be played by Ryan Carnes. Carnes previously portrayed the role of Lucas Jones from 2004-2005. Additionally, changes have been made to the character as well. Instead of being a teacher or professor, he will be a junior at Port Charles University and is the star of the soccer team. The character is intended to stick around for 13-20 weeks, direction of the storyline will determine whether or not the character will be around longer. In regards to his storyline, the writers are tempted to tackle a serious issue, but will tank the story at any time if it doesn’t work out.

    In addition, Ashley Benson has been tapped to play the role of 18 year old Serena Baldwin. Serena was last seen in 2003 and was played by Carly Schroeder. When asked why Serena is returning at this time, the writers felt Lucy needed more family in town and it would boost the younger set as well.

    Lastly, the contracts of Alicia Leigh Willis (Courtney) and Matt Cohen (Brandon) have officially ended. The writers felt they could get better story from the death of the characters than if they chose to recast. The two have already finally aired. Lindze Letherman has been bumped to recurring.
  12. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 66
    Saturday, July 28, 2007

    Written By: Ryan Chandler
    Tishy Smith
    Marco Dapper debuts as Dante Brennan

    Port Charles begins with Lucas walking into the student union (while on the phone) to pick up some information for his fall classes. While he's making his way to the board, he comes upon a mural made by students with art majors in memoriam of Brandon. Lucas is immediately overcome with emotion and wants to hightail it out of there. The voice on the phone calls his name so he can get back to their conversation. Lucas abruptly ends the call, saying he'll call them back. He turns around and bumps into someone, knocking their belongings down.

    "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," says Lucas, bending down to help pick up the person's belongings.

    "It's alright, I understand," the person says.

    Lucas stands up and is finally able to get a good look at the person standing his way. Luke admires what he sees. A tall, muscular guy possibly of Italian origin, with short black hair and a killer smile.

    "Umm…can I have my stuff back," the guys asks jokingly. "I mean if you wanna keep it just let me know."

    "Oh no no here," Lucas blushes while handing over the belongings. "I got lost in thought. I do that sometimes." Lucas can't place where he knows this guy from. But it's really bothering him. "Do I know you from somewhere?"
    Luke’s next stop before heading back to Bobbie was to see Sonny. He had a favor to ask of his old friend. When he got there, Sonny was just getting settled after coming back from the hospital. "Well you look like hell," says Luke.

    "Yeah, that's usually what happens when you're jumped in the park by a group of men." Sonny pops a pain pill, then asks Luke why he's there.

    Luke apologized for not stopping by sooner after Courtney's death, and usually he wouldn't do things like this, but he has an important favor to ask him. Sonny said he understood and wanted to know how he could help him.

    "I need you to arrange for someone to disappear….temporarily. No questions asked. Only us three would know."

    "Luke you know I'd do anything you need. But what's this about," Sonny asks with some interest. "Hey…if Lucky's in trouble I'll help you out the best way I can."

    "It's not about Lucky. And you know of all people Sonny that no questions asked means no questions asked." Luke asked if he could choose one of Sonny's villas to send this person. And no one….no one is to know about it, especially Caroline. Sonny immediately got on the phone and placed a call to Bernie, while he's on hold, Sonny makes a reference that this must have something to do with Bobbie.

    “If what has anything to do with Bobbie?” Both men turned around to see Carly standing there, her arms crossed across her chest. She looked from her uncle to her ex husband and tapped her foot impatiently. “Is someone going to tell me what the hell is going on?”

    Luke sighed and told Carly that nothing was going on. Carly snorted and demanded to know what was going on with Bobbie. Luke looked at Sonny, who gave him an imperceptible nod. Luke thanked him and told Carly to leave him alone, that her mother was fine. Before Carly could speak again, Luke was out the door.
    Over at the MetroCourt, Alan & Monica arrange for most of their belongings to be sent back to the Quartermaine Mansion. They only have two more nights there and they have too much stuff to take back at one time. Alan kisses Monica on the cheek, as she forces a smile. Alan remarks that their break has been good for them….professionally and romantically. He feels very close to Monica and is ready for them to begin the next phase in their life. Alan says when they get home, the first thing he's going to do is have the lawyer shred their divorce papers. Alan gets up and walks into the other room. Monica begins to have some doubts about ending things with Alan….but she forces herself into believing this is what's best for them all.
    Back at the PCU Campus….

    The guy runs his hands through his hair. "I'm Dante. I'm sure you've seen me around. I'm popular like that," Dante smirks. "And you are?"

    Lucas sticks out his hand. "I'm Lucas. I'm a second year here." Lucas smiles at the guy as the two make eye contact. A few seconds later, friends of Dante's call him over to where they are.

    "Listen Lucas, it was nice meeting. But I gotta go. Maybe I'll see you around."

    "Sure, maybe you will," Lucas says as Dante walks away. "Maybe you will."
    “Sonny, what the hell is going on?” Carly perched her hands on her hips.

    Sonny looked at Carly. “Don't worry yourself about it. It has nothing to do with you.” Sonny sat down and rubbed his head. "What do you want? What are you doing here? Don't you have better things to do?" Sonny begins acting rude, hoping it'll get Carly to leave.

    Carly, who's slightly annoyed with Sonny's attitude, remarks that she's there to check up on him. "I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright. I guess some old habits are just hard to break." Carly begins to fiddle with her fingers. She isn't sure how to break her pregnancy news to Sonny. "Look, um…I have some news, some very happy news. But I'm not sure how to tell you."

    Sonny watches as Carly works up the nerve to tell him her good news. He decides to stop her before she tortures herself. "If you are here to tell me you are pregnant, I already know. Michael told me." Sonny gets up from the chair and walks over to the terrace window.

    "Oh..well I'm glad you know." Carly knows why Sonny refuses to look at her. They've gone through a lot together and it must hurt to see her pregnant with another man's child. "Listen, I'm gonna take the boys this weekend, so you can work on getting better ok." Carly resists the urge to go console Sonny. "I'll call you later." Carly picks up her jacket and begins walking towards the door.

    "Carly," Sonny says stopping her in her tracks. "Congratulations. I am sure you and Nikolas will be very happy." Sonny and Carly give each other a longing look before Carly walks out. Sonny walks over to his desk and pulls out a picture of him, Carly and the boys.
    Noah slapped his car door shut and took the Brownstone steps two at a time. He pulled open the door, yelling out Bobbie’s name. He was greeted with silence. He closed the door and yelled out her name again. He walked briskly into the kitchen, but she wasn’t there. “Damnit” He muttered. "Where could she be?" Noah walks into the dark living room.

    “She’s gone Noah," a voice says coming from somewhere within the room. Noah cuts the light on and sees Luke sitting with a bottle of scotch.

    "What do you mean she's gone," Noah asks angrily. "I'm her husband. I have a right to know where she is!"

    "Barbara Jean is gone. And it'll be a cold day in hell before I tell you where she is.” Luke said, a menacing quality in his voice. "We Spencer's stick together. I am here to tell you that she is safe. She begged me to tell you that. If it was up to me, I would tell you to rot in Hell. Luke walked to the front door, leaving an astonished Noah behind. "Don't even bother trying to find her. You won't."

    Next….on Port Charles
    -Ric gets a special visit from his wife while at work
    -Alexis' mood is ruined after what she sees in the mirror
    -AJ is jealous when he sees Nikolas & Michael bonding
    -Blake tries to convince Liz to go on a date with him
  13. Ryan
    Secrets & Lies: Episode 31
    Saturday November 25, 2006

    Written by: Ryan Chandler, Na’Vell J. Lee & Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33)
    Produced by: Ryan Chandler & Na’Vell J. Lee

    Opening Video

    Act I

    Thanksgiving with the Quartermaines….what should be a great celebration for what the citizens of Port Charles are thankful for ends up a disaster. It wouldn’t be a holiday at the Quartermaines’ without some drama right?

