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Do you read Ann Rule?  I read so many of her books (true crime) because of The Stranger Beside Me.  She was on a hotline or dispatch around Seattle I think  with Ted Bundy as a fellow employee.  Not yet knowing that he is - well you know haha

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I am reading it at this moment. Posted about it yesterday in the what you are reading topic...

So far it's been an amazing ride. I'm up to page 290.

I would love to read more books similar to it after... Recommendations are greatly needed

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@Maxim Small Sacrifices you may already know but it’s fascinating to have seen Diane Downs on Oprah when the Farrah Fawcett movie came out.  They did a pretty good job - but read the book first if you can before the movie (also Ann Rule).   I also liked 7 Days of Rage - a 48 Hours based book but the guy was the Craigslist killer - Boston University student, but that one

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s fascinating.   I also have a personal story about a serial killer that I believe i came in contact with. 

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Thank you so much! I know the movie, but I haven't read the book! I am putting it in my TO read document!  

And I would love to hear about your personal story... if it's possible of course and you want to share. This sounds... horrifying!  

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BTW, Ann Rule is starting to really annoy me with her blatant support of Bundy and fan-girling now going into the middle in the book. I was liking it, till she started sending him money and trying to make excuses for him. And the way she is acting like he is some kind of God is starting to get on my nerves. The past few chapters have been hard to read. I hope she gets her head out of her... and realizes what a monster he is. I don't need to read a fan-girling accounts on psychopaths. NO, thank you.

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This is so unsettling.

This woman killed 12 people, including her husbands, sister, children, mother in law and grandchild - she pierced the baby's skull with a pin. A monster.

Her eyes scare me.


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Secondly - so my personal story.  I've told only a couple of people.  I am a recovering alcoholic, and have really bad social anxiety.  I went through recovery at a really great facility near Havre de Grace, MD.  It's on the level of Betty Ford - higher.  Like, one of the top two or 3 facilities for recovery in the U.S.  They're snotty about it too. Ha, they deserve to be, they really are the best.  Many celebrities have been there, professional athletes, politicians, etc.  I'm a normal gay Male.  So - I have a story about THAT facility, but I owed you my encounter with a serial killer.

A few years ago I was watching a paranormal show, and I cannot believe, given my interest in true crime and the paranormal, dealing with my own clairvoyance and sensitive issues as I'm both.  So anyway, watching a paranormal show about a case at Fox Hollow Farm, and the killer is a man named Herb Beaumeister.  

Around 1993, Spring of 1993 or 1994, I played volleyball in a tournament in Indianapolis - a gay team/tournament.  The host bar was a gay bar and I cannot remember the name of it, but not unusual.  Our tournaments were helped by gay bars because we could meet safely there for tournament registration, bracket updates and results were posted at the host facility (usually a bar).  All that.  So I was with my team at this bar for the tournament and was approached by a man (not my type) who asked what was going in, seemed different for the bar.  I explained that I was there for a tournament - that's what the bracket and signs mean, registration.  I remember he said "oh out of town" all you guys are from out of town.  And I said, yes, we're from the DC area.  He said, he had an estate with an indoor pool, indoor, great to have you over.  Big farm, outside of the city.  And I said, oh all of us?  but no because we're all here for the tournament.  He said no, just you, but oh yeah, your team? Right, your team.  I said, yeah we play all weekend, just here for the tournament, we're all staying (at whatever hotel we were staying).  See ya.   That was that, and I didn't remember this exchange until.  Until.

I saw the paranormal show about 10 years ago now, and the show was about Fox Hall Farm, in Indianapolis.  And Herb Baumeister was this guy around Indianapolis who had an estate and family, owned a chain of stores.  His family (wife and kids) would go out of town once in a while.  He would frequent the gay bars and take guys home and murder them in the pool area.  Or around the property.  It's also believed he was some - Interstate Killer as well - this went on for more than a decade and they don't even know how many men he killed.  Usuall people from out of town, down on their luck, families disowned them, but usually from out of town.  No one to look for them.  Look up the videos on YouTube.  

And when I saw him on this paranormal show, just a picture - every bell in my brain went off and my hair stood up on end.  I remember that weird guy at the bar that night in the Spring of 1993 or 1994.  And it was him.  And he stopped being interested because - he said "oh.  Right your team".   Like, they'd be looking for you.  Not safe to lure any of these guys tonight, because someone will be looking for them.  Too risky to pick anyone up here tonight because any one of them could be here for that.  Who even knows, maybe someone was saved or spared that night.  

To boot.  Get this.  A news station in Indianapolis had HAD him as an interviewee.  Because a truck painting lines on the highway/road outside his house - painted over a dead animal.  A few years before he was caught?  Like a serial killer, right?  Infatuated with dead animals.  And creepy how he says something like.....they did it without a second thought!  Like, HE SAID THAT.  Meanwhile, his victims.     

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First, I want to say - Thank you so much for sharing your story. You didn't need to, since it's personal, but you did and I'm sooo grateful.

Second - WOW. Just wow. I've only read about encounters like this in the books. Makes me wonder how many times we actually come across or bump into psychopaths and killers without even knowing.

Third - That moment, where your realized that it was him - I got goosebumps! 

Now I'm even scared to watch the video and that previous short film you shared, but will do later in the evening. This is the Spooky topic, after all and I love to be spooked! 

Just the thought of what could have happened if you went there... God was by your side and your guardian angel must have been protecting you that day.


