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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I don't know, but it makes me think how many millionaires and princes I have said "No" in bars and clubs to... when thinking they are some unkempt ordinary dudes. Gosh, I could have lived in a mansion with servers and a cleaning lady. I was looking for someone that looks like a prince and I ended up being the cleaning lady. 

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Anyways - in topic - Adam works for me in the part. Works very well.  

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OK, here I go again about Gio's lack of a Brooklyn accent. (I initially brought it up on page 7 of this thread, and carolineg--who made some great points--and I continued the discussion off and on until page 9). On today's episode, Lois, in response to some jerk who saw her appearance on Home and Heart and then criticized her accent, asks Gio for his opinion re whether she should try to lose it. Now, in our previous discussion, carolineg (and please excuse my paraphrasing) had suggested that Gio, while at Juilliard, might have gone to a voice coach to lose his accent. That certainly seemed like a plausible explanation to me. If that had been what the writers had decided had happened, today's discussion could have been something like the following (in brief summary form)...

Lois tells Gio about the criticism about her accent. She then tells him that his accent used to be heavier than hers--how did he manage to lose it? He then tells her about the voice coach.

With that, we then have a great explanation of Gio's lack of a Brooklyn accent, and maybe a small amount of additional plot when Lois goes to the same voice coach to lose hers. Instead, we have Gio nonchalantly responding to Lois in his seemingly (to me, at least) general American accent that she should be proud of her Brooklyn accent. I like the spirit of what Gio said, but with the background he's been given, it's just so unrealistic to me.  

Now that I've had my latest say on Gio's accent, I have something more consequential. Last week's acting by Mansi and Vaganos was absolutely superlative IMHO. Major kudos to both of them!



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Yeah, I think Adam Huss would be great as Nik. He just has to be more consistent with his acting. 


I loved his scenes with Laura and Spencer (and recently rewatched) as Nik found out that Spencer and Ava were in cahoots, leading to his exit on a regular basis by Ava. But I have found his appearances in hindsight very hit and miss.  When Laura was on the hunt for him, Adam pulled off the scheming prince IMHO when he was scheming at the bank before anyone knew for sure he was out of his coma. And every time Adam had a scene with Maura West, he still plays the love Nik has for Ava which makes me swoon every time. He can also play the darkness with her as shown in his final confrontation with Ava. Outside of that, I found him off after such a strong start, replacing Marcus Coloma. 


One thing I can't take away from him, when he's on screen, I feel Adam Huss IS acting versus phoning it in. And duh...he is cute. hehe. Another reason I keep cheering for him to get a contract. 


Howso? If you don't mind explaining. I'm curious and want to see what you are noticing. 



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I agree.


The closest to darkness that Adam has played to date has and still is Marcus Coloma's exit storyline. His spiraling as Spencer blackmailed him and the darkness was leaking out of his face as the scene progressed. And when he turned on a dime in his confrontation with Ava where he went from the lovelorn puppy prince mourning the loss of the great love they had to a Cassadine scorned that was going to teach Ava the lesson she had forgotten with the loss of Kiki by going after Avery as payback for helping Spencer. 


There's been a subtle schemer to Adam after that for a bit. But full on Cassadine darkness...not since then. 

Like I said earlier today...I would love and I do mean LOVE to see all of Laura's children on at the same time. It's been decades. So my fingers are crossed. 


I'm a big Laura fan so don't mind me. While I love all my legacy characters she was second only to Bobbie in my eyes. *eyes mist a little at Bobbie*

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Oh, I wasn't thinking Gio had a voice coach or anything.  Just adapting to his surroundings at a private school all his life.  And we don't know if his mom was originally from Brooklyn.  

Lois clearly grew up around people who constantly used the accent and slang.  And was very proud of that so I have no idea why she'd want to lose it.

In the most minor example I grew up in the Midwest and had a Midwest accent.  I moved to California at 16.  I don't have a Midwest accent at all anymore.   Not on purpose or to try.  I just naturally adjusted to the way other people spoke around me.

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Things are happening, but the writing is still weak. Basic motivations, which take time to set up, are gone, as are little character moments. 

The motivations of Jagger, Ava, Anna, Kristina are completely muddled, as are Brennan's, who seems poised to take over Jagger's role as Jason's handler. Lois is given another non-story, being concerned with her accent of all things. Lulu's and Lucky's returns are beyond cliché and I expect will be needlessly drawn out. I also expect that they will try to recycle elements of the first, rejected version of Jason's return story into Lucky's "adventure" story; can't wait for the brainwashing, or brain damage, to explain Lucky's deadbeat behavior. One could go on.