    The evening starts off pretty tame you can say. There’s a bad storm outside, but no one is letting that get them down.

    Monica received a card in the mail from Emily wishing everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving and is sad that she wasn’t able to be home for holiday. Emily’s absence hits Monica quite hard. Alan notices how much his wife misses their daughter and goes over to hug her. Kevin witnesses this and forces a smile. Monica then tells Alan she’s fine and walks away.

    Lucky talks with Lulu, Lucas and Dillon about his return to work. Lulu changes the subject and wonders if Lucky has begun to make inroads with Elizabeth yet, but Lucky says it’s not up to him to do so. Elizabeth knew she was wrong and he has a right to be upset.

    “I that she made a mistake. But I mean, we’re only human. We all make mistakes Lucky. At least she didn’t sleep with him,” says Dillon.

    “I’ll tell you what, the first time you see your wife mounting someone who isn’t you, tell me how you feel.”

    Act II

    Bobbie comes up while they’re talking and puts her arm around Lucky. She informs all of her family that tonight is about being thankful for what we have. Not to discuss the problems we’ve all been having. Bobbie gives a long look at Lucas who realizes that his mother is trying very hard to be nice to him today. Lucas just rolls his eyes and goes over to Carly who’s talking with Monica and Edward about Michael. Carly excuses herself to speak with Lucas.

    “What in the hell your problem?”

    “It’s Mom. She’s trying to hard to be nice to me.”

    “And your problem is?”

    “She shouldn’t have to try. It should be easy for her.”

    “Honestly Lucas, I think you’re being too hard on her. Bobbie has a lot of things to deal with, and I think you should be grateful that she’s doing her best not to argue with you about your sexuality. All I can say is for you to----”

    Carly stops talking when Jason enters the Quartermaine Mansion with Elizabeth at his side. Lucky can’t believe that Jason actually showed up to Thanksgiving Dinner, especially with his wife. Alan and Monica go greet the two of them at the door, trying to make Jason as comfortable as possible.

    Lulu walks up to the two of them and makes a snide comment towards Liz. Luke pulls his daughter away and tells her to go make nice with Bobbie. Luke’s attention is diverted to his wife who calls him into one of the offices. With a huge smile on her face, Tracy informs Luke that she overheard Lorenzo and Skye talking about their engagement. Tracy realizes this will definitely set Edward off and cause Skye to fall out of favor with the Quartermaines. Tracy doesn’t understand why Luke isn’t so surprised with this news. Against his better judgment, he reveals to Tracy that he’s known for a while now that they’re engaged. Tracy can’t believe that Luke would keep this secret from her. He apologizes and promises that the secrets are all out between them. Tracy vows that by the end of the night, the Quartermaine’s will know Skye’s little secret.

    Act III

    In the den, Alan, Noah & Kevin discuss some hospital business. Alan mentions that his search for a Chief Resident is going pretty well. Noah asks if the hospital has found someone to lead their cardiology department, to which Alan replies there is someone interested in the job. They’re scheduled for an interview on Thursday. Justus enters soon after and tells Alan that he’s moving to Boston to join the law firm of Poole, Crane and Schmidt. When asked if he’ll continue to do ELQ business, Justus re-assures Alan that he’ll stay on as council for ELQ, but thinks that moving to Boston would definitely further his career.

    Jason is surprised that Carly is acting civil towards Elizabeth. Carly says that all she wants is Jason to be happy, but thinks that going after Liz is a bad idea. Lucky comes up soon after and demands to know why Jason and Liz showed up. Jason snarks that he’s a Quartermaine, the real question is why Lucky showed up. Lucky gets ready to snap at Jason when Nikolas arrives with baby Spencer…..and Courtney!

    While Alexis and Lulu help Nikolas get the baby situated, Courtney walks over to Carly and Sonny. Sonny looks happy see his sister and gives her a hug. Courtney tells them how her foundation is going really well in California and she’s looking forward to returning to Port Charles permanently. Carly doesn’t seem too thrilled with the prospect of that happening, especially since if Courtney returns, Nikolas’ old feelings may resurface.

    Upstairs, Skye kisses Lorenzo romantically. Lorenzo feels that Edward is staring a hole through him. Skye tries to take his mind off of her grandfather, but Lorenzo is adamant on having a good relationship with his future grandfather-in-law. Skye decides to go check on things in the kitchen so Lorenzo can talk to Edward.

    Lorenzo kindly wishes Edward a happy Thanksgiving Day. Instead of accepting his warm wishes, Edward tells him it would be an even happier Thanksgiving if Lorenzo wasn’t around. Lorenzo smiles, and then grabs Edward.

    “I don’t know what your problem is old man, but you need to learn some respect. I will not be spoken down to anymore. You had better get used to me being around. Because I’m not going anywhere.”

    Lorenzo then fixes Edward’s tie, and turns to walks away. Edward grabs Lorenzo’s arm and proceeds to give him a warning.

    “Now you listen to me you degenerate scoundrel. I may be old, but I am not above kicking your ass if need be. It is you who should learn some respect. This is my house and I will not be spoken to in such a manner. I always get what I want in the end. And what I want, is you out of my granddaughter’s life. You don’t want me for an enemy Mr. Alcazar.”

    Alice walks up and stands next to Edward.

    “Is everything alright here Mr. Q?”

    “Oh everything is fine Alice. Mr. Alcazar and I were just discussing how important it is to respect one another. Isn’t that right?”


    Act IV

    Suddenly a loud, piercing scream comes from the kitchen. Glasses and plates are heard being broken followed by a loud gobbling sound. To the surprise of Edward and the rest of the people at the Quartermaine Mansion, Cook runs from the kitchen and is being chased by a wild Turkey!

    “What in the hell is going on here,” yells Edward.

    “When you said you wanted a fresh turkey this year Mr. Q, I thought you couldn’t get any fresher than a real turkey. So I arranged for this turkey to be delivered. But I thought we had already uh…prepared it for cooking.”

    While the Quartermaines and the staff chase the wild turkey throughout the house, Lucky watches as Jason whispers something into Elizabeth’s ear. She laughs and touches his shoulder. Lucky heads towards Liz and Jason. Nikolas sees what’s coming but is unable to get to him because of the baby. Lucky taps Jason on his shoulder and punches him right in the mouth!

    Nikolas runs over to try and stop it but gets punched by Lucky too. Jason, tired of being nice to Lucky elbows him in the jaw, then punches him in the stomach. Carly runs over to pull them apart. While Monica tends to Lucky, Carly tends to Jason. Elizabeth tries to see if Jason is ok, but Carly slaps her for being the center of tension between Lucky and Jason. Liz then pushes Carly, causing her to fall on the table with cakes and pies.

    “You bitch,” says Carly. “You're gonna pay.”

    “Aww, what’s wrong Carly? I thought you liked being on your back.”

    Carly goes to charge Elizabeth but Sonny sends Max over to pick Carly up. He thanks the nearest Quartermaine near him (Monica) and promises to replace the table that Carly broke. Sonny gathers the rest of the kids and is ready to go. Bobbie and Noah leave with them.

    Smoke begins to bellow from the kitchen. Cook accidentally turned up the oven, and burned the macaroni & cheese, stuffing and ham. Monica throws a hissy fit, angry that yet again, their Thanksgiving Dinner has been ruined. Alan tries to calm her down but instead, it makes her even more upset. A drunken Kevin calls Monica, Lucy, and laughs at her being angry. Monica throws the burnt ham towards Alan and Kevin and storms away.

