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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#66 -Stephanie helps Kim up and asks her if she’s alright, Kim says she thinks so, but it’s hard walking. -Rex Balsom tells Steve and Kayla he will investigate some things, in the meantime Steve and Kayla examine Llanview a bit. -An ambulance arrives to take Andre’s body away, as they do Faux Roman tells Tony he will have to arrest him. John stops him and asks Tony where he has been the past eleven years. -Hattie tells Marlena she was in a good mood today, and also she found o




Episode#65 -Vivian decides to pay Sam a visit at the ward she had been committed to. -The fire in the trash can continues to rise as Victor privately declares he has gone back to his old ways. -Margaret thinks to herself while working that she can use Victor to help get Todd and Todd Jr. back. -Everyone in the Pub is shocked to see Tony, John asks if he is Tony or someone else, Tony tells them all he is the actual Tony, and that he shot Andre! -Chelsea is torn over losing Max, she




Episode#64 -Marlena’s rescuer is revealed to be Hattie Adams! -Nikki reveals while alone that she and Victor had a child together years ago! She remembers how years ago she fleed from Llanview and met Victor, then she remembers how they had an affair together…but so did he and Viki! Nikki then remembers how she was pregnant and gave the child up for adoption. She wonders where it is now! -Marie finds Laura having a break down, she quickly calls for someone to come help. Bill rushes in a




A CASTING BLOOD BATH STRIKES LIFE IN SALEM!!!!!!! WHO WILL BE ITS VICTIMS?!!!!!? As previously mentioned in the winter previews, there are many cuts coming for Life in Salem. "It's not going to be a serial killer storyline...but it will be like one! There will be huge casting decisions, and I have to say that some fan faves will be fired from Life in Salem...." the headwriter says "The cast is just too big...and with it growing some must be cut." No casting cuts have bene revealed yet....




WINTER PREVIEWS! "November Sweeps was a great success," comments Life in Salem's writer "But the winter will be even better!" Here are some things readers can expect to see this winter.... John/Marlena: Well, the shocker in November was that John is really Roman Brady! John seems to have already accepted this....but has he really? Mabye he has, but mabye he hasn't. Marlena will be helping him along the way as he deals with his new family, his old ones, and others. They will be front and




Episode#63 -The hooker tells Rex her name is Willow, and then she says he looks like he needs someone to talk to. -Bo Buchanon directs Steve and Kayla to Rex Balsom, saying he could probably help them. -Chelsea slaps Max and asks him with who, Max says Lilly Spears. Chelsea asks “Wait ,is she related to that loony chick Jan Spears?” Max says yeah, and Chelsea groans and yells that they had a relationship and he deserted her, Max turns around and says to her they might have had a chance




Episode#62 -Maggie rushes in to her house to see Mickey on the ground, she screams and tells Mickey she will call 911, but Mickey weakly tells her to stop, saying the inevitable has come. -Alex falls after being shot, clutching his neck, he screams for Stefano to help him, Stefano calls for someone to get a medic or something in here! -Andre laughs and says indeed he did, he then shoves John off and Bo tells Andre to put his hands up or he swears he’ll shoot! Victor, Caroline, Sami, Luc




Episode#61 -Marlena breaks free of her chains and tries to figure out a way to get the door open! -John yells that that can’t be true and that according to him Andre died in Aremid! Andre tells him yes he was in Aremid, but he nearly escaped death yet again. Bo yells for him to just stop and Andre asks if the real Tony would lock everyone up in a castle, or not an island, and then he says Tony wouldn’t start a serial killer either. Bo, Hope, John, and Billie all realize it’s true! John gra




Episode#60 -Everyone is shocked when Mimi admits to knowing the secret about Claire, Belle is angry and attacks Mimi! -Faux Roman is shocked to see Anna DiMera (Leann Hungley) standing before him! -Andre arrives at the Brady Pub, and busts in with a gun in his hands! -Steve, Kayla, and co. exit the plane, Kayla suggests that they start at the police station. -Nikki decides to break into the Kiriakis mansion and wait for Victor in his rooom, as she manages to bust through the wind




Episode#59 -Erin pulls back from the kiss with Max, telling him she is sorry, he says that it’s him that should be sorry. Lilly watches through the doorway and barges in, telling Erin to stay away from Max. -Marlena asks Stefano how she has those memories then, Stefano tells them Alex managed to implant them into her when he hypnotized her. Marlena calls Alex and Stefano monsters! Stefano taunts her saying John won’t save her this time. -Kayla answers Steve by saying Benjy was Stefano D




Episode#58 -Shawn tells Jan to just get on with it, and tells her nothing she has to say will change nothing, Jan says yes it will, and tells them she has a file on Claire! Mimi and Bonnie realize what is going on and begin to panic! -Abe is enraged. They tell him that they found Tek’s gun stuffed in one of Abe’s drawers! -As Steve, Kayla, Kim, and Stephanie set off for Llanview Steve has a memory of a little boy named Benjy, he walks over to Kayla and asks her who Benjy is. -Erin an



Special Weekend Episodes!

Because it is November Sweeps, Life in Salem has decided to air for this weekend and this weekend ONLY special weekend episodes!!!!! One will be posted on Saturday, and the next on Sunday!!!! Stay tuned to Life in Salem!!!!




