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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 138

Monday Carly and Jack return with the kids to find the house totally empty and spotless. Jack finds a note from Gwen directing them to the Hughes house and they leave, wondering what's going on. Meanwhile, Tom, Margo, Ben, Jessica, Bob, Nancy, Kim, Henry, Mike, Katie, Lucinda, Barbara, Will, and Gwen all prepare for Carly and Jack's homecoming. While the ladies work in the kitchen, Bob and Tom bond over the barbecue grill. Throughout the day, people begin wondering where Maddie, Jennifer, Nic



Girolamo OUT! Plus "Jason" scoop...

GIROLAMO OUT! After months of deliberation, The World Of Oakdale has finally sent one Oakdale teen packing. Karl Girolamo, who plays the recurring role of "Kevin Davis" on As The World Turns and the contract role of "Heath Clayborn" on The World Of Oakdale, has been let go according to a show spokesperson. Heath, who came to town with his traveling businessman father, soon found himself face to face with his childhood sweetheart, "Maddie Coleman". The two started regaining ground, but the je



Episode 137

Kim takes a leap and invites Henry to the family barbecue. Henry jokingly asks if they plan on having him as the main course, and eventually agrees. Andy sees Susan and Hal at Ice and asks if they've seen Emily. Meanwhile, Emily stands on the roof of Andy's apartment building, unaware tht the note she left Andy to meet her there fell under the couch. Later, a passerby yells "Lady about to jump on the roof!". Hal, Susan, and Andy hear and go off to see if they can help but are terrified when they



Episode 136

Lisa is able to wake up Roxie and tells her that everything is fine. Later, they drop by Tom and Margo's and when they return, find a mysterious package waiting for Roxie. Emily confronts Andy about Marcy and she reveals to a confused Emily that she's Andy's contact in Chicago. Andy explains to a heartbroken Emily that he thinks it's best if he leaves Oakdale...once and for all. Graduation goes off without a hitch and Heath's attempt to tell Maddie something is again thwarted when the graduates



Episode 135

During Nadine's funeral, Lisa consoles Roxie. Afterward, Roxie thanks Tom and Margo for their continued support. Once home, Roxie has a nightmare of Nadine coming back from the dead and killing Roxie. At Henry and Maddie's, Henry recalls a funny graduation story of his to Maddie. Maddie and Luke meet at Java and head to the school. Once inside, they spot Will and Gwen. Then they all spot Heath, who tells Maddie he has to tell her something very important, but they're interrupted by the principal



Episode 134

Lucinda and Sierra decide that they need to wait until Lily returns to throw the big comeback party for Worldwide. They see Bob struggling with his new technologically advanced barbewcue grill and offer a helping hand. Katie finds Henry at WOAK and congratulates him on his new job. She also apologizes for taking matters into her own hands with Stephen, and promises Henry that Mike understands now and is no longer angry with Henry. Roxie and Lisa prepare for Nadine's funeral and the two bond as t



Episode 133

Heath, Maddie, and Luke all arrive at Heath's house. Maddie jokes with Heath, telling him to attend his counselor meeting early this week so that he doesn't miss out on graduation Friday. Luke later tells Maddie about his apology to Heath and feels like he, Maddie, and Heath can start all over again. Jennifer and Nick talk with Meg, who tells them that because Dusty lost faith in her, she doesn't even know if she wants to carry his child anymore. Jennifer insists that Dusty may have been in the



Casting News!

CARJACK RETURNS! It's official! "Jack" and "Carly", known as "CarJack" to fans of the coupling, return just in time for some fireworks! Michael Park and Maura West have been back at the studio for some time now. What exactly did they do during their 3-month hiatus from the show? Hopefully, they did some resting because according to The World Of Oakdale Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford, they won't be getting much rest when their new storyline takes off. "We have a gigantic story



Episode 132

Barbara catches Nick and Jennifer at Java and begs Jennifer's forigveness for marrying James, saying that she doesn't know what got into her. She delights her daughter by telling her that she and James are no longer married, thanks to Cass pulling some strings. Andy and John meet up at Andy's and the two exchange heated words. Andy insists that his father tell him what he's holding over Emily's head. John finally gives in and shows Andy the filthy article that Emily did on Andy's alcoholism. Fur



Episode 131

Andy catches Emily ignoring his cell phone call and insists they work things out. Emily continues to shy away from Andy and Andy finally agrees to give Emily space. Alone, Andy makes a call to his father and asks to see him right away. Roxie rushes to Nadine's side. Lisa comforts Roxie as the paramedics arrive and the coroner pronounces Nadine dead. Roxie admits to Lisa and Tom that in some twisted way, she still loves Nadine and cherishes the few good times they had together. Heath comes out of



Episode 130

The nurses are finally able to stabilize Heath and Maddie jumps down Luke's throat for just standing there and intimidating Heath. Later, while Maddie's out talking to Henry, Luke sneaks in Heath's room. Lucinda and Sierra make plans to host a re-lauch party for Worldwide. Sierra think it's best if they just have friends and family, but Lucinda insists on inviting all the people she can to show them all that Worldwide doesn't go down without a fight. Emily runs into Jennifer at Java and thanks h



Episode 129

Jennifer and Nick celebrate the completion of the Threadz summer line ad campaign by going out for drinks at Mona Lisa. There, they bump into Meg who tells them that she and Dusty have split due to the fact that he thought Meg's pregnancy news was all a scam to tear him away from going back to Lucy. Nancy asks Kim about inviting Emily to the family barbecue for July 4th and is taken back when Kim says that she is. Nancy asks what brought about Kim's sudden change and Kim says that all her lif



