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Episode 274

Holden returns home to find that Lily has not only cooked supper, but has totally cleaned up the house. Holden, who's had quite a tiring day at work, goes to take a shower and is overjoyed when Lily decides to take one with him. Holden applauds Lily for putting all her feelings aside about his new job and he thanks Lily for being the mother of his children and his best friend. The couple passionately ambraces, as they make love. Later, they're startled to open the shower door and find little Fai




Episode #294 - Thursday, January 25, 2007: Sami is sentenced to twenty five years to life in prison. She is carried away by the bailiff, screaming, thrashing, and crying. Simone, Austin, and Carrie hurry to the hospital, and Dr. Rae says there isn’t much time to save baby Keith’s life. OPENING Shawn and Belle are floored when they are served with papers from the courts declaring Philip get custody of baby Claire. Sarah is ready to run the story on Sami, but Jack intervenes and tells her t



Episode 273

Emma meets up with Lily and hears Lily say that Carly has left for Switzerland to be with Rosanna, who has just awoken. Emma wonders what all this could mean for Craig if Rosanna returns to town. Lily then takes the time to fill Emma in on her recent dilemma with Holden/Lucinda/Worldwide. Emma calms Lily's inhibitions and gets a call from Grant. She ignores it, but later, we see it was Dana calling Emma. Dana turns to see Lisa strut into the Lakeview. Lisa spots her, too, and warns Dana that



January 24, 2007

-It's a new day in Salem and Greta is walking around Salem Place, carrying quite a few shopping bags. She puts them down and sits on a bench, looking at her wirst watch to check the time. Frankie then comes up behind her and apologizes for running late. He had some cases to finish some legwork on. Greta tells him it's ok. Frankie says he was so happy when she called and told him that the idea he had for her panned out. Greta says she is too and now she feels like she doing something that



S&L: Episode 106

Secrets & Lies: Episode 106 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler, Venus Stone (SweetNYGal33) Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89) Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89) New Opening Video - GH begins in the offices Corinthos & Morgan Enterprises. Jason and Sonny talk strategy regarding how they’ll continue to do business under Anna’s watch. “I want you to have Stan do a complete background check on Anna. I will not have her int



Episode:006 Samantha and Roy make love

Episode:006 1/24/07 Written by Alin Please download this song when Roy puts on the music! Heres the Song I WANNA BE WITH YOU BY MANDY MOORE It was dark outside Sandy Town Hi. Samantha was reading a book when Roy surprised her with flowers. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness. She asked what are you doing here Roy?NEW OPENING He said I'm here to be with you. Roy kissed Samantha and a hug. Roy then talks about the fight between Max and Jared. She gets angry that Roy didn't tell her th



Episode 040: THE LIGHT

The Light: Episode 040 Wednesday, January 24, 2007 Written By: Dan Gobble & Josh Hawkins THE LIGHT Opening Alan conducts his own board meeting as the newly named CEO of Spaulding Enterprises. However when Alexandra’s signatures are required for some paperwork, as Chief Operating Officer, Alan begins to wonder where Alex is. At Cedars Hospital, the Board of Directors convenes their annual monthly meeting. The chairman of the board calls the meeting to order as Ed and Lillian pass one an



Episode 47

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ----The whole party is stopped and fixed on the scene developing between Pamela and CC. Mason rushes to his mother's side and helps her up. "It's just like you to disrupt this entire party Pamela- typical of the Pamela Pepperidge that I've always known." CC says. Mason continues helping his mother stand on her own two feet. He offers to take her up to her room and get her out of there. "I think that's




Episode#97 -Kayla is shocked when she learns Victor Kiriakis faked Steve’s death! -Rex is confused by Willow’s sudden change in heart, and wants to come live with him! He asks why, and she says she just doesn’t think it’s safe living in this area anymore. She thinks to herself that she can use Rex, and she has to get out of here before Nicholas comes around again! -Helena tells EJ they have a powerful ally…..that being TRACY QUARTERMAINE! -Faux Roman and Abe begin to investigate Shaw




Episode #293 - Wednesday, January 24, 2007: Sami sits on the ground - blooded by Carrie’s slaps and punches, crying from the words of Roman, Lucas, and Austin, and having been spit on by her mother. Sami Brady was just told by both of her parents that she is dead to them and that she has no one left in her life. OPENING. Eric, Caroline, and Belle each take their turn telling Sami how disappointed they are in her and how they can’t believe she has stooped to his level. Caroline tells Sami s



