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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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exept that SID had Tracy saved on the helicopter with Liz, Monica and Winnie. So I can believe that she is out by wed. Then luke/ethan are up to old tricks on Monday the 16th which seems like they are unaware of what is going on til then.

Perhaps they still show up at teh hospital Maybe lulu is there still somehow trapped. Who knows. But I don't think Tracy is still there. Unless the mags are wrong.

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Exactly. Two very different sets of spoilers have been put out about how Tracy is being saved. I'll believe it when I see it. And I seriously can't believe they wouldn't have Luke involved at some point before it's all over - that would be a historic first.

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Drum roll please....

And the The Best of Tracy Quartermaine Spencer '08 Awards go to....


Confrontation with Laura/Talk with Lulu (Tracy telling Laura how Luke and Tracy keep each other interested, Tracy telling Lulu how she is the woman for Luke now.)


"@$$ Slap Day"(Ernesto, Tracy searching for Luke's contraban, Luke gets a visit from his "famlia", "show him your moves mama")


TIE: New Year's Eve AND Luke and Tracy leave town together


Tracy's speech to Laura about how she and Luke keep each other interested, etc.


"Collar/leash - mama/kneeling"


Re-Opening of Haunted Star - "Collar-Leash/kneeling" scene


Kiss on New Year's Eve


TIE: "Do I have to put you on a collar? ... And a leash?"- "Oh Mama, you want me kneeling?" AND "Judging from the toxic glow on the horizon, I'd say we are over LA"


Tracy's expression before she enters the elevator to go after Monica




New Year's Eve


Salmon (pink, peach, whatever) that ties in front


Jane laughing dressed as Frau

Edited by TracyLuv
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Recaps, Monday February 9th


Vets: Luke

Kisses: n/a

Appearance: n/a

Other stories: Trevor's insanity and possession of the missing toxin is revealed; Explosion on 10th floor heard by everyone, second explosion at end of show; Robin sending JoMax with Emma to Mercy where Johnny muscles in; Kate still obsessing about DVD; Rebecca starts interacting with others, Liz first; evacuation begins with the sickes in ICU trapped

Line of the Day: switched to Lamest line of the Day - "Life's a bitch, then you die." Sonny to AZ, who's strapped to the bed and can't escape the fire.

Sc. 1 - no Tracy; Repeat of final scene from Friday

Sc. 2 -no Tracy

Sc. 3 - no Tracy; Luke and Ethan playing pool, talk more about Ethan's past - Holly told him about Port Charles; Luke proves to Ethan he's done his own investigating and knows Ethan is leaving a few details out.

Sc. 4 - no Tracy;

Sc. 5 - no Tracy; more Luke/Ethan playing pool and talking about Ethan's past. While Luke's back was to him, Ethan pulls out a picture of Robert and Luke at LnL's wedding.

Sc. 6 - no Tracy; more Luke/Ethan drinking and playing pool; Lulu knows Tracy is sick and says she'll need help so Lulu races off help her

Sc. 7 - no Tracy; more pool playing. Luke catches Ethan pouring the booze and Ethan looses his temper, and Luke schools him that the first lesson in playing a con is never loosing your head.

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Tuesday February 10:

Fire continues to spread through the hospital.

Everyone heads to the roof to wait for a helicopter, but the blizzard prevents it from coming.

Jax decides to pilot a helicopter himself.

Nadine listens as Nikolas tells Monica how much he still loves Emily.

Jason rescues Rebecca and is shocked by how much she looks like Emily.

Lulu refuses to leave Tracy's side.

Robin and Epiphany help the babies and it causes Robin to break down over Emma.

Claudia finds the DVD lying on the floor and tries to break away from Carly so she can get it.

Kate comes to realize that Sonny has feelings for Claudia.

Lucky and Liz find each other.

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Just finished watching today's episode on You Tube, and I am so embarrassed by what I saw, today's episode is why Soap operas are like the black sheep of entertainment. Watching Jax simply kick in the doors to GH, seeing the hospital catch fire without the use of a sprinkler system, seeing Kate care nothing about getting out of the hospital but more concerned for Sonny and that damn DVD, Liz seeing Emily errr Rebecca and all of a sudden she cannot speak to tell Nikolas that she saw her too, after the first explosion seeing Lucky and Ephiany looking up at nothing by the entrance pointing to where the fire is, and of course Trevor waving a plastic container that has a unstable toxic ball in it as if the vapors couldn't get out. I swear at one point all I heard was Jason and faux Emily coughing and all I saw was smoke, nothing else.

I realize being a soap fan you have to take the good with the bad; but today was a prime example as to why this genre is dwindling in the ratings. :angry:

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Awe Nex, don't call our baby ugly - she's still cute in her own way. It's so unfair to compare other forms of entertainment to soaps - Daytime has a fraction of the budget, and almost 12 times the shows to produce (after you count hiatuses and repeats, and the fact that their season is 24 shows at most. And I've seen some pretty bad primetime/scifi stuff.

All things considered, I thought today was very entertaining and I'm enjoying all of the humour through the show. This crisis is so much better than others they've had, IMO, because we are getting more opportunity to see how everyone is effected rather than just a summary glance while the top 3-6 characters get 90% of the attention. I don't want GH to be CSI - I want it to be light entertainment that's still edge-of-your-seat because you've really invested in these characters.

I have to say, I have watched almost every show and as a whole I can't complain. Sure there are details, but I'm sure the Ice Princess was just as unbelievable with holes you could drive a truck through, and look how some look back on that story with nostalgia.

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I think this crisis is one big clusterfuck and mockery of a serious situation. I think GH is a pitiful show that is a series of plot points and no character driven story. You never see any character growth. Imagination doesn't cost a thing--budget or no budget--compelling storyline is what is sorely lacking. I love how they put Monica on a magazine cover and say how she will be involved on many levels! Yeah right. I think the PPD story and the luke/ethan story should not have been going on at the same time.

On the upside--we got sick Tracy in scrubs and in a wheel chair and on a gurney--never happened before and will probably never happen again. Tracy always says that she doesn't need Luke to save her butt- and she continues to be right. He doesn't need to rescue her. But he sure as hell at least act sorry he wasn't there to help her after the fact!

My two cents--not that anyone gives a flip!

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Thanks nex! Natalia's acting sort of freaked me out in that promo. Why oh why did they bring her back again?

Direct Links:

Tracy and Lulu 1

Tracy and Lulu 2

Edward, Tracy, and Lulu

Edward and Nik

How come Matt and Liz get cute robes and Tracy just gets to put her her orderly jacket again??? WTH with TPTB and their obsession with long, baggy jackets for Jane Elliot????

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I can't get to the Tracy pictures, Nex. Is there another link? Also, did anyone slow-mo the promo to see who was on the ground? They all seemed to have dark hair.

And I'm going to bed. This negativity is really bothering me. It's just a show. It's not an Oscar worthy movie but they are creating a really interesting show with many layers, adding parts slowly. Sure there are holes, but there are also many more laugh out loud moments. Both Ruah and I look forward to it every day, and I'm going to enjoy sharing this with my daughter rather than get drawn into another discussion about the bad points. The low moments will always be there if you're looking for them, but so will the great moments.

Night all.

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