Episode 128

Maddie visits Heath in the hospital, after begging Luke to stay outside. As Luke watches, Maddie begs Heath not to give up on life. Heath begins to come to, but sees Luke standing behind the blinds and his machines start madly beeping. Tom asks Roxie if she knew that her grandfather had a clause in his will saying that if Roxie lived past the age of 30, she would inherit all his estate...but if she didn't, Nadine would inherit it. Roxie is stunned by the news and watches as Lisa, who just walked



Episodes 123-127

Episodes 123-127 June 12, 2006-June 16, 2006 James immediately took Lily hostage and refused to let her mother go. She made a plea to James saying that if he let her mother go, she would hand herself over to him. Just then, Holden emerged and pulled a gun on James. Lucinda ran for the door and distracted James's attention. Lily broke free and Holden continued holding James at gunpoint. As the two women shared a brief reunion outside, they also feared for Holden's life. James tried to talk Ho




SPECIAL NOTE: Due to a death in the family, I will be pre-empting TWOO most probablyall week, thus postponing the DAYS/TWOO crossover indefinitely and setting back a few actors' exits.



Episode 122

Roxie fears for her life when she notices her brakes aren't working. Scared, she picks up the phone and first dials Lisa, who's out on business and then calls Tom, who tells her to crash into an abandoned farm house that she's near. Once Roxie crashes into it, she's able to pull herself from the wreckage just as Tom arrives. The two don't take long to conclude that Nadine is behind it all. Gwen tells Jennifer that all the dseigns are ready and she's contacted all the models. Now, all they nee



"Belle" Travels from Salem to Oakdale!

"Belle" Comes To Oakdale! This just in! According to the latest issue of Oakdale Digest, a character from 'Through The Hourglass', a DAYS fan fiction written and produced by Drew Hamilton and Jake Powerz, will be crossing over to 'The World Of Oakdale' next week. That character is Belle Brady-Kiriakis. "Drew and I met and discussed ways for a character from his soap to cross over to mine and vice versa. Once we got together, everything just kind of worked itself out," says 'The World Of Oakd



Episode 121

Lily touches down in Australia. Once there, she combs through two of James's villas before concluding they must be somewhere else. A local sees Lily asking if anyone has seen the man in the picture, holding up a picture of James and the local, Shannon, tells a hopeful Lily that she might know where James is. Meanwhile, James continues to taunt Lucinda, saying that a good chunk of her investors have taken their stock and invested in Stenbeck International. Lucinda contemplates killing James in or



Episode 120

Andy pays a visit to Emily at the Enquirer office. Brokenhearted, she tells Andy that she feels rushed and thinks they should take a break. Andy then meets up with John at Java and seeks advice. John tells Andy to let Emily go or he will get his heart trampled on by Emily. Meg makes a call to Dusty telling him to come home for something important. Once there, Meg announces that she is 7 weeks pregnant. Meg is shocked when Dusty blasts Meg for her jealousy regarding Lucy's return and shrugs off M



Episode 119

Andy becomes worried when he doesn't hear from Emily for the third day in a row. He tries to call her house and cell, but decides she might be at The Enquirer finishing up the weekly paper. However, Emily is talking with John, begging him not to release the expose' she did on Andy's alcoholism right ater he left town. John once again tells her to break things off with Andy and he won't release a single thing. Across town, Henry drives by the KATY building and admits to himself that deep down, he



Episode 118

Barbara asks James just what the hell he thinks he's doing and tries to bring Lucinda back to conciousness. James taunts Barbara that the longer Lucinda stays knocked out, the more time he has to work on getting Worldwide. Barbara protests and tells James that she's through with his games. Maddie inadvertantly runs into Heath at Java. He apologizes for slapping her and tells Maddie that he's working on his drinking. Maddie laments that she never imagined the boy she grew up with would one day




THE WORLD OF OAKDALE SUMMER PREVIEWS Banner courtesy of Cheap21 Everything is going to be heating up in time for summer..... When Lucy returns to help in the rescue of her grandmother, Lucinda, sparks fly between she and her former flame Dusty Donovan. They’re both in for a shock, however, when Meg reveals she’s pregnant. Thinking that Meg has gone back to her scheming and conniving ways, Dusty refuses to accept the truth and turns to Lucy. Lucinda becomes depressed and contemplates killin



Episode 117

Lucy agrees to stay and Dusty thanks her. While Dusty goes back inside, Lucy wonders to herself about the kiss and if all is completely over between she and Dusty. Back inside the house, Lily gets a tip that a man spotted James boarding a plane headed for Sydney. Sierra talks with an ambassador friend of hers and finds out that James has five different villas in Sydney. While Sierra talks with Worldwide’s investors and begs them to not lose faith in the company, Lily packs her bags and calls in



Episode 116

Margo and Katie are able to calm down Mike and finally drag Henry home. Maddie apologizes to Katie for Henry getting drunk and of course, almost burning down KATY. Katie insists that she is the one at fault for trying to seduce Stephen in order for him to change his mind about working at KATY. Lisa suggests that Jennifer and Nick start a fresh ad campaign. For the ads, have a before and after shot. In the before shot, show the models walking down the street in literally threads and then in the a



Actor Out!! Plus a rumor or two...

WADDELL OUT! Due to a lack of story, Ernest Waddell has been let go. Waddell, who played the role of Ben's adopted son Curtis, was last seen Wednesday, May 31st when he packed his bags and headed to New York for a job. There are no current plans for the character to be recast. According to Executive Producer and Headwriter Dusty Alford, "We wrapped up the cult storyline and it seemed to go downhill after that. Curtis has never been a major character, forgive me, though we love Ernest and thi



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