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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Right, but the clues were:

1. A Ewe

2. A Sewing Kit

3. And a Reaper

Unless Janelle figured it out first and went to the DR to say it and is tricking everyone and saying she went after Boogie. But that's too good to be true.

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The houseguests had a mid-season party (just like the one last year before the Janie/Beau fight and Howie going busto on April) last night with music, cake, pizza, and beer. Everyone, including Chicken George got to eat. Apparently, they messed up the pool, Will and Janie got into a food fight, and Erika gave Boogie a lap dance.

As far as who's going to be evicted this week, I'm reading at Joker's that Boogie plans to stage a fight with Marcellas, thus giving him an excuse to vote him out. Then Will will go to Janelle and tell her that he has to back up his boy. James and Dani plan to vote out Marcellas, too.

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I don't remember Julie saying it had to be a tagline or phrase used on the show. I think she just said it was a phrase about the game or had something to do with playing the game. I can't remember her exact wording, but I didn't take it that it had to be a tagline used on the show.

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She said it was a "commonly used BB phrase."

Boogie on Erika: "She thinks she's safe showmancing me... she'll be the biggest HOE in America, then voted RIGHT OUT"


Oh, and BB fans can say BB is rigged for Janelle/Season Six as much as they want, but I do think the coup was really designed to send Janelle or James home. They can't play for POV with the Coup. So, IMO, it was invented to get players like J and J out.

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^ It comes on at 8 every Tu/Th/Su.

Next Tuesday, it'll come on at 9 because CBS is airing a special about latchkey children.

Regarding the coup d'etat and the phrase, some people have heard Julie say a "commonly used phrase that APPLIES to BB." So it doesn't have to be used frequently on the show, just be appropriate for the show.

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Monica used the phrase "you reap what you sew" in BB2. So yes, it has been said. I wish she had been voted back in this year. Her saying "it's OOONNNN" to Will made him die of laughter. Awww....Season 2. Best season IMO, and I wish I could get a DVD of it, but they haven't made one.

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