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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Tracy is upset with Alice. Silver has spots, dust bunnies under her bed, etc.

Edward says Alice is doing a fine job.

Tracy wants to know what Alice has on him...pictures?

Tracy: "Isn't there anyone I can depend on?"

Goes into living room...

Alan: You can always depend on me Tracy.

He tells her that she isn't mad at Alice; she's mad at Luke.

Tracy says she isn't mad at him, she's scared.

Luke is at Haunted Star. At end of scene with Lucky (he's there to warn him about involvement with the Z's), Luke straightens tie, and says that now he's going to get his wife back by any means necessary...even if he has to lie to her face. So, he warns Lucky, not to follow him over there with more talk about Z's, etc.

Back at the Q's ~

Alan tells Tracy that this isn't about her being scared for Luke. She wants him back but doesn't want to admit it.

Edward and Alice see Tracy talking to Air Alan, and mention how Tracy is going 'round the bend without Luke.

Luke is at door. Alice lets him in, glad to see him.

Edward says, in a nice way (nice for Edward, that is) "Speak of the devil."

Tracy says she wouldn't take Luke back if he got down on both knees.

Luke walks on and says what about if he hobbles in on one bad knee.

LuNacy is on with Alice and Edward - and Alan

Luke is standing there with an orange flower with Alice and Edward behind him, literally and figuratively.

Luke says he appreciates the help, but he'll take it from here.

He motions them out, and "ghost-in-law", too.

"It's just you and me Tracy. That's a fact of life and one I'm not going to let you deny for more day."

Next scene:

Tracy asks him why he's doing this.

Luke says "I want my wife back."

Luke says "There's no one else for me Tracy. No one anywhere. I know it's the same for you..."

We're a perfect match...So here I am before you, deeply flawed, offering my broken body and battered heart."

Opens ring box..."Won't you please wear these again?"

Next scene:

Tracy asks if they are just going to ignore their fundamental differences, talks about the Z's.

Luke, sans the sincerity evident in everything else he's said to her, claims he'll get out as soon as he can.

He says something like, "You're not going to make me get down on my knees, are you? 'Cause you know I won't be able to get back up." Tracy laughs. (Looks at him with love.)

Luke: "I love you. I miss you. I want you back. Come on, Spanky. I can get this right. Give me a chance to treat you like you deserve to be treated."

Cliffhanger...but you know she'll say yes

Edited by QueenTracy
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Nex: All of them

Previews: Nada

Music: their music, and a version with lyrics

Rings: same ones

Feelings after watching it: needs scenes 8 and 9... left hanging...

1. HS: Luke comes out dressing in suit, Sam says he cleans up nicely.

At Q's: Tracy having fit at Alice, storming around saying she can't count on anyone. Barges into living room and say "And he's back". Alan says she can count on him to be her conscious, and she's not mad at Alice/Father, she's mad at Luke. She's not mad at Luke, she's scared the next bullet will have his name on it.

2. At HS: Luke says he's got to do whatever it takes to get his wife back. Sam tells him anyone can see that Tracy is nuts for him. Luke says the feeling is mutual. Tracy can even see right through him, which makes it impossible to pull the wool over her eyes. Lucky/Sam greeting. Lucky warns Luke to stay clean. Banter.

3. At HS: Continue banter. Luke reminds Lucky his life has always had a touch of danger so let it go. Now he's off to get his wife back, even if that means lying to her face to do it.

4. At Q's: Alan tells Tracy she's selfish. Tracy is angry, she's not selfish she's trying to save her husband's life. Alice/Edward look on - "crazy as last years looney" Alice says (or something like that). Ed says something about hoping Luke can fix this because he needs Tracy??? Alan challenges Tracy saying she needs Luke. Tracy yells back that she would take him back if he came crawling back on two good knees. Luke's at the doorway holding a tulip "How about if I come on one limp knee?"

5. At Q's: Tracy tells Alice to throw Luke out. Edward encourages Tracy to listen to Luke. Alice says she might say she want's Luke gone, but her eyes say differently. Luke shoos Alice/Edward/Alan out saying they are only making her more entrenched. Tracy says it's pointless to reherse the same argument, they've both taken their stands and that's not going to change. Their music starts playing. Luke says "it's just you and me Tracy, no one else - that's a fact of life and it's not one I'm going to let you deny one more day".

6. At Q's: {Pretty sure it's their music with lyrics}

T: why are you doing this, we've beaten this to death

L: I want my wife back

T: But you're not willing to do what I want

L: I'm no body's idea of a catch, but with you we work, damnit; "all I can offer is this broken body and beaten down heart"; Luke opens the ring box and offers her the rings "Won't you please wear it again?"

7. At Q's: Luke wants her to ignore their differences, screw the Z's, and promises he will get out as soon as he can. "I love you and I miss you; do you want me to get down on my one good knee? I might not get up again". She says she just wants to save his life. He says to leave his life to him, and just give him the "chance to treat you like you deserve to be treated".

ME: I WANT MORE... no touching, no kissing, no smiling.... I NEED more!!!!