    Tracy just laughs at all of the dysfunction, and tells Dillon to go order some Pizza from Pizza Hut. Luke wonders why Tracy is laughing so hard. She remarks that she hasn’t had this much fun since she hired burglars to steal the turkey back in 97.

    Downstairs, Lorenzo says goodbye to Skye. He agrees to take Lainey home since it’s on his way. Kevin asks if he can ride with them as well since he’s been drinking. Meanwhile, Jason offers Elizabeth a ride home, but she says she’ll ride with Lucky. Lucky tells her to find her own way home and leaves without her. Lucas tells Liz he can ride home with her if Dillon will take them home.

    Act V

    After all the dust has settled and the smoke has cleared, the entire Quartermaine Family lies lazily in the living room. With no more guests to entertain, they all just sulk in the living room. Tracy and Luke stroll in with smiles in their faces, trying to get the family excited.

    “Oh come on. Isn’t this how our Thanksgiving’s normally end? With us eating pizza? You’d think that next year we’d just skip all the nonsense and order,” says Tracy.

    She tries to get the family to sing a round of “We Gather Together” but no one is interested. Alan says they have nothing to be thankful for today. Edward agrees and tells Tracy to sit down and shut up.

    “On the contrary daddy. You know what Alan…..we all have something to be thankful for, and to celebrate too.”

    “What are talking about now Tracy. Why don’t you just be quiet? It’s been a long day.”

    “Well Skye, I’m glad you asked. It is my honor to announce to the family, that our very own Skye is getting married!!”

    That surely wakes the rest of the Quartermaines up.

    “No she isn’t Tracy. Skye wouldn’t keep something like that from us,” Monica says.

    “I kid you not. I heard from the man she’s engaged to himself. The two of them are engaged to be married. Isn’t that right Skye?”

    Tracy gives her niece a devilish smile, knowing that she definitely caught her by surprise with this announcement. Skye glares at Tracy and Luke, then turns to the rest of her family who have a disgusted look upon their faces.

    “Yes. It’s true. Lorenzo and I are getting married.

    Elsewhere, Lucky stomps through his house in a bad mood. Damn Jason for punching him. Damn Elizabeth for comforting Jason instead of him. And damn Carly for slapping Elizabeth. No one asked her to get involved. A flash of lighting followed by the roaring thunder outside makes him a little angrier. Lighting crackles, then the lights in his apartment flash on and off. He thinks lightning struck the building. Lucky begins to doze off, but is awoken by the sound of someone knocking on the door. Lucky tells them to go away, but the knocking persists. Lucky flings open the door and is shocked by what he sees. Standing there speechless, Lucky stares at someone who is supposed to be dead. Before his eyes, drenched in rain and tattered clothes is Sam!!! She calls out his name, and then passes out in his arms as GH comes to an end.

    On the next GH: Secrets & Lies-

    - Skye gets the cold shoulder from her family during breakfast
    - Lucky is surprised when Sam doesn’t remember how she got to his house
    - Diego and Lainey have another therapy session
    - Nikolas is upset with Helena shows up uninvited at Wyndemere
  14. Ryan
    <object width="320" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>
    Endgame- Episode 27
    ICU: Jason, Alexis, Nikolas, Lucky & Sam
    Tuesday, May 07, 2007
    Outside the den area of Wyndemere, Jason has just met up with Alexis. "I'm glad you made it." Jason thanks Alexis for coming as he asked. He knows she'll be just as excited and angry as he is right now. "I assure you it'll be well worth it."

    Alexis takes a deep breath, not knowing exactly what she's about to get herself into. "This had better be worth it. I don't like being summoned. Why am I here anyways. You don't have don't have any business dealing with Nikolas or Lucky."

    "Just…calm down. You're about to find out in a minute." Jason takes a deep breath and reaches for the double doors.

    "Well….what are you waiting for," she impatiently asks.

    "This!" Jason flings open the doors surprising all inside.

    "What the hell," Nikolas asks angrily. "Jason? Get the hell out of here! What are you doing here?"

    "You know exactly why I'm here, and soon so will Alexis."

    "Nikolas I'm sorry," his aunt says apologetically. "I don't know what this is all about. Jason I wish you'd just tell me what you wanted so I can get back home."

    "Your nephew has been keeping a very big secret from you Alexis. It's time you find out what it is." Jason walks over and gets in Nikolas' face. "Go ahead Nikolas. Tell her. Tell her what you've been hiding." Jason and Nikolas face off, neither wanting to back down. Alexis can feel the tension in the air and is tempted to separate the two of them but feels that doing so may cause her bodily harm.

    "Either you leave….or I'll throw you out. Either way you're getting the hell out of my house Jason!" Nikolas begins to panic. He knows exactly why Jason is here. He wishes this all could be over, but if too many people know about Sam, then Helena will surely come after her again.

    "For the last time Nikolas, tell Alexis the truth." Jason grabs Nikolas by the collar and pushes him into the sofa. Alexis, who's had enough, steps in and demands that Jason leaves. She grabs him by the jacket and he pulls away. He gets ready to explain why they're there when Lucky walks into the room.

    "What's going on in here?" Lucky sees Jason and Alexis in the room and immediately tries to stop what's about to happen, but it's too late. Sam walks in seconds later, much to the surprise of Jason and Alexis. Jason knew that she was alive, but it's different to actually see her.

    Alexis’ first instinct is to embrace her daughter, as Sam bristles to Alexis’ touch. Alexis notices her daughter’s resistance to the hug and backs away, confused. Sam gives Lucky a glance and glares back at Alexis as she brushes off the embrace from the woman she doesn’t even know.

    “Excuse me, do I know you or do you just go around hugging strangers?”

    To Be Continued….
  15. Ryan
    <object width="320" height="240"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="320" height="240"></embed></object>
    Endgame- Episode 28
    Wednesday, May 09, 2007
    Alexis’ first instinct is to embrace her daughter, as Sam bristles to Alexis’ touch. Alexis notices her daughter’s resistance to the hug and backs away, confused. Sam gives Lucky a glance and glares back at Alexis as she brushes off the embrace from the woman she doesn’t even know.

    “Excuse me, do I know you or do you just go around hugging strangers?”

    “I’m your mother, don’t you recognize me?” Alexis asks confused as to why her daughter doesn’t know who she is.

    “No, sorry I don’t.” Sam snaps back. "Why are all of these people here Lucky? Nikolas?"

    Alexis grabs onto Nikolas’ arm as she pulls him into the other room to find out what’s been going on behind her back. “Excuse us …” Alexis says angrily, as she drags Nikolas into the other room.

    “Okay, you have some explaining to do, Nikolas! What hell is going on here? How …”

    “Okay calm down, and I’ll explain.”

    “Oh you bet you’ll explain. And start from the beginning!” Alexis snaps back with her hands on her hips waiting for an explanation as to why her daughter is alive and no one told her.

    Nikolas begins to tell her all he knows but he’s getting frustrated with his aunt, as she keeps interrupting him asking even more questions about why she is the last to know.

    “How could you not tell me? How long have you known, Nikolas?”

    “I’ve known for a few months now.” He mumbles under his breath.

    “A few months? You’ve known Sam is alive for a few months and you didn’t tell me?! Nikolas, I thought you would have the decency to tell me something like this! I thought you were raised better than that.”

    Nikolas hung his head knowing his aunt was right. “I was protecting my family.

    “Protecting your family?” Alexis laughs sarcastically. "You didn't do a good job now did you?"

    “I was protecting you and Sam from Helena. She took you once and I didn’t want that to happen again. I was protecting you from even more danger by keeping Sam’s secret. I’m sorry Alexis, but ….”