Is it really that hard to do character stuff, and keep things moving, and have things not violate common sense, all at the same time? 

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I think it says something that we have gone from stories around the potential generation next on this show with PM to now going back to the kids/tweens under the New/Old Writers. And even the kids/tweens as written under PM were better written. I might even say in hindsight like the soap kids/tweens of old days. 


It definitely shows the building blocks that PM left behind that I felt invested in James running off, more than likely to see Cody. That friendship was built very organic and made James less of a Bebe's Kid brat and made deeper by his new connection to Cody by Mac and Maxie. So that I cared about. On the other hand, I saw those Violet/Tracy scenes and went...why is SHE still here? A first for me on this board so even I am over Ms. Violet.


But let me back back...to the Kraze breakup. Or as I am currently thinking of it in my head...THAT BIT@H. As in Natalia. I guess I have mixed feelings about it. Regardless of how it started, I guess I just loved that Kristina finally got a storyline. And the writers were at least wise enough to back away from the surrogacy storyline to allow for a recast and recast *cough*recasts*cough* to grow into their characters before they started yet another main storyline. And Kraze started so meet-cute and slow. Under PM, the potential for conflict was there from the surrogacy to the entrance of Natalia. So regardless of why on the breakup, it was still Natalia getting what she wanted...which I felt it was going to go that way under PM...or as least added another complication eventually. What I saw was open-ended and I hope Blaze does come back. But knowing it's probably final is...abrupt. Like the bad guy won. And to make it worse...THAT BIT@H is getting some of the hardest propping I have ever seen. Because now Sonny is backing her. Over long time friends/'family' Lois and BrookLynn. REALLY??? Wasn't Sonny going to be hands off in his partnership with those two under PM. But nooooooooooooooooo we have to deal with THAT BIT@H. And the fact that characterization already had Lois and BrookLyn not liking Natalia and they didn't even put up a fight now? So transparent. 


That said...I loved every minute of Blaze gathering her mother before firing her a$$. If JL ain't coming back, her last scene was great cuz she was on fire. I am just sad that it's clear these New/Old Writers are going to bend the show into a pretzels to justify Natalia still being in town.


Something I don't mind still being in town...the conflicting feelings building between Drew/Willow. It is a mess. And I do love that Willow verbalized how she felt to Drew. One thing that I have not been liking has been it all was feeling forced versus within characters' feelings. So it was good to hear her say it. Now Drew just needs to let us in on how he's feeling toward her. WITHOUT downplaying how Drew feels about Nina or Nina feels about him. All points of view. 


Yeah...as I suspected...it feels like they are going to play Anna/Brennan for highjinks writing. There were more layers under PM with them that I would have liked to see explored. That said I don't mind 'The Beast' with Carly. He's being VERY clear on how he feels there. And Carly still hasn't figured out he is the reason she's out yet, has she? More of that, please. 


So John is going to be the out-and-out villain then? Well...it gives him direction. But there the New/Old Writers go already making Ava into a victim? I would rather she be the spider and he the fly. 


Excuse me for being confused...but I thought Cody and Sasha were more or less already official? Why do we keep getting the same scene every couple of weeks? 

It really isn't.


But when you have someone interfering behind the scenes well...

You know what?


Edited by Taoboi
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My Lord, you lasted a long dang time!!!

Some people theorize that Miz Bi*ch is the reason Blaze was sent packing. Their rationale is that to make it easier for people to forget that the homophobic bigot is one it would be helpful for the main person she hurt to be out of sight. Now, me, I think a reverse of that. If they intend to redeem Miz Bi*ch, the most injured & aggrieved party needs to be front & center so she can make amends to her!!!

NLG was at an event this past weekend & fans who were there are saying that she said. (Yes , this is possibly the worst kind of hearsay.) that Frank had decided he wanted & needed older actresses to play this surrogacy storyline so Lexi & Haley were on the way out, already, no matter what, only they didn't know it yet, of course.

Now I think all manner of dubious, suspicious, doubting things about this "account" but I don't see any purpose in even trying to discuss what ifs & suppositions with such a flimsy beginning. Source?

The abruptness & the timing of it are probably the things I hate most about it. 

She did go out on fire! 

This, that other people know & she still does not, fascinates me!!! I have a feeling she's going to be furious that people knew & did not tell her. 

Still unconsummated. 


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