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Were we ripped off today? Did the scenes not play out the way the breakdowns said? I read a recap that said it ended without her saying yes and him slipping the ring back on and a kiss. I should wait for remos to recap.

Maybe they were moved to tomorrow.

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Yeah... I'm with you. I watched the last scene and was ready to yell at the TV - that's it???? There wasn't anything Luke speaking to her. He didn't put the rings on, she didn't take them, there was no kissing....

I'm really hoping they have been moved to tomorrow - every other storyline seems to be continuing tomorrow. Didn't one insider say they'd be on most of the week? I know we're not liking/believing insiders here right now, but they just left this one hanging.


Threads on SOC:

Luke to Traacy - "...treat you the way you deserve"

LuNacy and LuSam - storyline possibilities

Luke gives Tracy a 'limp" flower

Edited by remos
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EMI insider at SD said she heard Jane will be back in July but can't be certain. She is legit.

I am so bummed now again that their scenes were cut today that were supposed to happen (at least the last scene where he put the ring back on and she caved and they kissed. Unless it was moved til tomorrow or will happen later.

I hate this show. I am so frustrated.

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Welcome mtgro!!!

I'm with you, it sounds like we might have been jipped, unless the rumors about them being on the rest of the week are true. **keeps fingers crossed**

I'm going to post yesterday's and today's clips tonight! I will be home!! The family has left the state!

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OMFG... excuse the French but I can't believe the gaul of SOC...

I started a thread highlighting all the things Luke said to Tracy, especially about getting the chance to treat her as she deesrved. I return 5 MINUTES LATER and they've already removed the thread and buried what I wrote under Luke: limp flower.

And you know how they put 'moved' beside a thread that has been merged... nothing. Go down the main menu and you'd never know I started it. But the picture of ewcbo is front and centre.

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Remos I know the feeling with SOC. That is why I haven't started a thread there is so long. They always merge LuNacy threads together when they are talking about something totally different. Meanwhile liason, lulu, scrubs and others always have ten threads going about the same damn thing. Anyway I hate that they left us hanging like that. I hope they are on tomorrow. But I loved what he said to her.

mtgro welcome to the boards.

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~ A short poem brought to you by Ms. Q ~

Note: Please ignore the lack of rhythm. I was just going for rhyme, okay?! :P

I was looking forward to the LuNacy the entire day!

During the ride home, caught in traffic, I thought, "What's up with this delay?!"

But eventually, I arrived and ran upstairs straight to the VCR!

Err, well, first, I grabbed a cookie that was shaped like a star. *

I thought I'd enjoy my star-shaped cookie and the LuNacy at the very same time.

But I was wrong!!! The cookie was great, but what GH did to the LuNacy should be a crime!!!

~ End of poem ~

So overall comments? It was good, but not good enough. Unfinished. Like "WTF?? Is the timer on my VCR wrong??? There has to be one more scene!" I am NOT very happy right now.

I am hoping that this will be like last April when the drinks in MetroCourt came after the fact... Everyone in PC had changed clothes except Luke and Tracy! :lol: But they got their scenes in (just took a little extra time). And today was seriously more cliffhanger-ish than last time... They HAVE to be on tomorrow. MUST BE!!!

hooked, I was totally thinking of this today!!! :D :D :D

* The cookie wasn't really wasn't star-shaped, but I needed it to rhyme (and didn't want to waste my time and keep changing words or changing words around).

mtgro, welcome to the boards! Hope you stick around. We will probably be a bunch of frustrated fans the next few days, but don't let that drive you away. :)

Edited by Ms. Quartermaine
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Waaaait a minute you guys. They WILL be on tomorrow. Remember, it's already been spoiled that Luke makes "an impassioned plea" to Tracy on WEDNESDAY and she gives him "an unexpected answer". We thought it was about going out of town, which part of it might be, but it's probably a continuation of today.

BET on it. :)

*whew* there went my positivity for the day. LOL

And SOC? Phffft. Although in their defense, there are a lot more Sam, Liason, LuSam related threads than there are Tracy ones. If they merged ALL those threads, people would only be able to reply once or twice and then the thread would have to be shut down because it would be too many pages. Also, if they merged ALL those threads, the board would look empty I guess....I guess it allows more thread room to merge the threads that don't get as many replies (the Tracy threads).

I hate to defend them, but I almost understand it. I do think they're biased, don't get me wrong. I just can sort of see the logic behind merging certain threads and not merging others.

It sucks Tracy isn't as popular on SOC as she once was, but eh.

LACY WILL BE ON TOMORROW !!! I know they will !!

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We did... you started it... remember???

The ewcbo fans can block all they want, they can't take away the fact that in the last week alone, Luke as admited

- his love with Tracy is once in a lifetime

- he's nuts about her

- he wants her back

- it doesn't work without her

- he loves his wife

- he doesn't cheat on her

- he wants to be the man she deserves...

Did I miss anything?

*Keeping the rainclouds at bay...* was this for this week or next week?

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