    “This is my daughter we’re talking about! I had the right to know she was alive, we could of kept her safe!”

    “Yeah, safe like last spring, when Helena took you both?”
    “What are you staring at?” Sam asks as Jason can’t help but stare at the woman he once knew as his fiancée.

    “I can’t help it. I can’t believe you are really standing here in front of me. I thought, we thought you were dead.”

    “Well, as you can see, I’m very much alive.” Sam exclaims as she moves even closer to Lucky, as he wraps his arm around her waist to protect her from Jason’s stares. Jason reaches out for Sam but pulls back when he sees Lucky protecting her.
    “That was different! I didn’t know Sam was my daughter when Helena kept us captive.”

    “Look, I’m sorry Alexis. But I thought I was doing the right thing at the time.”

    “And now? Do you still think you did the right thing from keeping this huge secret from her mother?”

    Nikolas doesn’t know quite what to say because he knows his aunt is right and he should of told her the truth from the beginning. She was Sam’s mother, and she deserved the right to know. She deserved the truth and the opportunity to keep her daughter safe from any danger that may have been lurking.
    Sam catches Jason staring again at her and this time she makes it known to Lucky that she is feeling uncomfortable.

    “Okay, now the staring is a little creepy. Could you please stop?!” Sam snaps at Jason.

    “You really don’t remember me do you? The life we had together, the love we shared?”

    Sam’s confused and has no idea what Jason is talking about. “Wow you picked up on that all by yourself? Thank you captain obvious.”

    Jason takes a step towards Sam and Lucky steps in between them to stop Jason from coming any closer. “I think Sam’s had enough for one day, don’t you?”

    “You need to shut up!" Jason says pointing at Lucky. "You’ve done enough already, don’t you think?”

    Sam moves in front of Lucky upset with the way Jason is speaking to him. "Listen you, Lucky has taken care of me for the past few months and he’s treated me very well. He has been more of a friend to me than ANYONE I can remember, and that isn't a lot. I don’t think you should talk to him like that!” Sam says defending Lucky.

    “What the hell did you to her, Lucky?”

    “I haven’t done a damn thing to her," Lucky grabs Sam by the hand and pulls her back. "I don't appreciate you insinuating that I've done something to harm her. I'd never do that. You really need to back up and give her some space!”

    Sam smiles internally at the sight as Lucky defending her. Jason steps forward into Lucky's comfort zone. Lucky doesn't back down and steps forward as well. The two man stand nose to nose, not blinking, ready to defend himself should something happen. The two nearly come to blows before Alexis and Nikolas emerged from the other room. Nikolas rushing to his brother’s aid and got himself in between Lucky and Jason.

    “Now let’s all calm down, shall we?” Nikolas suggested as he split the two apart.

    “I think it’s time for the two of you to leave. Sam needs her rest and I think this has been enough for one day.” Lucky says as Jason steps around Nikolas and heads towards the door, Alexis in tow.

    Jason turns around and glares at Lucky. “This isn’t over, not by a long shot!” Jason looks towards Alexis, disappointed that this day hasn't worked out the way he planned.

    "Don't you two go anywhere. I will be back. There is still a lot that you two have to explain." Alexis walks over to Sam and takes her hand. "I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. You may not remember me, but I plan on helping you get your memory back."

    Sam forces a smile at Alexis and nods her head. Sam takes Lucky's hand and puts her hand on his shoulder, turning to him for safety as Jason looks back heartbroken.

    On the next Port Charles: Endgame
    -Jason takes his anger out on his apartment
    -Lucy receives a phone call from Scotty
    -Monica prepares a night that Alan will never forget
  16. Ryan
    Another One Bites The Dust
    By Dura Cell

    In addition to the recent exits announced yesterday, we have gotten word that the execs at GH have officially given Alicia Leigh Willis (Courtney) her walking papers. Negotiations between the actress and the show have gone on for months now and when they stalled, the show promptly wrote her out of a prominent love triangle storyline that was to happen between Courtney, Carly and Nikolas.

    When asked for comment, the actress only had this to say. "I am grateful for the time I've spent at GH, however I believe this entire issue could have been avoided. I'm not going to go into details, but it's quite obvious that the direction of the show is shifting back to the 'golden era' and us younger actors are no longer a priority."

    We called the head writer and executive producer (Ryan Chandler) for comment and boy did he. "It is usually the policy of the show not to comment on things like this, but Alicia's comments were off base. My regime values all of the actors on cast. Not one age group over the other, however, I was hired to write for the show. At the time when she was negotiating a new deal, I was told by my bosses to write Courtney out for the time being because they didn't want me to invest in a story that would be stalled due to a recast. We offered Alicia the chance to have a recurring contract on a semi-permanent basis, but she chose not to take our offer. The role of Courtney will not be recast. And I will neither confirm not deny the rumors that Courtney will be killed off."

    A source close to the set said that everyone is in pins and needles. While most of the cuts have affected the actors on recurring, there is talk of the show possibly looking to trim some of the contract actors as well. We've seen contract actors like Ingo Rademacher, Alicia Leigh Willis, M'Fundo Morrison and Peyton List (who was demoted shortly after debuting with the show) bumped to recurring status.

    It is rumored that Courtney will meet her demise at the beginning of the next story arc which begins in about 6 weeks. Look for Courtney to return to Port Charles in about a week to begin wrapping her story.
  17. Ryan

    On August 4 a casting call went out from All Our Lives that stated the show was looking for the following: a male, has blonde or light brown hair, is in his mid to late 20's and has an innocent look. The answer as to who the character was and what actor would land the role was previously announced in the first issue of the DR-TV Insider. Viewers found out that former ATWT actor Craig Lawlor has landed the role of Benjy Hawk, the child who super couple Steve and Kayla almost adopted in the late 1980’s. In the article posted in the Insider it was announced that Benjy would be a long term character. With that news we asked if that meant a return of Kayla was in the near future, for in AOL history Steve is still dead. Michael Amello responded saying that AOL has yet to plan a return for Kayla or Mary Beth Evans at this moment in time.

    In even bigger news comes the announcement that Renee Jones a.k.a Lexie Carver will start appearing on the blog soap. From the head writer himself we have learned that she has been given a contract just like Craig Lawlor and will stay with AOL for the foreseeable future. When we contacted Renee Jones herself she had this to say, “I am so happy Michael Amello decided to bring Lexie on his show. It’s great to be working in a major story again.” When we asked Michael Amello why he decided to bring Lexie back to the canvas he responded saying, “Renee Jones is a superb actress. It would be stupid in my mind not to have her on screen. I knew from the first day of production that I wanted to bring Lexie back into the fold and am now happy that fans will finally be able to see her story unfold.”

    With this news many fans are speculating if a return of Stefano and Joseph Mascolo is in the cards. Also adding to that speculation is how in episode 12, E.J’s Prisoners are Revealed, E.J was shown talking to Stefano, though he was not seen to viewers. Sadly an AOL rep declined to comment on this particular rumour. Hopefully in time we will get to the bottom of this.
  18. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 58
    Friday, July 06, 2007
    Anna and Robin are seen sitting at Kelly's playing catch up as to what has been going on in their lives. Anna subtley brings up the subject of Patrick, and Robin is a bit squeamish at first. She then flashes back to her and Patrick having powerful sex, and sighs with a hint of ecstasy. Anna catches wind of this, and calls her daughter out on it.

    Anna: What's the matter, are you blushing?

    Robin: Whew, it's getting hot in here. (starts fanning herself to cool herself down)

    Anna: Wow, things between you and Patrick are getting intense, huh? (laughs)

    Robin: (embarrassed) Mom.....

