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They can deny it until they're blue in the face...

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In the recent SOD, they chat with Eden who says she is currently in the supposedly on contract Tanisha Lynn's contract during her stint. (Oh by the way, she likes it...it's PINK!)

Jigga what?

If someone is allegedly on contract, why is someone else (such as Eden) in their dressing room? It makes no sense to me and quite frankly, at this point...I want them to make their formal announcement that they are big ole liars and that Tanisha (at the very least) is not on contract and they have no plans for Danielle (and to a degree Reggie). I just want to make sure that I can kill the last bit of hope I have that this show would actually use Danielle and Tanisha to their full capacity. I also want Tanisha free to do other things, so I can see her on television elsewhere.

I just ask that AMC stop pussyfooting around and stop dragging the fans along.

Oh and one last thing, if they think replacing Danielle with Erin is OK...than they have another thought coming.


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Just pretend my fan fic is the real show Casey ;) I have to agree. I mean surely to god they have a spare dressing room at least you would think they would...... but I guess even if Tanisha is still on contract she is hardly ever at the studio anyway so maybe that's why. Still though aint right ITA with your post Casey. Erin is as boring as paint drying on a wall sorry to say. Dani has spunk, Dani has character, Dani has HISTORY on AMC..... Erin has nothing but a reformed psycho brother and an egomaniac brother as well....

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Ummm.....I don't really see what the big deal is. There are some people on contract who share dressing rooms. Tanisha's been with AMC since 04, Eden has been with them much longer (true she did leave). I don't see anything wrong them them sharing.

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Ummm I see nothing about sharing, what I see is using. The word was not sharing.

But it is a big deal to me, considering that I see Eden who left the show more in 6 months than I see someone who is actually on contract. If they want Eden to have a dressing room, let her share with the person who has her old one...maybe she would be more comfortable there.

ETA: This is not just about a dressing room, this is just one more factor to make me believe that Tanisha is on her way out...rumors always start from somewhere.

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Most people on AMC have their own dressing rooms, but when the cast gets really big like it is now, a few of the newer people have to share. I remember reading Sydney Penny didn't have her own dressing room when she first started, neither did Cady McClain. They had to share someone else's dressing room.

Recurring players use the dressing rooms of contract people who aren't working that day. I remember reading in one of the mags that some of the actors intentionally keep their dressing rooms messy so they don't assign anyone else to use it, lol.

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I just find the entire thing quite ironic...perhaps if those rumors weren't going around that Tanisha was off contract, combined with not one airdate the entire month of April AND the fact that there is not an inkling of ANY storyline for Tanisha or her character, I would be less inclined to believe the worst.

This is just one more factor to add to SID's supposed rumor. I know that Bobby Steggert used Jeff Branson's room while Jon Boy was off screen, but we KNEW that Jon Boy's fate was pretty good with the show...Danielle's...not so much.

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Kelly Ripa has said on Live that back in AMC big days in the 90's when the cast was at it's highest pretty much everyone (with a few exceptions) shared a dressing room. Eden is only airing for a month, so taping might have only been a few weeks. Tanisha might be on vacation or something.

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