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This is the final episode of WICKED. The Reckoning will begin on Monday October 1st, it is the 3rd book in this series. EPISODE 47 Zander and Alexis sat in the interrogation room with Ric a few hours as Zander told his brother everything that he knew about the dealings between Greg, Lorenzo and Jason. A weight had definitely lifted off his shoulders once he admitted to a few things he had initiated. As they sat and talked, Ric absorbing all the information Zander was giving him, t



WICKED: Episode 46

EPISODE 46 The PCPD Squad Room -- "If he tells you everything, Ric .... Zander will be lucky to be out for his daughter's wedding! I have to defend and protect my client." "I know but ...." Ric began but was interrupted. "Alexis ... I love you, you know that .. and you have been the best thing that has ever happened to me, with the exception of Emily. The two of you have stood by me through it all and you've taken the heat for me on more times than I care to count



WICKED: Episode 45

EPISODE 45 The PCPD -- Zander and Alexis stood out on the stoop of the PCPD for a few moments, Zander deciding what to do next. He couldn't allow Ric to take the fall for him this time, Ric could lose the DA position over this, heck lose his license to practice law in NY. He couldn't let that happen. Zander stormed back into the squad room and saw Ric from across the room carrying an arm full of file folders, heading back to his office. "Ric! Wait!" Zander cal



WICKED: Episode 44

EPISODE 44 The hospital lounge -- "The short version ... Jason's been stealing product from me, Lorenzo was trying to kill me. Someone took a shot at Emily earlier and I stormed off looking for him, thinking it was Jason. I get to the penthouse, and Lorenzo is waiting for me. Now I didn't know it was Lorenzo who was out to kill me, I was thinking it was Jason. Marcus called up to the apartment, said Jason was on his way up. The storm knocked out the power to the building and



WICKED: Episode 43

EPISODE 43 Emily's Hospital room --- "What about Jason?" "He's being tended to here at the hospital. He's going to be charged with a whole list of felonies, I'm sure. And ... Lorenzo, he's dead. Marcus ...." "He saved your ass didn't he?" "Yeah he did. I owe him." "I owe him too ..." she replied and pulled him to her in an embrace, but not before she gave him a kiss, thankful he was alive. "I love you so much, Zander ...." "I love you too." Zander pulled b



A New Book on the Horizon

With only a few more episodes left of WICKED, Head Writer Jennifer Snyder will be introducing the next book in the series in the coming weeks. The Reckoning will continue the story of Zander and Emily as he tries to protect his family from yet another threat. "Amidst happiness, a new danger is lurking ready to strike." teases Snyder. "The new threat will be introduced in the last chapter of WICKED." she added. "Readers can expect a few new characters in the new book, many of them will be t



WICKED: Episode 42

EPISODE 42 Zander's penthouse "Get him the hell out of here, before he shoots someone else!" Ric ordered at the officers as he rushed to check on Zander. Zander laying back against the couch, his shirt blood stained from the gun shot wound. Marcus called an ambulance from his cell phone he had kept in his pocket. Zander coming around saw Ric kneeling next to him, tending to the pain he felt in his shoulder. "You're damn lucky, you know that?" Ric said as he he



WICKED: Episode 41

The power still out, once in a while the lightening dimly lit up the room. Marcus and Zander were coming up with a plan of their own. Zander was grateful to have Marcus with him, he hadn't expected Lorenzo in this fight, so he was glad for the back up. Marcus peered out from behind the cabinet, where he had been taking cover and saw a dark shadow move across the floor. It was either Lorenzo or Morgan, Marcus didn't care which, and he fired at the moving target. A loud thud could be he



WICKED: Episode 40

The rain began to pound hard against the windows of the penthouse, dark clouds hovered over the city of Port Charles, and three enemies came face to face, ready to take each other out at any given moment. Their guns drawn, they circled each other like vultures ready to swoop in for the kill. Zander out numbered at this point, Lorenzo and Morgan had their sights set on killing him. Port Charles wasn't big enough for the three of them, it had come to head on a stormy night, just like it h



WICKED: Episode 39

EPISODE 39 Zander's limo -- "Right away, sir." Marcus replied and pulled the car out into the street, heading towards the penthouse. In a few minutes, Marcus pulled the car up to the curb and parked. He climbed out of the driver's seat and rushed to the other side to open the back door for Zander. "Stay with the car. I'll be down in a few minutes." Zander instructed before walking into the apartment building. Marcus noticed Zander ignoring the pain he was fe



WICKED: Episode 38

EPISODE 38 Outside Emily's hospital room -- "I'm doing everything I can to keep him stabilized. I'm not going to lie to you Zander .... the baby, at this point is my main concern." she replied and Zander began to panic and fear the worst. "Look, I have him on monitors and I'm trying to stabilize him, and once we do that, he should be okay. The next few hours will tell us what we have to do next." "You won't have to take him will you? I mean it's too early, isn't



WICKED: Episode 37

EPISODE 37 Emily's hospital room -- Still holding Emily close to him, Zander turned towards the guard that was with him. "Cord was to be out there, find him something must of happened. He would never leave his post!" Zander ordered. "He was there one minute and the next he was gone." Elenore replied. "Did you see who did this?" Zander asked her. "No sorry it all happened so fast. After the shot, he took off. I didn't get a good look at him, I was more worrie



WICKED: Episode 36

EPISODE 36 Zander's hospital room -- It had been a few days since the warehouse explosion, Zander's men had their orders to take out Jason, Zander had had enough. Stolen shipments, buildings now just piles of ashes, lives almost taken, his family and his men. He had no other choice then to order the contract on Jason. The war had escalated to this point, it was either kill or be killed. Zander lay in his hospital bed, still. Doctors say it could be another week till