    Anna: I'm just saying that it has been a long time since I have seen you this happy. I missed out on watching you fall in and out of love. It's nice that I'm around to see it firsthand. I admire you for being able to love again after losing the love of your life. Being able to find love again....and able to love again at all....is something that you should embrace and never let go of. I am glad that you have found that again.

    Robin smiles back at her mom, wondering how she is able to give her this advice yet she has yet to do the same thing. With her new job as commissioner, she doesn't have time to get out into the social circle, and asks what is stopping her. Anna quickly replies that she is not interested in anyone right now except for her work. Although Robin could see her mother lying through her teeth, and basically calls her out on that, asking who it is that has her interest piqued. Just as she is about to answer, Lorenzo enters the room and see the two women sitting at the table. Robin turns her head away in disgust, only to look up and see Anna looking coy at Lorenzo.

    Lorenzo: I didn't expect to see you here today...(turns to Robin) Robin, good to see you.

    Anna: If you were any smoother, I think I would see chocolate dripping off your face.

    Robin: (under breath) I think I am gonna lose my lunch.

    Lorenzo: I was going to grab myself a cup of coffee, mind if I join you?

    Anna: Please do....

    Robin: (interrupting Anna) You know, I have a few errands to run, so I am just gonna get out of here. Mom, I will call you and we can continue this later. (starts to leave and turns back to see Lorenzo) Mr. Alcazar.

    Lorenzo: Robin, always a pleasure.

    Robin rolls her eyes and walks out of Kelly's. Anna makes an apology to Lorenzo about Robin acting the way she just did, but Lorenzo says to not worry about it. He starts to question about how is it working as commissioner at the PCPD, and Anna wants to know why is that any of his business.
    At Greystone, Michael is shown sitting on the sofa listening to music on his Playstation Portable while going over plays for soccer. Mikey's concentration is broken when Milo opens the doors the den w/ AJ in tow. Mikey takes off his headphones and looks genuinely happy to see his biological father.

    "Hi AJ. What's up? Can I help you with something?"

    "Actually, I think you can. Is your mom around?" AJ asks suspiciously.

    Michael laughs sarcastically. "Why would she be here? She barely comes over here anymore. My dad's not here either."

    AJ feels a punch to the gut as Michael mentions Sonny as "dad". He shakes off his feeling and tells Michael what he wanted. "Listen, I heard that you were possibly looking for a job this summer."

    "How'd you know?"

    "I have my ways of finding information," AJ says laughing. "Seriously though, I a friend of mine called and said that he saw you out putting in some applications, so I came up with this little idea." AJ hands Michael a folder. Inside includes details of the ELQ Internship program.

    Michael looks through the folder, stopping to read the part that guarantees steady employment during the school year if the internship is completed successfully. "This looks really cool. You're serious about me applying?"

    "I'd love to have you working at ELQ this summer. You would learn from the best of the best, earn some money and make some new friends within the program. So do you think you'd be interested interning at ELQ?"

    "Not a chance….in hell," says Sonny entering the room.
    At the MetroCourt, the Spencer family awaits the arrival of Carly & Nikolas, who have an important announcement to make. Luke raids the bar, using his connection as Carly's uncle to get the best booze in the building. Meanwhile in the corner, Bobbie secretly wonders if her involvement in Brandon's accident will be revealed tonight. Noah reassures his wife that nothing will happen as long as she continues to think good thoughts and pray for her sin. Jason stands near the terrace, looking out at the Port Charles skyline. Thankfully Lucky is nowhere to be found tonight, the last thing he needs is to deal with him right now. Whatever Carly and Nikolas plan on announcing better be worth him having to take time out of his day to wait at the MetroCourt.

    The elevator doors open as the happy couple steps off and prepares to make their announcement.
    Back at Kelly's, Anna and Lorenzo continue their conversation.

    Lorenzo: No reason...just that I know that you will stop at nothing to make sure people will be brought to justice in the fullest extent of the law.

    Anna: I don't think you should exclude yourself from that, Mr. Alcazar. (starts to lean in closer to Lorenzo) I made a vow that I will do my damndest to bring down everyone that I see fit. Yourself included, if need be. So, don't count yourself out of the running yet, because I am watching you. One false move, I will have your ass.

    Lorenzo: (leans in closer to Anna) You know how cute you are...when you get mad? Nose scrunches up.

    Anna: I don't do cute, Mr. Alcazar. Mittens...are cute.

    Lorenzo: Cute...AND feisty..what a lethal combination.

    Anna stares at Lorenzo with a smile, as he gives her a devilish grin back. Sparks begin to fly as the two lock eyes with each other.
    Back at Sonny's, Sonny orders Michael to go upstairs, Michael protests and says that he shouldn't have to be sent away just because he (Sonny) wants to fight with AJ. AJ suggests it would be a good idea of Michael went upstairs too, however again, Michael refuses to go. Sonny asks AJ to speak with him outside and the two move to the foyer.

    Sonny refuses to allow Michael to intern at ELQ for any reason. There's a reason why Michael was kept away from AJ all of these years and just because he has "returned" doesn't mean that will change. AJ refuses to allow Sonny to bully him and puts the cocky mobster in his place. No matter what Sonny may want, AJ is Michael's biological father and will spend time with his son. Sonny & Carly have kept Michael out of his life for far too long. This is a perfect opportunity for Michael to gain experience and will help him when it's time to apply for colleges. No longer will AJ sit idly by and allow be forced to have no say in what goes on with Michael. No more….

    Back inside, Michael eavesdrops (so channeling his mother) and happy that AJ wants to spend time with him.
    Meanwhile at the MetroCourt, Carly & Nikolas can't contain their excitement any longer! Carly mentions that she asked their family to be here because this is great news. However the announcement wouldn't be right if Jason, her best friend, wasn't in attendance. Nikolas thanks them all for coming and orders a round of champagne mostly everyone (being considerate of Bobbie's alcoholism). Bobbie is tempted to take a sip, but figures she can wait until Noah goes to work to have a sip. When the waiter comes around her way, Carly says no thanks, she'd not supposed to drink any alcohol….for least 7 more months!

    Silence falls upon those in attendance. Bobbie forces the words out of her mouth…"you're pregnant?" Carly confirms her mother's question and immediately met with hugs. Luke congratulates Nikolas and hopes he'll be a good father to this new baby.

    Jason walks over and stares at the two of them….."Congratulations," he says smiling at Carly.

    On the next Port Charles
    -Alan and Monica prepare for a romantic evening
    -Lucy's dinner with David is interrupted by a surprise guest
    -Sarah overhears Patrick talking to Epiphany about his future with Robin
    -Mac may have a lead on Brandon's hit and run
  19. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 55
    Thursday, June 21, 2007
    AJ is presenting a proposal about acquiring a new company in front of some key ELQ executives and Tracy. The meeting has been going on for almost an hour when AJ wrapped it up. The different executives asked a couple of questions when Tracy leaned back in her chair and twirled her Mont Blanc pen. Then she spoke, “AJ, I have looked over all the figures on this acquisition and I don’t see this being a money maker for ELQ. We would have to pour so much money into this company before we could even dream of a profit.”

    “So what are you saying Tracy?” AJ said brusquely.

    “I am saying I don’t think this is a good company to acquire and as CEO I am saying that we are not going ahead with this project.” Tracy said with finality in her voice. “Go back to the drawing board AJ and find a better company….one that's actually worth shelling out millions of dollars for.”

    AJ bristles at her tone. “Tracy, I put a lot of time into researching this company. It is ripe for a takeover. Can’t you see that?” He went on to again list the benefits of ELQ taking over this company.

    Tracy spoke slowly and deliberately, “What didn’t you understand AJ? I told you, go back and find a better company. If you are not up to it, anyone in this room would jump at the chance to take on this project.”

