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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Life in Salem, which has been slowly searching for a Co-Head Writer/Executive Producer for months and months, is proud to announce that it has finally found one! One who will greatly help, and Daysfan is assured he shall write fantastic stories. Now without further adeu, devoted SON member and once a writer of his own SONBC soap Jay will be joining the Life in Salem staff as Co-Head Writer/EP. "I am so excited, I knew he read Life in Salem and he was interested in writing but not his own soap




Episode#145 -Cassie asks what he means, and Rex tells her it’s like that every woman he gets romantically involved with she hates. She says that Willow was a hooker and Mimi pushed her out a window! Rex then asks “Did she really? For awhile, I was willing to believe you, but I have doubted it for a long time.” Cassie is shocked and offended, and says she’ll dare he accuse her of lying! Rex says he hates to do it but he has to consider that strong possibility. He says he wouldn’t be surprised




Episode#144 -The next day in Salem arrives. Marlena stands on the balcony of her penthouse, as she feels guilty for not going back to the hospital, but she says to herself she has no idea how to tell the Hortons the news. She hears behind her “Tell the Hortons what news, Doc?” and she turns around to see Faux Roman behind her! -John, Kim, Kayla, and Bo stay at the hospital overnight. Max suddenly runs into the waiting room and Bo asks Max where he has been and they have been waiting him fo




NOTE: From now on, LIS's offical logo shall be used at the start of episodes. Logo courtesy of Matt. Episode#143 -A tear runs down Kayla’s cheek, and Kim reminds them all to stay positive. She promises them that Caroline will be back soon. John says she can’t promise that, and Kim says she knows they will see their mother awake again, and he has to know that too. -Vivian tells Nicholas not to worry, and she will take care of Forrest. Nicholas tells her he has bigger problems to thin




Episode#142 -Hope manages to smile at him, and he says her father’s a fighter and to just remember the night he had a heart attack. Hope chuckles remembering that night, as it is almost funny now, and she thanks him for helping to encourage her. He says Kayla called him and needs something, so he needs to go see her. She nods and they kiss, then he heads off to find Kayla… -Max walks into the police station and walks over to Abe. He tells him he has something he needs to hear. Abe asks wha




Episode#141 -Christopher tells Hope he is sorry and they are doing all they can. She says she knows, and she just needs some time alone. He nods, and then leaves. She sits in silence, and says “My own father….could be gone forever? -Sami begins to panic, and Marlena tells her her father is looking for him right now! Sami says that will do a load of good, he’ll probably just leave Eric to die! Marlena angrily snaps that he would never do that. He and Eric may not be close but he cares about




LIS comes back just as Fall approaches! And it is going to be full of action, mystery, adventure, romance, and VETS! "Veterans are going to be front and center, the young ones will be involved but taking a back seat." However in the meantime, many stories are in a tumble. Take a sneak peek at what will happen: Nikki/Victor/Viki/Clint/Steve/Kayla/Greta/Nicole/Kim/Belle/Philip/Jan/Rex/Cassie/Hope/Bo/Megan/Billie/Christopher/Gina: Viki has finally re-emerged and broken free of Nikki's control




TWO LONG-TIME VETS OUT ON LIS! Coming as a shock, Peggy Mccay(Caroline Brady) and Bill Hayes(Doug Williams) have been fired from the LIS cast. Both still have many episodes that they are still in, but both characters due to the chandelier accident on Chez Rouge have gone into comas. "Likely, Peggy's exit is only temporary, but don't expect Caroline to wake up for quite a bit." the EP/Writer commented "We still have much story to tell with her, but with The War beginning there is currently




Episode#140 -Back in Llanview, Clint Buchanon(Jerry Ver Dorn) is walking through town, and suddenly receives a call. The nurse Viki spoke to in Salem is on the other end, and says that his ex-wife Victoria Lord has been found, and is currently hospitalized. He is silent in shock, and asks what happened and where she is. The nurse responds Salem University hospital, and she was at a party that turned disastrous. Clint says to tell Viki he’ll be there as soon as he can. He hangs up and heads of




Episode#139 -Lexie tries to blame others for this situation, but then she wonders what she’s thinking. It will do no good, and SHE could have called a guard when Megan freed her, but she didn’t. She scowls, and says for now all she can do is continue to side with her father….. -Marlena tries to comfort Kayla, and Kayla looks to the doctor and says if he had let her help him this might not have happened! He says it was inevitable, and she did the right thing by leaving. Marlena tells Kayla




Episode#138 -Philip sneaks back into the Kiriakis mansion, and begins to wonder if he could find an ally in Jan…. -Lexie slowly walks around her father’s hideout outside of Salem, and thinks of Abe. She begins to doubt if she should help her father and sister, but then fears going back to jail. She closes her eyes and tries to say to herself this is the only way…. -Christopher finally manages to stabilize Doug, but says that the battle is not over for him, and he could worsen any minute




Episode#137 -Slowly the last of the victims are found and taken to the hospital, including Crystal, Nicholas, Forrest, Kate, Stephanie, Nikki, Cassie, Rex, and Willow. Doug and Julie are also found, and the paramedics yell that Doug is in critical condition… -Tracy barges into the Salem Inn and into Helena’s room, and she has several scratches and bruises. She asks Helena what was all that about at that restaurant, and she didn’t come to some weird town to get killed. Helena tells her to




Episode#136 -Tony suddenly pulls away from the kiss with Anna, telling her to just leave him alone. Anna looks up at Tony in confusion and shock. *Days of Our Lives Opening* -Alexis slowly limps out of Chez Rouge, and EJ walks over to her and tries to pull her over to one of the medics. She snaps at him, telling him to go away, and blames him for her injuries. He tells her to just shut it and keep moving, and reminds her what he’s paying her. She just rolls her eyes and continues on.




