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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ms.Q I think TG/JE will rock their scenes together.

I know TG tinkers with scripts from time to time,changing dialogue. I wonder if he will this time.

I have a bad feeling that if Edward IS a casualty of the virus,that the whole sudden bonding between Lacy is just to set up the angst that comes after Edward dies(which is still just a rumor).

Because if Luke is still totally pining after Skye after Edward's death,then Tracy kicking him out of the Q mansion wouldn't mean much.

But if there is something more there between them,that changes things....it changes how they will react to each other if Edward does die.

If Tracy decides she loves Luke...will she WANT to kick him out?

Or will it be Alan or Ned that does that?

Will she write Luke off,or will she go with him?

Will Luke care,and try to fight back,or will he go on his merry way ?

Of course like you said before all this is pointless if Edward doesn't die.

I just can't help but think,that TIIC are setting the bonding up,for what happens next...whatever that might be.

Skye pregnant? Edward's death? Or something else?

OH,I'm just going to try and be optimistic. LOL

I'm just going to enjoy it while it lasts.

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angel2devil Welcome have lots of fun posting :)









Umm what can I say about Lacy.......... I want them to be together but to me TPTB are using Lacy as a filler and I guess that's a good thing cause the mob could take over the whole show but I donno, I Have this odd feeling like John Ingle is coming back. I donno I hope that TPTB dont kill Ed but I donno If it brings Lacy closer I might go for him biting the dust ;)

I think the only way that Lacy can get anything is if the Lacy fans revolt agianst GH or something, because TPTB just think that people watch To see the Sonny and Carly hour and sadly enough many that do watch dont want to see them everyday :( when will the writers and those in charge figure out that's why the ratings are down. Oy Vey! B)

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Hoping for some GREAT Tracy scenes today! :D

ETA: Be prepared to be disappointed. Tracy was in the coffee shop/cafeteria the entire time, but did we see her reaction to Dillon? No. Then she broke quarantine to be with Dillon, who is not doing well; he can't even recognize his mother. Aww...But UGH! Do we get to SEE this? No. :angry:












Interesting. There has to be a reason. TIIC could not be giving us Luke/Tracy bonding out of the goodness of their hearts, right? LOL.

I'm not too sure about John Ingle, coolkid. The rumors have been around for awhile, and still...nothing.

From GHH2: On Monday, February 13th, Tracy's fear of losing Dillon overwhelms her.

How did we MISS this? I'm assuming it came from SOD or something since a date is provided. It has to be accurate then, I hope, because I LOVE this spoiler! Must.Not.Get.Too.Excited. LOL.

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Ms.Q I thought you knew about that spoiler.


Sorry,I would have told ya'll about it if you didn't know.

I followed the recaps...yeah the fact that we don't get to see a Tracy/Dillon scene today is a little sickening..but I gather there wasn't a Dillon/Georgie one,either...so I guess that's something.

So Georgie called Tracy a miserable witch?

WHY? Because when Georgie said,"You wished I was dead," Tracy didn't bother denying it?

Yes it's bad to wish someone dead but I have to give Tracy props for staying true to herself.

She's no hypocrite in that respect.


So I thought today was the day Luke flatlines? Maybe that's tomorrow.

Wonder if Jane will be allowed to show Tracy's reaction to that.

About the GH spoiler....I wonder exactly what "overwhelms her" means.

Maybe that's what makes her approve of the wedding for Georgie/Dillon.


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ILoveTracyQ, no Dillon/Georgie scene, but Georgie hasn't been to visit him. His mother has. As a viewer, I feel ripped-off. On the plus side, someone semi-reliable from SD is reporting good scenes coming up for JE/SC and JE/TG and later for JE/RC. :D

I understand Georgie's upset about Dillon, but she needs to shut her mouth. Perhaps it was a set-up to some future Georgie/Tracy "surprising" bonding scenes as Dillon's condition worsens. Any thoughts? Am I reaching? LOL.

From GHFF: Lindze Letherman praised JE and the other Q actors.


Lindze, what do you think of acting with Jane Elliot and the rest of the Quartermaines? Would you like to have more or less scenes with the Q's?


I respect Jane Elliot so much and find that I learn so much from her as a person as well as an actor. I think it is such an honor to be a part of the Q scenes because those are the people that really know what they are doing and do it best.

Aww. :)












IIRC, there isn't going to be enough plasma, and Luke consents to the procedure again. Could that be when he flatlines? Tracy's reaction would be good, but is she even going to be aware of the situation?

As for the "overwhelm" spoiler, I'm not too sure. I hope it's more than a plot-point for the GQ marriage though. JE can handle the emotion. Let her. If there are not bed-side scenes, I'm am not going to be pleased.

As usual, the "TG is leaving" rumors were...well rumors. LOL. Does this mean JE doesn't go to recurring? ;)

From SoapDish: Skye is pregnant/Luke is the father/Tracy finds out. Any comments? LOL.

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Okay I am finally delurking...lol *claps hands*. Anyways I'm really hoping for some JE/SC scenes, good ones! Not just scenes were Dillon is constantly putting his mother down. I'm also hoping that the "overwhelm" spoiler is not just a plot point for the whole GQ getting married thing.