    “Tracy, I can’t believe you will not see the benefits of this company! It fits into the ELQ vision of moving forward.” AJ half shouted, his face turning red. “If Grandfather was CEO, he would see that.”

    Tracy threw her pen down and stood up. Fire was shooting out of her eyes as she quietly ordered everyone but AJ out of the room. Once the door closed she said, “I am in charge here, not you and not my father. I will not have you questioning my authority in front of anyone. Try that again and I'll fire your ass. Do we understand each other?” AJ remained quiet. “Do we understand each other?” Tracy shouted.

    AJ glared at Tracy and spit out a yes. She then ordered him out of the office. He made sure he slammed the door on his way out. Afterwards, Tracy slumped down in her seat and sighed.
    Carly breezed her way past Alice and into the Quartermaine living room. She needed to talk to Luke about her mother’s surprise marriage to Noah. She found Luke leaning back in Alan’s chair, a bourbon in his hand and a smile on his face.

    Carly marched in and plopped herself down on the couch. She stared at Luke for a few minutes before asking suddenly, "what do you think of Bobbie and Noah getting married?”

    “Well hello to you too Caroline. Yes, your Uncle Luke is just fine.” He raised his glass to her. “How do you feel about Barbara Jean getting married?”

    Carly cocked her head and threw her blonde mane of hair over her shoulder, “Didn't I just ask you that? Ugh, I don’t understand why they rushed into it so fast. I also don’t understand why they ran off to Vegas. I mean, you and I weren’t invited, or Lucas and Patrick. What gives?”

    “I don’t know why they rushed into it Caroline. But if Barbara Jean is happy then so am I. You should be happy for her too.” Luke counseled.

    Carly sighed, “I am Luke. I just,” Carly paused and looked away. “Lucas is really upset. I can’t get through to him. And something just doesn’t feel right.” Carly confessed.

    “He is going to have to accept this. Barbara Jean is happy and it looks like she hasn’t been drinking for a while. At least that I know of.” Luke said. “I don’t know why they rushed into this, maybe they had some sort of epiphany about life and such.” Luke stood up. “You are reading too much into this Caroline. Let it go.” Luke warned.

    Carly sat there contemplating what Luke said. She would find the underlying cause of this. She most definitely would, for Lucas’ sake.
    Anna walks into her office to find Ric and Alexis are already seated. Anna reaches into her file cabinet and slams the file onto her desk. Behind her is a large white wipe board with Sonny and Lorenzo’s pictures taped to them and a list of their alleged crimes and rumored associates. Without addressing them she asks, “Do you know what I have against these two? Nothing. That is what I have. When are you two going to do your jobs and get me some evidence to bring these two men down!”

    Alexis and Ric exchanged glances. “I gave you information Commissioner…” Alexis started to say.

    Anna scoffed. “We both know that none of that was true. I need evidence! I don’t care that Sonny Corinthos is the father of your child Alexis or your brother Ric. These two men are the reason that there is so much crime in Port Charles and they need to be stopped!”

    Ric and Alexis sat there, properly chastened. “With all due respect Commissioner, we have tried to get as much evidence on both Sonny and Alcazar but nothing we get will stick.” Ric stated. “Everything is circumstantial.”

    Anna cocked an eyebrow, “Then I suggest you try harder. I don’t care what you have to do. I know you will find a way. I want these two locked up and I want it done yesterday.” Anna looked down at her desk as a deafening silence descended. Anna went on to state how she wanted daily reports on everyone listed on the white board behind her. Money was not an option in bringing down Sonny and Alcazar.

    “Get it done.” Anna stated, dismissing Ric and Alexis.

    On the next Port Charles: Endgame
    -Sonny gets a visit from Mac & Lucky courtesy of Anna Devane
    -Dillon & Maxie feel left out when Lulu & Dillon shut them out
    -Lorenzo meets with the 5 families
  20. Ryan
    In an effort to better serve you, the readers, the writers at GH are asking for some help. We'd like for you to tell us your opinions on the show overall, our storylines and casting choices.

    Are there certain characters or couples that you want to see more of? Less of?

    Are there certain storylines that'd you'd be interested in seeing? Do you want storylines to move faster, slower or is the current pace good?

    Is there anything that you dislike? Characters you think are pointless or don't see the allure of at this time? Any characters you want to return?

    Do you like the current balance of the show? What do you want more or less of? Love, Romance, Violence, Scandals, Business storylines?

    Do you think the current story arc is going well? If not, do you want the show to return to it's non-arc way of storytelling?

    Any feedback given will be taken and your changes will be implemented. Your responses don't have to be limited to the questions asked. We don't care if it's good or bad or if you're a dedicated viewer or a casual viewer. Your opinion matters b/c without you, we wouldn't have an audience.
  21. Ryan
    I have always said that I preferred being cold than hot, but my goodness, this is unbearable. Living near (damn near on) the beach is fun, but not when it's cold. The wind chill factor here was like 14 degrees. That's nothing compared to when I was in PA and the wind chill was 5-10 below zero, but still. For NY/NJ to have a pretty moderate winter last year, this is the complete opposite. I wish it would already go ahead and snow. We know it's coming, we just don't know exactly when.

    Oh, and on top of that, the heat is out at work. And because of where my office is located (on a pier above the beach), it's even colder. I'm freezing my ass of now. I would have just driven down to city hall, but my roomates have my car and to catch the Jitney would mean I'd have to walk two blocks up, and wait a few minutes in the cold. Uh uh, don't don't think so. So I'm trying to wait it out until I can go hom and warm up. Then I'm taking my car and going shopping, should my roomates ever decide to give me my damn car back. Speaking of that, I lent them my car like Tuesday. It's Friday....shouldn't I have my keys back by now?

    I saw Ashlee Simpson in concert last Saturday. She was pretty good. The show was better than her first tour here. While I did enjoy that, I enjoyed this one better. I didn't find her voice annoying and she really connects with her fans onstage. Good stuff Ashlee! Gotta go get my jacket. I guess I'll post another entry later.

  22. Ryan
    Well, I hope everyone had a happy new year. I did. I had a nice time on Saturday night, ended up getting hospitalized on Sunday due to my lack of taking care of myself. I knew I wasn't feeling well, but didn't want to blow off my NYE plans. Anyways, I'm feeling a bit better now and I'm glad to be back.

    I've been working on this damn column I've been trying to do off and on since like August (I've wrote like 8 columns already). I'm probably going to need some help coming up with some topics, so once I get into the flow of things, if you'd like to help me, feel free. I'm open.
  23. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 64
    Thursday, July 19, 2007

    Written By:
    Tishy Smith
    Ryan Chandler
    Luke opens the door of the Brownstone and takes in the scene in front of him. He sees Bobbie sitting at the kitchen table, a bottle of vodka, unopened, in front of her. “Barbara Jean? What’s wrong honey, is it Noah?” Luke kneels down next to her chair and speaks softly. “Did something happen to Lucas or Carly? You can tell me Barbara Jean, I am right here.”

    Bobbie looks up, tears streaming from her eyes. “I’ve done something very bad and you are going to hate me when I tell you what I have done. I can’t live like this anymore. The guilt is eating me up inside and oh, Luke, I don’t want you to hate me, please.”

    Luke assures her that is impossible. They have gone through far too much for him to hate her. She tells him that this is the worst thing she has ever done and that everyone will hate her, even her own children. “Barbara Jean, let me be the judge of that. Now tell me what’s going on so your big brother can help you.”
    Carly is walking by Kelly’s and sees Lucas sitting there, eating alone. She hadn’t seen him in a few days, so she opens the door and strides in. She sits down across from him and smiles brightly. He looks up and says, “I don’t believe I asked you to sit down. In fact, I would rather be alone right now.

