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Sex.Treachery.Envy.Affairs.Murder! SONOP

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Exposed! ep 141

Westwood Park, Ria’s House Natalia knocks on Ria’s door. Ria opens it up. Ria “Hey girl. It’s good to see you.” Ria hears the Bryan’s crying in their stroller behind Natalia. Ria “Girl, I’m not feeling no chill’rens right now. My stories are on girl. I’m trying to find out who killed Diane Jenkins and just who exactly is the real Todd Manning.” Natalia “You and your soap operas I swear.” She says entering her bestfrieds house with her the double stoller.



Sabryn's Trial Continues! ep 140

The stakes are extremely high as we begin in Downtown Pasadena, the courthouse. It’s a scene of chatter and confusion. Sabryn stares Alexis down as she takes off her huge black sunglasses and her big hat on the witness stand. She is acting like a diva shaking her hair all around like she is in a sauve professionals hair commercial. She looks up and sees Sabryn looking at her with content and she flashes a smile at her. Sabryn rolls her eyes and whispers in Lisa’s ear. “Her testimon



Sabryn's Trial Commences! ep 139

Downtown Pasadena, the Courthouse. Sabaryn is escorted in cuffs into the courtroom. She sees, Bryan siting with Natalia, with both Bryan Jr’s sitting behind District Attorney Jack. Standing next to Sabryn is her Power Attorney Lisa Raye. Sabryn “The court is packed.” Lisa “It sure is. You pay that no never mind you hear? We just need to focus on beating these charges.” Sabryn “You think we will be able to do that?” Lisa “I have no doubt in my



Keeping up with the Jones' ep 138

TC Hotel Ladonna takes the elevator up to Alexis’ pent house. She walks over to her suite door and slides a credit between the locks of the doors to gain access to her enemy’s luxury suite. Access granted. Ladonna slowly opens Alexis's doors and walk in closing the doors behind them. Ladonna begins to ram sack through Alexis’ drawers to maybe find Ashley’s diary. She comes upon a book in Alexis' nightstand. She opens it and sees it’s Ashley’s diary. Ladonna is so enthralled that she begins to



Opps Up side Ya Head! Episode 137

Lavender Hill, Karim's Mansion Karim opens his door upon hearing the doorbell ring. He sees LaDonna. Karim "Donna, I don't think you should be here." Donna "And why is that? I love you Karim Williams. I care about you. What you are doing is a mistake. I am telling you Alexis is a liar. She is lying to you. She really doesn't care about you. It's a game. She's just all about winning. Her heart is not in this. She doesn't love you." Karim rolls



Sister Patterson Renounces God!! ep 136

The Blue Note Daniel off bended knee and looks at a smiling Lauren. Sharon "What in the hell is the matter with you? Are you drunk again? Isn't that how you lost your son in the first place?" Lauren "Sharon you know nothing about me. Look at what you did to Kevin. You had an affair with Dondre." Sharon "You don't know what you're talking about." She says stepping in front of Lauren and getting in her face. "I never



Boris Kudjoe, Chris Brown, Megan Goode, Tamala Jones joins STEAM!!

Well readers I want to announce some changes coming toSTEAM. A few weeks ago I announced that STEAM would get a spin off. It seemsnow that won’t be the case. Instead STEAM will be getting a fourth season. Since STEAM is getting a fourth season it’s time to breathsome new life into Pasadena. We will be seeing some new casting additions overthe course of the rest of this season and into the next. Joining STEAM is Boris Kudjoe, will play the role of Marlin. Marlin arriv



Who is Miss Rue's Down Low Lover? ep135 pt2

Rufus sits at her table looking at all the men of Pasadena having a good time at the bar tonight. She looks at Bryan, DC, Mike, and Santino to see if any one of them gives her an inclination that they might beher secret lover. She gets no such luck. She then sees Kiko walking over towards Karim by the bar. Rufus remembers the encounter with DC and Kiko theother day. She remembers DC saying something to the effect that Kiko gets down with men. Rufus "I'vealways heard he was ga



Who is Miss Rue's Down Low Lover? ep135 pt1

Pasadena Jail House Mikewalks up to Sabryn's jail cell. "Hey you." Sabryn"Hey yourself" Mike "How are you feeling today? Sabryn "Tired. Tired of being in here. I am so helpless. Do you know thatNatalia came here to see me with my son?" Mike "How did she get your son?" Sabryn "She's with Bryan. They are playing house with my son." Mike "Bryan? Wow. I didn't think he would do something like that to you." Sabryn



Miss Rue is a Bad Bitch too! Ep 134

The sun rises on a new day in Pasadena We begin on Lavender Hill, Karim's Mansion Karim is at the breakfast nook sipping on a cup of coffee reading the morning news. Alexis walks in to the kitchen and plants a kiss on Karim. "How are you this morning baby?" Karim "So so. I didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. I have so much on my mind." Alexis "Well if it has anything to do with the paternity of this child I am carrying. I can assure you, you have nothin



Mind Invasion ep 133

Huntington Memorial Hospital Sharan, Karim, Daniel, and Lauren all look at Alexis in shock. Lauren "Sisters?" Alexis "Indeed. My mother Apple told me. She gave you up for adoption." Lauren "This is impossible. I can't deal with this joke right now." Alexis "This is no joke. Let's take DNA test." Lauren "I don't have time to entertain this charade right now. I just lost my son." Sharan "Where is he? I want to see little Kevin." Ka



Love Triangle Pt.2 ep 132

Lavender Hill Bryan is awoken by a pounding at the door. Bryan Jr. the 1st begins to cry. He picks him up out his crib and holds him "I'm sorry little guy. I'll get rid of who's ever ignorant ass that is for waking us up ok baby boy.' Bryan holds him as he opens the door and is disappointed to see Natalia. Bryan "Natalia what the hell is the matter with you? You woke up my son." Natalia "Today is the day big daddy."