This made me think of something that happened to me long time ago.

It's completely unrelated and different in tone, but Scary nonetheless and a true story. 

I was going through my Drama Academy circle of auditioning to be accepted to study there. I decided to get a room to the nearest hotel to the Academy, that later I learned was a hospital during the war. I also learned later that people were killed there and interrogated during the war. Spooky stuff.

But I didn't know anything about this back then - I was a young guy, new in town, with a dream in my head, thinking only for how I'm going to impress the professors at the Academy.

As soon as arrived at the hotel - a huge, old building that had a Soviet Union vibe to it and most of the furniture were still from that era... things started happening.

As I was given the key and told a room number, I went in the elevator to go to my floor. A man that I didn't even look at, just recognized his presence, was traveling in the elevator with me. I honestly was looking at my phone and didn't look at his face or anything, just ignored him... BIG MISTAKE. ALWAYS LOOK AROUND PEOPLE.

As soon as my floor was up, I went out and got my luggage out. He proceeded to come after me and that's the first moment I REALLY noticed him. The corridor had some problem and part of the lights were not working, so as soon as I started looking for my room, I saw this man walking in the opposite direction, going into complete darkness, since that part of the corridor was pitch black without working light. 

I found my room and just before I put the key in, I felt some strange desire to look to my left. As soon as I did that - I saw two eyes staring at me in the dark - STRAIGHT ON. I was so shocked, I even screamed a bit. I opened my door ASAP and locked it. At that point, a thought went through my head - this man was waiting for me to open my door, to see which room I was staying in. I ignored that thought, because I had more important things on my mind. I was very fit, young gay guy, dressed all in red clothes and PEOPLE looked at me... So I thought - Well... okay, just another creep.

I decided to not think more about this, since I was locked in and in a hotel that had staff and people around. I felt safe. It just... was creepy and later I connected it with something even more sinister. Couple of hours later in the night, it's well past midnight and I'm on my phone talking to my best friend, we are laughing and sharing how our days went and I am expressing to her my excitement of the coming exam-audition. At one point during the conversation, we started getting more quiet and I noticed a strange knocking sound. I ignored it, thinking it was something coming from outside, since my huge window to the city center was opened. But couple of more minutes passed and this sound started to really annoy me. I closed the window and told my friend to wait for a second... and started LISTENING.

What then struck me... remains one of the most horrific moments of my life - I know it's not a big deal when I talk about it, but back then IT WAS HORRIFYING. I followed the sound... to my room door and realized in an instant THAT FOR THE PAST maybe... half an hour or so... in 2-30 after midnight - SOMEONE is standing by my door and knocking in a DISTURBING semi-quiet-bizarre way. I could hear and even feel the vibration of the knocking.

MY BLOOD RAN COLD. I JUMPED away from the door. I realized I need to call the reception NOW AND ASK for help, but before I did that... I very closely went next to the door and put my ear as CLOSE as I could to it.

What then happened, is probably the second most horrific moment of my life - First I heard someone's legs quickly stand right in front of my door, or that's how it felt and sounded and then I heart the most disgusting, maniacal quiet laugh I've heard in my life - it was short and sounded like a witch-cackle. 

I was [!@#$%^&*] DONE. I ran to the room phone and dialed the reception! When the woman answered I instantly told her - Someone saw me enter my room, they were staring at me in the corridor and now... I suspect it may be the same person... knocking at my door and they are freaking LAUGHING in a very strange way. Please send someone RIGHT NOW!

I was shaking and calling my parents, waking them up early in the morning. My father even told me - Open the door and ask what they want. I told him - Are you crazy... they may come in and murder me! 

A guy from the hotel soon rang my door and I only spoke to him through the door. I didn't even open to him. He said - Nobody is here. I don't see anyone. After briefly speaking to him, he told me he will be standing at the door for a while and then come and check the floor from time to time to be safe. 

I said okay. And asked - is there someone crazy living here or something that you are not telling me, since from the calm and cold demeanor of both the reception lady and his voice, my intuition told me this is not the first time they are dealing with this. This is only my intuition.

He of course, denied that he knew anyone like that... and I just went to my bed, trying to sleep. I would hear that guy come from time to time and someone walking... I hoped it was him and finally managed to sleep. I woke up and shot straight down to the reception to annule the rest of my stay, telling her how it was the scariest night of my life. I remember the creepy eyes in the corridor, the knocking and the cackle.

I didn't report this to police or anything like that back in the day, partly because I didn't have time. I was so busy trying to be accepted in the Academy, I just was not thinking about anything else.

To this day, I tell this story to people and just warn them that this hotel is scary as [!@#$%^&*] and creeps live and stay there.



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Very interesting story, do you believe he was real, or do you think just very strong apparition?   I can’t believe hotel reception would be so aware of a real person that they’d risk confronting them.  Which tells me they know, it’s their problem resident ghost.  

I do have a story about Ashley, where I did my recovery.  But, I was glad that I told a counselor what I felt, and what I sensed, because she actually validated it.  It was the second time in my life that I told someone so it was good to be validated.  You sometimes think you’re crazy, and while my alcoholism runs in my family, I also had to promise myself I’d deal with my experiences.   And it started right there.  

By the way, lol this is what Diane Downs accused Ann of.  Being a deviant.  On Oprah she went after Ann lolllll God I miss good ole Oprah at 4 in the afternoon. 

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