Episode#57 -The next day has arrived. Andre readies to reveal himself to the citizens of Salem. He says to himself that soon they all will be dead. -Kayla convinces Steve to let her, Kim, and Stephanie go to Llanview with him. They board the plane and take off. -Chelsea is devastated over her being exposed yesterday, she wonders how Hope found that evidence in the first place, she tells herself that things are just getting worse and worse for her. Her parents are apart, she can’t rememb




Life in Salem has made two shocking cuts, they just fired Nadia Bjorling (Chloe Lane Black) and Kyle Lower (Brady Black). The headwriter suddenly scrapped their story, and their fire was immediate. "I know this seems stupid since I just brought them back, but I have realized there is really no room for them right now. I could bring them back in the future, but for now they will have to be gone." he commented Bjorlin and Lowder are expected to last air on Episode#57.




Episode#56 -Sarah Horton (Alli Brown) and Melissa Horton (Lisa Trusel) stand in the door way of Maggie and Mickey’s house, Maggie and Mickey are thrilled to see them, They both share a reunion with the Hortons, then all of a sudden they hear a voice say “They aren’t the only ones who are back!” and then Julie Williams (Susan Hayes) and Doug Williams (Bill Hayes) walk through the door. -Kate, Brady, and Chloe all arrive at the Kiriakis mansion, Victor tells them dinner should be ready momen




NOTE: For storyline purposes, I will be posting two episodes today. The second one is coming later. Episode#55 -It is Thanksgiving day! -The Brady’s are all at the Pub, getting ready to eat. As Caroline is baking the turkey, someone walks through the door, and Caroline looks to see Kayla with Steve! -Chelsea is leaving Billie’s house, but before she does she asks Billie if she is coming with her to the Brady Thanksgiving Dinner, and she also mentions that Bo will be there. Billie rol




Episode#54 -Everyone is shocked when Cassie tells them Mimi pushed her! -Marlena arrives at the penthouse, and someone grabs her from behind and holds their hand over her mouth. -Nicole says “Hi Eric…. I saw you at the wedding but I didn’t expect you to stick around.” Eric tells her he is, and Salem could be his permanent home. -Margaret completes the interview, she told Victor mostly the truth, but forgot to tell him she was obsessed with Todd Manning! Victor tells Margaret she’s go



Daytime Newbie Joins the Cast

In an odd turn of events, Life in Salem has hired Annie Burgstede to play the role of Willow, a hooker gal that will be getting involved with Rex. "It seems not alot of people are a fan of Burgstede," the headwriter laughs "But I needed her and Willow here for storyline purposes. On Days of Our Lives she is with Shawn, but on Life in Salem she will be the same character, except she will be hooking up with Rex." he told us "I don't expect to keep her around for long...but you can expect her to




Episode#53 -Mickey (John Clarke) is at his house, Maggie walks into the kitchen and screams with joy “Mickey…your back!” and she runs over and embraces him. Mickey tells her he is sorry he has been away for so long, he has just had business after business to attend to, but he is home now, with his wife. He tells her he visited Alice yesterday and she welcomed him home as well. -Cassie thinks about the question, and flashes back to what happened the night before with Jan, she then remembers




Episode#52 -As Stefano’s henchman leave, he gets a knock on the door, Stefano wonders who it could be and begins to go off to hide somewhere, but as he does he hears the door swing open to reveal ANDRE DIMERA! -As Jan prepares to start the procedure, she remembers how just earlier, she switched Mimi’s egg with her egg! She laughs and says quietly “I’ll soon have your child Shawn…and we can be a family.” Shawn and Mimi walk over with the doctor, the doctor says they are ready, so Jan goes i




Episode#51 -A new day has arrived in Salem. Cassie is inside a cubical fighting for her life. Outside, Rex waits nervously with Shawn, Mimi, Belle, Philip, Kate, Marlena, John, and Caroline. Philip wonders how this happened, and Kate looks suspiciously at Mimi. Rex can see what she is doing so he tells her Mimi couldn’t have pushed Cassie, and that she probably just fell. -Jan, disguised as “Paprica” enters the hospital, she watches as everyone stands in the waiting room, and flashbacks t




Episode#50 -Jan arrives at the loft, she then tells herself it is time to reveal Claire’s Paternity to Shawn, Belle, Philip, and Mimi! She walks onto the elevator and heads up! -Cassie spies on Rex and Mimi. Mimi tells Rex that his sister keeps harassing her telling her to keep away from Rex, Rex says “Look I will-” Mimi interrupts and then says she and him have been tip toeing in circles ever since he came back, she then asks Rex if he still loves her. -Kate tells Victor that she won’




Episode#49 -Jan is thrilled that she got the job, Shawn and Mimi tell her they plan on doing the process tomorrow, before Thanksgiving, Jan agrees and smiles as she leaves. -Vivian arrives at the Alamain Mansion, she walks into the main room where Ivan Marias, her man servant, is standing. He welcomes her back and asks her where she has been these last few months, Vivian tells Ivan she has been here, wreaking havoc on Salem! -Alex asks Stefano what he needs him for, Stefano replies and




Episode#48 -Marlena asks John how he could accept a new identity so fast, John tells Marlena he has bene through this before, and this time it just feels easier, because this is his true family. -Shawn and Mimi both wonder if they have seen her before, nonetheless they tell her to sit down and they will begin. Jan tells them her name is Paprica Springs and then the interview begins. -Lilly and Max arrive at the Pub, Lilly stares at where Shawn, Mimi, and “Paprica” are sitting, she thin




Episode#47 -Shawn and Mimi decide to leave the hospital, they say it is time to go back to interviewing surrogants. Jan watches and decides to wait until she has been accepted as their surogant to reveal the truth about Claire. She leaves as well and readies her disguise. -Philip confronts Rex and asks him if he still has feelings for Mimi, he says he has been watching him and it seems like it. Rex assures Philip he is over Mimi. -Vivian tells Victor “Oh, I was not attacking! I was just



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