Love Triangle #132 pt.1

Huntington Memorial Hospital Karim walks into Alexis’s room. Alexis “Karim, surprised to see you here. I thought you were with Donna now?” Karim “I wanted to see if you were ok.” Alexis “Ladonna attacked me. She and that wild dog Ria attacked me. “Alexis forces herself to cry to gain sympathy from Karim. Karim “I’m really sorry that happen to you. I can believe Ria would do something like



For the Birds Ep.131 pt2 (Special Episode)

Jasmine walks into Mona's room and sees a top less Apple straddling over Mona. Jasmine "Miss Williams Can I speak with you in the common area?" Mona "Who are you? You want to join us?" Apple "Three sets of tits. How fun." Jasmine "No thank you. We are going to start your counseling today." Apple "I don't like the sound of that. Mona is mine and no one will take her fr



For the Birds Episode 131( special ep. pt 1)

For The Birds mental Rehabilitation Centre Sister Patterson, who is not wearing a straight jacket, is in the common area with the rest of the patients in her wing. She sits by Dottie Hinkle who is sitting in a rocking chair rocking by herself looking out the window. Sister Patterson "Hey chile'" Dottie "Hello maam." "I am Sister Patterson." "Dottie Hinkle" Patterson "Do yo



Episode 130 Part 2

The Jump Off Natalia walks into the club looking for Bryan. She calls out for him. He walks out from his office with a drink in his hand. Bryan "What do you want Natalia?" Natalia "You big daddy." She walks over to him and plants a kiss on him. He brushes her off. Bryan "Stop with all that." Natalia "I'd figure you'd be all over me since you're not getting any. At least not from Sabryn. S



Ria's Big Mouth! Episode 130(Pt. 1)

Huntington Memorial Hospital Kiko walk into Alexis's room. Alexis "Thank goodness you are here, I need my release papers." Kiko "What happen?" Alexis "I was jumped. I was attacked by two of Pasadena's biggest losers " Kiko "Okay…. I heard about it." Alexis "You did? From whom?" "From me Bitch and if you ain't careful I'ma whoop that ass



Technical Issues yet AGAIN!!

To my readers, once again STEAM is exp some tech issues. I have contacted Errol and it seems nothing has been done as of this writing. I have had other's people content boxes posted in here and all of STEAM's content boxes have vanished. I've tried to post new episodes and the board won't let me. I don't know how long this issue will last but I will keep everyone updated. If I got a website would evreyone follow? I am also considering that was well so we don't have to keep going through this rec



S.T.E.A.M. will be Ending it's Run!

All things must come to an end. The time has come for S.T.E.A.M. to come to a close. One of the things I tried to do from day one was avoid your typical soap clichés. I think that's one of the things my readers loved. As time goes on it gets harder. As my readers know, I took a year off and when I came back, I discovered I no longer had that burning desire for S.T.E.A.M. any longer. It no longer felt special to me. I've been wrestling with this for a very long time and now decided now is the tim



#129: Death to Sister Patterson!

Downtown Pasadena, Ivory Inc. Alexis storms into Karim’s office. She looks and sees Ladonna sitting in his chair writing a memo. Alexis “How I am not surprised that you’re in Karim’s office. You practically live in here.” Ladonna “This is a business and I am at work.” Alexis “Oh is that what you call it? Taking Karim away from me is what I call it. I knew that’s what you wanted all this time.”



You're Fired!!

EXITS Hit’s S.T.E.A.M In a pres release, ML Cooks has announced the exits of a few characters to his campy series. Jennifer, Ty, and Dre all have been let go. As STEAM looks to broaden its story base, Dre was let go. He really didn’t catch on the I had hoped states the writer. Though leaving upon learning about his mother being in town, Dre, will continue to make appearances as needed for the rest of the season. Having two recast, and not really having a story for him, he



#128: D!ck!

Westwood Park, Natalia’s House Natalia puts her son Mark Jr. in his crib when she hears her door bell. She walks over to the door and opens it and happy to see its Ria. Natalia “I got a little nervous answering my door. I had flashbacks of Suga shooting my son. But you saved my sons life girl. I will be forever grateful.” Ria “It’s nothing. I am sure you would have done the same thing for me.” She walks in Natalia’s house and gives her a h



#127: The Long Lost Sister

Pasadena Highway On the highway, Dre drives his car as fast as he can, still reeling from the shock that DC Williams is his father. Dre “How did all this happen to me? I was just some dude that came here after running away from his momma, and I get rolled into all this crazy [!@#$%^&*]. Ty and Lauren, Sharan and Kevin and Mona, and now my own brother tells me that fat guy is my dad...and Kevin is my cousin? Wait, no, Kevin is my brother. All this damn time I've been fighting w



#126: Parentage Revealed!

Westwood Park, Ria's House   Kiko walks up to the entrance of Ria's house, and Ria stands in the doorway, smirking. Ria "Oooh nice to see your fine ass show up here. I've been waiting for you." She says untying her robe to reveal a sexy outfit. Kiko "Victoria, I really appreciate you doing this for me...I needed a place to meet my brother, where no one would expect, and this was the perfect place. But please don't get the wrong idea. Aint no sexuals happening tonight" Ria "



Actress reprises role!

Some Casting News. With S.T.E.A.M.’s return now comes news of a rather surprising casting move. Newcomer Melissa Archer has been let go as she played the character of Lauren Romoan. Ms. Archer is the third actress to tackle the role. “We just decided that the change of actress just didn’t work out.” Series creator stated at press time. Coming back to the role is series veteran Brittany Woodland will be reprising the role as Lauren effective immediately. Brittany re joins S.T.E.A.M. hav



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