WICKED: Episode 35

EPISODE 35 Zander's hospital room -- "I think you need to see this ...." Ric said as he sprinted into Zander's room and turned on the TV set that hung in the corner of the room. "Wait, weren't you ..." "Yeah, yeah in a minute, you have to see this ..." Ric replied as he turned the channel to the news coverage about the explosion down on the docks. "The mob wars got a shot in the arm tonight as a warehouse, down here on Pier 53, was destroyed by an explosion earli



WICKED: Episode 34

EPISODE 34 Zander's hospital room -- "Go on ...." "Sir, we found Greg at Morgan's place. I think he struck a deal with Morgan to get him out of town." "In exchange for what, Greg doesn't have anything worth while, Cory?" "He may not now, but maybe Greg's playing both sides of the fence. Look, Greg worked for you, he had access to every shipment that came into your warehouse. He had access to you and Emily, he had access to alot of information." "So what your saying i



WICKED: Episode 33

EPISODE 33 Outside Harborview Tours in the car -- Cory and Wade drove around the city looking for Greg's car, finally finding it on State Street. The parked their car in the shadows, and just watched for any movement. "You know who lives here, right?" Cory asked of Wade. "Morgan, lives here, don't he?" "Yep, the penthouse. I didn't think Greg was this stupid." Cory replied. "Apparently he is." "He has to know that Zander will be looking for him?" Cory watchin



WICKED: Episode 32

EPISODE 32 Greg's car rounded the corner of 3rd and State Streets, Greg parked the car out in front of a large apartment building and sat collecting his thoughts. He had a plan, the first part of his plan already put into motion, the second part, almost complete, the third part was soon to come. He sat for a few minutes and looked up and down the street, being cautious that no one followed him. He climbed out of the car and went inside the apartment building. He made his way up to t



WICKED: Episode 31

EPISODE 31 Zander's Warehouse -- Cory and Wade stood watch outside the warehouse, while Greg secured the inside. He lurked about the shadows of the warehouse and checking on the office door more then twice in the last 10 minutes, Greg was nervous and worried that his counterparts outside were on to him and his discreet dealings with Lorenzo. The uncrated product sat in stacks as Greg stared at the millions of dollars that sat in front of him. It wouldn't take but a minute



WICKED: Episode 30

EPISODE 30 On the docks -- The two burly men took the stairs and headed for the hospital. Trent and Jerry followed Greg close behind, but not close enough that Greg noticed. "I think Cory's paranoid, Greg isn't that stupid to betray the organization." the words slipped from Trent's mouth. "Are you sure about that, Trent? I mean there would a whole lot of money involved if he did." Jerry replied. "Yeah but Greg should know that if Zander found out, he wouldn



WICKED: Episode 29

EPISODE 29 Lorenzo's Penthouse -- "Zander's still alive and latest report is that he's going to make a full recovery." said the voice on the other end of Lorenzo's cell phone. "Dammit!!! I swear that guy has 9 lives!" Lorenzo shouted as he took his anger and frustration out on his cell phone and threw it against the wall of his apartment. "Look on the bright side, boss, he's only got 5 more lives left." "He wouldn't have any more lives left if you would of don



WICKED: Episode 28

EPISODE 28 Zander's ICU Room -- Ric had heard that Zander had woke up and rushed to his brother's bedside. He found Alexis and his mother standing outside the room, their noses pressed against the plexi-glass window, just watching Zander with Emily. "Hey, I got here as quickly as I could." Ric said to Alexis when he arrived. "Any word on who did this?" she asked as Ric tried to catch is breath. "We don't have anyone in custody yet, but we're pretty sure on who it was.



WICKED: Episode 27

EPISODE 27 Zander's ICU room -- Elenore was unaware of Emily's presence in the room as Alexis wheeled her in to see Zander. "How is he?" Emily asked and startled Elenore. "He's the same, dear." "May I?" Emily asked implying she'd like to sit with her husband. "Oh sure, dear. Alexis and I will go get some coffee or something." Elenore replied as she and Alexis left Emily with Zander. Emily wheeled herself to Zander's bedside and reached for his hand to h



WICKED: Episode 26

EPISODE 26 Emily's hospital room -- "Bobbie? He is okay, isn't he? Please tell me he's okay." Emily sniffled back the tears the best she could. "He's out of surgery and they'll be taking him to the ICU on the 4th floor, but it will be a while till he wakes up. The doctors have requested only immediate family may visit. It took a while but they retrieved all the bullets, without complications ....." Bobbie stopped mid-thought, like there was something she wasn't telling.



WICKED: Episode 25

EPISODE 25 Emily's hospital room -- "He's going to be okay, right Alexis .. please tell me he's going to be alright." Emily sobbed. "They're doing all that they can for him, Em ... Bobbie said they won't know anything till they get him into surgery, but he's in very capable hands." Alexis replied not wanting to make matters worse by saying something she shouldn't. "I want to go to the chapel and say a prayer for him, would you go with me?" Emily asked as she dried her tea



WICKED: Episode 24

EPISODE 24 At the ER --- Alexis and Ric raced through the emergency room doors looking for anyone who could tell them about Zander and his condition. They were immediately met by Bobbie, who had just gotten the page that there had been a shooting. "Bobbie! How is he?" Alexis asked as she tried to pull herself together. "How's who?" Bobbie asked as she was in a hurry to get to the patient the paramedics had brought in. "Zander, he was just brought in with a ...



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