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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 252

Carrie's cut short from telling Will her plan when a call comes in from Noah, asking to see her immediately. After meeting her at Java, Noah blindfolds her, promising the surprise of a lifetime. As they drive up the driveway to the new house, Carrie unmasks herself and stands doe eyed in front of the door. Noah smiles that he bought the house, intending that she might room with him once she moves out of Barbara's. Carrie breathlessly asks where Noah got the money to afford such a place. Shruggin



Episode 251

Brad and Katie head to their office, where the hostilities continue---silently. Brad dumps Katie's scripts in the middle of her desk, she retaliates by throwing his secret stash of junk food in trashcan and stomping on it. Finally, Brad suggests a truce, and dividing the office into his and her zones until they can move into separate ones. Katie agrees, as long as Brad gets his "girlfriend" Carly to quit. There's no way she can work with both Brad and Carly at the station. Brad tells her she's b



Episode 250

Kim orders Brad and Katie into her office. While Kim finishes a phone call, they trade barbs under their breath, blaming each other for the studio melee. Their voices grow louder until Kim clears her throat and gives them one of her iciest stares, shutting them up. When she's ready to address them, she shows them unedited footage of the fight and asks them if they know how ridiculous they look. When they start accusing each other, Kim slaps her desk; startling them into silence. Eyes blazing, sh



Episode 249

Lyla meets with Michael and asks that he keep the fact that her cancer has returned secret, for the sake of her children. Michael agrees, but later, Susan sees the two and wonders what she's doing there. Michael covers that it's just a check-up. The two make plans to meet for dinner at Mona Lisa. After dinner, Michael invites Susan to his house where Susan reasons that she wants them both to be completely honest with one another from now on. Dusty tries to see Emily, but she refuses to come o



Episode 248

Lily rushes over to Luke and Kevin's. Once there, Luke informs her that Jade is taking a nap. She doesn't remember anything, but they did find blood all over her clothes. Lily insists they have Bob take a look at her to make sure she wasn't raped. At the hospital, Bob reveals that Jade was assaulted and Margo is on her way now. Lily comforts her niece until Margo gets there. Growing agitated at the questioning, Jade cries that she can't remember anything. Margo opts to let Jade rest for a while



Two Actors Out, One Actor In!

Ramsey OUT! Wes Ramsey has been let go from the show, says a show spokesperson. The recurring character of "Colin Taylor" will last air sometime in February. Colombino OUT! Terri Colombino has also been released from the show...in a way. The actress has taken a temporary hiatus from the show, but will return in about three months. Colombino will make her departure sometime in late February. Show IN! Grant Show joins the cast in the role of "Mac Donnelly", Parker's new hock



Episodes 243-247

At WOAK, Kim meets with Brad and Katie in her office. She offers her sympathy on their loss, and realizes what a strain that's been on their marriage. Kim pointedly tells them she's ignoring the gossip flying around the station, and expects them to be professionals on the set of Oakdale Now. When Brad starts to protest there's no way he's working with Katie, Kim shuts him up by reminding him he's under contract. Anyone who breaches their contract will get their fanny sued off before she's done w



Episode 242

The next morning, a package arrives for Parker. It's a gift from Jack, a Brazilian soccer team jersey signed by the entire team. Also attached is an apologetic note, since he knows it's going to be late. Carly offers to get it framed, but Parker insists he'd rather wear it. Carly offers to give him a ride to hockey practice, and when Carly tries to assure him Jack will be home soon, he sits in stony silence. At the rink, their coach announces he has to have surgery, but he's gotten an assistant



Episode 241

Brad convinces a reluctant Carly to break away from an impromptu birthday/pizza party for Parker at her house and go with him to the New Years's Eve Party at Donovan's. Later, Brad and Carly, unaware of the mounting infidelity rumors surrounding them, hit the dance floor. Furious, Katie spots them and threatens to charge Brad with adultery in the divorce. Michael tells Susan that he's not going to let her go into the new year alone. Susan grunts that she's been through many alone before, but



Episode 240

Lyla's still reeling from the revalation that Craig is alive. Overcome with happiness, she's soon brought back to reality once Margo explains that he's wanted for kidnapping. Since Craig was never technically in control of whether or not people thought he was dead, he can escape the fraud charges. But he's had Cabot for months and she's sure Rosanna will file charges. Later, Lyla tells Craig that he might be a wanted man before long. Still not giving up on getting Cabot back, Craig decides to hi



Episode 239

While Emma prepares for the traditional Snyder Christmas, Brad makes his excuses and tries to duck out of the festivities. Emma takes him aside and tells him he needs his family right now. Brad tells her he'd rather be alone, where people don't know or care what a fool Katie made of him. Emma hugs him and gives him her blessing. But she asks one favor---taking Jack's presents for the kids to Carly's house. Barbara turns the corner at the cemetary, toting a bouquet of flowers to put on Jennife



Episode 238

Rosanna stands back, cradling Cabot's eyes from watching Craig point his gun at Paul. Craig asks how he knows James hasn't sent his son Paul to do his dirty work for him. Paul matter-of-factly responds that James is dead. Craig scoffs at Paul's claim, citing that it wouldn't be the first time the old man has played possum only to return once more. Rosanna dangles a fantasy of them being a family again like they used to be in front of Craig and he drops the gun. Paul doesn't want to risk it and t



Episode 237

Carly goes to work at WOAK, to find the station buzzing about Katie's miscarriage, the hastily cancelation of Oakdale Now's Christmas shows, and the rumors of a divorce for the co-hosts. Instead of feeling victorious, it leaves her feeling sick to her stomach. Heading home early for the day, Carly spies Brad sitting alone....and drunk in the parking lot. He stumbles to her, apologizing for getting her in trouble with "Brother Jack" when all she was trying to do was tell him the truth about Katie



