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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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ILTQ, whoever has the breakdowns has been proven reliable. LuNacy are definitely not scheduled for the remainder of the week. Now, of course, could yesterday's scenes been tacked onto today's? Of course. But the game plan was to have it all in yesterday's.

With regards to SD reporting that Tracy will be left behind to run to HS - I don't think that was ever confirmed. Some random anonymous poster scooped it; then all these another anons scooped it, and people just started accepting it as fact.

hooked, maybe if it was a little bigger?

nex, thanks for the clips!

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Ilovetq--do you have a live journal account?

If not, why don't you upload it to the ficathon and just post the text there from your word doc by cutting and pasting rather than just putting in the link to fanfic or LJ?

Looking forwad to reading it.

Okay guys so here is my take on yesterday (I just watched)...*Hooked waltzes in with her positivity back in tact*

I totally agree with Halee. I thought yesterday was fabulous. It was all Luke. It was all about Luke loving Tracy. It was all about him wooing our girl. There was no effort on TQ's part. There was no Tracy kissing Luke's butt. There was no hint of desperation from Tracy. It was all about her being the prize; her being worthy of love; it was all about her "prince charming" to quote Lainey pursuing her. It was everything Tracy has always wanted to hear. That the man she loves loves her back. He knows he is a better man with her. He knows that he loves her and there is nobody else for him anywhere (gotta love that dig as veiled as it might have been). He knows that they are a perfect match. He wants a chance to prove to her that he can get it right. That he can treat her the way she deserves, which he hasn't really done for the time they are married.

Clearly this is leading up to them leaving together, and I am actually very happy about it now. This is Tracy's one chance to see that Luke wants to be with her, all the time, not some of the time.

And after viewing the scenes, I would put some serious money on the fact that the rest of the scene won't be aired. I think they seriously just cut the ring being slid back on her finger and the kiss. That was all there was ever supposed to be of it. My theory: Yes it sucks for us not to see the kiss and see her answer, but if you watch closely JE is so freaking amazing that she doesn't need any words to convey that she was "caving". You just had to look at her eyes. You know what the answer is. You could see her staring at that ring with total longing to have it back on. I am also glad TPTB saw the significance of putting the ring back on in a big way (they clearly had intended to show it so the intent is there). The cutting of scenes is not a writer's decision as in Guza, but more of a production decision I would think.

And I love that even while he was being serious, he could totally make her laugh with the part about not being able to get back up. That is the magic of Lunacy!!!

So yes, it does stink that we got robbed of our kiss and visual of the ring going back on. But....on the other hand...it was totally implied and I just FREAKING love them together! You guys were right...it is the best thing we could have hoped for. The most romantic that he asks, and that she leaves with him.

Yes I am bummed no JE for 6-8 weeks this summer, but looking on the brightside

1) They are leaving together

2) She is not leaving the show, and it sounds like she will still be getting a summer storyline when she gets back to some extent...i keep reminding myself that summer doesn't even start til June 21st. Maybe the person who said they told JE to stick around this summer because they want her for an episode or so each week was right and they told her to take her vacation time off now.

3) There is nothing more telling than her leaving with him to solidify their relationship to this new level

4) No other couple if you think about it on the entire show--is in as good of a place as Lunacy with them leaving town together

5) We can fic all summer about them being happy!

Whew---how was that for letting go of all my negativity from the past two days!

Oh...and my spoiler ho duties will be lessened and I can wean myself off the nastiness that is SD for the next few weeks and enjoy my trips without feeling like I missing something.

My new focus--let's just hope we get some good scenes next week for the three remaining days they can potentially be on together for a while.


One more positive thing...I love how luke said to Sam that he was nuts about Tracy too. Also, that he is clear about his feelings and not scared to tell anyone who will listen like Nik, Lucky, Sam, etc.

And loved how he said that Tracy can see right through him!!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Remos--I found Confession #19--sure hoping there is a 20 coming!!! Awesome!

I am starting to stockpile some ideas for some fics for the Luke & Tracy's excellent adventure!

