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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Mike ... Janelle DID make enemies this week. More than she had! IMO, she was almost slipping below the radar! I love Janey, you know that, but she made Erika mad, James mad, Danielle mad, Marcellas is annoyed.

Erika, James and Marcellas were, IMO, 100% on Janelle's side last week, and now that's iffy.

So yeah, I'm worried. But Marcellas and Erika, IMO, still won't nominate Janelle, at least before the veto, IMO, cause they know they'll face the wrath. I guess James is the same way.

So I can see why you aren't worried about her. I am, a little. I'm most worried about Danielle winning HoH. Or George, cause NO ONE knows what he'll do.

I can't see Willboogie winning this week anyway. They'll throw it because they have too many deals. They act all big and tough but IMO, they really DONT want to rile up the house (it's so obvious they are getting others to do their dirty work, so why bother winning HoH?)

I think Howie or Kaysar, again, wins this week. 5 weeks in a row for a Sov, IMO. Even if it's luck, I think they'll still win. And I hope the week after is endurance, so Janey can compete. Although a part of me really feels George is gonna luck out if it's rolling a ball. Ugh. That would be a [!@#$%^&*] nightmare.

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I think Woogie will try and win HOH this week. I think its the perfect time for them to try to take out a Sov 6er. They need to take out a James or Kaysar. Preferably Kaysar as James has said that if Will is in the F2 he will vote for him. The fact that Will, who is the only winner in the game has made it this far with only being nominated once, just proves that he is by far the best player ever in the history of reality TV.

I like Janelle but man, she was a dumbass this week. Huge target on her back.

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Will was nominated against Jase last week and survived the vote.

Two of the BIGGEST players, Danielle and Will are still in the house. It's amazing.

And it's almost 8:30 Big Brother time and Kaysar and Janelle are STILL up. They're walking around the yard and working out.

See, this is why the Sovs win. They practice in LENGTH for competitions. The others DON'T. They're too busy bitching and whining about the Sovs winning all the time.

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As much as I want Janie safe, I'm dying to see someone else as HoH.

I think Erika will wait too. Marcellas too. He whined about Janelle not throwing it to him but look how long his ass took on that final question. He threw it on purpose. As did Will. He acted like he wanted it, then threw it. He could of easily won that competition.

Boogie might go for it. I can see Boogie getting HoH long before I can see Will getting it.

What worries me is the whole "luck of the throw" type things. Toss a ball and you win HoH ... come on ... lol.

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I would love to see Chicken George get HOH next. Talk about how that will make the house scramble. He basically has no alliances so he can pretty much nominate whoever he pleases. Does he even have any buddies in the house right now? I would be shaking if my shoes if he wins HOH.

Hopefully, he will nominate James (personally can't stand him and he nominated CG "Paybacks a b***h.) Then I could see him going after someone else from B6 - maybe Howie! Though I can't stand Boogie either.

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Um, because he can't win competitions!!!!!!!!

Erika and James were never 100% with Janey! ARE YOU JOKING!?

I might eat crow, and if I do, that's fine, but Erika can't win a challenge to save her life. She's never been HOH ever, unless I am mistaken.

a ) if Will went up, Erika could have been going. You KNOW how everyone re-evaluates things when the noms are up. The most hated player vs. the most well-liked??

b ) So, if she got rid of Will this week, and Diane won HOH tomorrow, and put Janelle up and out, then *I'D* be saying the "Janelle made the dumbest move this season."

We can debate this until we are blue in the face, but it's pretty clear to me that Janelle did the right thing. A powerhouse of her season who is flying under the radar vs. a man who throws all competitions whom everyone wants out? The choice is clear.

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There's been a rumor that Dani, James & Will had an alliance before the show started. I think Boogie is just there as Will's partner.

Considering most of the BB challenges are luck anyone can really win.

Erika did nothing to Janie first. Janie threw the first stone by nominating her. Now Erika has a reason to go after Janelle.

As for James we all knew it would happen. It's not like Janelle was always 100% looking out for James either.

Erika throws a bunch of HoH's so we never know. If it comes to Endurance she's probably the strongest.

The thing with Nominating Diane is she's pissed off half the house. Erika, Marcellas, Danielle, James and Chilltown all want her gone. Boogie & Will will stab her in the back.

Diane is no where near as much of a threat as Will is. Will is the best player in BB History. If Janie thinks he's weak she's got a knife heading straight for her back. Will will burn her bad.

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He chooses not to win competitions. Therefor, he won't. Keep him around!

Also, I don't really know where you are getting this "Most competitions are luck" thing. I don't know what show you are watching.

Erika is the biggest double talker in the house this season. She was never with S6 fully.

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