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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Guys scroll back cause I edited my post with some good news. I had an insider answering me and your spoiler ho is so dedicated taht adam is going to be late to his second soccer game now cause I had to finish asking those questions.

Meanwhile, I gotta run--cute story though--on the way home from the first game, he told me is worried that when he gets in the NFL draft from his college team, that he might get picked by the miami dolphins and he doesn't want that to happen---ah to be 7 again and have all the confidence in the world and think you are just invincible!

later chicas!

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remos inserts "I TOLD YOU SO" here...

This does make sense... and we're just a few week out so the spoilers are going to be more accurate. Tracy had to be on board for such a long stretch. Even the other day after Lucky said to leave town, she was suggesting it might be a good thing. And you KNOW Tracy will be working to clear Luke's name from home, so that involves her with the Z's. I think we might be pleasantly surprised by the summer.

JE never says anything about her work, and openly has said it isn't her business - she just does her job and conveys what she's been given. BUT, we also have had the word that she has asked for more to do. That's very significant. I don't think she will be put away as much this summer, though I do expect August/September she will be MIA for a few weeks (it's not publically acknowledged, but that seem to be her vacation time). If JE has asked for more, even she has noticed that Tracy is lacking from the canvas. My gut is telling me that the upper levels are listening to the demand for more vets and to respect history.

The other thing is that Luke will be here until at least the end of May. We usually get a two-three week warning as to his departure and return, and there hasn't even been a hint as to when he leaves.

The party being at the HS is an interesting addition, but remember Carly put the kibosh on it being at the MC underwritten by Jax. I think everyone is staying out of Carly's way and on her good side at the moment.

And I also want to remind everyone of the agreed upon summer activity. Once Luke hits the road we need one submission a day - doesn't matter what or how long, but at least one. Start stockpiling now so we aren't left empty. I have...

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Here are some more spoilers from SZ!

Tracy, Robin and Patrick find Luke with Anna, tossing back more than a few. Anna’s also swinging upside-down on two ropes

Luke goes off in cuffs

Luke pulls out all the stops to be back in Tracy’s good graces…

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^^^ I especially like the last one. ".. all the stops..." And we know Lukey can pour it on when he wants to. I just hope he leaves town with the rings on her finger and not in his pocket.

Funny.... good to know... keep up the good work :D

Edited by remos
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Thank God.

No, she's VERY smart. She courts fans and egomanics-in-charge. She has all her bases covered. She's also hilarious, and I'd love to see her with Tracy in some form or fashion. Power bitches unite!!

One person said they loved the banner. It is the super-coolest!!

Tata todos!

(I have sooo much to do, but I don't want to do any of it!!!)

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Thanks for the spoilers, hooked.

Thanks for the positivity, remos.

Sounds like we're getting some romantic stuff the same week as Tracy and Luke's third wedding anniversary. I would say that maybe Guza isn't so bad after all, but I guess I shouldn't. ;)

*waving to funny*

Edited by QueenTracy
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Hey everyone. Wow...I have had a busy day. I had three extra 7-year-olds come over after soccer today. Funny--they were starting to fight so what did I do? Put them in water--I made them all go into the pool and hot tub. I dolled out four bathing suits from adam's drawer and got them outside. Then two friends of Josh came over. So I had five extra kids here today.

I sat in the hot tub with my girlfriend who came over to hang with me. Two out of my three kids are now sleeping. Tonight my friend is coming back over with her husband and son and we are going to grill and hang out. Best kind of friend--she is bringing the entire dinner over! So I don't have to do anything.

So get this my husband was emceeing a triathalon today and a 51-year-old man died in the pool right next to him. He had to call for the wife, etc. How horrible is that. He is so upset over it. You never know what is coming around the corner. This guy had ah eart attack and couldn't be revived.

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I gotta run cause we have company over, but an insider was just dropping stuff about the Crimson party, luke's exit date, etc. The crimson party is the week of the 19th. Luke is at the party, but he leaves after it. The party lasts about a week. Secrets come out, etc.

Here is what I got from this insider! Sounds good hopefully!!!

So Luke gets arrested and bailed out before the Crimson launch party, but leaves after the party...is that about right timeframe? Thanks!

Also, someone dropped earlier that Tracy bails him out of jail and that she knows he leaves town and they leave on good terms. Does that sound right to you?

Yeah thats about right they have good scenes coming up.

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Thanks for the spoilers Hooked! I can't wait to see them play out. I'm glad you put the kids in water. I wish I could put my kids in water, oh wait we do go to the water (swimming) oh I dread those days. We have to go for two weeks. like the second to the last week before school is over. I hate it. We have to take them to the pool (I have to count them before getting on the bus, I have to recount them before we leave the pool, I have to count them again when getting on the bus.) And I have to do all of this within 30 minutes because the next class has to come to the pool. I hate it. No I abhor it. Then They have to get back to the school and redress so we can make lunch, and with this group... I want to pull my hair out.

Remos I see you've been all over SOC lately.

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