Hooked is back on the ILOVEGH and LUNACY train!

I think our tactic should be changed---we need to call and say how we love that Luke & tracy are for real and that she leaves with him. And that we can't wait to see her back getting some storyline mid summer!

We should accentuate the positive!!

Edited by hookedongh
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For Hooked: Confessions... the nineteenth

For ILTQ: Live Journal (get yourself a free membership then download the fic. If you need help I will walk you through it. Then just post the link here. Alternatively, I will post it for you on my account if it's all too stressful and you don't think you'll do this often. I know how stressful the first it - and I'm SO proud of you.)

For Ms.Q: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures Poster (Does this work better for you?)

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Looks like from SD that some blind item was dropped and then answered that TG has no desire to sign his resign his contract when it is up and has told castmates that. TPTB are still under the impression they can hang on to him. Maybe that is why the are wanting him to take all his vacation at once just in case.

My little fake sicker son is calling for me to pick him up at school! I'm off to go do that!


I know some of you will appreciate this story!

My 7 year old came home yesterday with a letter from President Bush in his backpack. The kids in the class all wrote letters to Bush about the White House or something as a class project. I took it out and read it and showed it to him and said, "Wow that is cool, you should keep this. It is a letter from the President of the United States."

He took it out of my hand and crumpled it up in a ball and threw it in the trash and said "who wants a letter from that idiot! He got us into a war"

I was cracking up! Out of the mouths of babes sometimes!!

Edited by hookedongh
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Wait a minute Missy with the positivity crown (yes you!!) and title--I wrote a freaking positivity novel up there and no comment at all? Aren't you proud of me. I am shamelessly needing some props about now!!!

On my way to pick up my son who is sick supposedly--yeah right--and in the nurses office!

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Well, that's 3 now, MB, IR and TG. Wonder who the rumour mill will have quitting next.

This year's vacation shouldn't have anything to do with next year's contract. I hope telling him to take his vacation all at once means that they want him around this fall/winter.

With all the behind the scenes mess, though, I don't think we are going to get honest information or heads-up on announcements until the fat diva sings. Every January they go through this with TG... this time we just know in advance that yes, this Febuary 2009 IS his contact deadline. Until we see it play out on the screen, all bets are off.

Hope Pooky is feeling better.

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I do think I have a LJ account, but if so, I've never used it and don't remember my user name or password. Honestly, I'm computer illiterate and it's just one more password/user name to remember( I only have about half a dozen to remember from work alone)so I'd rather not create an account if I can help it.

remos if the offer is still open for you to post it for me, I'll email the saved document as an attachment.

Be warned that I just typed it out over lunch, that it is essentially really a "rough" draft, but since it's a short ficlet I felt it was okay to go ahead and post (although remos if you want to fiddle with the structure a bit you are more than welcome to).

Yay for the positivity Carrie ! I thought ALL of yesterday's Lacy stuff rocked, but I too thought it was cute, the convo between Sam and Luke. :)

As far as TG leaving, even TG doesn't know yet. And he's so private, even if he did, he wouldn't run around talking about it. He has said he'll be around as long as they'll have him. I think they'll be more than happy to keep him around IMO.

sounds to me like the EWCBO's fanbase is unhappy about yesterday and instead of being direct about it, they've decided to rain on our parade.

How...passive-agressive of them. Gotta laugh about it, though.

Okay remos, check your email in a few, I'll send the ficlet ! I appreciate it if you can post it for me, I don't care where you post it, doesn't matter. THANKS !!

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I KNEW it (though I had hope)...But, you just can't add in the remaining 7 seconds of a scene. You would have needed more, and I don't believe GH had more filmed.

Addresses and numbers are here on the TracyLuke.info site by Nancy.

hooked, I do love your POSITIVITY! :)

ILTQ, can't wait to read your ficlet.

remos, this is what I did with the image you linked (thanks). It's a bit airbrushed for blending purposes. hooked, is this what you were hoping the outcome would be?


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