    “Well brother dear, you are going to have to deal.” Carly sets her purse down on the table and continues, “How are you and don’t just say fine because I know you are lying. You can at least tell me you are happy for me.” Carly smiled and patted her stomach. “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. Give me one of those.” She reached over and took a French fry from his plate.

    Lucas smiles briefly. Carly has been very good to him and he could use the company. He had been trying to go out every day, but he felt like he was betraying Brandon by living. He really needs to talk to someone and the only person who hasn’t judged him and that he can fully trust is Carly. He takes a deep breath and prepares to confide in her when the door opens. It’s Maxie. His face darkens at the sight of her, causing Carly to look behind her.
    At the MetroCourt, Jax and Skye are having a meeting discussing business. After she was unceremoniously fired from ELQ back in February by Tracy, Skye has had little to do. She's ready to get back into the swing of things and hopes Jax can help her. Jax asks Skye how she's held up since she ended her relationship with Lorenzo. Skye admits that it's a little tough, but she feels she did the right thing. She can't deal with his life and doesn't want to share a future with someone who murders innocent people.

    Skye asks Jax if he has any room at Titan Corp. Jax mentions that he recently purchased a subsidiary of ELQ's, but the companies will still be linked together. He needs a woman who's beauty is parallel to her intelligence. Skye blushes inside. It's been a very long time since she's been able to enjoy herself around anybody, especially someone who she used to love as much as Jax. Skye mentions that she's interested in doing whatever he needs. Jax hires Skye on the spot, informing her that she'll work as his liaison between Titan and ELQ regarding the new purchase and will oversee any transitions. Jax calls over a waiter to bring some champagne as the two toast to their new business relationship.

    Anna steps off the elevator at the MetroCourt ready to cash in her rain check for a date with Jax. She watches at the two toasts each other, looking very happy. Normally not one to feel awkward, Anna knows about the history between Jax and Skye. She decides to speak with Jax later and heads back on the elevator. Jax looks over to the elevator just as the doors close, thinking he saw Anna. Skye wonders what he's looking at; Jax says he thought he saw someone familiar, but shakes it off.
    “Ok, Lucas, what’s the deal with you and Maxie” Carly demanded. “Every time you see her your face becomes a thundercloud.” She leans closer and urges Lucas to tell her whatever is on his mind

    Lucas clams up. “I don’t want to talk about it Carly.” He stands up and throws some money on the table. “I’ll talk to you later.” Lucas walks out of Kelly's in a hurry.

    Carly waits a bit before confronting Maxie. “What the hell is going on between you and my brother?”
    Back at Bobbie's, the conflicted nurse takes a deep breath and recounts the night of Brandon’s death. She speaks in a low, monotonous tone, staring at the vodka bottle as she confides in Luke that the night Brandon Wexler was killed, she god drunk. She mentions that was having a rough day and turned to the bottle for support. Georgie showed up and during the conversation mentioned that Lucas was out at a party with Brandon. So she got in her car and took off after Lucas…not even really knowing what to say to him. She struggles as she recounts the event scene for scene and finally breaks when she tells Luke she was the one that killed him. She didn’t know what she had done, because she was so drunk that she blacked out everything. It's only because of Noah that she isn't in jail right now. When she finished speaking, she burst into tears again.

    Luke stood up, stunned. He puts his arms around Bobbie and lifts her up out of her chair, comforting her as she cried. “Oh Bobbie. We will figure something out. It’s ok.” She hiccups and tells him that Mac is onto her; he came by earlier and questioned her.

    “Barbara Jean, look at me.” Luke grasps her by the shoulders and stares directly into her eyes. “I will get you out of this ok; you just have to trust me. Do not say another word to the police. I don’t care what Mac Scorpio says to you. You will not say anything else until you hear back from me, do you understand me?” Bobbie nodded. “I love you Barbara Jean with all my heart and will do anything for you. Now tell me, where is Noah now?” She tells him that he is at the hospital. He tells her that he is going to go out and that she is to lock the door behind him and to only answer the door when he comes back. No matter who calls or comes to the door, to ignore it. He will be back soon.

    Luke kisses her on the forehead. “Remember, don’t talk to anyone except me and that includes your husband!” Luke sternly says before left, taking the bottle of vodka with him.

    Next….on Port Charles
    -Luke has a violent confrontation with Noah
    -Jason asks Lainey for some advice
    -Robin thinks Anna may be jealous; Anna tells Robin about her strange dream
    -Maxie and Lulu argue about Lucas
  24. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 63
    Wednesday, July 18, 2007
    <b>One day later.....</b>

    Sonny hangs up his cell phone when he sees Alexis knocking on his hospital door. Carly is in the room with him discussing what happened the day before. She planned on telling him the good news about her pregnancy, but didn't feel this was the most appropriate time. Alexis walks in with a folder in her hands, asking how Sonny's doing. Sonny asks if she's asking as the District Attorney or as the mother of his child. Alexis says it's the latter. Sonny updates her on his condition and the condition of his father, Alexis hopes they both feel better. Alexis gets right to the point, she knows this may not be the best time for this, but it has to be done. She hands Sonny the folder. Sonny opens it and says it's not gonna happen.
    Bobbie opens the Brownstone front door and is taken aback to see Mac there. He informs her that he is there on official business and asks if he can come in. Bobbie nervously opens the door wider and leads him to the living room where they sit down. “Bobbie, I need to ask you some questions about the night that Brandon Wexler was killed.”

    Bobbie draws in a deep breath and listens while Mac asks her where she was on the night that Brandon was killed. She explains that she and Noah were spending the night alone in the Brownstone. They were watching a movie and discussing the future. She asks him why he is asking these questions.

    Ignoring her, he thinks back to the report that Det. Cruz showed him. Mac wants to know what kind of car she had. She tells him and again asks him why he keeps asking these questions of her. Her heart is starting to beat faster and she is breathing heavily. She says adamantly that she and Noah were here all night and asks Mac to leave.
    Sam sneaks out of Wyndemere and heads to the bluff. This seems to be the only place where she can clear her head. As she stares out at the water, she had a sudden flashback. Her and Jason are slow dancing on the roof of the penthouse in the rain. Jason whispers the words, 'I love you.' After a few minutes, a figure appears from the shadows, sneaks up behind her, and causes Sam's flashback to end. "I know you're here," Sam says without turning around. "What do you want?"

    "Is that any way to speak to your grandmother my dear Samantha?" The camera pans to reveal Helena standing behind Sam.

    Sam rolls her eyes and counters back, "Step-grandmother my 'dear' Helena. Again, what do you want? You shouldn't be here. Nikolas might see you."

    "Nikolas isn't my concern right now. You are. Have you had any more violent headaches?" Helena pries for information, trying to gauge how much information she needs to divulge. "Any more memory flashbacks?"

    "No I haven't. I know all I need to know," Sam turns her back again, running her fingers through her hair. "And before you ask, the answer is no. No one has any idea what we've been planning."

    Helena smiles, finally a pawn who does what she's told with no questions asked. "That's good. Keep me updated. One thing I go though….you must not be sidetracked with your problems with Jason. He does not factor into any of my plans. Remember who is calling the shots." Helena turns to walk away but Sam stops her.

    "You're right. Jason doesn't factor into any of <b>your</b> plans, but he does factor into mine. And you may be running things Helena, but without me none of this would be possible. Oh, and by the way….Nikolas <b>should</b> be a concern of yours. Carly too." Sam has Helena intrigued. "It looks like you're going to be a great-grandmother yet again."

