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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ugh... those GF rumours have picked up even more steam thanks to the JJ stuff. If this is going to mean the end of LuNacy to pander to one fan base them I'm gone. I wonder if TPTB realize by going backwards they are limiting their ability to move forwards. Perhaps we'll get lucky and the GF stuff is where LnL2 go after they leave the show, because I can't seriously see JJ being on this show long term - that was very evident by his only signing for 6 months. If Laura is needed for the kids fine - I just want my LuNacy.

The NP thing is disappointing and I hope it's just more rumour. I like him and always have. He adds a nice touch and I think he's done a fabulous job fitting into the Spencermaines.

The SBr stuff really tastes bad. That chick certainly knows how to burn her bridges. I have not been impressed by her at all. I follow her on Twitter and she's just awful.

JC rumours have been going around for some time. With so many perhaps this is someone playing with fans. We've heard many rumours (VM has been going on FOREVER) with nothing to show. At this point I'm taking a wait-and-see attitude.

How many days left until LuNacy is reunited? I can't wait. TG just doesn't have the same spark with anyone that he has with JE - including CT. I was a little disappointed in their stuff today.

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SZ just confirmed Genie is back.

Tony is retiring is what the same person said via a message to someone I know.

JE I betcha will check out too when he goes, but hopefully get some drama out of it.

The 13th is the day if they are not cut due to storyline changes because of JJ.

Bottom line. This show sucks. I need a 12-step program. I seriously was almost to the point of not caring. But now i had hope!

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Wow!! You stay away from the boards for a few montha and everything changes!

So JJ is coming back?? I'm glad for Tony, I loved them together.

Is it true that Genie is returning?

I haven't seen this anywhere OFFICIAL yet so it could just be a wild rumor.

If it is true I wonder why GH is doing this now?

Seems to me this lends credence to the rumors about TG retiring.

I wonder what it meand for JE?

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SZ? They take their feeds directly from DD. When SOC or SON confirm, then I'll believe it. And Tony has been "retiring" for about 5 years now.

But either way, it's November Sweeps coming up. GF was announced to return in 2006 and 2008 and all it amounted to was a few weeks each time. She's not working so I'm sure it's hard to turn down the money. And if Lucky/Nicholas are heading towards a confrontation then their mother logically will be involved. That doesn't mean it has romantic implications for Mr. Tracy.

Lainey, good cookie analogy - I want the whole Oreo myself.

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from dish

If true (which I believe it is) hopefully Jane will get some play out of this story til may. You know she will do the emotional, hurt, devastated but acting all tough like she doesn't care so well. I can see her breaking it off with Luke before she will let him leave her for Laura.

If the spencers are all gone, it will be interesting to see if Jane sticks around to be used once a month or two like Monica, or if she checks out as well. With no kids on the canvas...there really isn't any story or tie in. But considering she is paired with TG (the shows biggest star) who is off for five months a year....she sure isn't getting much airtime this way anway. This is shaping up to be her lowest year since 2003.

So it can't really be too much worse I guess.

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Not such good news around the net today. Rumors say GF/KS are coming back. Emma is back for five shows. NL, JC and NP are out. JE/LC are recurring.

Another insider said Tracy's part in Luke's return has been substantially changed and she is not going to be on at least for the next three weeks. She is no longer going to doubt Luke's motives or doubt his story.

If they are shoving her out of the way with some brush off mention and going to have this big LnL Scotty all on screen and leave JE out and a big LnL ride off--I am sure not going to be around to watch it.

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You know, I'm wondering if we're reading this all wrong. Everyone thinks TG hangs the sun and JE is a victim of circumstance in his story. What if it's JE who's decided to move on (this is her contract year, I believe) and TG is now stuck without his partner so he's leaving too. I can't see any reason for JE to hang around, and when it was announced that she was going to be on that HBO show I got to wondering why she was out auditioning/working outside. I think she's ready for a change. After all this is the first time she's ever done a second stint EVER, anywhere. She's got to know that there's not much for her to do and she's probably not going to go down as wallpaper. And TG has said JE is the one who makes it fun for him. If she's not there then what's he got?

I don't like the thought of LnL (and it shows a decided lack of imagination to be sure), but who's to say this is what is really going to happen. When LuNacy is gone, I think we'll all be gone because that will be the end of Tracy/JE. But I'm going to watch until that's definitively what's happening rather than assume the rantings of insiders and the running away with speculation of other fanbases. Nothing is in stone - as we know - and we might be surprised yet. Until TG and/or JE actually come out and say "I am leaving", I think everything is up for grabs.

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Well I know she is on the week of the 12th at least once.

The person who dropped that other show bit part was a known bullshitter, but why make that up. That is really random thing to make up.

