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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Luke knows Tracy, and it was nice hearing that they always celebrate their anniversary together no matter what else is happening. The thing it Fiji is plausible, but Luke has to work it out... his instincts are telling him this is wrong, so it won't take him long.

We also learned that Tracy rubs her own infidelities in Luke's face, calling him when she's on vacation. I'm not sure how I feel about Tracy cheating on Luke, but meh.... quid pro quo... That one dialogue told us a lot about LuNacy's relationship and what they do in their down-time actually.

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Thanks I hadn't watched the show just read recaps .

Do they probably have an open marriage then do whyvtge he'll is she always so pissed at him for thinking he is cheating?

Now it makes no sense that Luke's troubling secret about his marriage is that he is cheating or had cheated.

Maybe it is something like he wasn't divorced ftom Laura techicslly legally when they got married?

That one had me stumped. Oh well guess we will have to watch and find out.

On another note.. I forgot to mention this yesterday but Luke called tracy "my little martinet" which had to be tg ad lib, cause remeber that interview on tonygearyy.net Tony said that is what he calls Jane, his little martinet. I remember that distinctly cause I had to lok up what that word meant!!! Lol

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LOL... yes, I laughed at the Martinet thing and that's exactly what I thought.

As for open marriage? It seems as long as the 'others' are cabana boys and floozies, they tolerate. But when it's people they actually know - like Skye, Anna or Ethan, those two get EXTREMELY jealous. So I'm not sure how truly open it is.

He had to be legally divorced from Laura... but wouldn't it be interesting if the actual lie he told was to Laura about how they aren't married. Either way Tracy is the 'winner'.

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Maybe it's out of sight, out of mind and not knowing the floozies and cabanna boys. The ones they have no history or know personally? Or is it all a game to them both about boasting having affairs with other people just to play mind games with each other to make the other jeolous? You know that kind of stuff is a turn on to them.

Edited by funny1
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Well tg always says Luke long ago seperated sex from love so I guess they both have.

She did have ramon a couple years ago and he harassed her about it jokingly at the b&w ball .

Hey I wonder if I could try that approach and have a fling? It's just sex..not love! No worries! Lol

Edited by hookedongh
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Meh.... might work. I can imagine a few I could try that with.

The whole rabidly jealous/cheating is norm thing is just odd. How can you accept it but not??? I would LOVE to see Luke and Tracy unpack that one a little.

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Good for Scott getting another job so soon. I was hoping Greg would land another soap.

I really like Claire...she was really funny with lucky in the park. He was looking at her like she was a pyscho!

Oh...one more thing then I will stop beating a dead horse....I looked back at the preview for May sweeps...and it said something about Tracy gets a little to close to finding out the truth and finds herself Helena's captive. This will lead to some unforseen complications involving luke/tracy's marriage.

So unforseen complications....sounds like something with the marriage legality to me.

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We can't assume anything with LuNacy and Helena. It might boil down to Luke telling her something she doesn't believe and him having to convince her. You know how overblown and misleading spoilers can be.Funny thing this morning. I woke up and one of my new emails said Carolyn Hennesy was following me on Twitter. Now I get these emails frequently and just ignore, but I opened this one up and sure enough, it's our very own Diane! She's going to be bored to tears with me, but how funny is that.

Edited by remos
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GH Prevues

I'm wondering if Tracy gets sick or Helena does something to her, and Luke manages to get her to the hospital. That would explain Steve working with them and would have them at GH for the lockdown. I can't see TG being on the canvas and not being part of a large cast story/sweeps-style story.

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morning...I got the same email from CH..you must following nancy right? from what I hear, CH is trying to follow all of nlg's followers to improve her numbers to make it look like she is more popular. from what I hear she is a backstabbing, conniving person which is a shame if it is true.

Here is my latest theory..what if luke tells tracy despite how much he loves her, he doesn't think they should be married because of her getting dragged into the cassadine/spencer war because of him, etc....and then after they get out, he fights to get her back as he realizes he is miserable? IDK...just a nicer scenario! LOL

So here is the other preview...

From SON (So we know they are on T and W and Helena I guess tells her this plan so maybe Tracy forgets about the paternity for a while)


•Are Jason and Sam on the path to holy matrimony? (Soap Digest)

•Carly orders Sonny to do whatever it takes to free Michael. (Soap Opera Digest)

•Luke worries about Tracy intensify. (National Enquirer)

•Kristina learns some haunting similarities beween her father and Kiefer. (National Enquirer)

•Sonny goes to therapy. (Soap Opera Weekly)

Also from SOS

COMING SOON (sans tracy for the moment)

Does Sam want to get married? Brook reunites with the Quartermaines. Luke continues to worry about Tracy.

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Mmm... sounds good. That's just as plausible as anything else we've been booting around, and you're right - it's nicer.

The CH thing sounds ridiculous. Perhaps it's a computer thing - I highly doubt the woman that's on 2 shows, writing books, performing elsewhere and having a life it bothered with how many people she has on Twitter. That's teenage mentality, not an accomplished adult's.

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