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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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happy dance! Tracy pics, Tracy pics, Tracy pics! (I'm not sure how I feel about the outfit, but she could be wearing sack-cloth and ashes, and I'd be thrilled to see her.)

Hey, MsQ! I went into PhotoImpact the other day and tried to replicate your banner style. If I haven't said so before, let me say it now--I am SO impressed with your work. The Young LuNacy in Lust one is a perfect example of the lovely blends you do--they're flawless, and anybody who doesn't do graphics cannot truly comprehend how impressive they are. :) Would you be willing to share your banners on the TQ website? I plan on having a fan section, with links to fanart, graphics, and fanfiction.

And if I haven't mentioned it recently, you guys just rock! MarlandRulez, I'm going to go to that site and see what I can see. And can you tell me any more about the character of Zoe? I've got a fanfic plot bunny in my head, but Zoe is just a name right now, which would make including her in a fiction very difficult. (Well, difficult if I wanted to make her true to character.) Any links, comments, or whatever you can send will be greatly appreciated.

ETA: That's two in a row! Page 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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MarlandRulez, I'd be all for it if JE went to recurring, even if GL isn't doing too well.

MinervaFan, thanks so much! *blushes* Feel free to use them for the website. I'd be honored. I have more which aren't at posted at SB. I'll see if I can get them up sometime this weekend. Oh! Zoey Bio. Part 1 and Zoey Bio. Part 2. And this site has episode recaps. It's kind of guessing game as far as exact dates go. You'll see what I mean. ;)

4XCrazy, I loved the update on Homelands. In the review I left you I accidentally spelled "dialogue" as "dialouge." Just wanted to point that out, LOL.

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This place is dead. :o

Anyone heard from ILoveTracyQ lately? She hasn't posted in a couple days, which I guess isn't that long ago, but still...We miss you! Hope everything is all right. :)






There's a Cassadine Ball coming up. John is revealed to be Nik's, blah, blah, blah...Oh, and Tracy's guest is Coleman! And I quote "Expect to see some funny stuff there." As with everything from SoapDish, we'll see. (Lorenzo/Tracy were supposed to be paired at the auction, and Tracy wasn't even there, LOL.) If this is true, I wonder if it's a way to get back at Luke. I really hope Lacy aren't divorcing. *crosses fingers*

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Hi everyone !

Thanks for the thoughts. I try to stay away from posting if I'm only having negative thoughts and things to say,and lately...well,that's all I've had. LOL

I have missed you all,too.


And BTW. Ms.Q your fanfic. So.Freakin'. Good. You really should write for GH.

You have their personalities downpat,especially Tracy's. I loved your update(s),although I haven't posted a review yet at FF.

Can't wait for more.

Ya know,part of me,that feminist part,wants Tracy to move out into the MetroCourt,just because she CAN do it,she CAN make it without her family or Luke.

And then that sappy romantic dreamy part of me wants Luke to race up the stairs and catch her before she falls and have him pour his heart out,and her to do the same.

But if they did that at this stage in the game,the story would be over,wouldn't it? I mean there's still the baby,but I don't know if they CAN admit anything just yet. It's not time yet,I don't think.

But I really love the story and will continue to love it,I'm sure...no matter what you do with it.

EEEEE to Tracy,who should be on this week,although it will probably be Friday before we see her.

Hmm..spoilers,let's discuss:

I lurked for a sec at SD and saw that about the ball Ms.Q but I'm as skeptical as you are. Tracy,Luke,and Skye were all supposed to be at the auction and they weren't,so....who knows?

I CAN see Tracy going with Coleman,but I hope if it happens it isn't a petty "let's make Luke jealous" game.

Tracy just doesn't seem the type to me to do that,not that she NEVER has I don't guess,but never that I can remember. Even with Coleman,Tracy didn't think Luke cared at all,and how can you make someone jealous if they don't care? She seemed to truly want to be with Coleman for a while. I just don't see her playing those kind of junior high games.

Tracy's much more an advanced game player,LOL.

Also,RavenBeauty's spoilers at SOC listed that Luke is supposed to realize his real feelings for Tracy this week.

I don't know how accurate RavenBeauty is,I know some spoilers he/she has posted right now have already happened, and/or happening right now,and/or posted by other sites as well,slated to happen soon.

So,I guess like all spoilers it's fifty/fifty.

There was supposed to be one where "Holly is stunned at Luke's reaction to her offer." that was supposed to happen this week,but from recaps I don't think it did.

Maybe it was false,or got cut,or will happen next week? Maybe her offer is to run away with her,and at first he says yes,but then Tracy's return supposedly spoils that,and maybe he changes his mind and this is what stuns Holly and when Luke realizes he cares?

I dunno. LOL

Guess we'll see when it happens.

spoiler talk over

Can we get a hint what's coming next in your story, Ms.Q?

*bats eyes prettily*

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Zoey (Joni Allen) was abandoned as an infant and raised by nuns. Zoey, who is always willing to weave an exotic story about her past, ran away from the nuns at age 14, took up life on the streets and will do anything to get by. She became Dillon's nanny and is perhaps the only person Tracy can count as her good friend. God knows where she is now.