    Helena feels like vomiting. It's bad enough that Nikolas procreated with Courtney, but now he's knocked up the she-beast Carly? Disgusting….. Helena orders Sam not to be concerned with that. Just focus on what she's been told.

    Helena heads back off into the shadows. Sam turns around, takes a deep breath and his hit by another flashback.
    Back at GH, Alexis has just handed Sonny a folder that his him extremely upset. "There's no way in hell you're gonna keep me away from Kristina. You hear me Alexis? I thought we had all of this resolved."

    "As Kristina's primary custodial parent, I have the right to limit your access to her. She could have been with you yesterday when you and Mike were attacked. God knows what those thugs would have done do my daughter."

    "Our daughter," Sonny interrupts with much sharpness. "She's our daughter Alexis. And nothing would have happened to Kristina. I would have protected her, the same way I protect my other children."

    Alexis laughs sarcastically. "Sonny you could barely even protect yourself yesterday. Without Jason you're vulnerable and I can't allow your vulnerability to affect my child. I won't. You have 2 options. One, you could leave the mob, turn states evidence and begin living your life as a contributing member of society. Two, you could sign the agreement and when things calm down, I'll re-instate your visitation with Kristina. Now since we all know the first choice isn't happening, number 2 is your best option." Alexis grabs her pocketbook and heads towards the door. "Feel better."

    Alexis begins walks towards the elevator but Carly rushes up to her. "Carly I'm not in the mood to argue with you. I did the right thi-," Alexis is cut off mid sentence.

    "I know you did. I didn't come to fight with you," Carly says. "I just wanted to say that I understand why you did what you did, and I think deep down Sonny does too. I just wanted to tell you that." Carly turns around and walks away, leaving Alexis stunned.
    Mac stands up. He doesn’t like the feeling that he is getting from Bobbie. Her eyes are looking everywhere but at him. She is fidgeting and picking at her nails. He walks to the door and says, “For your sake Bobbie, I hope that Noah can back your story up.” Mac closes the door and Bobbie bursts into tears.

    Moments past and Bobbie catches her breath and stops crying. She races to the phone and calls Noah. She is told that he is in surgery and cannot be disturbed. She puts the phone down and runs upstairs to one of the old rooms where she stashed a bottle of vodka. She stares at it for a long time before making a decision. She dials a familiar number and is relieved to hear the one voice that never lets her down.

    “I need you”

    Next….on Port Charles
    -Carly notices some hostility between Lucas & Maxie
    -Bobbie confesses all to Luke
    -Anna is upset when she sees Skye and Jax together
  25. Ryan
    Endgame- Episode 95
    Friday, October 19, 2007

    Written by: Ryan Chandler & Tishy Smith
    It had only been an hour since Bobbie had been back in Port Charles. If it were up to her, she would have been back sooner, but due to inclement weather and delays by the pilot, she couldn't leave as soon as she wanted. It's pouring outside, but that won't keep her from doing what she has to do.

    First on her list is paying a visit to her little girl. Kneeling down, she kisses her fingers and trails then over the name Barbara Jean. A bouquet of flowers catches her attention, causing her to smile gently. She notices Tony still remembers to have flowers sent every week.

    "Oh BJ, I miss you so much baby girl. I need your help." She stays with BJ for a long time talking quietly to her. She doesn't care that the rain is pouring on her, she needs to pour her heart out. She imagines what life would be life if BJ had lived, if a drunk driver didn't tragically cut her life short. She imagines watching BJ attending her first dance, going through her first heartbreak, graduating from high school and so on. Bobbie knows she should have known better, having lost her daughter by a drunk driver and she herself was guilty of the same crime. Standing up, she wipes away her tears and says goodbye to BJ.
    Meanwhile, the camera shows an exterior shot of Wyndemere Castle where a pregnant Carly Corinthos is sleeping. The camera slowly pans up to her face, where she appears to be having an intense dream.

    Carly is shown standing on the side of the road, looking at something happening ahead. She tries to make out what it is, but the more she tries to focus on the scene, the blurrier her vision becomes. She walks slowly towards what has caught her attention. She hears people calling out her name, telling her they love her, but she can't get to them. Suddenly, she appears at the hospital, watching someone being operated on. She turns to her right and tries to make out the faces staring through the window. 4 people, crying, afraid for the person inside on the operating table. Suddenly Carly appears inside the room with the doctors. They declare the person dead. Carly eases over to the table and removes the sheet…..the camera cuts to the horrified look on Carly's face and she wakes up screaming!

    Nikolas wakes up and asks if she's alright. Carly tries to calm herself down and tells him to go back to sleep. He tells her he'll stay up with her until she goes back to sleep. Carly lies in Nikolas' arms and embraces his loving hold. She tries to shake her dream out of her head, but it's obviously disturbing her. It takes a very long time before Carly can fall asleep again.

    Emily is shown sipping a cup of tea while looking at pictures of her family in the Quartermaine Study. She flips the pages of the photo album back and forth until she gets to a large picture of the immediate family. In the picture, taken shortly before Jason's accident, features Alan, Monica, AJ, Jason and herself together in the living room. Everyone looks so happy in the picture. She sighs to herself as she remembers the simpler, less complicated times.

    The sound of the door to the study opening causes Emily to jump. AJ enters and tells Emily to calm down. When he notices what she's doing, he comments that they have something in common. They both like to look at old pictures of the family.

    To say there was tension between Emily and AJ would be an understatement. Emily never forgave AJ for aligning himself with Faith Roscoe to kidnap Michael. To make matters worse, AJ faked his death and let poor Michael take the blame for it! At least that's what Emily thought. After AJ surprised the family last Christmas by showing up and revealing he wasn't dead, he explained everything. Saying that he only faked his death to end the pain he had caused…most of all to his son. He had no idea the doctor treating Jason & Michael would set poor Michael up.

    Emily stares at the picture of their family and breaks down. She says it's not fair that their father is having to suffer. He's a great man and if ANYONE deserves to suffer it's Monica. AJ interrupts Emily and tells her she needs to let go of her anger. If it wasn't for Monica, Emily would have never become a part of the Quartermaine Family. He tells her that we're all human and we all make mistakes. Emily knows that more than anyone, given her past indiscretion with Nikolas while married to Zander.

    AJ says everyone has been hurt by Monica's actions, but they can either dwell on them and make her suffer, or they can do what Alan would want them to do, and that's forgive her and try to move on. He tells her their father has spent years resenting AJ for causing Jason's accident, but eventually he has forgiven him.

    Emily says that Alan is a better person than she is, because she can't forgive Monica. She's forgiven too many people for too many things in the past. Everything thinks just because they say sorry, St. Emily is going to forgive and forget. Emily declares she's tired of being people's doormat
    Bobbie pulls her hair back under a baseball hat and secures a pair of large sunglasses on her nose. She pushes the door to the hospital open and keeps her head down, praying she doesn't run into anyone she knows. She goes to the ICU and stealthily slides her way in without being detected. Looking back and forth, she sees that no one is in Alan's room so she slips in. She sits down next to him and reaches for his hand. Quietly she offers up a prayer for Alan.

    She then tells him that he has always been a wonderful man and she has always looked up to him. There is no one like him in the world. She knows in her heart that he will get better. She confesses her crimes to him and says she knows that he wouldn't judge him. That he would understand. Knowing that anyone could walk in at any moment, she stands up and kisses Alan's cheek. Now she is ready for her final destination.
    Next…on Port Charles
    - Bobbie turns herself in for her role in Brandon Wexler's murder
    - Alexis is surprised when Sam pays her a visit
    - Anna puts Sonny in his place

    You've watched them fall in love. You've watched their love grow in spite of interference. Now...watch their love reach new heights with the creation of their miracle child.

    Created by Ryan Chandler & d_alias
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