Casting News

Block's World Turns Again Hunt Block makes his return to the daytime genre when he reprises the popular role of Craig Montgomery, starting December 19, 2008. Just in time for Christmas, Craig returns to the scene when Paul and Rosanna stumble upon him in Kansas City. "I was approached a few months ago and they told me 'We killed off Craig back when we first started the show, but we're interested in resurrecting him and we think the time is right for you to come back' ", says Block. "I was



Episodes 234-236

At home, Katie paces back and forth in her bedroom. Lyla tries to reassure her; seeing the way Brad supported her has convinced Lyla he's a good husband. Katie's glad her mother finally sees through his rough exterior, but it's not Brad Katie's worried about---it's Carly's next move. Lyla tells her not to borrow trouble, Brad obviously doesn't believe anything Carly says. And there's no reason he should start now. Once a little time has passed, she and Brad can start planning their family for re



Episode 233

Brad mumbles to Carly that Katie never went to a conference. Raising an eyebrow, amused at how easily he can be fooled, Carly tells him to check with Kim if he wishes, but his wife was in Chicago. Later, Brad approaches Kim and asks if Katie went to Chicago. She tells him yes and Brad decides there's only one more thing to do: call Cricket. After learning from Cricket over the phone that Katie never came by, Brad is stunned. He eyes the expense report that Carly handed him and starts reading off



Episode 232

Rosanna arrives at Fairwinds and asks the maid to let her speak with Paul. Paul isn't pleased to see her and tells her that he realizes now he was coming on too strong; he should have never used the search for Cabot to get her closer. Rosanna stops him and tells him that Meg approached her and she never realized just how much her hostility towards Meg had rubbed off towards Paul and she's sorry. Paul's touched and Rosanna extends an olive branch by asking him to accompany her to Kansas on a new



Episode 231

Colin thanks Gwen for coming as Luke, Alison, and Jade all stare on with disgust. Colin eventually provokes Luke into a fight and Aaron, defending his little brother, punches Colin out cold. Gwen's horrified and as people start coming in for the party, they all stare at Aaron as the bad guy. Aaron gets heated and leaves with Alison chasing after him. Casey sees it all and manages to pry Gwen away from Colin. He convinces her to not let Colin's insistence in going home ruin her night of fun. Coli



Episode 230

Barbara thanks Noah for bringing Carrie back to the office last night after she spotted them cavorting at Yo's. Noah tells her that he thinks this is a bad mistake. Sensing his frustration, Barbara recalls that she has a business meeting out of town and would feel better if a man were at the house to watch over Carrie; and since both of her sons are pre-occupied with their own problems, Noah seems like the perfect guy for the job. Noah reluctantly agrees, only accepting at the prospect of having



Episode 229

Will approaches Jade and asks to speak with her alone. Finally, away from the crowd, Will apologizes for the way things went south between them. He knows that deep down, Jade has a good heart. Jade thanks him and asks what brought this all about. Seeing Carrie out of the corner of her eye, Jade hints that he doesn't have to mend bridges with her; she deliberately ruined his relationship with Gwen just to get what she wanted. They agree to leave the past where it belongs and move on. Later, Carri



Episode 228

After meeting up with Gwen for coffee at Java, Alison asks her how she's handling the split from Will. Gwen informs her that she recently sent him papers seeking separation and sole custody of Hallie once the divorce has been finalized. Alison thinks Gwen's being a bit harsh, but Gwen justifies her actions by saying that Will has been a loose cannon lately. As the two start to walk out, they meet Jade. Still harboring a grudge from the past, Gwen coldly snaps that she and Will are separated and



Episode 227

When Susan interrupts Michael and Katie's conversation, Katie realizes that her uncle has enough drama of his own to deal with. Frustrated, she confronts Lyla about the fight with Carly. She definitely thinks she's faking the pregnancy, Katie worries. Seeing one way out, Katie begs Lyla to help her fake a miscarriage. Lyla doesn't want to, realizing that continuing the lie will only make it worse, but eventually (and reluctantly) agrees, feeling responsible for lying to Katie, which made Katie p



Episodes 222-226

Lyla eventually calms Katie down and admits that Carly never quite said she knew anything. She convinces her that Carly's just fishing and that panicking will only make Carly more suspicious. The next time Katie sees Carly at work at WOAK, she tells Carly to stay out of her business. She and Brad are happy, and Katie snarks that Carly is jealous and bitter over losing Jack. That only makes Carly angry. Carly reminds her that it wasn't too long ago, she was running around town ruining lives becau



Episodes 219-221: Part II

At Susan's, Alison and Aaron came in after a nice dinner at Emma's with Aaron's side of the family. Emily comes in late as usual, upset that Daniel'd rather spend the holiday at school. Susan shrugs that maybe they'll get him for Christmas. Alison talks with Emily about Dusty. Emily growls that Dusty's keeping secrets from her. Alison suggests that Dusty's probably keeping her in the dark for her own sake. At the dinner table, Emily excuses herself when she gets a call from her source. Coming ba



Episodes 219-221: Part I

At Emma's, Jack explains to his aunt that he's going to visit Delores who has some "emergency". Brad thinks it's odd she didn't mention it when he talked to her just the other day. Jack scoffs that she's probably upset he's making her a grandmother again. In the kitchen, Carly corners Katie and tries pinning her down on specifics---when she's due, how far along she is. Katie worriedly fidgets, asking Carly how she knows. Carly coyly replies she just heard it through the grapevine. Katie coun



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