NLG tweeted this about rumor of JE/LC being let go "Not true--these rumors are silly"

But let go is not the same as dropped to recurring.

I think we will find out more this week. NLG didn't seem to know about Sbr or GV either. But she knew the kelly stuff was wrong.

I actually would rather JE tell them to kiss her ass than stay on in the capacity of a random Q scene once a month or two.

Edited by hookedongh
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Who knows.... who knows anything at this point. Until a legitimate rag or confirmation from SOC/SON happens, we won't know anything. I think those who are speculating have more platforms currently than anyone who knows anything of value. We just have to keep from getting sucked in.

As for the recurring thing - how many times have we heard that, honestly. On the other hand if it's true, it might just be a way for JE to have more freedom. Wouldn't it be great if they would interview the woman and she would clarify! We are long overdue a Jane Elliot interview.

And NLG - GV was told at the last minute, so I don't think anyone had any warning. SBr leaving was written in the stars, and perhaps NLG doesn't care enough about SBr to talk about her one way or another - I've certainly never seem NLG mention her. In her tweets, NLG talks about GV, KM, JE, MB, etc.... the ones she works with or we know she is friends with. My spidey senses tells me SBr didn't make any friends this go around.

Those leaving - JC, NL and NP have been mentioned as leaving before, too. Remember we had assurances after assurances that SE and JJY were on their way out too, and that never came to fruition. The thing with anonymous drops is that none of them have to stay to their word nor can they be found if they are phony. It's all a "wait and see" kind of thing. Besides, no one called the GV thing after GV himself said they were into the next 26 week cycle so he was fine. This totally took him (and viewers) by shock, but it did have the effect of opening the rumour gate again.

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I just get the feeling something is going on behind the scenes at GH.

The whole James Franco thing came out of the blue.... then the news of JJ's return.

I know some of us like Ethan but truth be told the whole Ethan/Luke father son storyline bombed big time.

Tony is like any other actor, he wants to be in a well written, well acted storyline that puts him in the spotlight.

Working with JJ and face it folks, Genie again, would do just that.

I know he adores working with Jane but at the end of the day like any other actor HIS career is his priority.

The fact that Tracy/JE is not in any "spoilers" is kinda strange don't you think?

The rumors of Tony retiring are also getting stronger.

I think I read an interview where he said Luke leaving with Laura was the best way for Luke to the canvas.

If the retiring thing is true, the other stuff could be.

I just wish we could get confirmation or denial on some of these rumors to put my mind at ease.

If Tony does leave I hope they keep Jane and the Q's intact.

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I agree. And knowing that some of her stuff has been reworked isn't helping. She is no where in sight. While we might get a few scenes next week that is it supposedly for the next three weeks. This isn't normal. JE is always part of Luke's return somehow.

With her seeming to be more visible lately at parties and getting photographed wonder if she is putting herself out there again.

Or maybe she is just ready to call it a day and doesn't really care at this point. She will just take a check whenever they use her and go about her life.

Realistically she is on less than some recurring characters anyway. She has been on four times since July. Even Spencer, Alfred and Cam and Jake were on more than her in September. Having her be out of town for the carnival stuff, no scenes about anything surrounding Luke's return so far. Just odd. Usually we see her bitching about him right before he comes back.

I have no doubts either that Tony loves working with Jane and they are good friends, but I agree, Jin, bottom line is if he is retiring there is no way the network is not going to milk the whole LnL stuff one last time. They gotta get genie out pimping LnL retirment watches at Sears. LOL

I would rather Jane just leave than be on recurring unless that is what she is cool with. But as a fan it stinks. I know LC just re-upped for a year. I know because she has been on the show for so long it makes sense, but she has no storyline whatsover.

I just can't believe they would end the whole lunacy pairing which is the longest current pairing on the show without a fight or angst for Luke trying to fight his urge to not leave Tracy but his pull back to Laura. Especially if Scotty is back to.

Again, I guess we will find out soon.

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Hooked do you really think if Genie came back they'd just abruptly end Lunacy?

I would think they would at least give Luke and Tracy some kind of closure.

Luke has been all about Tracy for more than 3 years, it would look absurd to have him suddenly drop her to run back to Laura.

Even some LnL fans are saying it would be a bad idea to have Luke immediately leave Tracy for Laura.

(They want the slow burn) LOL

I would hope Tony fights for some kind of closure for Lunacy (IF Genie really is coming back).

Hey this could all be much ado about nothing, but something tells me where there's smoke there's fire.

I guess I'm just going to have to keep sitting on these pins and needles till we hear something OFFICIAL.

If all this is true it will be really weird not seeing Jane on GH.

It'd be great to see her on ATWT with Lynn Herring and Stuart Damon though!

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