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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Funny how not one single insider spoiled any of that huh? Of course it will probably be like two scenes, but still...

Just a reminder for Monica fans--LC is on NS2 tonight.

Read NLG's chat--I posted the link on the last page (if you get a chance). It is very informative if you have questions on certain issues/stances...

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From soapdish..

do we know anything about the week of the 20th?

Laura returns on the 23rd and Tracy makes things worse for Luke on 20th.

I would guess this would be about her bribing the federale person if that happens on the 17th and she gets in over her head. The good news is that at least that means TQ on the 16th, 17th and 20th hopefully. I am guessing the 16th if Luke returns that day--unless we only see Luke that day and no Tracy.

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hooked, thanks for the spoilers!

Lainey, that sounds about right. Everywhere I went had $ to mean pesos (strange for me at first since it's just like the American Dollars symbol), but I do believe sometimes a P is used to avoid confusion. Though I thought the P was used after? Maybe it is since GH did spell "cerveza" with an s. Anyway... :)

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Hey everybody. QueenTracy is now GroovyTracyQ. (Just thought it better represented TQ.) You can still call me QT, or just call me Nancy. I also answer to "Hey you!" :P

Thanks so much for the spoilers, hooked, and for the link to the transcript. Is our girl on the ball or what! Maybe I'm biased, but I thought Jane offered some of the most salient points.

Anyway, just a reminder...the debate starts in about 10 minutes!

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Oh, shoot! I've been so election-crazed that I forgot. Oh, well...Soapnet will air it a few times, I guess. I caught just a couple of minutes of NightShift last week. Turned it off right after the Robert and Anna scene, but it was quality stuff.

Halee! The same person who mentioned SR said they thought that SBr would also be among those to go. Who knows how credible they are, but they sounded low-key and matter-of-fact which tends to make me think they're not just blowing smoke. It's sounding more and more like they're phasing Guza out, too.

Thanks for passing along the scoop on SR, hooked. I read that earlier on SOC and the same person said they had a directive to clean house. Not sure if that's great news...or not. Just as long as they know who the *real* MVPs are, it sounds good.

EDIT: OK...Just checked SOC again. The person who first posted about SR didn't mention SBr. But here is the post I alluded to...

SR wont be the last. GH is under orders from top execs to start cleaning house. SBr will also likely exit by the end of sweeps.

Edited by GroovyTracyQ
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Hey all, I'm actually going to be around today (Wednesday) for a change. Busy, busy here...

Thanks for the spoilers, can't wait to see Tracy/LuNacy in action. Next week can't come soon enough.

Can't say I'm surprised at SR leaving - his character never really took off and people resented the faux-Jerry... wonder if his death will reveal that he wasn't really Jerry at all - that would satisfy the majority of viewers I think and give Alexis/Jax/Carly something to play. SBr leaving would put RH in the lurch, but perhaps they might to a Rexis re-deux... they had potential. As for Guza leaving, I think that was only a matter of time. So much of what he wanted in GH has been publicly squashed in the last few months that it doesn't leave him many openings. The 'cleaning house' I'm betting, will be a reduction in the mob garbage that has all but consumed the program. I think if they are bringing anyone else on board that person will be high on Scrubs/Scorpios (considering the high fan approval of GHII) and Quartermaines/Spencers/Cassidines. Those are truly their 'money' families and currently the only ones to build around are Tracy and Luke - the only vet characters with all their children living.

I imagine Guza will give closure to LnL so LuNacy is intact when he leaves (really, they are the only vets who got his respect/writing at all); Johnny will be made Trevor's so the Lansing/Corinthos men will have family dynamics as opposed to mob ties only (which means the Z's themselves can disappear in the form of Anthony and Claudia); Alexis will be more closely connected to Nicholas, Sam and the girls; and I hope they move Diane and Spinelli into another circle so they won't be considered necessary to cut in the mob-slaughter.

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Amen on that one. Overrated much?

Names I've seen bandied around - LLC, MW, SBr, SB (going to sell juice if he can't get his way), and MB (going to do something else if he can't get his way). With some of them gone that includes Max/Milo, Karpov and that ilk, perhaps Papa Z (since Johnny is connected to the Spencers, and Trevor is connected to Ric and perhaps Johnny)

The names NOT being mentioned are connected to the Quartermaines, Spencers, Cassidines, Scorpios or Jones'. Honestly, I think NSII has taught them a real lesson, and they seem to be finally willing to learn. Sweeps after sweeps Guza has promised the moon and hasn't been able to deliver - in fact he has made it worse. I still think it was a significant moment at the Emmy's when TG thanked 'his friend JFP' and the writers 'including BG'. I think that was the death knell.

With Guza gone hopefully the darkness of the past decade will go as well and we will start seeing the GH we remember. Sri ?? said he was not coming on board GH at the beginning of NSII, but he has been very silent on the matter since. He's proven he can bring home the goods - we will just have to see.

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From what I know I can say that the mob won't be cleaned out. I think this cleaning house is all part of a huge cash cow to pay for a high ticket actor to play Sonny's son. I doubt this is to give GF a contract as some speculated. If you want my honest opinion...I don't think TG holds much weight anymore and I don't think that TPTB will bother fighting to keep him. I really don't. JMO though and based on some specs...

Apparently there is some big changes going down and people are not happy at all at Prospect studios according to SD...

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