Chapter 11 - Episode 2

At the hospital -- Zander stood waiting for Ric's answer, though Ric was reluctant to point to the suspect he believed Zander wanted. Zander grabbed the photo sheet from Ric in disgust. He knew Ric wasn't going to tell him the truth, no matter how long he stood there and waited. Ric noticed the frustration from Zander. "I'm sorry Zander, I don't recognize anyone." Zander rolled his eyes at Ric's comment. "You honestly don't expect me to believe that, do you?" "Yeah Zander, I do



January 23, 2007

At the Horton house. Doug is sitting with Alice while Julie comforts Maggie upstairs. Doug tells Alice they have no idea why Maggie was outside and what caused her to breakdown like that. She seemed much clamer earlier. Alice thinks Maggie just went outside for some air and was thinking about Victor's "death." Doug thinks that may have been it. Alice asks if things are back on track with him and Julie. Doug smiles and says they just agreed to disagree and decided not to bring the subject



S&L: Episode 105

Secrets & Lies: Episode 105 Tuesday, January 23, 2007 Written by: Ryan Chandler & Jennifer Snyder Executive Producer: Ryan Chandler Consulting Producer: Jennifer Snyder (SoapQueen89) New Opening Video - On her final day of work at ELQ, Skye runs into Luke who has just returned to town. He tries to act like everything is good between them, but Skye refuses to let him gloss over the fact that he betrayed her. When he realizes Skye is still angry, Luke decides to walk away, but Skye pi



Episode 46

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: The Capwell Hotel) ---Rafe arrives with Samantha and Adriana. Samantha is pleased to see her father and mother talking across the room. They see their daughter and immediately walk over to her. Julia hugs her and is elated to see her on her feet. Samantha directs them to her cane, saying that she's not 100% but she and Rafe will be working on it. Adriana sees her own mother and leaves to give them all some time together. R



Episode 272

Maddie explains that Luke just hasn't been the same ever since he was kidnapped that time in Mexico. She tells of his constant temper tantrums, mood swings, and violent outbursts. Will becomes noticeably distracted and leaves the room. Maddie takes the opportunity to confront Gwen about what Jason said about her. Gwen grows cold and lies, saying she doesn't even know Jason Summers. Will returns with some stuff that he printed off the internet. He tells the girls that he might have just found out



January 22, 2007

-In th backyard of the Horton House, Maggie comes to and is convinced she was dreaming. There is no way she saw Victor. She then sits up and finds herself staring right into the eyes of Victor, who is sitting right next to her. She is about to scream but he covers her mouth and hushes her. She apologizes. They stand up and share a warm embrace. She asks how this is possible. Victor explains that he knew the SPD and crew were on to him. He knows it was this MCF that tipped them off and



Episode:005 The Aftermath

Episode:005 1/22/07 Written By Alin She asks both Max and Jared to come over. Then the moment we all have been waiting for...... SHE CHOOSES.............. JARED BROOKFIELD TO BE WITH HER.NEW OPENING!! Max Gets enraged from the news and attacks Jared! Sophia tries to stop them from fighting! Then Jared attacks Max and punches him in the jaw. Max attacks back and hits him were it hurts! Sophia starts crying begs each men to stop. She has a flashback of her dream of seeing blood! Joey an




Episode #292 - Tuesday, January 23, 2007: Carrie attacks Sami and jumps on top of her, hitting, slapping, punching, and scratching her. Austin and Lucas grab Carrie and lift her off of Sami. Sami’s face is bloodied, and she is crying. Carrie screams….“You b!tch! Sami! You lying, evil, backstabbing wh0re! How could you do this to me? You stole my baby! A baby! An innocent, little baby! You b!tch” Carrie approaches her and punches her in the face once more. The judge asks for order in the cou



Episode 45

http://santabarbara-online.com/GeneriqueDebutUS.rm (EXT: London, England- Edmund's Gothic Mansion) ----Sophia is stunned that Edmund cut the phone line. She asks him just what exactly is going on. He apologizes to her, claiming that he's very methodical. He explains that, being both a neurologist and a psychologist, he tends to use both studies in his treatments, this one being no exception. "I don't understand.....Why would you just yank the phone line out like that, knowing I'm




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Stephanie's 'LIGHT' Shines

Recently Stephanie Gatschet sat down with us at a restaurant near the Stillwater set of SONBC blog, "THE LIGHT." She talked openly and freely about her role as innocent heroine Tammy Winslow, the current state of the blog production, her long contract negotiations and more! SONBC: Welcome! How are you enjoying the new locations? SG: It's no New York City, but we're all getting very used to it! We pre-tape a lot of stuff and we lump it together, so making the trips in and out aren't nearly as ba



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