Episode#135 -John searches high and low in Chez Rouge for Caroline. He calls out “CAROLINE!” over and over. He lifts tables, chandeliers, anything he can find! He continues to yell out Caroline’s name and memories come back to him as a child with his mother. He searches but finds nothing and drops on his knees and screams out “MAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!” -Kayla asks Greta what she is doing with Steve and that she doesn’t even know him. Greta quickly covers and says she remembers her old friend Ja




LIS did not make it's May Sweeps return as planned, and has been on hiatus all through Summer. "I have been writing episodes, but I got busy. However, I am working to get it back up, and hopefully it will be back soon. In the meantime, here is an interview to just let you know LIS lives." Interviewer: LIS has been on hiatus since the end of Winter, and right on the verge of a brand new story and Alice Horton's death. When do you expect it to return? HW: No exact date, just when I can get oth




Life in Salem, one of the moderately popular soaps on "SONBC", returns to the network TONIGHT after being on hiatus for nearly two months. "I needed a break, and I got one. Now I get to write again!!!!!!! It feels so great. In the first episode I wrote when I decided "It's time for LIS to come back" not too much happened, but it felt so great. I feel my writing has improved, also. I just can't wait. I'm writing episodes as we speak!" the headwriter excitedly says LIS left off with the clif




Christie Clark, who left the show back in November with Austin Peck(ex-Austin), could be returning to LIS this Summer! Sources have said she is in talks with the show to return! "There is still plenty of story to tell with the character of Carrie," the headwriter says "I only cut Carrie and Austin the first time because I had no plans for them. Carrie fled town after it was revealed John was her father. Sometime, Carrie's going to have to face the truth sometime. And she definately needs to b




Many rumours continue to fly regarding the things happening on LIS. Here are some of the big rumours: -Rumours are still flying that Melissa shall return. It has been confirmed she will return for Alice's funeral, but could she stay longer? Also, new rumours have surfaced that she will be bringing back another person. Sarah? Another child? A husband? -According to new rumours, another return is happening. One fans would not expect! -Apparently, more DiMera's are to come to LIS! -Juli



Contract News!

Minor news for LIS, but usually and especially on LIS contracts mean more airtime! And recently new contracts have been inked: -Kristian Alfonso and Peter Reckell's contracts ended this month, and they just signed new contracts that will keep them around for TWO more years! -Constance Towers has been upped to contract status with LIS! LIS feels that because in coming months she will receive massive airtime, she deserves a contract!



Actress Fired! Lisa Trusel to Return?! OLTL Star Joins Cast!

LIS can now reveal that Heather Olson(Lilly Spears, ex-Jan) has been fired from the LIS cast. "I loved having Heather back, and I did enjoy writing for Lilly." the headwriter informed when asked to comment on why Olson was fired "But Lilly was a supporting character and small. She had a freindship with Sam, twin of Jan, and even had a small romance with Max. But the character's time has come. Her crimes were revealed and everything we had planned for her was already played out. We had to cut




It's a rumour that's been swirling for a long time now, but not really brought to light. The DiMera clan has been rebuilt and is almost complete. All the Brady's except Frankie are in Salem so that family is strong. About all the Evans except Frank, Martha, and the deceased Trista Evans are on the cast. The Kiriakis's have several on the cast. But what about the Horton's?! "We are going to rebuild the Horton clan," the headwriter states but then sighs "Recently the beloved Lanna Saunders pass




Though LIS is still on official hiatus, there has been released from LIS an EXCLUSIVE preview on what is to come for The Cassadines vs. DiMera's! "The War": "The War" is the official name for this brand new LIS story, though it is not exactly a war with guns. It will be a journey and an all out battle with all of Salem involved. Every single character on LIS and possibly MORE! This story will feature returns, exits, and excitement. Currently alot of stories on LIS have reached or are soon to




SON member daysfan, the headwriter and executive producer of SONBC's own "Life in Salem" after much consideration has decided to have LIS go on a temporary hiatus. daysfan thought about ending the blog but decided against it because it had gone too far now to end. The reasoning was daysfan had no time to write episodes, so DF decided to take a small break. "It will be back soon." daysfan promises So, tune in when LIS returns to see the aftermath of Shawn's killer revealed, Alice Horton's d




Episode#134 -Steve hears Greta say he is her father! -Bo and Hope share a tearful reunion. Alice watches in joy from heaven. -Maggie wakes up. She yells “Mickey!” but the rescue team tells her to calm down. Maggie says she feels like her husband is trying to tell her something…. -Tony desperately searches for Anna. He screams her name out. He hears “T-Tonnyyyy….” and he finds her under a large chandelier. She was hit by one of the largest. He screams “Anna! No!” the rescue team comes




Episode#133 -Ivan frantically looks for Vivian. He finds that a table had fallen over on her and he lifts it up and carries her out of Chez Rouge. -Maggie’s eyes barely open. She has glass on her and is lying under the bar. She whispers “Mickey….help me….” and then her eyes close again. -Greta looks down at her father and says “Please, do not die on me! DON’T DIE ON ME!” and his face is revealed to be Steve’s…. *Days of Our Lives Opening* -The rescue team finds Christopher and he



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