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MinervaFan if you do a City fic can I make a small request,and you can yay or nay it,but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask...do you think you could find room for Jacob Foster in the story,too?

Jacob was probably the only other person besides Zoey that Tracy could count as a friend.

The character looked just like Jesse Hubbard from All My Children(of course played by the same actor, Darnell Williams).

Jacob ran the bar on the ground floor of the building they all lived in.

Jacob was Tracy's first "mark" when coming to town.

Tracy needed money,I think to pay off a hotel bill or something,or maybe money on the building in addition to the back taxes already owed.

Anyway,Tracy talked with Jacob and when she learned about his background as a street kid she pretended to be chairing a endowment to help street kids,LOL....and ask Jacob for a donation of I think it was $15,000.

Jacob eventually said yes but what Tracy didn't know was that Jacob took the money from a settlement he got from his son's life insurance when he died.(I think that was the story) I think Jacob had been involved in the mob,and the boy died due to a car bomb or something,I really don't remember for sure.

Anyway of course Tracy was torn about keeping the money after that and eventually told Jacob the truth,and Jacob let her keep the money anyway as a loan.

They got to be close friends after that and their relationship was really sweet.

Oh by the way...little Dillon loved Jacob(as well as Zoey) and there was a funny moment with Tracy/Jacob when the man Tracy owed money to assumed Tracy and Jacob were lovers.

LOL I miss the camaraderie they had,and wouldn't mind seeing that character (as well as Zoey) on GH.

Anyone got any new scoops?

Ta for now from me too,see you all tomorrow !

Hope everyone had a good Mother's Day !

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I think I had read a synopsis of this before. Dayum, I wish I could find transcripts of the show, if not actual videos. (The site that had the last episode is supposed to post the first episode eventually....maybe when they do, I'll get to see that scene with Jacob. Anybody know if there are transcripts online anywhere? At least, then, I can get some background.

I'm going to try to get another chapter done on the Tracy-Monica story tonight, if at all possible. This weekend was horrible...lots of angst and drama...but it's starting to look up. I still having seen Friday's episode. Maybe we'll be lucky and Tracy will be on tomorrow.

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Yay! ILoveTracyQ is back! I hear ya about the negativity thing. Looks like a lot of us have been avoiding this place. *sigh* The lack of our girl is so sad. :( And thank you so much for your kind words about the fanfic. You probably know Tracy and the rest of the Quartermaines more than anyone else I've ever "met" online, so when you tell me I've got their personalities down path, it means a lot. Thanks again. As for a hint...*drum roll* The truth comes out. As of right now, Luke's letting Tracy believe that he thinks he's the father, and that's about to change. Yes, kind of confusing, LOL.

MinervaFan, I posted this before, but this site has detailed episode recaps of The City. Sometimes dialogue is included. It's the next best thing to transcripts and actual clips. ;)

And Happy Mother's Day to any moms, both lurkers and posters!

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Actually, I've been there, and couldn't find anything at all mentioning Tracy. *shrugs* Maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.

BTW, got Chapter 4 of "Live from The Blue Door" done. Monica and Tracy kick ass. Chapter 5 should have some vintage Tracy moments, if I do my job right. Not going to post the thing until it's complete--should be done in about seven chapters, eight at the very most. Happy Mothers' Day to all on the board who are moms.

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Hmm...interesting if true:


On SD, "Boss"(have we seen this "scoopster" before ?Anyone know?) wrote that something "delicate" is planned for Luke/Tracy,and that's all the poster knew.

I normally am skeptical of anything I read there,but hasn't someone else spilled this about Luke/Tracy?

It sounds familiar,but maybe I'm just confusing it with the Coleman/Tracy stuff from last year.


I love my girl,but seriously Luke/Tracy don't need to get pregnant.

It could be a good story if done well, I couldn't see it ending any other way besides a miscarriage,but it could still be interesting.

I don't trust TIIC to do it right,though.

Now if TG had a hand in it,I'd find it more watchable.


spoilers over

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Hmm.... maybe something else besides a "delicate" condition.... I've had spoilers and bunnies and everything swirling around my head all morning--Once I've got Blue Door done, I'm going to do my anniversary to remember story--I want it done before Friday.....

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spoiler talk

The more I think about it,I don't believe the spoiler is true,if it is,I doubt it's a pregnancy.....TIIC wouldn't do Tracy and Skye pregnant at the same time,would they?

Okay maybe they would,come to think of it,could be funny....but I doubt it.

spoiler talk over

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Here's two pages about Alex Masters(Randolph Mantooth) on The City....he and Tracy had a past:

Sorry,I'm still digging up transcripts.

I'll let you know what I find.

Just thought these were interesting.


And for some reason it's not letting me copy and paste the rest of it but you should be able to access it from that page.

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It's Fey's grandmother's birthday--I won't be home until late tonight. Any Tracy today, or should I just resigned myself to a total waste of a day? ;)

Hey, ILoveTracyQ, you rock with the Alex Masters bio. Looking forward to reading it, when I have more than five minutes at a time to surf.

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