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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Actually, a lot of bo nora fans (myself included) were VERY disappointed with the bora love scene. We waited 10 years for that.. there was ALLLL this lead up, and it was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too brief. (a kiss in act one & THAT scene in act two. In act three they get the phone call from vicki... and then they're gone....) BORA fans were robbed! Big!!! I was so angry that I didn't watch OLTL today. I think i'm done with that show. Finished. Over. TIIIICCKKKED

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Lainey I was just thinking about you today. Wondering how you were. I thought it was pretty lame too. I mean it was better than GH for sure would EVER do...but being that they had that great love scene between fish and what's his name a few weeks ago, you would think they would have given them a little more.

Hey...check out this flashback article. Jane was named #12 soap actress of all time on that welovesoaps, and they had this flashback article where she was interviewed when she was 18 in 1965. She talks about not going ot college, changing her name to elliot, etc.


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There is a promo for Friday's GH with Sonny/dante faceoff during the christening....luke & tracy are at the christening sitting next to each other in the back row along with Edward and Monica. Bobbie is even dusted off!

So that means Tracy is on today and friday as well (although probably not saying anything)

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Yup, another short but good day for LuNacy. First scene was Tracy coming into HS and talking to Ethan who was trying hard not to feel 2nd class since Luke/Lucky are mending fences. He did the tough thing, saying he knew he was a replacement for Lucky and didn't take it personally, but of course our girl saw right through that. Later Ethan would offer Lucky any assistance no questions asked, from pouring the drinks to picking him up if he needed a ride. Nice Lucky/Ethan bonding moment. Anyway the LuNacy scenes (I think there where two, all too brief but to the point), had Tracy snarking something about getting over himself and Luke pointing out what the issues were. Tracy acknowledged that he was right and apologized. (BTW, has Tracy ever apologized to anyone else for anything?) Tracy tells him about Ethan and needing to talk to his younger son - who does know Lucky is the priority and isn't upset about that. They Luke asks the "Very wise woman" what she thinks he should do. He asks her if she knows how wise she is, and then quickly answers his own question as she smiles at him.

Another interesting aspect of the day was that Luke/Lucky were talking about Luke's marriage and Laura, and Luke was quite good at saying that love was rarely lasting a lifetime and not to blame his mother for teaching him that it was, because she really believed it herself. Lucky apologized to Luke for the things he had said about Luke's marriage. It was pretty clear that the message was LnL were the past that had it's good and bad. It was after that he went straight to Tracy and his adoration was obvious. I seriously can't see them bringing Laura back for this because they are writing Luke as handling it and to the best of my knowledge no one has even called EWCBO to tell her what's been happening.


Oh... that preview looks great. And they've even got the Liturgy, garments and and architecture right this time around (they have a bad history of being Liturgically Incorrect about these things). I know I'm the only one here who notices these things - but it's important.

And thank you Hooked and WLS for finally answering a question I've had about Jane for ever. She's Jewish! (probably) I knew she was a person of faith but her name threw me off. Now I know and it makes sense for a girl growing up in NYC at that time.

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you know neither spoiler for this week or last panned out. Luke didn't tell Tracy he feared that lucky was going to turn out just like him and today's spoilers was "Luke confides his fears about Lucky to Tracy." He didn't really do that either.

Tomorrow they are at the christening...maybe they chat before that...he sort of asked her an open-ended question that seemed like she should answer it, but knowing GH...nope. Tomorrow is probably too focused on the whole christening/sonny/dante.

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German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from German Stein ‘rock’, Middle High German stein, hence a topographic name either for someone who lived on stony ground or for someone who lived by a notable outcrop of rock or by a stone boundary marker or monument. It could also be a metonymic occupational name for a mason or stonecutter, or, among Jews, an ornamental name. This name is widespread throughout central and eastern Europe.

Dutch: from a reduced form of the personal name Augustijn (see Austin).

Norwegian: habitational name from any of ten or more farmsteads, notably in southeastern Norway, so named from Old Norse steinn ‘stone’.

Scottish: from a reduced form of the personal name Steven (see Steen, Steven).

Northern English and Scottish: from the Old Norse personal name Steinn meaning ‘stone’.

Southern English: habitational name from a place named with Old English st?ne ‘stony place’, for example Stein in Sussex or Steane in Northamptonshire.

Ironic the "chosen, or did it choose her, name Elliot has strong STRONG Scottish history, its Clan long lived, and fierce.

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I just had the show in the background so wasn't looking, but the promo was the same thing and that had LuNacy at the back of the church. Otherwise all we saw was Liz apologizing to Luke and Lulu wondering why Luke was being so easy on Liz. The whole thing continues Monday. As for the spoilers - they were as accurate as "Laura watches over her family". Yeah it was blink-and-you'll-miss-it, but it was there.

New spoilers have Luke supporting Lulu through Dante's shooting so we shall see how angry Luke really is about Lulu's choices. I think they are building Luke's role up because Laura is not going to be around to "help her kids", so Luke is doing that job with Tracy's help. To my way of thinking, this is better anyway. Not only do we not have to deal with the wanna-be air hog, but those involved actually can have follow-through and follow-up because they are contract players.

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Morning everyone....

Wow, serious excitement over the whole Dante thing. Everyone is excited to see what's going to happen today. I'd say this is the best "start of sweeps" in ages. I'm looking forward to it myself.

Lunacy was definitely in the back pew for the Christening Friday, so we might get something from them today. Once Dante gets to the hospital Luke is supposed to be there for Lulu and Tracy will be right there with him. The tension SHOULD be between Luke/Sonny, not Luke/Lulu as some have been suspecting. We will see.

BTW I was watching Karaoke night again and Funny, Luke DOES say ILY to Tracy just before she smiles and they dance away. So sweet! I LOVE happy LuNacy... :wub:

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They are also in the medianet pics for this week with Ethan at the HS...I'm guessing that is on Wed because that is when Luke is supposed to worry about Lulu's future.

No Tracy in medianet pics for week of the 8th. Luke is in a couple with Nik. Helena is back and in some shots with NIk and some with Ethan/Liz at LIz's house. I think Ethan is hanging around Liz hoping she will go for the brother trifecta! LOL

I'd like to think they might have a scene or two on valentines day, but I'm not really expectng they will.

I thought that too about the kareoke episode. Did she say ILY back?

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For Karaoke - no, Tracy just smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck as they began to dance. I think Luke also kissed her cheek/hair/neck/something. Of the two he's definitely the more openly affectionate.

Week of 8th - apparently LuNacy is supposed to be around with Lucky on the Valentines Day episode on Friday the 12th.

Today, LuNacy has lines! Luke comments that they got through something without someone being shot (LOL), Ethan waxes poetic about the responsibility of a baby, Tracy does concur that it's a lot of work, then Luke replies that on days like today - when all his kids are together, in eyesight and safe - it's all worth it. Big smiles.

Lots of LuNacy touchage.

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