For some reason I thought the Georgie calling Tracy an "evil witch" today was kinda random. I mean seriously Tracy only looked at her. Did anyone else think that? And I was also very dissapointed in today, I thought JE would be getting more scenes than that. I guess not.

Okay not bad i guess for my first post...lol

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Im glad that Lindze said that Jane was a good actor, It seems like Jane makes alot of actors on GH scenes a lot better. :)

That scene with

I know that Im jumping the shark a bit early but If the cast lets them I think that Jane might have the best supporting actress just with the little scenes she has had this year. :)

Georgie was way out of line, it was like she was saying that Tracy couldnt look at her :rolleyes: I just wish that Tracy would have went off on Georgie and her "crew" B)

I Loved how Tracy defended him against him Lorenzo, it seems like she's fallen in love with him. B)

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Welcome kenna! I'm glad to see so many new posters here! You're kennabella from FF.net, right? I'm lovin' "Secrets and the Past." Feel free to come here often. :)

I'm not fond of the teenagers mouthing off to their elders, but I can understand Georgie's reasoning at times. This wasn't one of those times, LOL. As others have posted, Tracy what? Looked at her the wrong way? :rolleyes:

I'm hoping JE will have some good material in the near future. Wish TIIC could have cut one of the Sonny/Emily or Jason/Carly scenes in favor of Tracy/Dillon, but noooooo. Ugh.

coolkid, the scenes so far? It's February, LOL. Although...Who knows? NL needs to remove herself from the "Supporting Actress" category so that others more deserving can have a chance. Also...This isn't the first time LL has praised JE. I love it when she does though! And JE has praised both SC and LL. Aww. :)

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Okay I suppose I should actually watch the scene with Tracy/Georgie before I condemn Georgie but I generally trust people doing recaps and it sounds like Georgie freaked over nothing.

So I'm going with my gut...the writers just have to keep the Georgie/Tracy rivalry alive,even when it makes no freakin' sense. LOL

*waves to everyone,and welcome kenna !!

Ms.Q I hope the scenes for JE,no matter who they're with,just rock ! I am curious about the 02/13/06 episode though....sounds intriguing.

coolkid I agree I think our girl's fallen,or definetly falling...for Mr.Spencer.

I think you're right about the Luke thing Ms.Q...it must be tomorrow this happens,although I was sure the spoilers gave today as the date. Oh,well.

About the SD rumor....I think they may be onto something,I think this might be why we've got the Tracy/Luke bonding going on...something's got to cause problems,and I think that rumor would do the trick.

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IMHO Georgie overreacted *big time*!!! From what I saw (unless i'm watching the wrong show or something) all Tracy did was look over to where Georgie was sitting and Georgie freaked out on her! And everyone rushed to Georgie's defense leaving Tracy (and the viewers of course) saying, "All I did was look at her!" Oh well, its done, I vented, I'm over it.

Anyways.... I *really* hope we get some great bedside scenes, or at least get to see Tracy's reaction when she finds out!! Also, I was *loving* the Tracy/Luke scenes yesterday! THey have ssoooooo fallin for each other!! (and I couldn't be happier!!!!!!)

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Good morning/afternoon!

ILoveTracyQ, why isn't my name in bold? :P

Page 18, coolkid. ;)

angel2devil, I'm happy about Tracy/Luke too! :D











From Riddle Me This of SoapDish (RMT has been reliable in the past.)

Mac comforts Tracy when she fears Dillon is going to die. (Mac must be the "surprising shoulder" then.)

Tracy makes a bargain with God to be a better person. (This means good stuff for JE!)

From Anonymous Posters

Luke and Tracy admit their feelings just as Skye realizes Lorenzo has been lying to her; she proceeds to call off their relationship. Luke still loves Skye which is evident when he cancels his plans with his wife to be with her. (Noooooooo!)

Luke and Tracy become like a real-married couple, as least for a couple of weeks. (A couple of weeks is better than none, right?)

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I love you guys...and I love this board....it's such a safe haven for Tracy fans...unlike *cough* other boards I frequent *cough*.


Ms.Q....is this better? B)

coolkid I thought it WAS page seventeen when you first posted it,and then it MYSTERIOUSLY became page 18 ?!


I don't know what happened,either. LOL


I can see the Skye/LO/Luke thing happening....she's got to eventually find out about Manny and maybe this is the return of the scheming Skye we've heard about.

OH brother...LOL see I was afraid of this turning into a Paul/Tracy/Jenny situation. IT better not. That's all I'm sayin'.

About Mac though....see the surprising person could be a lot of people.

Verified spoilers have Luke/Tracy getting closer,why can't it be HIM that comforts her?

If it's Mac,what if anything does this mean? I don't know if I like the "vow" to God thing...not that I mind it in theory,but first off,too Sonny-ish for my taste,how many times has HE done it?

Secondly, I want Tracy to keep her edge.

If it's a choice between Luke/Tracy staying together and Tracy losing her edge,or Tracy keeping her edge and them being apart,I pick number 2.

I don't mind her being softer,and nicer sometimes...but no COMPLETE turnaround.


ETA....now I know why it might be Mac...I guess Tracy falling apart in front of him is what leads the two of them to agree to let Georgie/Dillon marry.

And Tracy better be on today,today's the day Luke flatlines.

I want to see Tracy's reaction.


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